
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the last week.

H Marie
Box of Books (RFTC Monthly Giveaway)

Snow Falling on Bluegrass by Molly Harper

What If by Rebecca Donovan

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Sex Unlimited: The Complete Volumes by Kathryn Perez

Sex Unlimited was originally released in three parts, but Kathryn Perez has since released it in its entirety. I am so glad that I didn't have to read this as three installments and wait in between each because I really think it might have killed me. Trust me when I tell you that once you start reading these you are not going to want to stop! I absolutely devoured this story, and I loved every bit of it! I cannot wait to read more from Kathryn Perez after reading Sex Unlimited.

After finding out that her husband of fifteen years cheated on her and getting a divorce, Candace winds up on an online dating site where she gets a message from the sexy Brisban. They agree to sex only and arrange to meet at a hotel to fulfill their needs and passion. The chemistry and attraction between them is instant and they connect on a level that they never have with anyone else. The more they meet up though, the more things begin to change from just sex to something more than that. But with Candace's past suddenly reappearing and Brisban's past also not settled, things between them quickly get more complicated than ever before. Can Brisban and Candace figure things out between them, or will there be too many obstacles standing in their way?

Brisban was so sexy! I loved his character. He was such a dirty talker and I loved it! But I also really liked how sweet and patient he was. He wanted to show Candace how beautiful she was and how he appreciated her more than just as someone in his bed. He was just such a great guy, and I loved how he put everything into showing her how he felt. Candace was great as well. She had been through a lot and was hesitant to put herself out there again. But I loved how she didn't let her fears hold her back. She went after what she wanted and wasn't afraid to find what she was looking for. I loved Brisban and Candace together, and they were so steamy! But I also loved that they were honest with one another and could say what was on their mind without fear of the other one reacting badly. I thought that their relationship developed naturally and was so real and believable, even with how things started between them.

Overall, this story was fantastic! I have been in a slump lately and this book pulled me right out of it! It was super hot and sexy, while also being sweet and emotional. I loved seeing Brisban and Candace both deal with their pasts and begin their relationship together. I loved their journey and didn't want this book to end. I highly recommend this book to romance fans of all genres, and I think there is something for everyone in this book. I really do believe that this one is a must read and can't wait to read more from Kathryn Perez in the future!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: The Rake's Handbook by Sally Orr

The definitive guide to seduction…

The Rake’s Handbook was written on a dare, and soon took the ton by storm. Now its author, Ross Thornbury, is publicly reviled by the ladies—who are, of course, forbidden to read the handbook—but privately revered by the gentlemen. Unfortunately, Ross’s notoriety is working against him and he flees London painfully aware of the shortcomings of his own jaded heart.

Spirited young widow Elinor Colton lives next to Ross’s country estate. She’s appalled not only by his rakish reputation, but also by his progressive industrial plans. Elinor is sure she is immune to Ross’s seductive ways. But he keeps coming around…impressing her with his vision for England’s future and stunning her with his smiles.

How does one resist the man who wrote the manual on love?

Pre-Order: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Interview with Author Anton Strout and Giveaway

Meet Anton Strout, author of Incarnate.

Anton Strout was born in the Berkshire Hills mere miles from writing heavyweights Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville. He currently lives in the haunted corn maze that is New Jersey (where nothing paranormal ever really happens, he assures you).

He is the author of the Simon Canderous urban fantasy series and the Spellmason Chronicles for Ace Books, a division of Penguin Random House. Anton is also the author of many short tales published in anthologies by DAW Books. His latest book, Incarnate,the third Spellmason Chronicles book, is coming out September 30, 2014.

In his scant spare time, his is a writer, a sometimes actor, sometimes musician, occasional RPGer, and the worlds most casual and controller smashing video gamer. He currently works in the exciting world of publishing and yes, it is as glamorous as it sounds.

He is currently hard at work on his next book and be found lurking the darkened hallways of or talking with your favorite SF&F authors on The Once and Future Podcast (, where he is host and content curator.

Find Anton at:

ARC Review: Bone Deep by Brooklyn Skye

After reading Fragile Line by Brooklyn Skye, I couldn't wait to read more of her work. So I jumped when offered the chance to read and review Bone Deep. As much as I had loved Fragile Line though, I didn't feel the same way about Bone Deep. While Bone Deep was a decent story, it wasn't one that I loved or want to go back and read. This one just didn't offer anything much in the way of new or different and is a story that I thought was predictable.

Krister Ledoux is dealing with the fallout of a horrible tragedy that was committed by his father. His dad caused a horrible train accident that left several people dead and even more injured. Krister has been receiving hate mail and is determined to not only find who is sending the letters, but also do what he can to atone for his father's mistake. But when he ends up meeting a mysterious girl at the train station, he can't help but finally feel alive again. Krister knows that Cambria is dealing with something and is looking for an escape, and he will do whatever it takes to help her the way she has helped him. But Cambria has no idea who Krister is and that his father is the one who killed so many people in the accident. When the truth comes out, Krister and Cambria are left to deal with the fallout from the secrets that they kept from one another. Can they find a way to move forward, or will their secrets have been too painful to recover from?

I liked Krister and Cambria well enough, but I didn't really connect with them. They were younger characters, but I honestly felt like they were pretty immature even for their age group. They were pretty self-centered and didn't really think of anyone else. I especially thought that was true in the case of Krister. I do understand that they had both been through a lot and were young, but I still thought that it was no excuse for some of their actions. Krister had withdrawn from life and his friends and refused to move forward with his life. He felt like because of his dad's actions and the way some people treated him was an excuse to stop working at his internship, stop attending class, and be kind of a jerk to his friends. Cambria pretty much buried her head in the sand and refused to take action where her brother was concerned. She knew he was acting unusual and having problems, and yet she didn't really do anything about it until it got out of hand. I did feel like Cambria and Krister were good together and that they had some really great moments. But I just was left feeling sort of ho hum about them as a couple.

Overall, I thought that this story was mostly enjoyable. The beginning was slow and was a bit confusing at first. It kind of felt as though the reader is dropped into the middle of a story and you are left sort of wondering if you had missed anything. I felt like I was playing catch up trying to figure out what was going on. I also didn't care for the fact that Krister was still fooling around with Jess while things were beginning and going on with Cambria. He didn't want her with anyone else, and yet he was still off and on with his ex. While this story was a good read, it just didn't blow me away and wasn't one that I will remember. I felt like it was similar to other NA stories out there, and that it followed a pretty predictable path. There really wasn't any new ground broken here, but that is okay if that is what you are looking for. I think if you want a quick and easy NA read that you might give this one a shot. But if you are looking for something unique or different, this one might not be for you. I will look for more in the future from Brooklyn Skye, because while I wasn't a huge fan of this story I really like her writing style and loved Fragile Line.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle |

Friday, October 3, 2014

Review: Scorned by S.L. Scott

At this point, I would read absolutely anything by S.L. Scott. Every book of hers that I have read has been one that I loved from start to finish, and she delivers every single time. I have to say that I was really excited for this new serial though. It drew me in with it's intriguing blurb and the sexy covers. But what kept me devouring the pages was this amazing story. After reading part 1, I know that the road ahead isn't an easy one but I can't wait to see how it plays out!

For the past three years, Juliette "Jules" Weston has been trying to move forward and put her life back together after being dumped by the love of her life. She thought that they had everything and that their lives together were filled with love and hope for a future with each other. But then Dylan broke her heart by walking out on their lives together with everything they owned and a lot of harsh words. She relies on her best friend Brandon and her dedication to her job to get her through. But when she suddenly runs into Dylan again after all these years, everything comes rushing back to her. As Jules struggles to stay strong when faced with Dylan back in her life, Dylan sets out to show Jules that there was more to his leaving than it first seemed like. Dylan is determined to break down all the walls that Jules has tried to put in place, but Jules isn't going to make it easy on him. There is also the sweet and wealthy buyer of art that has been trying to get Jules to go out with him for awhile. Can Jules move forward and have another shot at love? And will it be the man she loved in her past Dylan or the new possibility of Austin that gets her to risk her heart again?

Yes this serial contains a love triangle, and with that comes the choosing of sides. As a reader we are able to see so much more than the characters and are able to choose based on having more information and not making the choice with feelings involved. That being said, it is always hard for me to pick just one guy when it comes to a triangle. While I am always very clearly on one side or another, it wouldn't be a believable triangle if both guys weren't worthy! After reading Scorned, I have definitely picked the guy that I believe is best for Juliette. While he is who I am rooting for, I honestly believe that either one of these guys would make Jules happy and would be good for her in different ways. Dylan has her past, and there is a strong history there. They know each other inside and out, and had a connection based on love and chemistry. These two were great together until things went wrong, but at such a young age they were bound to make some mistakes and screw things up. It was easy to see that their feelings for one another never went away, but that they allowed outside influences to affect their relationship. Austin is wealthy and cultured, and shares Juliette's love of art. He has been patient and kind with her, and he is just one of those genuinely good guys. Things are off to a great start with them, and he has all the hope of the future with her. They hit it off right away and have a real shot at being happy together. Jules is still vulnerable and has a lot to get through still before she gets her HEA, but I am looking forward to seeing her journey ahead.

Overall, I thought that this was a great first installment to this serial. Scorned is part one of the four part From The Inside Out serial, and I can't wait to read the next part, Jealousy. This part really drew me in and I absolutely couldn't put it down. I love S.L. Scott's writing style, and she has me anxious to get more of all these characters. This serial is sexy and intriguing, and is shaping up to be my favorite work or hers yet. (Sorry Evan, I still love you!) I can't wait to get more of Dylan, Austin and Jules and I know that regardless of who I hope ends up with Jules, that I will be rooting for all of these characters to find what they are looking for. I definitely recommend anything by S.L. Scott if you haven't read anything by her before, but I am loving where this serial is headed and I think that this one is an absolute must read.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

ARC Review: Stone, At Your Service by Rie Warren

A contemporary romance from Stone’s POV, started off a little iffy for me but quickly picked up and ended all wrapped up in a neat little bow. Typically not a fan of first person or of having it in the guys perspective is what had me hesitant to how much I was going to enjoy this, but the quirky and eclectic characters together with the funny and unfortunate series of events leads to a very enjoyable read. Stone is a great Dad who really stepped up when his wife just up and left. He is a manly man but when it comes to his son he is all mush he even sings Disney princess song for him, such an awww kind of thing. Leelee is also a great character she is so sweet, she just needed to find her back bone. The secondary characters are the hysterical flamboyant wild and crazy authors. Makes you think if they are written from experience or just a gross exaggeration.

Josh Stone puts his son first than a close second the shop his father left him a family legacy that he plans to pass down. It’s also a great place to pick up chicks not that he has gotten serious about anyone since his ex-wife left him. She is only his ex by the luck and sheer determination of his best friend, Nick, who searched high and low for her and made her sign divorce papers. To pay Nick back and just because he is like a brother to him, Stone agrees to pretend to be Nick’s boyfriend. Nick a straight man that has made it big writing romance novels lied to fellow authors to get their nagging to stop, so he lied and told them he was gay and in a relationship. His lie is finally catching up with him and now he needs Stone to pretend he’s the boyfriend for the convention. Stone grudgingly agrees. Of course when you least expect it love smacks you in the face. Leelee Songbird is a rising new star in the romance world and one look at her and Stone is in deep shit. Leelee’s bad break up has left her wary but Stone is charming and he quickly wins her over, if only he wasn’t pretending to be gay it would be so much easier, (but not as fun to read.) The week they are together Stone being gay and Leelee needing a friend they fight off pervie agents and ball busting talent scouts, as well as Stone strutting down the cat walk and both becoming the talk of the romance community. But secrets this big rarely can be kept and after Leelee’s last disaster of a relationship can she trust Stone with her heart?

It was a fun read and I enjoyed this more than the last Rie Warren book I read. The next book in the series is Nick’s story; do I plan on reading it? Maybe, depends on how intriguing the story sounds, especially since it hinted at it at the end of the book.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon |

ARC Review: The Edge of You by Theresa DaLayne

The Edge of You by Theresa DaLayne first grabbed my attention because it sounded so different from all of the NA books I have read. I loved the idea of this story being set in Alaska and the hero working on a fishing boat. As much as the blurb first attracted me to this book, the story itself I had some problems with. I ended up having mixed feelings about this one, and it wasn't what I was expecting or hoping for.

Struggling to keep her once happy family together after a painful loss, Maya moves to Alaska with her parents after her dad gets a job there. Maya had plans to attend a prestigious art school with a full scholarship, but was forced to walk away when she left California. Now she must resign herself to attending the tiny college in Kodiak that is smaller than her high school. In her art class there she meets Jake, and the attraction and chemistry is instant. Maya finds a connection with Jake that is undeniable. But Jake is also struggling with a lot. Jake must balance work, school and providing for his sick mother. Jake is not looking for a relationship, but something about Maya makes him want to get to know her and spend time with her. But as Maya's family continues to get worse, and Jake's mom's condition deteriorates, will they find a way to get through it together?

I liked Jake and Maya, however I felt like I was never really able to connect with them. They were both really good people and they put others first. Maya gave up so much to move with her family and she really tried to help her mother with her drinking. She was a good friend and I liked her with Jake. I thought that they were both able to relate to each other because of everything that they had been through. Jake was such a hard worker. He not only went to school and did what he could to make money, but he sent money to his mom and did everything that he could to help support her. He would have given up everything to help her, and I really admired that. While I did feel the attraction between Jake and Maya, I just never was able to really feel their connection. I thought that they had a lot in common, but it just never really came together for me.

I thought that this story was sweet. It had a lot of great moments and I liked the two main characters. But I did struggle a lot with the parents of these characters. I know that Jake's mom was going through a lot, but I did not understand the reason for her to have not kicked Wayne out. It was ridiculous that she would allow him to treat herself and Jake the way that he did, and I saw no reason for her not to have taken action. I flat out didn't like Maya's mom, and didn't understand her dad at all. While I thought that this story had a lot of potential, I felt like it just didn't deliver. It was hard for me to get into and felt really slow most of the way through. I found my attention wandering and it just didn't really hold my interest. I kept putting it down and there wasn't a lot that made me want to pick it back up. I was hoping for something new and original, but besides the location I felt like this was similar to a lot of other NA books already out there. If you are looking for a sweet NA read you might give this one a chance. But if you are looking for something exciting or new, this might not be the story for you.

**ARC Provided by Bloomsbury**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Guest Post with Cecy Robson and Giveaway

Meet Cecy Robson, author of Once Perfect.

Cecy Robson is the New Adult author of Once Perfect, Once Loved, and Once Pure and the award-winning author of the Weird Girls urban fantasy romance series. A self-proclaimed professional napper, Cecy counts among her talents a jaw-dropping knowledge of useless trivia, the ability to make her hair big, and a knack for breaking into song despite her family’s vehement protests. A full-time writer, registered nurse, wife, and mother living in the Great Northwest, Cecy enjoys spending time with her family and silencing the yappy characters in her head by telling their stories.

Find Cecy at:

Feature and Giveaway: Stone, At Your Service by Rie Warren

Hell on wheels meets hell in high heels.

Bad boy mechanic Josh Stone likes to get his hands dirty any way he can—the filthier, the better. Ever since his wife walked out on him and their young son, he’s only had room in his heart for two loves: the kid and cars.

Roped into playing his best buddy’s gay boyfriend during a romance writers convention, the player meets the girl who’s gonna rock his world. Leelee Songchild. Shy, bashful, beautiful Leelee who blushes at the drop of a hat yet writes hardcore smut to rival Josh’s backlist of Penthouse Forum.

The only problem is his hands are tied. Josh can’t stab his old friend/fake lover in the back even though all he wants to do is take luscious Leelee to bed, and maybe, love her. When the truth comes out, all hell breaks loose.

Too bad romance is just for books.

Purchase: | Amazon |

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Review: Stepbrother Dearest by Penelope Ward

I have been dying to read Stepbrother Dearest since I first heard about it. I couldn't wait to get my hands on this forbidden romance, and I knew I was going to really love it. I can honestly say that I couldn't put this book down. I pretty much read it in one sitting and devoured it because I had to know what would happen and how everything would turn out.

When Greta meets her stepbrother Elec for the first time the attraction she feels to him is instant. However she never expects for him to be such a jerk to her. Now that he will be living with them for her senior year, she is determined to make the best of the situation and tries her hardest to be nice to him. Elec continues to go out of his way to mess with her, but they both can't help but feel a pull to one another. Just when things finally seem to be on the right track between the two of them, Elec is gone again leaving Greta with only her memories of him and the single night they spent together. But years later when tragedy strikes, Elec and Greta are reunited only everything had changed. Elec is no longer the boy she remembered and things between them are more complicated than ever. As Elec and Greta get to know one another again, Greta feared that she will end up heartbroken all over again.
I liked both Greta and Elec. Elec was clearly struggling with a lot and you just knew that there was so much more to him than you could first see. He didn't let others in easily, and once his history was revealed it was clear why. But I loved that Greta was always the one person that got under his skin. She was able to affect him in a way that no one else could, and I loved how he let her in without even making a choice to. Greta was great as well. She loved Elec unconditionally and was always there for him no matter what he would do or how he treated her. While she did come off as a little weak at times, it was easy to see that it was only that way with Elec. She was smart and successful and had a good head on her shoulders. She could have settled at any point with someone who could make her reasonably happy, but she chose to be alone rather than be with someone that wasn't able to give her the love and passion that she had felt with Elec. I really felt how much she cared about Elec, and because of that I didn't feel as though she was a weak character but rather that she just couldn't stop herself from loving Elec regardless of how many times he tried to push her away. What made their physical connection so strong to me was that they also had that emotional bond between them. They connected with each other unlike they could with anyone else, and I think that is what really brought the heat between them.

The reason for this book not being a five star read for me was actually a few things. I thought that this one was going to be quite the taboo romance, but it ended up being something completely different. Not that it was a bad thing, because it wasn't. I enjoyed the story a lot and I really liked the book. It just wasn't what I had been expecting, and I thought that the author tried to make it more taboo than it was by mentioning the fact that they were step-siblings more than was needed. It felt like she was trying to drive the taboo point home, and it didn't really work for me because they hardly lived together or were around one another and didn't feel like siblings at all. Another reason was Elec's relationship with Chelsea. It was hard for me to get over his love for her. He truly loved her and was planning a future with her. He had moved on from Greta in a way that she had never been able to and that bothered me. I felt like his love for Chelsea was a ton, but just not as much as his love for Greta and that just left me feeling a bit unsatisfied with how things went between them. I wanted his love for Greta to stand out and be all consuming rather than his feelings for her were just stronger than for Chelsea. My other big reason for it not being a five star read was because I wanted more of Elec's POV. We were given some of that towards the end of the book, and I thought that it was done in a really clever way. I really enjoyed seeing his thoughts and feelings about everything, and I really wish that it had been done throughout the entire story. But despite those things, I honestly really liked this book. Stepbrother Dearest had me from the very beginning and I was so into this story that I just kept turning the pages until I was finished. I liked how Penelope Ward was able to give us the heat and steam you would expect, but that she also was able to show such an emotional connection and the depth of feelings between these characters. I highly recommend this book, and I can't wait to read more from her in the future.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

ARC Review: A Night of a Thousand Stars by Deanna Raybourn

Deanna Raybourn has been on my to-read list for a long time. When I saw “Night of a Thousand Stars” I jumped at the chance to finally read her! I’m so glad to say that Raybourn did not disappoint! The characters were so fun and loveable. Even the secondary characters were interesting to read about. I expected this to be just romance but it was really a lot more!

The heroine, Poppy Hammond/March was a delightful character. She was just so endearing, funny, complicated and human. When the story begins she is in her wedding dress escaping through a window because she realizes that she wants more out of her life than to just become a Viscounts wife. Despite the prestige and high titled in society, she is not happy or satisfied. Poppy spent most of her life floating from one project/finance/ school to another. Although she knows that her decision to leave her fiancé at the alter will make her an outcast in society and a deep disappointment to her family she knows that she cannot marry.

Sebastian Cantrip/Fox is there to help Poppy escape. She believes him to be a vicar and he does not correct her. Sebastian can’t help but rescue Poppy and drives her to her father’s home. There are many parts to Sebastian and for the first half of the book he remains a mystery to be solved. He is also seeking adventure. Poppy is looking for adventure and when she seeks Sebastian to thank him for his help she is intrigued by him and her search takes her on an unexpected journey.

I loved both Sebastian and Poppy. Individually and together they were really enjoyable. When Poppy arrives in Damascus she has no idea just how much adventure is in store for her. Rayburn was able to balance the romance and mystery and the development of the characters. It was easy to like and root for Poppy as she searched for herself in the mist of all this. The dialogue is so funny and witty. One of my personal favorite lines was said by her father when Poppy escaped her wedding and everyone gathers at his house, pragmatically he asks “perhaps you could send down some clothes for her if you think about it. She can’t totter about like Miss Havisham in her wedding finery.” There are so many cleaver and funny lines I found myself highlighting many aspects of the book. Overall, I absolutely loved this book. It was funny, deep, romantic. I plan to read a lot more Rayburn. These characters will stay with me!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Anne Marsh and Giveaway

Meet Anne Marsh, author of Wicked Nights.

I live in Northern California with my husband, two kids and six cats. After ten years of graduate school and too many degrees, I escaped to become a technical writer. When not planted firmly in front of the laptop translating Engineer into English, I enjoy gardening, running (even if it’s just to the 7-11 for slurpees), and reading books curled up with my kids. The best part of writing romance, however, is finally being able to answer the question: “So… what do you do with a PhD in Slavic Languages and Literatures?”

Find Anne at:

Interview with Author Sarina Bowen and Giveaway

Sarina Bowen makes her home in the Green Mountains of Vermont, where she lives with her family, eight chickens and a large pile of skis and hockey equipment. She is a graduate of Yale University.

Find Sarina at:
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Upcoming Event: Fall into Romance

Get ready for another exciting blog event! Starting October 12th, the authors from Entangled's Bliss line are taking over RFTC with the Fall into Romance Event. Each day a different Bliss author will stop by and share stories about how they "fell" into romance. You definitely don't want to miss it.

The event will run from October 12 - 25, 2014.

With appearances by:

Don’t miss out on the fun! Mark your calendars and see you there!

ARC Review: Dylan by S.L. Scott

Dylan is the third part of S.L. Scott's From the Inside Out series, and takes place after Scorned and Jealousy. This should only be read after you have read the previous two books. I love the idea of this series and how S.L. Scott has given us two different endings. You can choose your side whether you are Austin or Dylan and read either of them or both. For me, despite me having a clear choice of who I believe is best for Jules I have to read both stories to see what happens! I have this need to see not only every possibility, but also how S.L. Scott weaves these stories together and how things play out. I highly recommend this series, and anything by S.L. Scott as I love her writing style and everything that I have read by her.

Four Years ago, Dylan made the biggest mistake of his life when he left Juliette. He had been tempted by a woman who offered him money and power and the promise of a successful future. But having lived the last several years without Juliette by his side, he realized that she meant more than any of that ever could and he is determined to get her back. Jules has now started to move on though and has been seeing Austin. Dylan refuses to give up easily though and will do whatever it takes to show Jules that he is the guy for her. It won't be easy to earn back her trust and get her to take another chance on a relationship with Dylan, but he won't let anything stop him from winning back his girl.

I really can't say much about this installment without giving anything away other than it was brilliant. I loved every bit of it , and I really enjoyed getting to see more of Dylan. I thought that this installment did a great job of letting us see who he was and who he had become, and it showed just how much he realized he had screwed up. It was good to see him committed to showing Jules what he felt for her was real and how much he wanted to make things right. He felt like they were meant to be together and I thought that it was really clear how much he believed that with all his heart. While I can't say how things end, I will tell you that I loved getting to know Dylan better and really getting to understand his character more. If you are a Dylan fan from the previous two installments, you definitely will not want to miss out on this one! If you weren't a Dylan fan before, I think you should still read this one because it really allows you to see him in a completely different light. I can't say enough about this series and why you should read it, but trust me you will not be disappointed by picking these up!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

ARC Review: Inevitable Detour by S.R. Grey

Inevitable Detour is the first book in S.R. Grey's Inevitable Duology. The second part, Inevitable Circumstances is said to be coming in the spring of 2015. I was hoping when I started this one that even though it was part one that part two would be about interconnected characters, but that is not the case. Inevitable Detour does end with a cliffhanger, and will continue the story in the next part. While I knew going into this one that there could be that chance, I really wanted to read this one because it sounded good and because I have read some of S.R. Grey's other books and I really loved them. I enjoy her writing style, and couldn't wait to get more of her stories.

Essalin Brant has always lived according to what her parents want her to do. She goes to college in a small town and studies what they want her to. The bright spot in everything is her best friend and roommate Haven. Essalin longs to spend the summer in NYC with Haven and finally meet her older brother Farren, who she has been fantasizing about since the first time she saw his picture. Her parents have told her she can't go and must spend the summer taking classes that she doesn't need at her small college. But when Haven goes missing and Farren shows up at her apartment, Essalin decides it is finally time to do something other than what her parents want. She is determined to help Farren find Haven, and sets out on a trip across country with him. As Essalin begins to learn more about what happened to Haven, she also begins to get to know Farren and things between them quickly begin to change between them. Farren tells her that he can make no promises, but Essalin is open to whatever she can get from him and is determined to finally start living her own life for once. 

I really liked both Essalin and Farren. Essalin comes off a bit weak at first because of how she lets her parents essentially run her life for her, but as the story progressed I really liked how she grew and changed. Once she had made the decision to live her life, she was a completely different person. She was stronger, and I loved her loyalty to Haven. She knew going in that it could be dangerous, but she was so dedicated to helping find her. I thought that Farren was really great for her as well, and I think that he was able to help her bring out a whole other side that she hadn't before. Farren was sweet and patient with Essa, and I thought that he was great for taking things slowly with her. He did really nice things for her, and I loved watching them get to know one another. These two just fit together, and it was clear that their mutual attraction had grown into so much more. Their connection was natural and undeniable, and I loved how real and believable they were.

I will say that it took me awhile to get into this story. I am not sure why, but when I was first beginning it just wasn't holding my attention. I thought it was slow and I got worried about whether or not I would be able to finish let alone like it. But then it suddenly changed and picked up. Once it did, I could not put this book down! I am so glad that I stuck with it, because I really loved Essa and Farren. This book really did a great job of perpetuating a believable suspense plot while also giving the reader the growing romance between Essa and Farren. I felt like S.R. Grey did well keeping you interested in what was going on with Haven and her abduction, but also the feelings and emotional bond developing between Essa and Farren. It was a great balance, and I thought that it was really well done. I honestly can't wait to see what happens next and how everything turns out. This story is far from over, and I for one can't wait to get my hands on the next book. If you are a fan of romantic suspense, I would highly recommend giving this one a shot!

**ARC Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

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