
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from last week.

Prize Pack from Marie Force

Dirty Little Secret + Naughty Little Christmas by Ella Sheridan

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Guest Post with Author Karen Swan and Giveaway

Karen Swan began her career in fashion journalism before giving it all up to raise her three children and an ADHD puppy, and to pursue her ambition of becoming a writer. She lives in the forest in Sussex, writing her books in a treehouse overlooking the Downs. Her first novel, Players, was published in 2010, followed by Prima Donna and Christmas at Tiffany's in 2011.

Find Karen at:

Feature and Giveaway: Wild by Sophie Jordan

A good girl goes fabulously bad in the final book in New York Times bestselling author Sophie Jordan’s sexy New Adult romance series, in which three Ivy League suite-mates seek higher knowledge of just how far they can go.

Months after her boyfriend dumped her, Georgia can still hear the insults he hurled at her. Boring. Predictable. Tame. Tired of feeling bad, she’s ready to change her image, and go a little wild. What better way to prove her ex wrong than a hot night of sexual adventure at the secret campus kink club?

In the shadowy den of the kink club, she unexpectedly runs into Logan Mulvaney, her friend’s little brother. A player extraordinaire too hot for his own good, he may be younger, but the guy is light years ahead when it comes to sexual experience. Now he’s telling her to go home—“good girls” don’t belong here!

Georgia is tired of having others define her. She’s going to teach Logan a lesson he won’t forget—one white hot, mind-wrecking kiss . . . that leads to another . . . and another . . . and. . . . Realizing she’s way in over her head, Georgia runs.

Only Logan won’t let her go. Everywhere she goes he’s there, making her want every inch of him. Making her forget who she is. Who he is. And just how wrong they are for each other.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Friday, November 14, 2014

ARC Review: He's No Prince Charming by Elle Daniels

I really enjoyed this one. It's been awhile since I've picked up a historical novel and when I came across an excerpt for this book, I was hooked. I immediately picked up a copy and began reading. I loved it! It embodied everything that I love in a historical- sexual tension, brooding hero and a happy ending.

I loved the chemistry between Marcus and Danielle. The sparks between these two were instant and I quickly found myself turning the pages in anticipation of when these two would finally succumb to their attraction. And believe me, when they do come together, it's explosive!

Marcus was everything that I love in a broody hero. I just wanted to give him a hug and let him know that things would be alright. He's both physically and emotionally scarred from a traumatic childhood and at times my heart just broke for him. He doesn't think he's worthy of anyone else's love and has closed himself off from everyone. All he wants to do is save his sister from a disastrous marriage and he'll do whatever he must to do so.

As for Danielle, I really liked the way she was with Marcus. I will admit that there were times that she kind of annoyed me because she wasn't honest with him and that would have saved them both some heartache and frustration but overall I really liked her. One thing that I liked most about her (besides her name, LOL) is that she truly sees Marcus for the man he is. She's not superficial and she truly does come to love and care for Marcus.

As I said before, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read more from Elle Daniels. This was a terrific debut that I just couldn't put down and it left me itching for more.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Review: Nice Girl To Love: The Complete Collection by Violet Duke

Nice Girl to Love: The Complete Collection by Violet Duke contains the first three novels in the series that feature Abby. This collection contains Resisting the Bad Boy (#1), Falling For the Good Guy (#2) and Choosing the Right Man (#3). I really enjoyed reading each of these books, and it was so nice to have them all at the same time as a part of a set. I couldn't wait to read the next book after both the first and second stories, so it was really great to have them all bundled together. I am really enjoying this series and I can't wait to read more in this series about the other characters.

In the first book, Abby is working on completing her PhD all while helping her best friend Brian care for his daughter. Brian lost his wife when their daughter was a baby and has been leaning on his brother Connor and Abby ever since. Abby is looking for something to shake up her nice girl world, and Connor offers himself as exactly what she needs to do it. Connor never does anything more than one month with a girl, so it seems like the perfect way for her to get what she is looking for. But soon they are both starting to feel more than they expected, and they both begin to wonder if there is something more between them. In the second book, Brian begins to realize that his feelings for Abby go beyond friendship. He is finally ready to move past losing his wife, and he knows that what is between him and Abby could be so much more. Abby has never allowed herself to view him as anything other than a friend though, and isn't sure if they are just friends or could be more. In the third book, Abby must make her choice between her best friend that she is comfortable with and has a familiar relationship to build on and the former bad boy looking to start a life with her.

I liked Connor a lot. I thought that he was great. He was honest and up front with Abby, and he just seemed to be genuine. He was so good for Abby, and I liked the way he got her to loosen up and have some adventure in her life. She was good for him as well, and I liked that they were able to banter back and forth so easily. Things were just so natural between them. They were both smart and witty, and I enjoyed seeing the tension between them give way to the passion that they both felt. Abby was so easy to like. She was normal and down-to-earth and I liked that she wasn't into a bunch of drama like so many of the heroines you see in contemporaries. She was great with Connor and I thought that they fit together perfectly. While I liked Brian a lot and I felt for him after everything he had been through, I never thought that he was the man for Abby. What they had was comfortable and familiar, but it was also friendly. They were great friends and had always been there for each other for support and to lean on, but I just never felt anything but a friends vibe between these two. I didn't feel like they had the passion or chemistry that Abby and Connor did. Connor and Abby had it all in my opinion, and the emotional connection as well as the chemistry is what made them perfect for one another to me.

Overall, I really enjoyed these stories. They were short and light reads, and I found myself getting lost in the story. I loved the characters and thought that they were all so real and believable. These books were ones that were so easy to just relax with, and I found myself really liking Violet Duke's writing style. I thought that she did a great job telling the story and showing depth with each character. I won't say how things turned out and spoil it, but I am looking forward to the next book in the series now that I know who Abby chose. I can't wait to see what else she has in store for this series, and I definitely recommend this one to those who enjoy contemporary romance books. I think this series is one that readers will enjoy and that they will find the characters easy to relate to.

**Review Copy Provided by Between the Sheets Promotions**

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Guest Post with Author Jessica Scott and Giveaway

Jessica Scott is a career army officer, mother of two daughters, three cats and three dogs, wife to a career NCO and wrangler of all things stuffed and fluffy. She is a terrible cook and even worse housekeeper, but she's a pretty good shot with her assigned weapon and someone liked some of the stuff she wrote. Somehow, her children are pretty well adjusted and her husband still loves her, despite burned water and a messy house.

She's written for the New York Times At War Blog, PBS Point of View Regarding War, and IAVA. She deployed to Iraq in 2009 as part of OIF/New Dawn and has served as a company commander at Fort Hood, Texas.

She's pursuing a PhD in Sociology in her spare time and most recently, she's been featured as one of Esquire Magazine's Americans of the Year for 2012.

Places to find Jessica:

Feature and Giveaway: French Kiss Series by Gwen Jones

Andy Devine is advertising for a wife on a utility pole, and interviewing him is the last thing TV reporter Julie Knott needs. Especially after her cheating fiancé just tweeted their disengagement. Now she has got to choose: get the story—or become it?

Wanted: Wife

Landed, Financially Secure 40-Yr-Old Male
* Handsome, but with old-school communication skills and a secret past *

Seeks Healthy, Athletic Female
* Preferably a pretty reporter with a messy love life who has never spent a day in the woods *

For Marriage and Family
* What could possibly go wrong? *

If you love the humor and romance of Rachel Gibson and Susan Elizabeth Phillips, don't miss the fabulous debut of Gwen Jones!

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Thursday, November 13, 2014

ARC Review: The Wedding Hoax by Heather Thurmeier

A girl always dreams about that one guy that got away. The Wedding Hoax by Heather Thurmeier turns that classic fantasy into a fun and entertaining story.

I loved how Daisy and Cole were first brought back together in the coffee shop. I couldn't help but find them so adorable as they spoke after the spilled coffee. I was a little worried about how things would work out after I heard the arrangement. The marketing plot to benefit both their professional careers was a great publicity stunt but I'm not sure there is any woman out there who would put themselves in that kind of position with someone who had broken her heart. Also, I wasn't sure how believable the story would be to sell to the people since Cole had a reputation of hooking up with a lot of women. On the other hand, I guess there's also that fantasy of being the girl that finally gets the uncontrollable bachelor to settle down. In the end though, I loved how Daisy was such a hard working and caring person and I loved Cole's focus and determination. It made for that celebrity power couple that you always find yourself rooting for.

The Wedding Hoax was a very enjoyable story from start to finish. The way the characters were drawn to each other was undeniable and in the end made this second chance love story very charming. I'm looking forward to reading more from Heather Thurmeier in the future, hoping I can get just a little more provocative and enticing read.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: The Affair by Beth Kery

The Affair is an eight part serial by Beth Kery. I was lucky enough to get the entire serial at one time to read, rather than have to wait for each installment. Serials have been huge lately, and I will admit that I am not the most patient of people. So for me, I was glad to have them all available at one time. If you have been holding off on this one until they were all released though, you are in luck because Week 8 is the conclusion of Emma and Montand's story.

Emma Shore first meets the handsome Michael Montand when she begins working at his mansion helping to care for his sick stepmother. Emma is shocked by things that she witnesses, but can't help but find herself drawn to him. She is afraid of what she sees, but yet she also finds herself wanting to open herself up to the possibilities that Montand offers her. Montand knows that he can only offer a woman sex, but for the first time he begins to want more with Emma. She agrees to see where things between them will go, but she will determine the length of time their affair will go on. They compromise on five weeks, and things between them start to get complicated. As both Montand and Emma find themselves developing deep feelings for one another, there are truths and secrets revealed leaving them both to wonder what the future holds. Can they possibly have something together beyond the agreed upon five weeks, or will there be too many things standing in the way of them being together?

I liked Montand a lot. He was sexy and mysterious, and I loved getting to see as each of his layers was revealed. He had moments when he was so sweet and caring, but then he was also protective and alpha. He had been through so much, and you could really see the effect it had on him. I loved seeing him show Emma that she was more than she ever thought, and he never let her get away with thinking that she wasn't good enough or pretty enough. He was exactly what she needed, and I liked how encouraging he was. Emma was the same for Montand. She showed him how to loosen up and what it was like to really live. Because of everything that he had been through he was often serious and seemed stoic. But she was able to bring out another side to him, and I liked seeing how perfect these two were for each other. I thought that they were really hot together, and I loved how Montand was patient with Emma and eased her into his lifestyle and what he wanted from her. But these two had such a strong emotional connection, and I really enjoyed seeing that develop between them the most of all.

Overall, I am so glad that I was able to read all of these parts without waiting in between. I really think that if I had been forced to wait in between installments that I wouldn't have enjoyed the story as much. We really got to see both Emma and Montand grow and change over the course of The Affair, and I think it wouldn't have been as noticeable had I read these separately. I liked the characters a lot though, and I felt like this story was unique and different. The characters were deep and I really felt like they were real. I highly recommend this one, and I think that fans of romance will really enjoy this story. It has everything I look for in a good romance, and I enjoyed the steamy parts just as much as the emotional ones. I look forward to more from Beth Kery in the future.

**ARC Provided by Penguin Group Berkley/Signet**

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Interview with Author Beth Kery and Giveaway

Meet Beth Kery, author of The Affair.

Beth Kery lives in Chicago where she juggles the demands of her career, her love of the city and the arts, and a busy family life. Her writing today reflects her passion for all of the above. She is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Because You Are Mine.

Places to find Beth:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Feature and Giveaway: Alanna by Kathleen Bittner Roth

Wolf caught the faint scent of cinnabar and roses.

The girl turned her head and stared boldly at him, her cool demeanor at odds with the fire in her look. And then her lips parted, as if she needed more air. A punch of lust hit Wolf’s groin.

There was pure sin in his startling blue eyes.

The moment hung suspended between them, and then expanded as his feral gaze held hers. Stranger? Not to Alanna. He went by the name of Wolf, and he was a legend in these parts, known from San Francisco to Boston as a relentless tracker of lost persons. His quest to find his mother's killer would lead him to Alanna...and his destiny.

In his arms, she would never be lost again…

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

ARC Review: A Hope and a Chance by Jennifer Foor

A Hope and a Chance is the first book that I have ever read by Jennifer Foor, and I really enjoyed it! This definitely will not be the last book I read of hers, and I can't believe that I had never read anything by her before. I really liked the characters and I enjoyed Jennifer Foor's writing style a lot. 

Hope is struggling with everything in her life being turned upside down. Her father has returned to town with his young girlfriend and has reached out to her. But things get off on the right foot, and Hope finds herself needing to get out. She ends up meeting Chance, her father's girlfriend's brother and he rescues her from a bad situation. Soon they meet again, and the sparks continue to fly between them. They know that their situation is complicated, but no matter how hard they try they can't fight what is between them. But they both know that no one can find out about them, or it will ruin things before they ever really start. Can Hope and Chance find a way to make things work until the obstacles standing in their way are finally removed?

I liked Hope and Chance. They were both great characters and I loved how normal they were. They were easy to like and root for, and you could tell that their feelings were deep and true. I loved the attraction and chemistry between them, and it was clear right from the start. But I also loved the undeniable emotional connection that these two had. They really understood each other and were so supportive and encouraging. They were always there for one another, and the love they shared was so believable. Hope really needed someone after everything that she had been through, and Chance was perfect for her. But Hope was also so great with Chance, and she never once doubted him even after he told her everything that he had been running from. She was always right there by his side and would do whatever it took to show others what a great guy he was.

I really enjoyed seeing these two work through everything that came their way, and the one thing that never changed was their devotion to the other. There was a ton of drama surrounding them, but their feelings and commitment never wavered. I will say that this book felt a bit slow at times, and was a bit long. But I really loved these two, so I found myself staying interested enough to keep reading through those parts. I wish that we would have been given a bit more of their relationship after everything happened at the end of the book, and see a little more of their future together. But the author did mention a novella coming featuring these two, so I am hoping to get more of their HEA in that. I definitely recommend this book if you are a new adult fan. I think these characters are easy to relate to and I think a lot of readers will really enjoy their story.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

ARC Review: Not Until You by Roni Loren

Not Until You was originally released as a serial that consisted of eight parts, but has recently been released as a full length novel. This book is a part of the Loving on the Edge series, but can easily be read as a standalone. Fans of the series will enjoy seeing Jace, Andre, and Evan as this one is about Andre's sister Cela. I really love this series and would suggest reading all of the books in the series, but it is not necessary to enjoy this book.

Cela has always had a strict life plan that she has followed, and is known to be the good girl. But when she graduates from college, she decides to live out a few things she has fantasized about before returning to her hometown. Cela has watched her hot neighbors for the entire time that she has been living in her apartment, but when they offer her a night out she finally decides to do something about that attraction she has felt. While Cela decides to have fun for a night with Pike and Foster, she has always felt a pull to Foster unlike any she has felt before. Foster has dreamed about Cela, but he knows that his lifestyle is more than the good girl next door can handle. But after their steamy night together, both begin to think about taking their one night and turning it into more. As Foster draws Cela into his world, they both begin to question if Cela is cut out for the life that Foster leads.

I loved Foster. He was sexy and sweet, and really protective. He was always looking out for Cela, and even tried to keep her away because he thought that she deserved a better lifestyle than the one he could offer her. But he was patient and kind with her, and I love how he eased her into things. Foster was exactly what you look for in a book boyfriend, and I really loved that he was looking for a commitment. He wasn't afraid of a future with someone, he was really looking for someone that he could build a life with. Cela was great as well. She was sweet and innocent, but she also had this completely feisty side to her that had been unexplored before Foster. He was able to show her all the sides to herself that even she hadn't know existed, and I enjoyed seeing him bring her out of her shell. She had been raised to feel ashamed of certain things, and I loved how supportive and encouraging Foster was with her. He showed her that it was okay to be herself and to enjoy what she did without feeling guilt or shame. Cela and Foster had such a strong connection, and I really felt like these two were made for one another. They were super hot together, but they also just fit one another.

Overall, this was a great addition to the series. It was great to see previous characters and to get to know some new ones as well. I love Roni Loren's writing style, and I love the heat that she always brings with her stories. I did feel as though this one had some portions that were a bit slow and seemed to drag. At points I wanted to skim ahead, but they were pretty few and far between. I loved Cela and Foster and seeing how their relationship formed. I have to say that I also really loved Pike. He was such a great character, and I loved his personality so much. I honestly can't wait for more in this series. Roni Loren never disappoints, and this series is an absolute must read for me. I highly recommend picking this one up or any of the books in this series if you are looking for a sexy read with great characters.

**ARC Provided by Penguin Group Berkley/Signet**

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Guest Post with Author Roni Loren and Giveaway

Meet Roni Loren, author of Not Until You.

Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her reading, watching reality television, or indulging in her unhealthy addiction to rockstars, er, rock concerts. Yeah, that's it. She is the National Bestselling Author of The Loving on the Edge series from Berkley Heat.

Places to find Roni:
Site Blog | Facebook Twitter Tumblr |

ARC Review: By Winter's Light by Stephanie Laurens

Stephen Laurens is one of those authors that’s been on my to-read list for a while. The story “By Winter’s Light” really grabbed my attention. The hero, Daniel is a tutor to the Cynster family. The many members in the Cynster family had their stories in previous books. This is a pretty big series since this is the 21st book in the series.

This was a cute holiday story. Daniel is moving on from his position as tutor. Now that he will have a good salary and pension to live off of he is ready to take a wife and move onto the next part of his life. The person he has his mind set on is Claire. Claire is the governess to the siblings in the Cynster family.

Claire is widowed and enjoys her life as a governess. She and Daniel always meet together at family gatherings although they don’t have a very profound connection. They seemed to just interact together because of their respective positions.

This was a cute story but not too much happened. The story mostly centered on the young children and the many family members in the Cynster family. The children are constantly getting into mischief, need rescuing or looking after. Since I have not read any of the books in the series none of the other characters stood out for me. I put the book down a couple of times because many of the events that take place seem like fillers for Daniel and Claire.
Claire can sense that Daniel is interested in her and when he finally works up the courage to propose to her she says no. Which, honestly, makes perfect sense because they don’t really know each other. Also Daniel doesn’t seem too heartbroken by her rejection. He simply thinks that she needs more time and he is willing to be patient.

Overall, this was a cute story. At times I did lose interest in it but I still wanted Daniel and Claire to have a happily-ever-after. Fans of the Cynster family will really enjoy this story and it makes for a good holiday read since it takes place during the holiday season.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Audiobook Review: Reaper's Stand by Joanna Wylde, Narrated by Tatiana Sokolov and Sean Crisden

Two Words: Wow and amazing! I can’t even begin with this story! Joanna Wylde is a ridiculous storyteller! First! Wow! I usually stay away from books with a lot of vulgarity but I might make an exception for Joanna Wylde. I thought, ok I’m going to read a romantic story! I obviously had no idea!

I know that this is the fourth book in the Reapers MC series. Never heard of this series before so I had no idea what to expect. Let’s just say that after this audiobook I checked out every single one in the Reapers series!

Let’s start with our “hero.” Reese “Picnic” Hayes. Reese was so complex. He was such a jerk at times that I couldn’t stomach him and then he was also the voice of reason. Reese is the president of the Reapers Motorcycle club. Reese is a really tough guy. He is vulgar and a womanizer. He is “involved” with a woman in practically every scene. It’s hard to imagine that this vulgar, womanizing man would be loyal and protective to those around him without any limits. He never let his loved ones down and he was very vulnerable, which was completely unexpected.

London Armstrong was just like her name. She was one tough lady! London is the exact opposite of Reese. She is a quiet, hard-working, humble woman. She is just working to take care of her cousin’s daughter that is her ward-Jessica. Jessica is a mess and she kept going from one terrible situation to the next. There were times when I was screaming at London to give up on her!

One night London gets a call that Jessica is in trouble and that she is at the Reaper’s Club. London rushes over and needs Reese’s help. From that moment forward they can’t stay out of each other’s way. So granted, Reese and London had AMAZING chemistry. Their differences really made for great chemistry. They also had the funniest and wittiest conversations! I caught myself laughing continually with them! If this were a book instead of an audio, I would have had chunks of their conversations highlighted.

So yes, I knew Reese and London were a great couple BUT I did not anticipate the rest: cutoff fingers, houses blowing up, drug cartels, hostages. I was on the edge of my seat continuously. This was a none-stop- action book. The characters were all so fascinating. I’m reading all the previous books in the series. To hook us even further, the author gave us a glimpse to some of the stories that are coming up: Painter and Melanie and Jess and her mystery man. I’m hooked!

The narrators were fantastic! They really added to the story and both narrated the characters perfectly. Their witty scenes really made for interesting audio!

**Audiobook Provided by Tantor Audio**

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

ARC Review: Her Wicked Captain by Sandra Jones

I have heard many great things about Sandra Jones from many people, including my own mother and grandmother. From what I understand, she is right up there with Nora Roberts, which is impressive! I have no doubt that this is true, especially after having the privilege of reading Her Wicked Captain. This novel was very well written, and there was not one emotion unexperienced by myself during the reading process. The story itself was unique to me, seeing as I haven’t had much experience with pirates until now. Furthermore, I truly loved the characters, which is of upmost importance.

Philadelphia (Del) Samuels is a seer thanks to inheriting her late mother Eleanor’s gift of insight and intuition. She is tough as nails, smart,fiery, and beautiful; so many great characteristics. She is currently an orphan living with her Aunt Ida and Uncle Reuben, living in a life of squalor, with no future to look forward too. However, she has a dream of teaching and is using her sharp wit to find a way out of the hell she has been raised in. When Captain Rory Campbell finds her in Posey Hollow, Arkansas, Del believes she may be able to act as a total stranger to keep her identity secret. Little does she know that despite his now adult good looks, charm, and mystery, he also has a plan that now includes Del. With her mother Eleanor gone, Rory sees an opportunity to use Del in his plan to take down his boss Quintus Moreaux (her stepfather).

Rory is the definition of a sexy pirate by my standards, and he is also a true bad boy. He is manipulative, secretive, sarcastic, and uses even sex as a weapon. With that said, he is also gentle, kind, sexy, and troubled (while also being against abuse and slavery which gives him more points, yes?). Of course, he has reason to be mistrusting and ruthless….he experienced unfathomable horrors as a child at the hands of Moreaux himself. So, I completely understand his need for revenge and his need to protect others from enduring the same tragedy, like the small boy Asa.

The pain Rory experiences is raw, and unfortunately common in both the real and fictional world. So, despite the fact that this was the only part of the book I found predictable (the level to which Rory was abused), I couldn’t help but appreciate its use in the book. Abuse in any form is disturbing, and to make a reader feel anger, hatred, and disgust for a main character is a well-achieved goal for the writer. Sandra did this with flying colors. I wanted to experience the death of Moreaux right along with Rory, and I felt empathy and sadness for his PTSD-related nightmares, as well as the constant fear he lived in for those he cared about.

Then, we add in the extra characters that help Rory and Del achieve the necessary defeat of Moreax, like Kit and Bartholomew Wainwright; I loved these two! The old man, who was to be the one to take down Moreaux via the poker game, thereby thieving his life out from underneath him…was just hilarious. He reminded me of my grandfather: blunt, cranky, hard-working, but honest and caring. Kit, the nephew to Bartholomew, was just sweet, funny, and charming. These two really played their roles well in the book, and I enjoyed them.

There were a few other characters like Trap and his wife Molly, along with Zeb who are part of Rory’s crew. These characters were used as needed and I enjoyed there presence, but there wasn’t enough time with them in the story to form a connection. Jeremiah, the slave Del freed, was a close friend and confidante to her. He was very memorable, and I think very important to the story. Not only did Jeremiah automatically give us an indication as to just how compassionate and good Del is as a person, but he helped her to remember just how good Rory could be. Plus, he helped her believe in herself, and helped her think clearly when necessary during his presence. To me, he is exactly what a best friend should be, and I am glad he made it through the story.

Ultimately, there are many great things about this book. Sandra engages the reader with a range of emotions from hate to love and jealousy. Plus, there is a very believable story line regarding how painstakingly troubled one’s life can be during times of slavery and economic decline, especially for those living the life of a gambler or pirate. I thought her use of techniques for identifying tells was intriguing, especially since I have heard of such uses for women during those times already. Not to mention, the unbelievable chemistry between Rory and Del. The two of them worked well together. They both had wonderful instincts, and trusted in one another when most would turn their back on the proposed lies. Moreaux’s end was by far satisfying, and I was pleasantly surprised at who took his life. This was definitely a fabulous read, and I am looking forward to the next!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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