
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

ARC Review: Mafia Virgin by Mila Finelli

Mafia Virgin is the 5th book in the Kings of Italy series by Mila Finelli. While technically this is a standalone story, plots from previous books will be spoiled if you haven’t previously read those. Fans of this series will see several familiar faces here. This book had moments I enjoyed, but I will say that this was my least favorite of the series

While I liked seeing familiar faces from the previous books, I had a few things that bothered me about this story. I struggled a bit with something that happened pretty early on, Giacomo did something on their wedding night that made it hard to get over. Then later on in the book he did something else as well that related to the same person and honestly it just really bothered me. I felt like Emma just letting both go was too unrealistic and honestly made it hard to really like her. For as smart and committed to certain things as she was, I couldn’t believe that she just was fine with both things. 

I did feel like these two had chemistry and there was definitely attraction between them. I just struggled to feel a strong connection between them, and it didn’t seem like there was a whole lot of trust there. They both kept secrets, and while that made sense at first, the longer it went on, the more detrimental if felt to the believability of their relationship being real and not just forced. 

While I wanted to love this one as I have loved the rest of this series, this one was just okay for me. I think fans of the series will enjoy the continuation of the series and seeing familiar faces, but I am hopeful that if we get more in this world, it goes back to the feel of the previous books. I did really like what little I saw of Vito and Massimo here and would love to get their stories! If you are new to this series, I highly recommend starting at the beginning as those books are not to be missed!

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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