
Friday, January 12, 2018

ARC Review: Hot Shot by Karina Halle

Karina Halle is one of my favorite authors, and her North Ridge series is at the top of my favorites list so I couldn't wait to finally get Del and Fox's story. This book had a bit of a different feel from the previous two books, but I couldn't get enough of these two. When all was said and done, I wasn't ready to let this group of characters go and I know these will be books I go back and read again in the future. 

Delilah has been in love with her best friend Fox Nelson her entire life, but while all their friends and family know it, Fox doesn't. Delilah prefers to pretend they are just friends and that her feelings don't exist so as not to ruin their friendship and risk losing him forever. Fox has his own secrets though, and while to the world he appears brave, on the inside he is anything but. He knows that Del is the only one that has the ability to quiet the fire that burns inside him. When things between them start to change though, both begin to worry about what that means for their future, especially when Delilah holds another secret that will forever change their lives. 

I loved these two throughout the entire series, and their relationship was the one I wanted most. I love a good friends to lovers romance, and these two had so much going on between them even if nothing had ever happened. I felt for both of them, as they each had secrets and struggles that others were unaware of or unable to do anything about. I will admit that Fox drove me a bit nuts at times here though. He clearly felt something for Delilah and yet he was in denial about it for so long, hurting Delilah without meaning to or really knowing he was doing it. I just kept waiting for him to figure things out and I was glad that ultimately he did, righting more than one part of his life in the process. These two had so much chemistry and were super hot together, which made their unique and undeniable connection that much more special. 

Overall, I was so glad that Karina did these two justice, even if their journey was anything but easy. I felt so much for each of them, and I couldn't put this book down because I had to see how things would play out for Del and Fox. This series is definitely one of my favorites, and not just of Karina's books. I love the characters and this world she built and I am sad to say goodbye. It was a great ending to the series though, and I will have to go back and visit these characters again in the future. I recommend this book and series if you are a contemporary romance fan, and especially if you are a fan of Karina's. Can't wait to see what she writes next!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Can't Beat eBook Steals and Deals

Check out these eBook steals and deals that we've found.

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We hope you found some great books to fill your eReaders with. =)

ARC Review: Crazy Sexy Notion by Sarah Darllington

I have read and enjoyed books by Sarah Darlington before, but I was really intrigued with Crazy Sexy Notion after reading the blurb. I enjoyed this one quite a bit and I think a lot of readers will as well. While the circumstances weren't the most realistic here, I was able to enjoy the story for what it was and luckily the subject matter didn't drag the story down for me. 

After a series of bad relationships and one terrible break up and the feeling that he can never commit to one woman, Mick gets the idea to look his childhood friend Raven up. They were inseparable and he always looked out for her when they were kids, until his dad showed up and took him away from the trailer park he lived in with his mother. But Raven was left behind, and they went years without speaking. When Mick finds Raven years later though, she is a single mother and works as a prostitute to make ends meet. 

I will admit that both of these characters took a bit for me to warm up to. While I was interested in each of them as individuals and what could possibly be between them, they each had parts to them that weren't easy to relate to at first. Mick was a cheater and had no problem admitting that, and while that isn't excusable, it was clear that he didn't have a connection with any of the girls he had been with and that was because of what was always between him and Raven. Raven was hardened and a bit cold at first, blaming Mick for leaving her and her reluctance to forgive him was somewhat understandable. But he was only 10 and had no choice and it was hard for me to be okay with how she acted at times considering that Mick hadn't ever wanted to leave her even though he did go with his dad. He never forgot about her and there was nothing he could have done differently besides stay in a bad situation, though it ultimately wouldn't have even been his choice because of his age. I was glad that their connection was still there though and that Mick went back and found her. 

Overall, this was a good story and despite the fact that this could have been a heavy story, it wasn't. I was able to enjoy it and grow to like the characters as they progressed throughout this story. Sarah Darlington has yet to disappoint me and I look forward to more from her in the future. I recommend giving Crazy Sexy Notion a try if you are a contemporary fan and looking for something a bit different.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | 

Monday, January 8, 2018

A Naughty New Year with Elizabeth Otto

Elizabeth Otto is the writer of emotional contemporary romance, and sassy paranormal romance, who never feels bad about making her readers cry. She enjoys pushing the boundaries of real-life experiences and deepest fantasies to create stories that live long after the last page is read. She lives in  the deep Midwest, with her children and an always-changing menagerie of pets, including a one-legged hen named Jeff.

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Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Historical Christmas Eve Event Winners

There are many winners to announce but before we do so, we just wanted to take the time and say a SUPER BIG THANK YOU to each and every author that participated in the Historical Christmas Event. We loved each and every scene you all created and this event would be nothing without you. Thank you so very much. =)

Now, on to the winners!

ARC Review: King of Code by CD Reiss

I love CD Reiss. I mean love love love her. You have to read some of my other Reiss reviews to really get a feel for how serious I'm being. I started reading Reiss with Songs of Submission. I gobbled up Jon and Monica's story including Coda and the follow up. I then went on to read the other books about the Drazen siblings and loved every single one on a level that is hard to describe. And I know you're all 'what about King of Code?' but give me a minute because I feel like this background is important. I love the hard core erotic action/romance Reiss and it's very difficult for me to say anything negative about her writing. Part of me feels like, if you give the world the kind of brilliance Reiss delivered with her Drazen novels and OMG The Marriage Games duet, you get a pass forever. So all that being said, it's kind of difficult to write this review of King of Code and you need to know that it's probably a more generous representation of my feelings than I would normally give. So here it goes. 

I did not like the characters in King of Code. I really really didn't like them and that made this book a struggle. Taylor is an egotistical, sexist know-it-all who doesn't really know much. He's built some indestructible code that's going to change the whole entire world and is totally unhackable until it gets hacked to pieces. Taylor follows clues left by the hacker to some small town trying to figure out the hack and close it off. In small town USA he finds Harper. From the beginning of the book Taylor's sexism is so front and center that it's actually a bit much. Harper pops up everywhere when Taylor arrives in town. She mysteriously knows every convenient answer and is around to give Taylor a ride when his car breaks down but Taylor never suspects she is the hacker because girls don't know computers. Whatever. And then there is Harper who is as you know from the synopsis the hacker. Harper is truly crazy. I know it's supposed to be the appealing sort of crazy but I was not amused. I wanted to punch Harper. Harper lies about absolutely everything. I won't spoil anything but I will tell you Harper is what my mom called a "lying wonder." Like she lied so much it was wondrous. 

The entirety of the book (well at least 70%) is Taylor trying to figure out why Harper wanted him to come to Barrington and how he can get his code back. Harper sets up this series of task for Harper to perform and gives him his stuff back piece by piece as he performs. I'm not even going to get into what the tasks are because just, no. But I will tell you that I was infuriated by Harper leading Taylor around by the nose. I was pissed at Taylor for being so awesomely weak. Taylor is portrayed as a tech guy who can't fight. He basically out snarks his opponents and f-cks their girlfriends, his words, not mine. I don't like that at all. I'm sorry but give me my alpha men with the short fuses who will go to war for their women. I don't want some weak guy who lets a woman completely manipulate him and then out of the friggin blue falls in love with her. 

In my opinion (and in the actual book) Harper just destroys Taylor s life and Taylor gets on his knees and worships her for it. I honestly did not understand the connection between these two characters. It's like they bond over the rubble of Taylor's existence and I was just like, huh? The book is told in Taylor's POV so I really had no idea what the hell was going on in Harper's head, I just knew I wanted to smack her. For as weak as Taylor was, Harper was indecisive and unstable and kinda friggin immature. 

And I know this review is long but let's talk about the Barrington story line for a second. I appreciate Reiss' efforts to highlight the plight of many places in the U.S. that have been hit hard by automation and globalization. Hell, I'm from Michigan. I've seen first hand in painful detail, the story Reiss is trying to tell. My problem is totally selfish. I don't want to read about it in a romance novel. At least I don't want to read a novel where that is the focus in the way it was in this book. I want to get away from reality, not be immersed in it for several hours. This is totally subjective but that's how I feel. I just didn't like the stark portrayal of Barrington or Silicone Valley. I know there were some important nuances but the whole book was so frustrating for me, I just couldn't get there.

In summary, I love CD Reiss. I can find no fault in her writing style or storytelling. However, I hated weak Taylor and neurotic Harper and I did not enjoy reading about them. That's all I got.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | 

A Naughty New Year with Renee Dominick

Renee Dominick is the spicy-side alter ego of a Seattle area writer. At home in the quiet of the woods, the energetic whirl of a vibrant city, and in a mountain’s bowls and moguls when the snow calls, her travels, both real and imaginary, inspire all of her stories.

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