
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Joanne B
Let's Keep On Truckin' by Laci Pagie

Her Wicked Ways by Darcy Burke

The Vampire Hunter's Daughter by Jennifer Malone Wright

Mel Bourn
An Engagement Challenge by Kiru Taye

Once Upon a Stormy Night by Zee Monodee

Tempting the Best Man by J. Lynn

Darkest Highlander by Donna Grant

Hounded by Sadie Hart

Faythe Reclaimed by Lisa Sanchez

Shadows Deep by Cege Smith

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Feature and Giveaway: The Magician of Wall Street by Minta Hall

Oliver Pendragon's days as the Magician of Wall Street are legendary. When he finds a way to get everything he's ever wanted—including Abby Daltry—of course he can't refuse, even though there will be hell to pay if ever Abby found out. But when he discovers his old business partner is out for Abby's blood, Oliver will do anything to protect her…and win her heart.

New Age bookstore owner Abby is perfectly happy with her life the way it is—the independence, the quirky clientele, and even the occasional tarot card reading—are all part of the charm. But when the cards reveal Oliver is back and bringing danger along with him, she refuses to heed the warning for another chance with the only man she'd ever loved.

As shots fly, the Magician will have to perform his best trick ever if he hopes to keep Abby safe and by his side forever.

Guest Post with Author Brooke Moss

Today I would like to welcome author Brooke Moss. Brooke is currently on tour celebrating her upcoming release of The Carny and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Brooke, lets get to know her some.

Brooke Moss is the name, contemporary romance, fantasy YA, and women's fiction are the game.

Brooke writes complex, character-driven stories about kismet, reunited lovers, first love, and the kind of romance that we should all have the chance at finding. She prefers her stories laced with some humor just for fun, and enough drama to keep her readers flipping the pages, and begging for more!

When Brooke isn't spinning tales, she spends her time drawing/cartooning, reading two books a week (ask her who her faves are), watching movies then comparing them to books, and, of course, wrangling four kids, one hubby she lovingly refers to as her "nerd", and attempting to conquer the Mount Everest of laundry that is the bane of her existence.

Places to find Brooke:

Friday, June 22, 2012

ARC Review: Enslaved In Shadows by Tigris Eden

After finishing this book I'm at a loss as for what to say. On one hand I really enjoyed this book. I thought that the author created a interesting and dark world filled with memorable characters that I want to get to know better. Then on the other hand I'm left with a few unanswered questions and a gory torture scene that I honestly could have done without. Don't get me wrong, I think that this was a great debut to what looks like will be a very interesting series, I just wish some things would have been dealt with differently.

I sometimes felt that the alphaness of the character Draven was a bit much. I never really understood his feelings for Jez. To be honest, I never really felt like he really cared for her at all. There was one scene where I felt a bit of tenderness from him in regards to Jez but that was it. He goes on and on about how much he loves Jez but he just acts like a crazed barbarian. I felt no affection from him, it felt more like lust and a case of him not wanting to share his favorite toy. He was too controlling and it all was a bit much at times. Don't get me wrong, I love a fierce alpha male, but there is a difference between being alpha and being a jerk. And I felt for the most part that Draven was being a jerk.

As for Jez, I couldn't get a real feel for her either. It seems as if she goes from helpless female to warrior female at the drop of a hat and I just did not find it believable. She's fighting Draven and his animalistic tendencies in one breath and then the other she's in his bed. I just wish she would have made up her mind. I understand that Jez is scared and attempting to heal from her disastrous marriage, I just would have liked her to have been consistent.

What I really enjoyed with this book is the relationships with everyone else. While I might not have believed in Draven and Jez as a couple, I loved everyone else. I loved the friendship with Bells and Jez as well as the relationship between Draven and the guys from the Shadow Unit. For me they made this book. I fell in love with the character of Royce and I honestly kept reading for him.

Don't get me wrong, I really did enjoy this book and I thought it was a great debut effort. Once I began reading I found myself immersed in her world. I look forward to reading more from Tigris Eden and further exploring her world. I curious to see what twist and turns she takes us on next.

**ARC copy provided by Author**

| Amazon | Barnes & NobleSmashwords |

Interview with Author Laura Kaye and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome to the blog author Laura Kaye. Laura has stopped by to answer some questions and is sharing some info on her newest book Her Forbidden Hero. Before I get to the questions, lets get to know a bit about Laura.

Voted Breakout Author of the Year in the 2011 GraveTells Readers’ Choice Awards, Laura is the bestselling and award-winning author of over a half-dozen books in paranormal, contemporary and erotic romance. Hearts in Darkness is the EPIC eBook Award Winner for Best Novella and HOLT Medallion Award of Merit Winner for Best Romance Novella, Forever Freed is the NJRW Golden Leaf Winner for Best Paranormal of 2011 and is a finalist for two GDRWA Booksellers’ Best Awards, and North of Need, the first book in the Hearts of the Anemoi series, is a finalist for a FF&P PRISM award, was named GraveTells’ Best Book of 2011 and won their 5-STAR Gold Heart Award, and won Sizzling Hot Read of the Year at Sizzling Hot Books. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

Places to find Laura:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Interview with Author Eve Langlais

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Eve Langlais. Eve is currently on tour promoting the release of her book A Demon and His Witch and has stopped by to answer a few questions. But before we do anything, lets get to know Eve.

I'm writing romance the way I like it--hot with a touch of paranormal fun. I enjoy reading and writing stories that push the envelope of what we consider normal, and I love to push boundaries--and in some cases totally smash them. I tend to have alot of sexual tension in my tales as I think all torrid love affairs start with a tingle in our tummies. My heroes are very male, you could even say border line chest thumping at times. So if you want a truly sensitive man, I am not for you. But that said, my men will do almost anything for the one they love. Even babysit.

Places to find Eve:
Site Blog Facebook Goodreads |

Feature and Giveaway: Dark Secrets by Desiree Holt

Hawk Blackwater thought Freewill, Wyoming was the place to get his life back together. Riley Scott thought it the best place to hide, half a country away from those hunting her. For Hawk his focus was on finding the killer of the previous sheriff and discovering the cause of the mysterious lights in the Laramie Mountain. For Riley her goal was to stay under the radar until she could get damning evidence to the right authorities. Neither realized they were on a collision course, or that the explosive chemistry between them would change both of their lives.

Feature and Giveaway: Believe In Me by Rebecca Royce

Jack Johnson, Werewolf enforcer of the Delta pack, has not found his mate. He craves a human female who can settle his soul. But is there a non-shifter in the world who could accept that Werewolves even exist let alone love one? He signs up for a 1-Night Stand hoping to find the one.

Gloria has been through hell. On the run with her young daughter, seeking an escape from her deranged ex-husband, she has no expectations of love. Just one night to do something for herself, one night to forget her troubles. She has no time for fantasy—until Jack walks into her life.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

ARC Review: Luscious by Amanda Usen

This was my first book by Amanda Usen and while I didn't love it I did find it enjoyable. I liked the characters and the world she has created though I did have some issues with some of it. At times I found myself really irritated with some of the characters, especially the heroine Olivia. Let me explain.

Olivia is just getting out of a horrible marriage. She was married to a man that did nothing but bring her down and blame her for everything. Not only did he bring her down and almost ruin her business but he was also verbally abusive. Because of the way her ex treated her Olivia has problems accepting her worth. She thinks she's crap and now that her best friends have come to help save her restaurant she feels like she is in the way. So she decides(a bit drastically I might add) to just leave. She tells everyone she is going to visit her parents but in reality she is ducking out. She just splits without a single goodbye. The only person who has a clue is Sean, her lawyer/old high school friend/crush.

Sean has been harboring a crush on Olivia ever since they were freshman in high school, but due to the circumstances of his home life he kept his feelings to himself. Then when he came back to town after college in hopes of finding Olivia and making his move, she was in a relationship. Now with Olivia's divorce finalized he knows it's his chance to finally make his long awaited move. The only problem is Olivia is leaving for Italy and he doesn't think she's coming back. But luck is on his side when it turns out a client of his needs him to deliver important paper to Italy for him. Sean jumps at the chance to spend a week with Olivia convincing her of his true feelings and that she needs to stay back in New York.

I really enjoyed the chemistry between Olivia and Sean. I thought Sean was totally sweet and amazing. He was such a great hero. He really cares about Olivia and he just wants to make her feel good and special, unlike her cheating ex. I also like that he is willing to fight her battles for her and is constantly willing to defend her. He just wants to take care of her and I found that so sweet.

As for Olivia, I liked her but she was very annoying at times. I understand that she is getting out of a horrible marriage, but I felt like she let people walk all over her. She doesn't have any backbone, especially when it comes to her parents. She just lets her mother dictate what she is going to do and does it without complaint. I hated that. I also couldn't stand the fact that her parents hated Sean for no good reason at all. They were rude and disrespectful to him for no reason. It really annoyed me.

Even though I had issues with this book, I still enjoyed it a lot and I look forward to reading more from this author. I like how she is able to blend cooking with her book and make is seem fun and exciting. I definitely got a couple recipe ideas after reading this book.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Mine To Hold by Shayla Black

A friend’s duty.

Tyler Murphy was an LAPD detective, single and happy—until a near-fatal tragedy crippled his friend, fellow detective Eric Catalano. While he supported Eric, he also became a shoulder for Eric’s wife, Delaney, to lean on. But with one naughty suggestion from Eric, a drunken night with Delaney spilled into erotic abandon. Before it was over Tyler saw his best friend’s wife as a woman and yearned for more. When Eric struggled to deal with the aftermath, Delaney begged Tyler to leave. Crushed, he fled to Louisiana, hoping to escape his longing for the one woman he could never have again…and unaware of what he’d left behind.

A lover’s desire.

After two years of living with regret, Tyler finds Delaney on his doorstep, her husband having abandoned her long ago. She’s protecting a shocking secret and desperately needs refuge from a killer determined to see her dead. As they fight to stay alive and catch the stalker, they struggle to resolve the guilt of their past pleasures. But they can’t deny that what was once a spark is now a flame burning out of control. To possess Delaney—body and soul—Tyler must heal her pain and thwart the evil that’s a mere breath behind her…

Guest Post with Author Ella Jade and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Ella Jade. Ella is currently on tour for her book Three's a Crowd and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Ella, lets get to know her a bit.

Ella Jade has been writing for as long as she can remember. As a child, she often had a notebook and pen with her and now as an adult, the laptop is never far. The plots and dialog have always played out in her head, but she never knew what to do with them. That all changed when she discovered the eBooks industry. She started penning novels at a rapid pace and now she can't be stopped.

Ella resides in New Jersey with her husband and two young boys. When she's not chasing after her kids, she's busy writing, attending PTO meetings, kickboxing and scrapbooking. She hope's you'll get lost in her words.

Places to find Ella:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

ARC Review: One Naughty Night by Laurel McKee

What to say about this book. I'm so torn because on one hand I enjoyed the first quarter of this book immensely, but the rest just annoyed me and I actually had to walk away at one point because I was so annoyed. Let me explain...

In the beginning of the book I loved, loved the chemistry between Lily and Aidan. I especially love the fact that even though Lily isn't part of the ton that Aidan is still drawn to her. I loved that Aidan is such a recluse and class doesn't mean much to him. He sees others just as people and nothing more. But as the book goes on their chemistry can only go so far. The relationship between Lily and Aidan becomes monotonous and stilted. All they do with each other is have sex and don't get me wrong, some of their encounters are pretty steamy but it just becomes a bit much after awhile. Can we please see something else. I understand that they are both extremely attracted to one another but I felt like there wasn't much character growth with either character. They are both the same person they were when the story began.

I feel as if the story is lacking because the author just focuses on the sexytimes between Lily and Aidan. There were many opportunities to take the actual conflict of the story and make it so much more but it was just blah. I never was able to connect with it and I never really cared about it either way. I think that there was so much we were being introduced to and being told that the author never really focuses on each properly. I understand that some things are being set up for future books but with so much going on we never get the full closure we need on a few of the things.

All in all, the story wasn't a complete waste. I did enjoy the chemistry between Lily and Aidan and I'm really curious to see is going to happen with some of the other characters. The next story looks really good and I really want to see how things are going to transpire.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Jess Michaels and Giveaway

Today I am happy to have one of my favorite author back on the blog, author Jess Michaels(aka Jenna Petersen). Jess is currently celebrating the release of her new book An Introduction to Pleasure and has stopped by today to chat. But before I give the floor over to Jess, lets get to know a bit about her.

Jess Michaels is a pseudonym used by author Jenna Peterson.

Jenna Petersen knew she wanted to be a writer at a very young age and had a very specific image of what that meant. In her mind, she would live in Los Angeles (why not New York… who knows?), attend book signings, drive a very expensive car and date endlessly (and apparently, unsuccessfully). There was little actual writing involved in the fantasy.

Instead, she got a degree in Psychology from the University of Washington, married her high school sweetheart and moved to Central Illinois. There was much actual writing involved in the reality and she learned a lot in the years she waited to hear she sold a book.

Jenna enjoys travel, history, live baseball, Bears and Eagles football, and of course, all things related to reading and writing. She runs a website for aspiring authors called The Passionate Pen, which has become a popular resource in the romance writing community. She also writes zombie comedy under the pseudonym Jesse Petersen.

Places to find Jess:
Site Blog Facebook Twitter | Passionate Pen |

Monday, June 18, 2012

Guest Post with Author Tigris Eden and Giveaway

Today I am super stoked to have debut author Tigris Eden as a guest. Tigris is made of awesome and I <3 her lots. She is freaking awesome and I am so happy to have her here to celebrate the release of her debut Enlaved In Shadows. Tigris has stopped by today and she has brought along her sexy Shadow Unit Team Members for a little get together, but before I give the floor over lets get to know a bit about Tigris Eden.

A friend of mine once said I am multifaceted…So here is me and all my many quirks.

I’m a fish by design but don’t go too deep into the water. I love to write, read, listen to music, watch movies with LL, and strive to be the best mother I can be. I also paint, and do pottery work. (when I can). By day I am a Sr. Payroll Specialist, and by night I come home to write about a group of men and their women who are not so normal.

Most days you can find me on twitter and Facebook, but lately I’ve been deep deep in my writing cave, attempting to come up with all the stories that are stuck in my head.

My favorite movie right now is Bruno… Dolce & Gabbana HALO! I say weird ish because I can and at the end of the day I swear it all makes sense…. Well to me, maybe not you. ♥

Places to find Tigris Eden:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

ARC Review: Wicked Nights by Gena Showalter

Don't hate me, but I didn't love this book. I really want to love it but for some reason I just couldn't really connect with it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this story a lot and I liked the world and characters Gena introduced us to, I just felt like something was missing.

Zacharel is a cold, calculating warrior angel who has spent the last several hundred years emotionally dead inside. He has no feelings towards anyone else and does not care who he hurts in his attempt to banish the world of demons. Because of his ruthlessness and his disregard for human life he has been given one more chance to prove himself worthy of being an angel. He must take a army of misfit angels that are all on the cusp of being thrown out of the heavens for their rebellious and bad behavior and train them which isn't an easy job. Any mistakes and it's Zacharel's wings that are on the line.

Annabelle Miller has spent the last four years locked up for a crime she didn't commit. When she was eighteen she witnessed her parents murder at the hands of a demon and no one will believe her. She now resides in a facility for the criminally insane. She knows she isn't crazy and she had nothing to do with the death of her parents, but ever since that horrific day Annabelle has been able to see demons that no one else can and because of this she has spent the last four years defending herself against demon attacks. She has no idea why the demons attacked and killed her parents or even why they come for her now. When a chance meeting with Zacharel she finds she may finally get her answers.

Zacharel can't help but be intrigued by Annabelle. She has awakened something in him that he hasn't felt before. She is feisty and strong and will fight to the death if she must and he can't help the strong attraction he feels towards her. He quickly decides he wants to help keep her safe until they are able to figure out just what exactly is going on.

I really liked Annabelle and I thought that she is unbelievably strong. She has been through hell and back and she doesn't let it defeat her. She continues to fight tooth and nail and doesn't take no one's crap. I liked that she stands up to Zacharel and doesn't cower in the corner waiting for someone else to save the day.

As for Zacharel, it took me awhile to warm up to him. He was never my favorite and I always found him a bit cold and uncaring. But once I got a feel for him and started to understand the reason why he's the way he is he started to grow on me. He's got a lot of burdens to bear and the way he copes is by shutting himself off from everyone. I enjoyed watching him learn to care and to feel emotions.

I really enjoyed the relationship between Annabelle and Zacharel. Neither walks on eggshells around the other and they are both pretty blunt and to the point with everything. They didn't dance around one another or play any games. I actually really enjoy the beginning of their relationship because there was a bit of back and forth arguing going on that is very reminiscent of her LOTU books.

This was a good opening to what looks to be another great series for Gena. While I might not have liked this books as some of Gena's previous works, I did enjoy it and still found it hard to put down. Gena just has a way with creating a world full of interesting characters that you just want to know more about. She introduced a few characters that I can't wait to see more of. I am definitely looking forward to the next installment in the Angels of Dark series. I give this book a high 3.

**ARC copy provided by author**

| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Ana Hart and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Ana Hart. Ana has stopped by today to chat but before I give the floor over to Ana, lets get to know her a bit.

Ana Hart is a writer of erotica, romance, and everything in between. Ana’s stories can be found in various anthologies, including Postcards of Passion and A Wicked & Wanton All Hallows Eve. Ana was also one of 32 finalists in the 2011 All Romance Ebooks Just One Bite short story contest and her short story, “A Fair Exchange” can be found in Just One Bite, Volume Four. Born and raised in the southern United States, Ana currently resides in Arkansas with her very supportive boyfriend and their beautiful son (who just happens to be a cat…but don’t tell him that! ) But she can often be found online – on Facebook, Twitter, or just lurking around Google and running searches on herself.

Places to find Ana:

Feature and Giveaway: A Hero Rising by Aubrie Dionne

After watching his love leave on a colony ship, James Wilfred must save those left behind from a planetary apocalypse. Their salvation lies in an unfinished ship tucked away in a secret government base, and only James can break in and pilot him and his people to freedom on a nearby space station.

Skye O’Connor’s boyfriend never returns after his gang attempts an assassination of the Governor, and the State Building is destroyed. Worse, crazed moonshiners addicted to the chemical Morpheus have stormed the city, and she must find a safe place for her and her boyfriend’s daughter. When a heroic man saves her, Skye asks to accompany him on his quest to find the last colony ship left on Earth.

As the city falls around them, James and Skye must work together to build a new future, all the while rediscovering their ability to love, before the apocalypse claims them both.