
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Bind Me by Stacey Kennedy

Cherished by Maya Banks + Lauren Dane

Jacob's Trial by Heather Long

Tall, Dark and Divine by Jenna Bennett

Take It Like a Vamp by Candace Havens

Forever and a Day by Delilah Marvelle

Forever a Lady by Delilah Marvelle

More Than a Stranger by Erin Knightley

His Unexpected Family by Robyn Thomas

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Guest Post with Author Lacey Wolfe and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Lacey Wolfe. Lacey is celebrating the release of her novella Bound by Pleasure and has stopped by to chat. But before I give the floor over to Lacey, let's get to know a bit about her.

Lacey Wolfe has always had a passion for words, whether it’s getting lost in a book or writing her own. From the time she was a child she would slip away to write short stories about people she knew and fantasies she wished would happen. It has always been her dream to be a published author and with her two children now of school age, she finally has the time to work on making her dream come true.

Lacey lives in Georgia with her husband, son and daughter, their six cats and one black lab who rules the house.

Places to find Lacey:
Site Blog | Facebook Twitter |

Friday, August 24, 2012

Interview with Author Christine Warner and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Christine Warner to RFTC. Christine is celebrating the release of her upcoming book Two-Timing the Boss and has stopped by to answer a few questions. But before I get to the interview, let's get to know a bit about Christine.

Christine Warner is living her dream in rural Michigan along with her husband, three children, one laptop and a much loved assortment of furry friends.

Besides laughing and a good round of humor, she enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, reading, writing but no arithmitic. A confessed people watcher, she finds inspiration for her stories in everyday activities. She loves to read and write about strong heroes and determined, sometimes sassy, heroines.

A girl gone wild, at least where social media is concerned, she enjoys meeting other avid readers and writers on facebook, twitter and her website at

Places to find Christine:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

ARC Review: Seducing Cinderella by Gina L. Maxwell

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the chemistry and relationship between Reid and Lucie. These two were hot together and I loved watching them tear down their walls and let the other in.

Reid Andrews is a MMA fighter and was injured pretty badly in his last fight. In an attempt to regain his title, he needs to get back into fighting shape and in two months. When his usual physical therapist has to leave town for a family emergency he makes arrangements to send Reid out of town to train with a physical therapist friend of his. Reid never expected to find that his best friend's kid sister Lucie is the trainer that he is sent to work with. It's been years since Reid has seen Lucie and she has definitely grown up and is no longer the kid he remembers.

Lucie Miller's life is a hot mess. She's disorganized, bookish and wants to desperately be noticed by Stephen the hot orthopedic surgeon that she works with. Unfortunately he doesn't notice she's alive. When she finally thinks that he's noticed her and is going to actually ask her out, he turns he world upside down by asking her for her friend Vanessa's number. Lucie is tearful and heartbroken when her new patient walks in and catches her in tears. Lucie is shocked to learn that her new patient his Reid. Reid is her brother's oldest friend and she hasn't seen him since she was an awkward teen and half in love with him. Now he's sitting here in her office not only asking for her help with his physical therapy but offering up a bit of help for herself. If she devotes herself to his training only he'll help her land Stephen.

But quickly their friendly relationship starts to become so much more. Lucie's old feeling for Reid are slowly resurfacing, and she is finding that he ignites something in her that she hasn't felt in a very long time. And it doesn't hurt that he's one of the sexiest men she's ever scene.

Reid finds Lucie insanely attractive and doesn't understand why Lucie just can't seem to see her worth or beauty. He knows that their relationship is supposed to be physical with no emotions involved since she wants to bag Stephen, but Reid is finding it harder and harder to not be jealous.

I loved the relationship between Reid and Lucie. Loved, loved, loved! Reid is super sexy and I loved watching him seduce Lucie. Seriously, some of their scenes together are very steamy and Reid was great. Lucie was great too, but at times she would do somethings that would grate on my nerves. Otherwise, these two were great. I felt that their relationship felt real and not rushed. I like that they both respect one another and trust each other.

I really enjoyed this book. Gina Maxwell is a new author for me and I will definitely be picking up her books in the future.

**ARC copy provided by Entangled Publishing**

| Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Guest Post with Author Parker Kincade and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Parker Kincade to RFTC. Parker is celebrating the release of her book One Night Stand and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor to Parker, let's get to know her a bit.

I live in a small town in the South and am surrounded by the best friends a girl could ask for, as well as a family who supports my writing habit without hesitation.

When I’m not sitting at my laptop desperately trying to shush the voices in my head, I usually have my nose stuck in a book or have loud music playing while I create a fun new recipe in the kitchen. No matter what I’m doing, I’m usually flanked by my Boxer, who I absolutely adore.

Places to find Parker:

Feature and Giveaway: 50 Ways To Play: BDSM For Nice People by Debra + Don Macleod

For the millions of readers who have been inspired by the steamy bestseller Fifty Shades of Grey to throw a bit more spice into their sex lives, this simple and highly accessible guide to BDSM (Bondage, Dominance, Sadism, and Masochism) features 50 edgy and erotic adventures to sample.

Warning: you should try this at home!

From turning your ho hum bedroom into a “Red Room of Desire,” to exploring the fine art of Japanese rope bondage—and a few other ideas perhaps better not mentioned in polite company—50 Ways to Play invites couples who might otherwise think of themselves as “average” or “nice” to walk on the wild side. According to husband-and-wife writers Debra and Don Macleod, sex should pack a punch—it’s meant to catch you off guard. The fifty sexy and surprising “ways to play” offered up in this book are guaranteed to turn up the heat in your sex life.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ARC Review: A Lady by Midnight by Tessa Dare

There aren't enough words to describe how much I enjoyed this book. Not only did I love this book, but I simply adored it. Tessa Dare has created a world full of characters that not only do I care about but I'm not ready to let go of. The chemistry between not only the hero and heroine but that of their friends was spectacular. I found myself unable to stop reading once I started. I loved both Kate and Samuel so much that I just had to see how things were going to turn out between the two of them.

I just simply loved Kate, she was such a great heroine. I love that she always perseveres and sees the good in others. Kate has had a tough lot in life but she doesn't let keep her down. She just keeps on smiling and figuring out ways to make things better. Yes, she does want love and affection and she wants nothing more that to find out about her origins, but she doesn't let that keep her down.

As for Samuel Thorn, oh my goodness but I love him. His feeling for Kate are genuine and he is in a constant struggle to keep his feelings in check when he is around her. When they were children, Samuel tried to keep Kate sheltered and safe from harm. He took her and sent her off to a school knowing that they would care for her and guide her better than he ever could. He never expected to see her again but imagine his surprise, when he shows up in Spindle Cove and she is living and working as the music instructor.

Samuel has spent the last year in Spindle Cove trying to stay away from Kate even though every fiber of his being wants to claim her and make her his. He finds her beautiful and kind and way too good for the likes of him. When the Grammercy's show up in town claiming to be Kate's long lost relatives, Samuel smells something fishy with their story and just doesn't trust them. In an effort to protect Kate, he steps forward and introduces himself as Kate's fiance'.

What starts out as temporary faux engagement is quickly becoming so much more between the two. Kate is seeing Samuel in a completely different light and she is beginning to realize that she may be falling for the man. He may come across has hard and fierce, but she sees something else all together. She sees a man that will do anything to protect the ones he cares about and a man that is afraid to accept love because he thinks he isn't good enough when it's the farthest thing from the truth. While Samuel is trying his hardest to keep Kate safe and at arms length, he knows he is in a loosing battle. The more they are around each other the more Samuel is realizing that he doesn't want to let her go.

Oh the relationship between these two was so emotional. I honestly felt the love between the two and when they were together it was simply perfect. Not only did these two have great chemistry, but they had smoldering passion and were head over heels for each other. Samuel has got to be one of my favorite heroes that I've read about in a while. I just love his devotion to Kate. The way we are able to see him grow throughout the book is amazing. I loved watching him go from this surly man who hates everyone to someone so head over heels in love. He truly deserved to get his HEA.

This book is definitely going on my keeper shelf and has definitely made my list of top books of 2012. I just can't get over how much I loved it.

**ARC copy provided by Edelweiss**

| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Sheri Fredricks and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Sheri Fredricks to RFTC. Sheri is celebrating the release of her book Remedy Maker and has stopped by to chat. First let's get to know Sheri some.

Always on the hunt for the uncommon things in life, author Sheri Fredricks thrives on creating adventures in her mythological kingdom for her readers.

A former engineering secretary, Sheri lives on the beautiful central coast of California. "I wanted to move away from inflexible right angles and create an unboxed world with no boundaries." A voracious reader since her early years, Sheri found her brain crowded with stories and characters of her own. "Ultimately," she says, "my husband encouraged me to write them all down."

Sheri loves to spend time at home. A computer hutch keeps her focused on creating stories, but the panoramic view of life on a ranch will call her outside to play in the sun.

Places to find Sheri:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Interview with Author Caroline Linden and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog the lovely Caroline Linden. Caroline is gearing up to for the release of her newest book The Way to a Duke's Heart and has stopped by to answer a few burning questions. =) Before I get to the interview, let's learn a bit about her.

Caroline Linden knew from an early age she was a reader, but not a writer. Despite an addiction to Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew, she studied physics and dreamed of being an astronaut. She earned a math degree from Harvard College and then wrote software for a financial services firm, all the while reading everything in sight, but especially romance. Only after she had children, and found herself with only picture books to read, did she begin to make up a story of her own. To her immense surprise, it turned out to be an entire novel--and it was much more fun than writing computer code. Seven years, eight books, two Red Sox championships, and on dog later, she has never been happier with her decision. She lives with her family in New England.

Place to find Caroline:
Site Facebook | TwitterGoodreads |

Monday, August 20, 2012

Feature and Giveaway: Loving Lady Marcia by Kieran Kramer


Of the three Brady sisters, Lady Marcia has always seemed the girl most likely to lead a perfectly charmed life. But after a handsome cad breaks her heart, she swears off love and devotes her life to teaching girls at a private school. In spite of her family’s wish for a London debut, Marcia is happy where she is—until terrible news sends her back to the Brady clan…and into the arms of an unexpected suitor.


A dark and dashing earl who knows Marcia’s past, Duncan Lattimore is surprised by what a fascinating and independent woman she’s become. Marcia, too, is surprised—by the fiery attraction she feels for Duncan. But why—why—must he be the brother of the scoundrel who broke her heart? Why must Marcia’s rival at school forbid her from seeing him? How can this lady possibly resist this fellow—when they know that it’s much more than a hunch…?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Guest Post with Author Lacey Wolfe and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Lacey Wolfe. Lacey is celebrating the release of her novella Tempting The Manny and has stopped by to chat. But before I give the floor over to Lacey, let's get to know a bit about her.

Lacey Wolfe has always had a passion for words, whether it’s getting lost in a book or writing her own. From the time she was a child she would slip away to write short stories about people she knew and fantasies she wished would happen. It has always been her dream to be a published author and with her two children now of school age, she finally has the time to work on making her dream come true.

Lacey lives in Georgia with her husband, son and daughter, their six cats and one black lab who rules the house.

Places to find Lacey:
Site Blog | Facebook Twitter |

Guest Post with Author Lia Davis and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Lia Davis to RFTC. Lia is celebrating the release of Forgotten Visions and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Lia, lets learn a bit about her.

Lia Davis is a mother to two young adults and two very special, equally different kitty cats. She’s a wife to her soul mate, who drives her crazy during editing/revisions. She and her family live in Northeast Florida battling hurricanes and very humid summers. But it’s her home and she loves it!

An accounting major, Lia has always been a dreamer with a very activity imagination. The wheels in her head never stop. She only recently got serious about publishing her work and loves it more than she imagined. Writing a stress reliever that allows her to go off in her corner of the house and enter into another world that she created, leaving the day job where it belongs.

Her favorite things are spending time with family, traveling, reading, writing, chocolate, coffee, nature and hanging out with her kitties.

Places to find Lia: