
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Sealed With a Kiss Event Winners

We've got quite a few winners to announce, but we first wanted to take the time to thank all of the authors that participated and donated items for the giveaways. We couldn't do this event without you and it means so much to us all that you take the time out of your busy schedules to write these amazing love letters. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

And now for the winners...

Feature and Giveaway: Stealing Mr. Right by Tamara Morgan

I'm a wanted jewel thief.
He's FBI.
What's that saying? Keep your friends close...and your husband closer.

Being married to a federal agent certainly has its perks.

1. I just love the way that man looks in a suit.
2. This way I always know what the enemy is up to.

Spending my days lifting jewels and my nights tracking the Bureau should have been a genius plan. But the closer I get to Grant Emerson, the more dangerous this feels. With two million dollars' worth of diamonds on the line, I can't afford to fall for my own husband.

It turns out that the only thing worse than having a mortal enemy is being married to one. Because in our game of theft and seduction, only one of us will come out on top.

Good thing a cat burglar always lands on her feet.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

ARC Review: Blacksmith by Jenika Snow

Ok, I have to stop reading these novellas because they are just getting too ridiculous.  I appreciate an author for giving us a short story. I'm ok with getting right to the point and getting to the hot stuff but I need it to make a little sense along the way. Not a lot of sense, but just a little. This book is probably about a hundred pages so it's super short but that's no excuse for some of its issues.

Ok, so the plot is really simple. Deacon is a blacksmith who sees Maddie passing by his shop everyday. Maddie is a virgin but she wants Deacon in a totally porn star type way.  One day Deacon finally approaches Maddie and the next minute they are locked in a super intense relationship. I know almost nothing about either one of these characters so I can't tell you if them being together made any sense. I do know that I was uncomfortable with the intensity of their feelings towards one another pre-any meaningful conversation or interaction. In fact, there is really nothing connecting these two characters with one another anywhere in the short book.

The other thing about this book that I found super distracting was that Deacon wanted Maddie really bad but held off on having sex with her at first for various reasons that didn't totally make sense to me. It just seems like when I book is approximately 10 pages and none of them are meaningful dialogue or events, we should be getting some pretty prompt sex scenes and that didn't happen in this book. If you read this book as a short story for some instant gratification, you might be ok but it really wasn't for me.

**ARC provided by Ardent PRose**

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Friday, February 24, 2017

ARC Review: Lost In Between by K.L. Kreig

The first thing you need to know is that the synopsis of the book that you will find on Goodreads and other cites does not exactly tell you what you are going to find in this book. It is true that Willow makes a deal with Shaw to be his arm candy for a few months for a quarter million dollars but that is just scratching the surface. The thing I loved about the way the author introduces Shaw and Willow is that they meet before they ever make the "arm candy" deal and Shaw is a raging A hole. I love rude guys who turn into obsessed bossy alpha lovers. I can't help it, I just fall for them every time.

When we meet Willow she is doing the best she can to make ends meet so that she can take care of her Mother who suffers from Alzheimers. Willow is working as an escort but a date escort, not a sex escort. I was a little concerned that I wasn't going to buy what Willow was selling because who wants to deal with a a no-sex escort? I got over whatever my issues were because Willow turned out to be a character that I liked. She was hung up on some deep issues. She was concerned about being abandoned because basically everyone she loved left her. She was so concerned about it that she had become the person who left before she could get left. Even though I sometimes wished she would settle her skittishness down, I liked her issues and how she dealt with them, they made her more relatable.

As for Shaw, four words: sex on a stick. Shaw is the kind of character that just kind of comes off the pages at you. Even though Shaw has convinced himself that he is in this temporary arrangement with Willow, he almost immediately gets crazy possessive. If you've read any other books by this author, you know that her Heroes are always a little over the top and Shaw was no exception. Of course Shaw struggles to convey his feelings in productive ways so he often hurt Willow's feelings when he really just wanted to say "please don't ever leave me."

In classic K.L. Kreig style, by the end of this book a third party emerges who Willow once had feelings for. And that's where things get really interesting and also near where the book ends. Willow's ex pops up, he's still in love with her and he is packing some whopper secrets about Willow's past. I don't want to give anything away and really there isn't much I can give away because the book ends in some unanswered questions. Let's just say that some things Willow assumed to be true were not. The ways in which Willow was wrong about the events of the past involve the two people that Shaw most wants to protect and he winds up torn between them with no good answers. The book built to a crescendo and then left us hanging but boy was it worth it. Smoking hot sex, all the feels, dynamic characters, you don't want to pass on this book.

**ARC provided by L. Woods PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

ARC Review: Royally Matched by Emma Chase

I am absolutely loving this world that Emma Chase has created! Royally Matched was every bit as good as the previous book in the series, and I find myself wanting to get lost in these books and never wanting to leave! Each book is a standalone story and can be read on it's own, but I highly recommend reading them all as they are fantastic stories! 

Henry never thought that he would become king, but now that he will be he finds himself having to grow up. The Queen agrees to give him some space, hoping that it will help her grandson accept his new role but while she is giving him space a chance meeting with a TV producer finds Henry coming up with a reality TV show in which the most eligible bachelorettes must compete for him. But Henry soon finds himself drawn to Sarah, the girl that is unlike any of the others. 

I really loved Sarah. She was sweet and easy to relate to. Smart and a book worm, I found myself connecting with her unlike what is usually possible for me with heroines. Henry I already loved from the first book, but I found myself growing to love him even more! He is so much fun, charming and loyal. He is impossible not to like, and I really loved him with Sarah here. They had great chemistry and the tension between them was captivating. Their connection was interesting and strong, and I just loved everything about their relationship. 

Overall, I really love this series and I think readers are going to love Royally Matched. If you are looking for a great contemporary series that is sweet and sexy, fun and different, this is definitely a series that you need to be reading! Emma Chase is a fantastic writer that fills her stories with emotion and steam as well as wit and charm, and this series is no exception. I always enjoy her stories, and I cannot recommend these books enough!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes

Guest Post with Author Jamie Shaw and Giveaway

Meet Jamie Shaw author of Havoc.

A resident of South Central Pennsylvania, Jamie Shaw's two biggest dreams in life were to be a published author and to be a mom. Now, she's living both of those dreams and loving every minute of it. When she's not spending time with her husband and their young son, she's writing novels with relatable heroines and swoon-worthy leading men. With her MS in Professional Writing and a passion for all things romance, her goal is always to make readers laugh, cry, squirm, curse, and swoon their pants off, all within the span of a single story. She loves interacting with readers, and she always aims to add new names to their book boyfriend lists.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

ARC Review: Forbidden Virgin by Carmen Falcone

I am a huge sucker for forbidden romance stories. So even though I had never read anything by Carmen Falcone before, I had to read Forbidden Virgin. It sounded so sexy and exactly like the kind of story that I would enjoy, and I really did. I couldn't put it down, and I think readers looking for something short and hot are going to love it just like I did!

Kate has always been attracted to her father's best friend Graham Davenport. She has saved her virginity and wants Graham to be the one to take it. So when Graham hires her to work at his luxury hotel as a favor to her father, she is determined to show him that she isn't a teenager anymore. Graham tries to fight his attraction to Kate, but she is no longer just his best friend's daughter that has always had a crush on him. Can they have something together and explore the attraction between them? 

I really liked these two. They were super hot together, and I couldn't get enough of them. Kate was strong, and it was so refreshing to see that she wasn't weak and immature. I liked her character a lot and felt like she was really good with Graham. Graham was also easy to like and I loved how dirty and sexy he was. These two had so much chemistry and a strong connection to go with it, and I really loved seeing how things progressed for these two. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. Forbidden Virgin was quick and hot, and exactly what I had been looking for. I was drawn in right away and captivated from start to finish. If you are looking for something forbidden and super hot, this is one you definitely are going to want to check out! I can't wait to read more from Carmen Falcone after reading this book!

**ARC Provided by Hot Tree Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | 

Feature: Lost In Between by K.L. Kreig

We all have one.

A price.

That magic number that will get us to agree to do anything, be anything.
Don’t sit on your gold-plated high horse and say you don’t because you do. Everyone does. Each of us has something we covet enough that we’d sell ourselves to have it.

What’s my tipping point, you ask? Apparently a cool quarter mil will do the trick.
What does one do for 250 large, you wonder? Anything the infamous, gorgeous playboy of Seattle wants. For the next four months I’ll be Shaw Mercer’s arm candy, his beck and call girl, his faux girlfriend. I’ll be his to command, mold, push and pull in any direction he sees fit.

I’ll fight falling into bed with him. I’ll fight falling in love with him even harder. I’ll fail at both. And when my past and present collide in the most unexpected of ways, I’ll learn that while one man’s love for me has never died, the only man’s love I really want will never be mine.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

ARC Review: Pretty Face by Lucy Parker

Pretty Face is the first book that I have from Lucy Parker, but it definitely won't be my last. I really enjoyed this story and the characters, and I was drawn in right away. Pretty Face is book two in the London Celebrities series, but each book is a standalone story. I definitely recommend checking this one out! 

Actress Lily Lamprey wants to prove that she is an actress to be taken seriously. She knows she has talent, so when she hears that well known director Luc Savage is renovating a legendary theater for a new production, she knows that this is her chance. But Luc and Lily find themselves drawn to one another and though they try to fight it, things between them continue to grow. But their relationship threatens both of their futures as Luc's reputation comes into question as well as Lily's sudden rising career. Can Lily and Luc have their careers and a future together?

I really loved these two. I found them interesting and felt invested in them right away. Luc had been through a lot that changed the way he was, but he was so much more than he first appears to be. I loved getting to know him better and seeing the kind of man he really was, warm and sweet. Both were passionate and hardworking, determined to make the most of their careers. Their relationship was a bit of a slow burn as both of them were wanting to remain professional. But I loved their chemistry and the connection forming between them. These two were so good together and I couldn't get enough of them. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this story from start to finish. It was funny and sweet, emotional and heartfelt. I really felt connected to these characters and their story. Their relationship was on the forbidden side and that is always one of my favorites, but there was so much more to Luc and Lily and I had a great time reading this book. If you love theater romance stories this is definitely one you are going to want to pick up, but really if you just love a good romance this is a story that I think more romance readers will love just as much as I did.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes

Feature: Tempt Me by J. Kenner

Sometimes passion has a price …

When sexy Stark Security Chief Ryan Hunter whisks his girlfriend Jamie Archer away for a passionate, romance-filled weekend so he can finally pop the question, he’s certain that the answer will be an enthusiastic yes. So when Jamie tries to avoid the conversation, hiding her fears of commitment and change under a blanket of wild sensuality and decadent playtime in bed, Ryan is more determined than ever to convince Jamie that they belong together.

Knowing there’s no halfway with this woman, Ryan gives her an ultimatum – marry him or walk away. Now Jamie is forced to face her deepest insecurities or risk destroying the best thing in her life. And it will take all of her strength, and all of Ryan’s love, to keep her right where she belongs…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Google | Kobo |

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

ARC Review: Hard Rhythm by Cecilia Tan

This is the third book in this series but it's my second read in the series. I read the last installment but I will say for any readers who also read that last book, this one is pretty different. The characters in this book are not like the others in the series and the book has a different feel than at least the last book.

Maddie is a hostess at the super exclusive sex club that is featured in all the books in this series. When we are introduced to Maddie, she is described as a switch- someone who can alternate between being a Dom and a submissive. I don't really love the female Dom books but if you are like me, no need to be concerned about this one. Maddie is a sub for nearly the entire book. In fact, I think it's fair to say that what Maddie really needed and longed for was the freedom to be a submissive. In the scenes where she acts as a Dom, the real Maddie is locked up tight.

Maddie has been attracted to Chino whose entire band is in the sex club but she has never acted on that attraction. Maddie assumed that Chino was just some arrogant rock star/manwhore Chino, mostly in response to Maddie's attitude towards him assumes that Maddie hates him. But then something happens. Chino challenges Maddie in a way that she can't pass up and through that challenge Maddie discovers something about herself that she had been missing. Maddie doesn't know how to deal with finding this part of herself but Chino knows and is the perfect balance for her. And even though Chino is hiding stuff of his own, Maddie also helps him to come to terms with some truths and to accept himself.

Oh oh oh, how could I forget, the sex scenes are amazing. The BDSM aspects are well described and realistic without being over the top. The characters are well developed, the story moves forward quickly and I think you'll find this book entertaining and romantic.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Guest Post with Author Kari Lynn Dell and Giveaway

Meet author Kari Lynn Dell author of Tangled in Texas.

Kari Lynn Dell is a ranch-raised Montana cowgirl who attended her first rodeo at two weeks old and has existed in a state of horse-induced poverty ever since. She lives on the Blackfeet Reservation in her parents' bunkhouse along with her husband, her son, and Max the Cowdog, with a tipi on her lawn, Glacier National Park on her doorstep and Canada within spitting distance. Her debut novel, The Long Ride Home, was published in 2015. She also writes a ranch and rodeo humor column for several regional newspapers and a national agricultural publication.

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Monday, February 20, 2017

ARC Review: Beaus and Arrows Anthology

I have to admit that anthologies aren't always my favorite, but they are a great way to discover new authors and stories that you might not get a chance to otherwise. Not only that, but all of the profits from Beaus & Arrows are going to Pennies-4-Paws, so this is a great way to do something that you love and give back at the same time. I will say that I enjoyed this anthology a lot! There were several authors that were familiar to me, while others were new. The great thing is though that you do not need to be familiar with any of them in order to enjoy this anthology. 

This anthology was filled with stories for romance readers of all genres. The stories ranged from sweet to sexy, with some characters being well loved favorites while others were new. The great thing about an anthology is that even if you aren't liking a particular story, they are short and you are able to move on to the next one quickly. I found myself drawn in right away though, and I have to say that there are so many authors and stories that I will be checking out after sampling their work here. If you are looking for some great short romance stories, this is definitely one worth picking up. These are great to fit in when you are limited on time, or if you are looking to discover some new authors that you might have been wanting to try.

I definitely recommend this anthology, and while I did have some that I liked better than others, I can honestly say that I enjoyed this entire anthology. Make sure that you pick this one up quickly, as it will only be available for a limited time.

Beaus & Arrows contains the following stories: Perfectly Us by Abby Brooks, Right For Love by Aria Cole, Pinnacle - A Destined Series Story by Ashley Suzanne, The Wedding-Night Stand by Ava Harrison, One Night by Callie Anderson, All Wrong by Callie Harper, Love on a Plane by Ilsa Madden-Mills, Taking My Shot by Jen Frederick, Someone Not You by Jessica Hawkins, A Very Locklaine Valentine by Jessica Prince, What Love Built by J.L. Berg, Special Delivery by Liv Morris, Mr. First Time by L.J. Shen, Rhythm by Mandi Beck, Livi's Love by M.J. Fields, Yes, Yes, Yes by Nicola Rendell, Game For Two: A Valentine's Staycation by Rachel Blaufeld, Backfire by Rebecca Yarros, Entwined by SE Hall, Love and Latte by Sharon Hamilton, Beauty Knot by Stephie Walls, and The Brightest Star by Yessi Smith.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: To the Studs by Roxanne Smith

No one says no to fiery but talented home designer Neve Harper—which is how she convinces her elusive neighbor, Duke Kennicot, to help out with her latest renovation job. Not only is Duke a design aficionado, he’s got the inside scoop on the cabin’s owner. And since Neve’s ulterior motive is a romance with the boss, Duke is her ideal wingman. Except from the moment they’re alone in the remote Ozark mountain location, Neve discovers Duke is just as headstrong—and a whole lot sexier—than she ever realized. Duke has always made it clear she’s not his type. Yet the simmering tension between them says otherwise….

Duke had been warned to steer clear of hot-tempered Neve, but his resolve is lessening with every heated exchange—and every smoldering touch. By the time Neve unearths a dangerous, age-old mystery buried on the property, Duke is ready to do just about anything to keep the brazen beauty safe….

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