
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Alexis N.
RFTC Monthly Giveaway Winner

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Finding My Way by Heidi McLaughlin

Finding My Way is the fourth book in the Beaumont Series by Heidi McLaughlin. This can be read as a standalone though because it is a prequel to the series and is about how Liam Westbury became Liam Page. I have been hearing a lot of great things about this series, and they have been on my TBR list for awhile now. When I got the chance to review Finding My Way, I decided that I wanted to wait to read the rest of the books after I read this one. I like to get the beginning of the story and see how the characters got to where they are, so this was the perfect way for me to begin this series. After reading Finding My Way, I am even more intrigued by this series and can't wait to see what happens.

Liam Westbury is his town's golden boy. Captain and quarterback of the football team, his life has been planned by his parents since he was a kid. The plan is to attend a college in the SEC (his dad wants Auburn) and then enter the NFL. He has been pushed into camps all his life and is repeatedly told that he is a Westbury and that he is required to be better than others. Liam's girlfriend is the captain of the cheerleading squad and is a part of his plan for the future. His dad doesn't approve of Josie though and keeps trying to separate them. It seems like Liam has the perfect life, except he isn't happy except with Josie and he is starting to dislike football. He has been getting more interested in music, and that is the only other time he is happy. When Liam gets the chance to leave football behind and pursue his music, he jumps at the chance and ends up breaking not only Josie's heart but his own. Years go by and he makes the transition from quarterback to rockstar. He has moved on, but never forgot Josie and knows that there will never be anyone else like her. What happens when he finally heads back home to Beaumont and comes face to face with his past?

I really liked Liam. I was really glad that I hadn't read anything about him before, because it really allowed me to see the changes and progression of his character. I thought that he was a really great guy that was in a bad situation with his family. He was never encouraged or given the support that he should have been from his parents. They had a one track mind and even then they only tore him down. I liked his relationship with Josie, and he was really sweet and committed to her. He was honest and didn't have a problem laying all his feelings out when it came to her. He was just an easy character to relate to and root for. I was really glad when he finally decided to start living his life for him rather than what others expected, and it was nice to see him really take a chance for once. Josie was likable and I thought that she was really devoted to Liam as well. I did however have a few problems with her, and the biggest was that she seemed to be all about the plan for Liam rather than about what he wanted. He opened up to her about his music and even played a song he wrote for her, and her response was so sad. She didn't even really tell Liam anything about it or encourage him, but just started talking about football again. That frustrated me, and honestly I felt like Liam deserved so much more right then. I did feel like Liam and Josie had a really great connection though and they had not only the chemistry and physical attraction but the emotional bond as well. I just think that Josie was used to him being the football star and was a little short sighted when it came to him being anything else.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and I loved seeing the journey of Liam Westbury to Liam Page. I liked the secondary characters, and seeing how Liam's band was formed. I am really looking forward to seeing more of all these characters and how their stories play out, especially Liam and Harrison's. I felt like the first half of this book was a little repetitive, and seemed to be all about Liam and Josie loving each other and having sex. But after that things started to pick up and we started to get more of Liam's transition. If you are a fan of the Beaumont series, you are definitely going to want to read this and see where everything started. If you haven't read any of the Beaumont series yet, I think that this is a great place to start. I really feel like I already know a lot about the characters and their history, and I think that I am going to really enjoy going into Forever My Girl having already met the characters. I highly recommend this story. I can't wait to dive into the rest of this series and see what else Heidi McLaughlin does in the future.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

ARC Review: A Song For Us by Teresa Mummert

A Song For Us is the third book in the White Trash Trilogy by Teresa Mummert. This book is Eric's story and can be read as a standalone. I would recommend reading these books in order though so that things aren't spoiled and so that you really get to see how these characters get to where they are at the start of this book. I was really looking forward to this story after reading the first two books. I loved Eric and knew that there was so much more to him than we had previously seen. That being said, this book was not at all what I had been expecting. There were things that I liked a lot, but for the most part I was disappointed with a lot that happened in this book.

Eric's life hasn't been easy. He is in a successful band, and their fame is growing. However he struggles with pain and loss and gets awful headaches. He has become close to Cass and views her like a sister, but the only person he really has opened up to is Sarah. Sarah is in a band that they tour with, and he not only has become friends with her but has developed strong feelings for her. Sarah is also suffering from having had a painful past, and relies on Eric to keep her from hurting herself when she can't handle the pain. Sarah however has taken back her ex and band mate after he cheated on her and is committed to making it work. Sarah and Eric continue to be drawn to each other, and try to repair the friendship that Sarah's boyfriend damaged. The more that Sarah and Eric try to stay away from each other as anything more than friends, the harder it gets and soon they are not the only ones that will be hurt when and if everything falls apart. Can they get over their pasts and begin to heal together? Or will there be too much for them to get over?

I liked Eric. He was sweet and supportive, and he was a good guy. He was surprisingly normal for a rockstar, and I loved that he wasn't a total womanizer like they typically are. He was great with Sarah and was always looking out for her and Donna. I felt like he was really good at being protecting and caring for the women in his life. I did feel like he strung Donna along, and even though he knew what he was doing was wrong it didn't stop him. Donna didn't deserve what happened to her even though I hated her from the previous books. She was a completely different character in this book, and we really got to see her open up and be vulnerable with Eric. I actually thought that she was really good for Eric, and I think that they would have been great together. Sarah was a hot mess. She was suffering from a horrible past that would wreck anyone, but she never really dealt with it. She was able to open up to Eric, and they really understood each other and what they were going through even if they didn't have all the details. Sarah was unable to open up to her boyfriend/ex Derek though, and I thought that that should have told her how she felt. She continued to stick with Derek despite everything that he did and how he treated her. Not only did she stay with Derek, but she would run so hot and cold with Eric and I hated that she treated him like that. She knew her feelings for Eric were more and honestly she didn't even really seem to truly care about Derek. She was emotionally cheating on Derek, and seemed to only stay with him out of obligation and guilt. Eric and Sarah had a great connection and a lot of chemistry, but there was so much between them and I felt like the push and pull got old.

I also felt as though this entire book was about their relationship going from hot to cold, and otherwise there wasn't a lot of stuff that happened. This one was slow at times, and I felt like there were parts of the story that really seemed to drag. I wanted Sarah and Eric to figure things out sooner, and honestly the angst got to be a bit much. This book was good, but it was a lot different than the first two. I knew that this book was Eric's story, but I had also been hoping that some things would be addressed in this story when it came to Tuck and Cass because their story felt unfinished to me. Besides them getting married though, it was as if nothing had happened. All of a sudden everything is fine, and I felt like there were a few really important things that should have been given at least a little bit more attention. I can't really go into more without spoiling anything but there were a few things left that really bothered me and it was very noticeable. I did like Eric, and I did feel like he and Sarah were good together. But the way things played out in this book was not how I had hoped for or been expecting. I think that the ending was in a good place for most of the characters, but it was really the journey there that I felt could have gone differently. If you are a fan of this series, I would recommend reading this one. You get to see more of all the guys and Cass, and we do get to know Sarah and Eric more. But beware that there is a lot of back and forth in this story and also a lot of angst. This one seemed to be darker to me than the first two, even with everything that happened in those books. I like Teresa Mummert's writing though, and she has a way of getting you to become invested in her characters even when they are doing things that you don't necessarily agree with. I am interested to see what else she comes up with in the future and I look forward to reading more from her.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: A Song For Us by Teresa Mummert

In this highly anticipated follow-up to White Trash Damaged, Cass and Tucker have finally found their happily ever after, but can Eric, the band’s brooding drummer, ever let go of his past and find love?

From a small-town boy with fantasies of superstardom to rock star on tour with the suddenly famous band Damaged, Eric’s life has not been an easy journey. Now he struggles to let go of his past of physical abuse, a past that still haunts him. His anger is causing him to spiral out of control and he risks losing everything he has worked so hard for.

Only one person has ever gotten him to open up about his past: Sarah, the lead singer of Filth, the opening act on their first national tour—a fellow rocker with a confident façade that masks her own painful secrets. But their bands’ rocky past and Sarah’s tumultuous relationship with her bandmate and boyfriend Derek force her to keep Eric at a distance. As their friendship begins to grow into something more, Eric has to find a way to let go of his tortured past, or it could jeopardize his only chance for a happy future...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Finding Us by Megan Smith

Jasmine Jennings is running from her past, something she never wants to deal with again. Starting out fresh in a new city, life is finally looking up.

That is until she meets him — Knox Mitchell. She tries to elude him, but he’s everywhere. When she finally gives in, he begins to avoid her.

One tragic night, Knox’s future was ripped away. His body and soul crave revenge from the man who took everything away from him, but when Jasmine crashes into Knox’s muddled life, he’s torn. What is he supposed to do about falling for the girl who was to be part of his plan for retaliation?

When all secrets are revealed can they move forward without the past destroying any hopes of having a future?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo |

Guest Post with Author Susannah Scot and Giveaway

Susannah Scott writes dragon-filled Paranormal Romance and lives with her family in Southern Missouri. She loves connecting with readers through Social Media—and almost always replies!

Places to find Susannah:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

ARC Review: Finding Us by Megan Smith

Finding Us is the first book that I have ever read by Megan Smith. I am a NA junkie, and the blurb of this one really drew me in. Two main characters with secrets and messed up pasts trying to find their way really intrigues me, and I thought that Knox and Jasmine's story was sure to be a home-run. I thought that this story had a lot of promise, and it could have been really great. But there were several things that really kept me from being able to rate this one higher and fully enjoy the story.

Jasmine Jennings lives with her best friend Summer in NY. She left her parents and past behind her with nothing but Summer and her trust fund. Summer and Jasmine made friends with Rex right after they moved to town, but they didn't meet his brother Knox until one night when they go to their favorite club that Rex and Knox co-own. Knox and Jasmine are drawn to each other, but Jasmine does everything she can to avoid him from that point on. When Knox starts appearing on her daily runs and at her work, she tries to keep things as brief as possible. Summer ends up convincing Jasmine to head to Myrtle Beach with her and Rex and Knox. Jasmine intends to spend as little time with him as possible, but once they are there that becomes impossible. Jasmine and Knox grow close and end up deciding to see where things between them will go. Knox is still struggling with his past though, and has had a plan of revenge for everything he lost. Can Knox leave behind everything he lost and get past his plans? And what will happen when the truth about everything between them finally comes to light?

I feel like we never really got to know Knox. We got very brief portions of his POV, but honestly they were vague and didn't really give away much. He is in his twenties and inherited the business his parents owned. He is very successful and seems to have been very close with his group of friends before he lost almost everything. He was really caring when it came to his friends and brother, but he didn't seem overly close to anyone. He was possessive and protective of Jasmine even when he was fighting his feelings for her. He was basically a huge contradiction, and honestly he gave me a bit of whiplash when it came to his personality. One minute he was great, and the next he was cold and moody. Jasmine was hard to connect with for me. She was a bit childish and tended to whine a lot. For a good portion of the start of this story it was a case of poor little rich girl, and honestly I wanted to shake her at times. I did like some things about her, but I felt like she complained a lot but didn't really ever do anything about it. She had a great connection with Summer, and I thought that their friendship was great. I also felt like she and Knox had a lot of chemistry between them, but I never really got a feeling of more between them. They honestly seemed to circle around each other more than anything, and I never really saw an emotional connection develop between them. Especially when they never really opened up to each other. Knox tended to run away and shut down more than anything, and the only reason Jasmine found everything out was because someone else told her. He might have had intentions of telling her, but ultimately he didn't and I think that really hurt how believable their relationship was.

To me, this book felt a bit like debut novel or a first draft. I felt like things were on their way to a great story, but that it just needed some work. Since this is an ARC I won't go into errors or editing, but some of the paragraphs and sentences could have used some work. I felt like there were a lot of times that the sentence structure was off, and I would have to go back and re-read a bit to see what was going on. I think that this story could be really good if it was re-worked. The ending was another problem for me. We are given an epilogue, but things still felt rushed and abrupt. I still felt like Jasmine and Knox's connection wasn't strong or real beyond the physical, and we weren't ever really given more to them than that. There are also some things that happen in the epilogue that leave things up in the air for some of the secondary characters, and they had me a bit confused. I'm not sure if the author is setting up for more books or what, but it just felt unfinished to me the way she left things. I would hope that she intended to turn this into a series and that is why things were left the way they were, but I am not sure if that is the case or not. Besides the things I was critical about though, this story had some really great elements to it and that is what kept me reading. I was intrigued by all the secrets being kept, and about Knox's plan. I will admit that I had part of it worked out, but there was also some stuff that I didn't guess. I liked that I was kept guessing and that this story had twists and turns that I didn't see coming. I think that this is one that a lot of people will enjoy, and I think a lot of NA fans will find this book one that they really get into. I honestly think that this book could be great with a little work, and if it wasn't for the amount of NA books I read I probably would have rated this one higher. But there are so many great NA books out there that a book really has to stand out and be not only unique and different, but also believable as well as memorable. I will be curious to see what else Megan Smith does in the future, and if she writes more about these characters.

**ARC provided by Book Plug Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo |

Friday, May 2, 2014

ARC Review: Notorious by Allison Brennan

I have read all of Allison Brennan’s twenty-plus books (save for one novella) and can honestly say she’s one of the top romantic thriller writers out there, on par with such genre greats as Lisa Gardner and Sandra Brown. Her books are hard-hitting, masterfully paced, thoroughly researched and realistic, and incredibly well written. She has been on my auto-buy list for years, and I’m always impatiently awaiting the next instalment in her popular Lucy Kincaid series—a testament to her talent as an author, since multibook series involving the same couple are tough to pull off (unless you’re Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb). So when she announced a new thriller series starring investigative reporter Maxine Revere—her much-deserved hardcover debut—I jumped at the chance to read the first full-length novel, NOTORIOUS, early. Fans of Lucy Kincaid will encounter a very different heroine and a different style of book—more traditional mystery/thriller with the trademark ‘show’ style of writing and less focus on the romance—but Brennan creates an engaging world populated with well-developed characters and delivers a clever, multilayered whodunit plot that will keep you guessing until the big reveal. My only gripe is that, as the first book in the series (there is a prequel novella, MAXIMUM EXPOSURE, that introduces Max but NOTORIOUS can be read as a standalone—in fact, I haven’t read the novella myself), there is a LOT of necessary exposition and the plot only really gets going in the second half of the book.

In NOTORIOUS, cold case investigative reporter and true-crime author Maxine (Max) Revere is back in her wealthy Bay Area hometown for the first time in years to attend the funeral of her one-time best friend Kevin, who was accused (but not convicted) of raping and murdering another close friend thirteen years ago. Kevin’s death has been ruled a suicide driven by a lifetime of alcohol and drug abuse, but his sister believes foul play may have been involved and asks Max to investigate for the sake of (former) friendship. At the San Francisco airport, an elderly couple approaches Max about their grandson’s unsolved murder at her fancy prep school alma mater, and Max soon finds herself embroiled in two possibly related investigations and uncovering dirty little secrets meant to remain hidden—and which hit way too close to home.

With two cold case murder investigations simultaneously underway, one would expect nonstop action and suspense on every page and a pressing need to keep turning pages to unravel the tangled web of secrets… and this is indeed the case, once things truly get going about halfway through the novel. NOTORIOUS is clearly the start of what will surely prove to be a long-running series featuring Max and her justice-seeking endeavours, so Ms. Brennan spends a lot of time laying the groundwork for the series. We get a thorough introduction to Max and what has made her the ass-kicking, take-no-prisoners, willing-to-do-anything-for-the-truth person she is today through a careful treatment of her childhood with a wealthy but capricious mother that dumped her on her grandparents’ über-wealthy doorstep as a child, the sensational murder of her high school best friend at the (presumed) hands of her other best friend and the rift with both her family and the town for standing by the accused murderer, and the disappearance of her college best friend during Spring Break. The same is true with the affluent suburb of Atherton and the complicated dynamics of the wealthy Revere family, both rife with secrets and lies and the desire to keep up appearances above all. Creating such a complete picture of Max so we can understand her motivations and behaviour at every step requires that the nonstop thrill ride not begin on page one, but we’re rewarded in turn with a well-developed heroine who is smart, savvy, and committed to finding the truth at any cost but still feminine under all the kickass. Once the hefty amount of exposition is out of the way, Ms. Brennan delivers a tight, clever mystery plot with clues sprinkled throughout and a great cadre of secondary characters that will have you wondering again and again who is lying and whom you (and Max) can trust. There is romantic tension with one Detective Nick Santini, but the focus is most definitely on the suspense rather than the romance and it’s unclear whether Santini (and his associated baggage) will be a recurring love interest in the series

I wasn’t sure quite what to expect from the Max Revere series when I picked up NOTORIOUS, but Allison Brennan delivers a novel with all the elements that make her a master of the craft but that manages to have a completely different feel from her other work. Once the necessary exposition is out of the way, NOTORIOUS is a high-octane mystery thriller with a compelling heroine that will keep you guessing and turning pages and looking forward to more of Max’s future adventures.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Sharon Ashwood and Giveaway

Meet Sharon Ashwood, author of the Horsemen Series.

Sharon Ashwood is a novelist, desk jockey and enthusiast for the weird and spooky. She has an English literature degree but works as a finance geek. Interests include growing her to-be-read pile and playing with the toy graveyard on her desk. As a vegetarian, she freely admits the whole vampire/werewolf lifestyle would never work out, so she writes her adventures instead.

Sharon is the winner of the RITA® Award for Paranormal Romance. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and is owned by the Demon Lord of Kitty Badness.

Find Sharon at:

Guest Post with Author Lauren Layne and Giveaway

Meet Lauren Lynne, author of Just One Night.

Lauren Layne graduated from Santa Clara University with a B.S. in political science that she has yet to put to good use. After dabbling in an e-commerce career in Seattle and Southern California, Layne moved to New York City, where she now writes full-time. She lives with her husband and their plus-size pomeranian in a tiny Manhattan studio.

Fine Lauren at:

ARC Review: Out of Control by Nina Croft

Out of Control is the second book in Nina Croft's Babysitting a Billionaire series, and I really enjoyed it. I had liked the first book in this series, but for me this one was better. These are standalones with interconnected characters, and I really enjoyed getting to know Dani and Zach. It was nice to see Jake and Kim from the first book though as well.

Dani was injured on her last deployment and has been taking it easy while she heals. She goes to work for her friend Jake, and he assigns her to protect a friend of his. Zachary Hunter made some enemies out of the wrong people, and has been threatened. When Dani shows up to work, she immediately labels him a playboy asshole when she finds him naked and floating in the pool with a blonde on his arm. Zach is surprised that his friend Jake would send such a small woman to protect him, and doesn't help things when he makes that known. But the more that Zach is around Dani, the more he is drawn to her. Dani is attracted to Zach, but it determined to remain professional. Zach however has other ideas and pursues her relentlessly. Before long the chemistry between them is more than either can fight and they decide to be together until their time runs out. But when the job is over and Zach is safe, will Dani reenlist or will her future have been changed by the relationship that they have started to build?

I liked Zach. He had definitely earned his playboy reputation, and at first glance it appears as though Dani had him pegged correctly. But once you start to get to know his character better, you see that he is actually thoughtful and caring and a really good guy. He was athletic and sexy, but he was also really smart and I loved that he was a writer. He was honest and up-front, and I liked that he was really understanding when it came to everything that Dani had issues with. He was patient and let her explain things in her own time, and he was always really supportive. It was great to see him being so fun-loving and playful and he really got her to loosen up and come out of her shell. I liked Dani, but she had several issues. She had lost her brother and felt a ton of guilt over it, and her parents weren't great either. Then she joins the Army and ends up getting injured and having to deal with all of that. It wasn't surprising that it took her awhile to open up to others and that she tended to make assumptions rather quickly. I did like that she was able to open up to Zach though, and she really started to heal and get over things with his help. I liked that she wasn't just a soldier in the Army though, but that she was also a dog trainer and operator. There is something fascinating to me about someone who is able to handle animals that way and their commitment to those animals. Dani was strong and capable, and I liked seeing a heroine that wasn't a typical girly girl. Dani and Zach had a ton of chemistry together, and I thought it was great that she was so unlike the girls that he would normally be attracted to. These two were really hot together, and I thought that they were absolutely perfect for each other. They just fit the other and were the balance that the other needed.

Overall, I really liked this story and it was a book that I was able to really get invested in. I liked the characters and I thought that they were each unique and different, and weren't like others that I have read before. The story was good if a bit predictable, but honestly that didn't bother me. I was able to just enjoy it for what it was, and it left me happy and smiling. The pacing and writing were great, and I have come to find that Nina Croft always entertains. This book is definitely worth the read, and I think that anyone looking for a good lighthearted read with some heat and strong characters will really enjoy this one. I look forward to reading more from Nina Croft in the future, and can't wait to see what she writes next. If you haven't read any of Nina Croft's Babysitting a Billionaire series yet, I recommend that you give this one a shot.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

Purchase:Amazon | B&N |

Thursday, May 1, 2014

ARC Review: Mr. Frost: Goes to Seattle by Aimee James

Mr. Frost Goes to Seattle is the third part in the William Frost Series by Aimee James. This part is the continuation of the first two stories and should only be read after the first two parts. When we last left Will, he was planning to head to Seattle for his cause, but he was also planning on winning back the love of his life Kat with his friend Emily's help. When they are getting ready to board the plane, Kat shows up with her fiance and Will is thrown. He had planned to spend the time alone with Kat showing her that she belonged with him. Will ends up meeting up with Emily and they spend a night together. Emily and Will have grown close and have developed a strong friendship. Emily knows that she is not the one though and Will knows that she is right. Can he figure out a way to move on without Kat, or will they get a second chance after all?

Over these three parts, I have come to really like Will and even Kat. They fit together well, and the fact that they have such a strong bond and history makes them really great for each other. They have an ease to their relationship, and despite the time apart and everything that happened they are pretty much able to pick up right where they left off with each other. They are a natural pair, and the fact that they share common views and passions just makes their connection that much more real and believable. I feel like even though we got to know the characters better and saw a bit more of them with each part, we still don't really know them all that well. I would have liked to get to know them better, but all we really know about them are their feelings for each other and that they are both committed to doing good and being philanthropists. They have a lot of chemistry between them, and they always brought a lot of steam and attraction.

Overall, these three parts were all enjoyable quick reads with some nice characters. My main complaint with this series is that even though there were some great moments and there were some definite sexy times, these stories just didn't bring a lot of depth. I had hoped for a bit more with this third part, but I was left feeling like even though things had come to a conclusion that there was still something missing. If you are looking for a few short and sexy reads you might check this out. If you are looking for a deeper story though, these might not be for you. These are great for when you just want a little bit of story with some steamy scenes though. I hope that maybe we will get more of Kat and Will's story in the future though as I feel like there could have been more for the two of them. I look forward to reading more from Aimee James in the future and seeing what she comes up with next.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon |

My Favorite Book Couple with Valerie Bowman

Valerie Bowman is an award-winning author who writes Regency-set historical romance novels aka Racy Regency Romps! Valerie has a B.A. in English Language and Literature with a minor in history from Smith College. By day, she is a technical editor at a computer software company. By night, she combines her love of writing, history, and romance to craft stories about people falling in love.

Originally from Rantoul, Illinois, Valerie lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her family including her rascally rescue dog, Roo. When she's not writing, she keeps busy reading, traveling, or vacillating between watching crazy reality TV or PBS.

Places to find Valerie:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

ARC Review: Night of Pleasure by Delilah Marvelle

Derek Holbrook’s father is dying. He and his younger brother, Andrew, are home from Eton. A girl walks through the hall of their home. Derek is entranced. Clementine Grey’s father, Rupert, is Viscount Banfield’s very good friend. Rupert meets with his friend and leaves Clementine with the brothers. As an American, she finds their humor and manners strange. Derek is summoned to spend time with his father. He promises to care for the estate, his family, and cousins. One more thing, he’s been betrothed to Clementine. In seven years, they will be wed. Derek anxiously awaits the day. He’s fallen deeply in love with her and lives for her letters. When she does arrive, six days before the wedding, she’s hoping to cancel it. Derek will receive the three million pound payout, as the fathers agreed. He needs the money. She has a Persian friend, Nasser, who has promised her a life of her own. After witnessing her parents’ loveless marriage, she decides not to wed and never to have children. She smokes, paints, and wishes to travel. Derek is shocked, but agrees to let her go, if she spends one night with him. Her perception of sex includes the pronouncement that women get pregnant through kissing. He also wants her to leave him a painting of the two of them entwined. After she complains about him always being in charge and control, she leaves. Nasser convinces her to marry Derek. She goes through with it, but admits she would have run off with Nasser. Derek searches for Nasser and confronts him. He and Clementine are not lovers, just friends. Derek doesn’t believe him until Nasser reveals a guarded secret. A French courtesan agrees to help the married couple navigate compromise and freedom in their relationship. They take her advice and work out their differences.

Derek and Andrew have different goals. Andrew lashes out and leaves the family. He’s in dire financial straits and involved with merciless people. He’s written to be the opposite of Derek, but the chances he takes are life threatening. His antics are over the top.

I didn’t understand Clementine’s relationship with Nasser. She wants to be independent and in control of her life. He offers her neither. He’s a secret to her father and threatens her relationship with Derek. I found the French woman’s instructions unhelpful. She isn’t making them a couple, just making Derek obey orders. Nothing loving or tender about it.

Clementine puts herself and Derek in dangerous and scandalous situations. She is spoiled as opposed to independent. Her father has given her free rein and she insists everyone does the same. Derek’s emotions are real. He is in love with her. I felt he could do better than Clementine.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: Amazon | B&N | Kobo |

Monthly Giveaway - May

Want to win some goodies?

Each month here at Ramblings From This Chick a new prize pack will be up for grabs for 1 lucky winner.

Here's a peek at this months prize.

1 lucky person will win a Box of Goodies from RT!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

ARC Review: Mr. Frost: Goes to San Diego by Aimee James

Mr. Frost Goes to San Diego is the second novelette in the William Frost Series by Aimee James. This story picks up right after the first installment and should only be read after you have read Mr. Frost Goes to Washington. Will has just arrived in San Diego and runs into Katherine and her fiance. Will is surprised to find out that Katherine's fiance is a lot older than he had first though. Both Will and Kat are committed to the cause, but Will and Kat's fiance James are skeptical that the meeting will be anything other than a photo-op. Disappointed with the way things turn out, Will ends up meeting the young and hopeful Emily Taylor. They immediately click and end up spending the night together. Emily tells Will about some things that her and her friends are working on in Seattle and convinces him to make that his next adventure. Will decides to enlist the help of his friends, including Kat and her fiance.

I feel like we still really don't know much about Kat or Will. It was nice to see more interaction between the two of them, and I was glad that they were able to clear the air about everything that had happened when they were younger. Since they hadn't seen or spoken to each other in five years, there was a lot to be said and to catch up on after she just up and left him. I will admit that I was a little turned off by the fact that Katherine basically demanded that Will forgive her for her actions all those years ago. Yes she apologized, but it just felt like she was asking for a lot. It was really great to see the two of them open up to each other a bit more though. I liked that Kat told him how she felt and was able to admit that she had missed him. It was clear that they were both missing the way things had been and that even though they moved on, nothing was the same as it was when they were together and friends. I think that they have a really great connection and a lot of chemistry. It will be interesting to see more of them as they start to work closely together. I liked Emily a lot in this one. She was so full of life and fun, and it was really great that she saw things with Will exactly how they were. I also liked that she was so open about the things he was feeling for Kat and about her helping him get her back. I think that her and Will could be great friends, and it was good to see that they were able to connect more than just physically.

Overall, this was a good addition to this series and I thought that we did get to know the characters a little better. I think that we still don't know them that well, but I am becoming more interested and invested in them with each installment. I think that Kat and Will definitely have a lot between them, and I can't wait to see how things play out. This novelette was short, but still packed in a lot of steam and heat. I am really enjoying these stories, and I love that they are quick and easy reads. These are great for when you just have a little bit of time and need a short and steamy read.I think if you are looking for something short but well written with some hot scenes, you should definitely check these out. Aimee James knows how to draw you in and keep you coming back for more. I can't wait to get the next adventure in Will's story and see what happens in Seattle!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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