
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Ki Pha
Flirting With Disaster by Ruthie Knox

Book of Choice from Wendy Soliman

A Royal Pain by Megan Mulry

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Secrets & Sins: Gabriel by Naima Simone

With GABRIEL, the first book in the Secrets and Sins romantic suspense series, Naima Simone delivers a well-crafted, deeply emotional story with the perfect balance of suspense, romance, and depravity that is the hallmark of top-notch dark romantic suspense. The hero’s deep emotional wounds, the heroine’s lifelong unrequited love, and a gripping, tautly-paced plot seamlessly combine into a page-turner that will keep you guessing until the end and unable to put it down until you discover the full truth.

I must confess that I’m not always the biggest fan of the tortured, wounded hero. In less capable hands, the emotional wounds and reticence to open up again can easily slip into an overblown melodrama that has me wanting to strangle the hero so he’ll get over himself. Not so with Ms. Simone’s Gabriel Devlin. Gabriel suffered a terrible personal loss two years ago and still carries the guilt and heartbreak like an albatross around his neck, compounded by the newfound desire he feels for his lifelong friend Leah Bannon. He spends most of the novel fighting with himself and trying to keep her at arm’s length because he doesn’t believe he has it in him to love and lose again and survive. But Ms. Simone writes him so skillfully and realistically that instead of wanting to strangle him for blowing hot and cold, I felt every devastating emotion and wanted to give him a really big hug instead. That scene where he’s at his absolute lowest is heartbreaking—in a good way!—and it makes watching him overcome his struggles and achieve his HEA that much more satisfying.

Leah is an equally complex character: a kickass former cop turned private investigator whose lifelong dream was shattered by a career-ending injury in the line of duty who’s been in love with—and willing to do anything for—Gabriel since she was a teenager. Unrequited love is tough: she’s watched the man she’s loved forever marry another woman, start a family, and nearly perish from grief and has put her own life on hold to stand by him and see him through to the other side without burdening him with her feelings. It’s that combination of toughness and vulnerability that makes her so compelling and relatable as a character. With all the anguish and indecision on both sides, the relationship between Gabriel and Leah develops slowly: they don’t come together until fairly late in the novel, but when they do it’s both desperately passionate and lovingly sweet—and we get to experience each emotion with surprising intensity.

Leah’s investigation into the disappearance of her beloved surrogate father twenty years ago provides a taut suspense plot with twists you won’t see coming. [I did guess the villain before the big reveal… but I read a LOT of suspense!]. As is typical in dark romantic suspense, the novel delves into the depths of human depravity so, whilst not overly violent or heavy on the murders, it’s not for the squeamish. The writing is superb, and the cast of secondary characters—especially Gabriel’s and Leah’s three lifelong friends and blood brothers—is incredibly well developed. And having spent considerable time in Boston, I loved being able to visualize the setting!

Overall, GABRIEL is a fantastic start to a promising new romantic suspense series from a new-to-me author. Highly recommended if you like your romantic suspense heavy on the emotion and a bit on the dark side (think Christy Reece’s phenomenal Last Chance Rescue series). I can’t wait for the stories of Gabriel’s three friends. And let’s hope their covers are equally hot :-).

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Feature and Giveaway: Rule by Jay Crownover

Opposites in every way . . . except the one that matters

Shaw Landon loved Rule Archer from the moment she laid eyes on him. Rule is everything a straight--A pre-med student like Shaw shouldn't want--and the only person she's never tried to please. She isn't afraid of his scary piercings and tattoos or his wild attitude. Though she knows that Rule is wrong for her, her heart just won't listen.

To a rebel like Rule Archer, Shaw Landon is a stuck-up, perfect princess-and his dead twin brother's girl. She lives by other people's rules; he makes his own. He doesn't have time for a good girl like Shaw-even if she's the only one who can see the person he truly is.

But a short skirt, too many birthday cocktails, and spilled secrets lead to a night neither can forget. Now, Shaw and Rule have to figure out how a girl like her and a guy like him are supposed to be together without destroying their love . . . or each other.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Interview with Author Scarlett Scott and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome Scarlett Scott to RFTC. Scarlett has stopped by to answer a few questions, please give her a warm welcome. 

Award-winning author Scarlett Scott writes contemporary and historical romance of varying heat levels. Having graduated from swiping her older sister's romance novels to read in secret, she now crafts happily ever afters of her own. She lives in the Pennsylvania countryside with her Canadian husband and is a proud mom to their adorable but occasionally evil dog with a penchant for eating everything he shouldn't.

Places to find Scarlett:

Feature and Giveaway: Damaged 2 by H.M. Ward

The steamy sequel to the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling New Adult novel DAMAGED by H.M. Ward.

Home isn't supposed to be dangerous, but for Sidney it is. Returning home means that she has to face her past. It's not just the man who hurt Sidney that makes it horrible, but the family that didn't believe her. They were dead to her, but now that her mom is really dying things seem different. It's a chance to set things right.

What Sidney doesn't realize is that she's dragging Peter into a collision course with his past. Peter must deal with the demons haunting him if he wants to move forward with Sidney. He's willing to give up everything for her, even wade deeper into his past life to help her move forward. But, Peter isn't sure if he can get over what happened to him in New York.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Friday, July 5, 2013

ARC Review: Against the Wall by Rebecca Zanetti

Against The Wall is the first book that I have read by Rebecca Zanetti. After reading the blurb, I couldn't wait to get started on this one as it is the first book in her Maverick Montana series. At first glance this book sounds so promissing. Unfortunately as much as I was hoping to like this book, it just didn't happen for me. There were things from the book that I did like, but overall I had quite a few problems with this one.

Sophie goes to Montana with the hopes of swaying the Kooskia tribe to back her golf course project for her uncle's struggling company. She is literally swept off her feet by a sexy cowboy named Jake and the attraction is instant. After a brief introduction they go their seperate ways, but little does she know that she will be seeing him again soon. Jake is a member of the Kooskia tribe and also happens to be their lawyer. As Sophie tries to gain support even though the tribe and Jake oppose her development, she starts receiving threatening notes with the suggestion that she leave town. Sophie refuses to let the notes or anyone dictate to her what she will do with her life.

I kept waiting for this story to really develop, and it just didn't happen. Often times while reading I would go back a page or two to see if I had missed something because the story just seemed to jump around. I'm not one for reading a story where the author has to take you by the hand and lead you through the story as if you are a child, but I do like to at least know how we get from one place to the next. Because of the way the story seems to skip ahead without any kind of connection at certain points, I just felt lost while reading the majority of this story. I really was never able to connect with the characters at all, or see their relationship growing. I just couldn't buy into what the author was selling.

Although Jake and Sophie are hot together and really steamed up the pages, it seemed to me as though that was all there was to them. I never really felt as though they were emotionally invested in each other. I found myself caring more about the secondary characters than the main characters of the story. While Sophie had started off to be an independent woman who wouldn't let anyone run her life, it seemed that she just relinquished control of everything to Jake even though she hadn't known him long. As far as Jake goes, I like a dominating and confident man as much as the next girl, but Jake seemed to be that way one minute and then completely insecure the next minute. I found myself getting annoyed by both Jake and Sophie.

Another problem I had with this book was that there were several things brought up and dropped. There were also things that I felt were left completely unexplained. It just seemed as if this book was filled with inconsistencies and very easily could have been a rough draft needing to still be edited. Even though I didn't care for this book as much as I was hoping, I really did start to get invested in several of the secondary characters. They are the reason that I finished this book. I still plan to read Under the Covers, the second book in this series about Jake's brother Quinn and im hoping that the author takes the characters in that book in a better direction.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Guest Post with Author Maggie Robinson and Giveaway

Today I am happy to once again welcome back to RFTC author, Maggie Robinson  Maggie is celebrating the recent release of her book In the Arms of the Heiress and has stopped by to chat. Please give her a warm welcome.

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances.

Places to find Maggie:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

Thursday, July 4, 2013

ARC Review: Secret Maneuvers by Jessie Lane

The blurb for this book sounded promising and right up my alley: hot ex-Special Ops hero, suspense, and a reunion romance with all the angst that comes along with it? I’m sold! But while I found the premise promising, I found the execution somewhat underwhelming. SECRET MANEUVERS, the first book in the Ex-Ops series, finds itself in that awkward space between romantic suspense and contemporary romance (of the Southern persuasion) that is notoriously difficult to navigate. I have seen seasoned romantic suspense authors fail to impress in this niche, and the writing team that is newbie author Jessie Lane doesn’t fare much better.

Hero Bobby Baker was the golden boy of a small Georgia town: star football player, academic superstar, practically engaged to his high school sweetheart from the wrong side of the tracks, and with a life in the Army all planned out. Annabelle (Belle) Smith was the girl from the trailer park with an abusive, alcoholic father who couldn’t truly believe Bobby would love someone like her and whose only life prospect was to wait for him to finish his Army training and take her away from her desolate home life. Their teenage selves are a romantic’s dream: he’s her knight in shining armour and she’s his first love and reason for being. The book’s prologue does an excellent job of setting up this dynamic, the intensity of feelings both have for each other, and the HEA they’ve planned together. And then Bobby, in a fit of teenage idiocy and overwhelmed by all the new experiences and encounters of Army training, writes Belle a Dear Jane letter that shatters her faith in love and leaves her completely alone out in the cold. Immediately after sending the letter, Bobby realises he’s been an idiot and writes a second letter taking everything back and expressing his undying love… but Belle has taken off for parts unknown. Fifteen years of radio silence and wallowing in mistakes later and—unbeknownst to either of them—Bobby is part of a secret black ops team and Belle a badass ATF agent based in Texas assigned to the same investigation of a gun-running Mexican cartel. The attraction between them is still scorching and Bobby is determined to make Belle his again, but she’s still hurt from his having dumped her so callously and is keeping secrets. Angst, drama, sexy-times, and some action ensue.

Though the characters were three-dimensional and well developed, my biggest problem is that I couldn’t really connect with the hero and heroine. Bobby had a bit too much of that alpha swagger and wounded male pride that edged sexy over into almost overbearing and possessive. The way he thought of Belle as undeniably ‘his’ after having ditched her (knowing her abandonment issues)—even if it was the biggest mistake of his life—grated on me, though I did appreciate his single-minded determination to get her to at least listen to his apology. It also irked me that he expected a simple apology to make things right between them so they could pick up where they’d been fifteen years ago, and I was repeatedly tempted to forcibly remove his head from his ass when dealing with ‘the secret’. Sure, he can abandon the love of his life when she was most vulnerable and expect her to forgive and forget, but she’s not entitled to some mistakes of her own… double standard, much? Belle was a study in contradictions, and a complete emotional pushover for a purportedly badass ATF agent. She had an incredibly rough childhood and as result has major abandonment issues and has made some less-than-stellar choices in her life, but after an initial resistance to Bobby’s advances, she lets him walk all over her. The two of them have a boatload of regrets, mistakes, and lies to deal with that make for some great angst, but the way they dealt with their issues on their way to their HEA didn’t resonate with me. The book is written in first-person (generally not my favourite) and alternates between Bobby’s and Annabelle’s POVs within the same chapter, which—while nice because we get to see what each character is thinking/feeling (and there is a lot of internalizing of emotions)—was at times a bit jarring.

Overall, SECRET MANEUVERS was an okay read for me that didn’t quite live up to its potential. It does have great secondary characters and an excellent dynamic between the boys on the Ex-Ops team that make good fodder for future books, and I will likely look for the next entry in the series to learn the stories of the other Ex-Ops members. Especially the commander’s.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | All Romance |

Feature and Giveaway: The Secrets of Mia Danvers by Robyn DeHart

A lone witness finds her protector...

Since losing her sight in a childhood accident, Mia Danvers has resided in a small cottage on the vast Carrington estate. Thought to be dead, Mia lives a life of virtual seclusion—until one night, while walking home, she happens upon a horrendous crime.

Alex Foster, Eighth Duke of Carrington, lives according to society’s expectations for him. He’s never met the woman who lives in the cottage at the edge of his property. But when she arrives at his door in the pouring rain terrified and claiming she has witnessed a murder, she seizes his attention.

Mia is determined to help the authorities track down the culprit, even though the only person willing to accept her aid is the handsome, arrogant duke. Working closely together proves difficult as Mia’s beauty and independence tempts Alex to ignore convention and follow his desire. But what neither of them know is that this murderer has struck before in Whitechapel, taunting the British press only to vanish—a ruthless killer who knows that Mia is the only living witness to his crime…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

Interview with Author Elle James and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Elle James to RFTC. Elle has stopped by to answer some questions and to chat about her newest release, Deja Voodoo. Please give her a warm welcome.

Elle James spent twenty years in South Central Texas, ranching horses, cattle, goats, ostriches and emus. A former IT professional, retired Army and Air Force Reservist, she’s proud to be writing full-time, penning intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edge of their seats or laughing out loud. Now, living in northwest Arkansas, she’s given up wrangling cattle and exotic birds to wrangle her muses, a malti-poo and a yorkie. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling, out snow skiing, boating, or riding her four-wheeler, dreaming up new stories.

Places to find Elle:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

ARC Review: Exposed by Laura Griffin

I’ve been an avid fan of Laura Griffin’s Tracers romantic suspense series from book #1 and have yet to come away disappointed. The series—a set of loosely connected books centered around a state-of-the-art forensics laboratory (the Delphi Centre) and the experts who work there to help law enforcement agencies solve crimes—boasts some of the best straight-up romantic suspense I have read in years: a perfect balance between the romance and the suspense, edge-of-your-seat action that will keep you turning the pages to see what happens next, well-developed and memorable characters (both the protagonists and the recurring cast of Delphi characters that show up), and heinous villains, all wrapped up in tight, straightforward writing that packs quite the punch. EXPOSED is the seventh entry in the series (though it can easily be read as a standalone) and is another excellent addition that delivers everything I have come to expect in a Laura Griffin novel.

Madeline (Maddie) Callahan is a forensic photographer working as a CSI for the Delphi Centre who also moonlights as a wedding/portrait photographer. Her career choice, and much of her motivation and emotional baggage as a character, stems from the tragic loss of her two-year-old daughter in an unsolved hit-and-run several years ago, which has left her merely existing rather than living, determined to help solve as many cases as possible, and closed off from everyone—especially potential romantic entanglements. Enter rookie FBI Special Agent Brian Beckman, smart, gorgeous, sure of himself and what he wants without being cocky, and incredibly sweet. The attraction between the two of them sizzles, but Maddie’s walls and her reservations about getting involved with a younger man make the development of the relationship a slow and realistic build. The relationship dynamics are a bit unusual because Maddie is the one with the baggage and throwing up roadblocks whilst Brian is incredibly well adjusted and sure that he wants everything with Maddie, but they work perfectly together: he understands her well enough to know when to give her space and when to push back when she tries to push him away, and she’s everything he’s ever wanted. The way he breaks down her defenses and makes her live rather than exist will have you wishing for a Brian of your own. Maddie’s hang-up about Brian being younger may seem a bit ridiculous but does have a believable explanation, though I was somewhat tempted to shake some sense into her—Brian is seriously perfect book boyfriend material!

The suspense starts in the opening pages with Maddie being mugged after a photo shoot near the site of the kidnapping of a federal witness and doesn’t let up until the very end. Kidnapping, drug trafficking, murder, corruption—EXPOSED has it all, and it is impeccably paced and the perfect backdrop for Maddie and Brian’s blossoming relationship. I found myself sneaking additional chapters because I simply could not wait to find out what they uncovered next in the case and how the villain would get his comeuppance. And to catch up with the characters from previous books and meet new ones—in addition to creating believable and relatable protagonists, Laura Griffin excels at crafting memorable secondary characters.

Highly recommended for existing fans of the Tracers series and of romantic suspense. And if you’ve never read a romantic suspense novel, this entire series is a great gateway to the genre. I'm already impatiently awaiting the next book!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Avery Flynn and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Avery Flynn to RFTC. Avery is celebrating the recent release of her newest book Jax and the Beanstalk Zombies and has stopped by to chat. Please give Avery a warm welcome.

Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip. Find out more about Avery on her website, follow her on Twitter, like her on her Facebook page or friend her on her Facebook profile. Also, if you figure out how to send Oreos through the Internet, she'll be your best friend for life.

Places to find Avery:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Coastal Magic Convention-Registration NOW OPEN!

Hi everyone!!! If you're reading this blog, chances are you're a huge fan of urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Luckily for you... there a con for that!

This week, Coastal Magic Convention is opening public registration for next year's weekend of awesome with authors and readers of UF/PNR fiction. February 6-9, in Daytona Beach, FL, we'll be hanging out, chatting, and participating in general tomfoolery with some fantastic people. There are Featured Authors are names that you'll recognize immediately (random sqeeing is permitted, although tacklehugs must be announced and approved prior to the weekend), and some are bound to become new favorites. Join us for panels, meet & greets, bad movie snarking, and all around fun times. Registration is only $70 for the weekend's full schedule of panels, meet & greets, large author signing, and Character Mixer. There are a few special activities that will require additional tickets. These activities are limited in number, and are very reasonably priced. More details are available on the Coastal Magic Convention website.

Last year's inaugural event (Olde City, New Blood in St. Augustine, FL) was a blast. I'm confident that this year's party will be even more fun!! As a special treat... NYT Bestselling author Kevin J Anderson (who won't be with us this year, due to scheduling conflicts) has offered up a gift for the first 50 people who register during this Blog Blast!!! Huge thanks to Kevin for that, and we hope to have him with us next year! (Gift will be included in your welcome bag at the event.)

So... check out the Featured Author list (which is still growing, by the way!!), the other Featured & Registered Bloggers (like ME!!), and get yourself registered for a fantastic weekend with friends and storytellers. Added bonus?? We'll be in FLORIDA... by the beach... in FEBRUARY!!! I'd call that a win on many levels, lol!!

See you all there!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

ARC Review: Jax and the Beanstalk Zombies by Avery Flynn

This little treasure written by Avery Flynn was a fun and quick read. Packed with little details from several Fairy Tales that added levity to the fact that the main characters spent a lot of time facing down hordes of zombies.

Jax and Veronica begin this tale both weighed down heavily with their previous relationship status, which ended pretty badly. Now under request from their mentor to go on one last adventure together they both pull on their big boy/girl pants and just try not to make each other too miserable. It was fun reading from both points of view as you got to experience their inner turmoil at having to face their ever swinging feelings for each other. Not to mention some pretty humorous dialogue that had me giggling.

Veronica was quick witted and was easy to offer more than her fair share of snarky remarks. Jax, a good ol’ southern boy, was a little less snide but appeared to be a well meaning goof-ball. Other than hilarious repartee, this story had a lot of action. Mostly in the form of zombie battling, though there was a healthy dose of steamy romance, and even a game of fetch with an oversized avian.

If you are looking for something light and fun to read, with equal parts action, romance, and whimsy then this book could be exactly what you are looking for.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Guest Post with Author Nazarea Andrews and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Nazarea Andrews to RFTC. Nazarea is celebrating the recent release of her book This Love and has stopped by to chat. Please give Nazarea a warm welcome.

Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog.

Places to find Nazarea:

Monday, July 1, 2013

ARC Review: Torn by KA Robinson

I really enjoyed the first half of this book and then it all went to crap. I got to the last quarter of the book and thought about putting it down and walking away. The characters became super annoying. The heroine Chloe, all she does is cry and she can't figure out who she wants to be with. Actually, she knows that she wants to be with Drake but she keeps stringing Logan along because she's afraid of losing his friendship.

Don't even get me started on the love triangle. I never once believed Chloe had any feelings towards Logan but friendship, yet she gets with him because Drake pushes her away. I could have done without the love scenes between the two because Logan wasn't the main focus. I felt it just took away from the Chloe/Drake dynamic and it just felt awkward and uncomfortable reading.

Yet with all the games Chloe plays with Logan and Drake they both still want to be with her and I just don't understand why. She's a horrible person and doesn't know what she wants. Ugh. Logan annoyed me so much in the beginning because he's overly possessive of Chloe. At the time they are only friends yet he continuously runs guys off that show any interest in Chloe. It was too much at times. I get that he has feelings for her but I don't understand how that would ever be okay between friends.

With Drake we are continuously told that he's a bad boy and no good for Chloe, yet I never saw it. Yes, he's sort of a man whore but I in no way saw him as a bad boy. So he's got piercings, I never realized that made someone bad.

All in all, what started off as a really great book with lots of potential turned in to crap. I didn't care about the characters or the outcome of their story.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Interview with Author Jess Michaels and Giveaway

RFTC would love to welcome back author Jess Michaels. Jess is one of my favorite people and I'm so happy to have her here to celebrate the release of her newest book, Taken By The Duke. Please give Jess a warm welcome.

Jess Michaels writes erotic historical romance set in the Regency period. She lives in Tucson, AZ where she hangs out with her awesome husband and does geeky things in the desert.

Places to find Jess: 
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Interview with Author Tessa Bailey and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author Tessa Bailey. Tessa is super awesome and I love her books and I'm so happy to have her back for the release of her latest, Office Off Limits. Please give Tessa a warm welcome.

Tessa lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and young daughter. When she isn't writing or reading romance, Tessa enjoys a good argument and thirty-minute recipes.

Places to find Tessa:

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Review: Her Wicked Wolf by Kendra Leigh Castle

This novella takes place in the period of 2 days and though a really quick read it left me with a giant grin on my face when I set it down. I really enjoy Castle’s writing and though much shorter than the titles I generally pick up it was a sweet treat to read while finishing my morning coffee.

With looming deadlines and the threat of an upcoming rager of a storm Brienne is battling her truly wandering mind. Now mind you she’s not daydreaming of the characters whose story she’s trying to impart, or worrying over whether or not she’s got a healthy supply of food and batteries for the sure shot of her power being knocked out from the storm, but rather her subconscious remains steadfast in it’s obsession over her downstairs neighbor Alistaire Locke. Though he lives below her apartment he’s immensely antisocial and little more than a stranger to her. Thus her utter confusion over the call she feels whenever her mutinous mind gets free of it’s leash.

Choices he can’t undo have led Alistaire to what he feels is the right place and time to face the shadow of his past and put an end to what’s been five years of running. Though lonely spending years in self-induced solitary he knows that to do anything else would put innocent lives in danger, as well as giving his adversary another weapon to use against him. Things had been going well enough until coming face to face with his neighbor. The young woman his wolf has been tracking with a more than average interest. Realizing too late that what he’s discovered instantly throws a wrench into his well made plans. Now he has little time to set a new plan in motion that will assure him victory over his enemy, while keeping this new treasure in his life from coming to any harm.

As I said before this was a really quick read, but I loved every page. Brienne and Alistaire’s romance was flame inducing, and you can tell these two characters were meant for each other. Honestly I was a more than a little disappointed that it ended. I really wanted more time to spend with these two. So, if you are looking for something quick to pass the time and have a weakness for alpha males check out this book.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Feature and Giveaway: Scandal in the Night by Elizabeth Essex

When the Reckless Brides set their sights on England’s eligible bachelors, nothing can stop them. But when they are strangers in a strange land, anything can happen…

The Spy Who Loved Her

Assuming a false identity as a prim and proper governess, the bold and beautiful Cat Rowan thinks she has finally escaped the wild misadventures of her past—and the wickedly handsome spy who seduced her in India. Imagine her surprise when her employer introduces his brother: the very same cad who destroyed her heart!

The One Who Got Away

The Honorable Thomas Jellicoe cannot believe his eyes when he sees his beloved Cat—the Scottish beauty who nearly jeopardized his mission in India. Disguised as a horse trader from the bazaars of the Punjab, the British spy risked his life for one night of passion in her arms. But here and now—breaking all rules of decorum—one heated kiss ignites a flurry of gunfire. For their enemies have followed them home. And love is the greatest danger of all…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Lee Roland and Giveaway

Please welcome author Lee Roland to RFTC. Lee is celebrating the upcoming release of her book Vicious Moon and has stopped by to chat. Please give Lee a warm welcome.

Lee Roland began her writing career in middle school when she wrote a short story for her brother. He turned the story in to his teacher as his own work. To his amazement and terror, the teacher was so impressed that she read it aloud to the class—and asked him to write another one.

Lee notes that, other than motherhood, she's never had an exciting job. She might have dreamed of being a lawyer, nurse or police officer, but finding the right person to share her life with changed her plans. Her only credentials for writing are a terrific imagination, life experience and the love of words in a good story. She reads voraciously, but particularly loves Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance.

Lee lives in Florida and is a full-time writer. She is a member of RWA National and the Florida based First Coast Romance Writers.

Before being published, Lee won many RWA Chapter contests and garnered a Golden Heart nomination in 2008 with her post apocalyptic novel, LILITH'S CHILD.

Lee is the author of the Earth Witches series published by NAL, beginning with VIPER MOON in 2011.

Places to find Lee: