
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the last week.

Hope Flames + Hope Ignites by Jaci Burton

10 Rules to Sex Up a Blind Date by Heidi Rice

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Audiobook Review: Scandal of the Year by Laura Lee Guhrke, Narrated by Anne Flosnik

When I finished the audiobook “When the Marquess Met His Match (An American Heiress in London, #1) I was so captivated by Laura Lee Guhrke. She weaved together such an interesting storyline that I jumped on my local library for the chance to read something else by her. When I saw “Sandal of the Year” on audiobook I jumped at the chance to check it out.

Needless to say, I loved it! First! What an amazing heroine. Julia was everything! She was frustrating, endearing, tough, and vulnerable! I absolutely adored her! The author was so creative with her character that I just wanted to know more about Julia. Who is she? Why is she like this? Why is she such a conniver? Well, the author answered ALL these questions and more! Loved her!

Aidan Carr, the Duke of Trathen was also such a fantastic hero! They were a wonderful pair!!! To fully appreciate Aidan it’s important to realize just how much he went through with Julia. When the story starts, page one, Julia is getting a divorce from her then husband because she had an affair with Aidan. This, of course, is sucking because of the time period but also because Aidan is really the epitome of all that is proper. Both Julia and Aidan were in the previous books but I did not read or hear them-yet! From the back story we understand that Aidan had two failed engagements. Beatrice, Julia’s cousin, basically dumps him for the love of her life.

Aidan and Julia have known each other for many years. He met her before she was to be married to her husband. Aidan and Julia could not be more different. She is outgoing, friendly social. He is more reserved and proper. Julia likes to smoke and drive her Mercedes and Aidan is a quiet and responsible citizen looking for a wife to build a family with.

Julia feels awful that she dragged Aidan into the middle of her scandal but she is desperate to escape her husband. The wagging tongues of society have her pegged as a light skirt and although everyone is scandalized they are more shocked that she had an affair with Aidan, of all people. Although Julia dragged Aidan into the middle of a scandal when she has serious financial problems, she turns to Aidan and he offers her a job. Needless to say there are so many layers to Julia. Her story is so rich that it’s impossible not to love her and really want her to have a happily-ever-after. Aidan really was her prince in shining armor.

I absolutely loved the story, the characters and the plot! One of my favorites, hands down!

Anne Flosnik, the narrator, was phenomenal. She really got Julia and Aidan. She was able to distinguish their personalities perfectly and I really enjoyed her narration.

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Review: Made in Nashville by Mandy Baggot

I was really looking forward to reading this book. I am a huge fan of the show Nashville, and this book sounded like it would be similar to that. Unfortunately what started out really good and had a lot of potential just wasn't able to deliver, and I thought that this one ended up quite a few issues. As much as I wanted to love Made in Nashville by Mandy Baggot, I just wasn't able to.

After a horrible attack, Honor Blackwood left the country music scene despite being a successful singer. She still lives in Nashville, but does her best to avoid anyone finding out what happened to her. She spends her time working in store selling guitars and roaming around her local Target store. But when her record label wants her to put out a new album she starts to think about putting herself back out there. But Honor still struggles with her fears and it isn't until she meets country's rebel singer Jed Marshall that she starts to believe she can record again. With Jared "Jed" Marshall's support and encouragement Honor begins to sing in public again, and they start to make music together. Jared wants Honor to join his tour, but he also wants her to be his girl. Before long they are making more than music together, and start dating. But the past isn't ever truly forgotten, and both Jared and Honor have secrets. When the secrets are exposed will they be able to make it through together?

I liked Jared and Honor in the beginning of the story. Jared was supportive and encouraging. He was determined and didn't give up on Honor despite her pushing him away as well as those around him telling him to leave her alone. But as the story went on, Jared was all over the place. His emotions and moods seemed to constantly change and I could never quite tell what he was going to do from one paragraph to the next. Honor had been through a lot, but she was hard for me to ever connect with. She gave up easily and seemed weak. She also really made me mad at the end of the book with her actions. She turned judgmental and made assumptions really easily and it didn't make sense to me at all. It honestly really affected the way I viewed her and it was hard for me to get over that. I felt like Jared and Honor were good for each other and made a good couple though. They had chemistry and seemed to balance each other out. But their relationship felt really rushed to me, and I found it hard to ever really believe that they had gone from never knowing one another to love as quickly as they did.

I also had some problems with the transitions in this story. They weren't smooth at all, and there was often little to no notice when it would change POVs. I felt like often times it would randomly switch from Honor to Jared from one paragraph to the next, and it was usually in the middle of a scene. It was confusing and disorienting, and I would have to try and figure out where we were dropped in at. I would constantly have to go back to see if I had missed something. I also felt as though the dialogue in this story was just odd at times. There were many phrases and things that just felt strange and out of place. I felt like things they were saying were just not things that people their age would say or do. While I love some drama and understand the need for it to keep things interesting, this one had a ton of it and it just felt like too much. I think that this was a promising story that just wasn't well executed. I had been hoping for more, and for me this one just didn't work.

**Review Copy Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

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Fall into Romance Event with Aubrie Dionne

Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her books have received the highest ratings from Romance Times Magazine and BTS Magazine, as well as Night Owl Reviews and Readers’ Favorite Reviews. She has guest blogged on the USA Today Happy Ever After Blog and the Dear Teen Me blog and signed books at the Boston Book Festival, Barnes and Noble, and the Romance Writers of America conference. Her books are published by HarperImpulse, Entangled Publishing, Astraea Press, Spencer Hill Press, Inkspell Publishing, and Lyrical Press. When she's not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras.

Places to find Aubrie:
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ARC Review: Bad Blood by Nicky Peacock

The Zombie Apocalypse is happening and the only hope for the human race is the Vampires. It’s a good idea and if you’re a fan of zombies and their apocalypse you would have thought “What about the vampires?” or “What if The Walking Dead characters had vampires helping them?” Nicky Peacock had a great idea but the execution was a little lacking. The characters were good and I liked their backgrounds and their repartee is good but the whole thing seemed rushed. Technically a young adult but the main character is a vampire who’s been one for five centuries so not really still a teenager just forever stuck looking like she’s nineteen.

Britannia has spent most of her years stalking and killing other vampires, she has a strong history as the go to girl when vampires need killing. She mainly kills the other children of her sire, Nicholas, who took her away from the man she loved and turned her against her will and believes he also murdered her love. She hates him with a passion and continues to hold a grudge after five centuries. With almost no notice the vampire elders notify Britannia and two others in the London area that the humans have killed themselves and the zombie apocalypse is upon them and to herd as many humans as they can up to the highlands of Scotland to a safe place, where they will search for a cure. Unfortunately the other vampire Brit has to work with is Nicholas. Their mutual friend Philippe has gone missing as Brit and Nicholas round up as many humans as possible to move to safety. Brit finds who she thinks is the reincarnation of her lost love an American soldier, Josh, who rekindles the feelings in her she tried to bury long ago.

They hit a snafu when their missing vampire friend turns up tainted by the bad blood of the zombies and now is acting as Zombie King and is out to kill Brit and her group of humans. Meanwhile Nicholas is confessing his everlasting love for Brit and one of the young humans is dying of cancer begging Brit to save him. If I had to pick something to compare this book to I would say it’s a mix of Resident Evil and The Walking Dead. Brit has some very Alice (Milla Jovovich’s character in Resident Evil) like moves when she is kicking zombie ass. There are some parts I really liked and other parts I just really didn’t enjoy.

**ARC provided by Author**

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Friday, October 17, 2014

ARC Review: As Long As You Love Me by Ann Aguirre

As Long As You Love Me is the second book in Ann Aguirre's 2B Trilogy, and I couldn't wait to read this one. While I liked the first book in the series I didn't love it, but I was really interested in Rob and Lauren's story. I ended up really enjoying this book, and I thought that it was much better than the first. It was so great to get to know both Lauren and Rob better, and I am looking forward to reading the next one from Ann Aguirre.

After struggling for years of being away from home, Lauren Barret finally decides that she needs to return to her small home town. She has many reasons for returning, but one she hasn't told anyone about. Lauren has always had feelings for her best friend's older brother, but most people don't know that it went beyond a childhood crush. Rob has always been the hot football player that wasn't capable of much of anything. But when Lauren returns to town and the two of them begin to spend time together, Lauren is determined to show Rob how great he really is. Lauren and Rob begin seeing each other, but both of them are still dealing with their own fears and insecurities. Things are going great between them until Rob gets an opportunity too good to pass up. As Lauren and Rob are suddenly faced with a crossroads they never expected, they must decide if things between them are worth the risk.

I was surprised how much I really loved Rob. In the first book, I really felt as though he was a jerk. He didn't seem to be close to his sister Nadia, and the few interactions they had seemed cold and as though he didn't even really like her. I couldn't understand what his deal was and why he treated her the way he did. But so much about him became clear in this book, and I really got to understand who he was and what had shaped him into the person he was. I felt so badly for him, because people only seemed to care about his looks and were pretty mean to him about everything else. He felt like he was unworthy and wasn't enough for anyone, and my heart broke for him. Lauren really had her work cut out for her in convincing him that he was special and that he was worth more than anyone else gave him credit for. I loved how she never gave up on him and how supportive she was of him. She saw him when no one else did, and loved him for who he had always been. These two were so perfect for each other and they just fit so well together. It was clear that they were made for each other, and their connection to each other was as hot as their chemistry with one another.

Overall, I really liked this book and it was definitely my favorite of the series so far. I loved Rob and Lauren, and I thought that their story was really interesting. I liked getting to really know Rob and getting to see him and Lauren both growing and moving forward with their lives. I will say that the reason for this rating rather than a five star was that this book just felt long to me. I thought that it could have easily been shortened, and it had some slow moments. I found my attention wandering a few times, and I think it was because of the length. I really did enjoy the story though, and I think that this book was absolutely worth the read. Each of the books in this series can be read as a standalone, but I was really glad that I had read the first book so that I had some of the back story on Lauren and Rob. I think NA and romance fans alike will enjoy this story, and I would recommend giving it a shot.

**ARC Provided by Harlequin**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository |

Audiobook Review: Straddling the Line by Jaci Burton, Narrated by Lucy Malone

It’s been awhile since I’ve read Jaci Burton and I always loved her books so I was glad to get back to her. This is part of her Play by Play series and though it’s book #8, I had no problem with reading it out-of-order. Each book is stand-alone however some of the characters from previous books are in this one. But since it’s romance and you know each book has a happy ending, the couples getting together is no surprise to be ruined and I don’t remember that any other storyline was ruined either so kudos to Ms. Burton for making this a true standalone that is also fun for readers of the series to see couples from earlier books.

Haven just can’t get it together at her dream job as a network sportscaster so unknowingly her Mom talks to Trevor Shay and convinces him to let Haven have the exclusive interview on him that is very sought after and he has managed to avoid. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for the wife of one of his mentor’s so he agrees and Haven takes the job. What a hardship, living with a major football and baseball player, getting a glimpse into his world, especially when she crushed hard on Trevor when she was his tutor in college. I like the connecting link in this series. Originally it was about the Riley siblings, but it has branched out to other guys who went to college together and were taken care of by Haven’s parents. A very interesting concept and it worked very well to start this book off.

Of course the sexual chemistry between the two is off the charts, Haven is quite different from what Trevor remembers, but then again he was less on studying and more on playing ball back in college. So it’s hard for him to keep his hands off of her, and of course she has the same problem since she has also had a crush on him for awhile. But what I really liked is they were friends. They had an easy camaraderie that I think is just as important in a romance novel as the chemistry.

The book continues, and leaves you wondering if Haven can get it together and find her true passion and what is Trevor’s big secret, the one thing he’s not letting Haven know. And can a man who is devoted to two sports commit to a woman and make a relationship work? These are the dilemmas of the book. Add in some great chemistry, fun characters from previous books and hot sex scenes and this book will make you melt in many ways. There are hot moments, sweet moments and moments you want to kill both Haven and Trevor, but in the end you fall in love with both of them and the friends that surround them.

If you haven’t picked up a book in the Play by Play series, you simply must do it now. I loved Haven and Trevor’s story, can’t wait to read more of the previous stories and I’m excited about future stories as well. I listened to this on audio courtesy of Tantor audio and the audio version was very well done. It kept me engaged, the narrator used different voices for the different characters and it was easy to keep up with the characters and the story. I highly recommend the audio version of this book, just not with kids in the car ;)

**Audiobook provided by Tantor**

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Fall into Romance Event with Sonya Weiss

Meet Sonya Weiss, author of Stealing the Groom.

From the time she was a child, Sonya knew she was destined to be a writer. If she didn’t like the ending of a book or movie, she would write her own ending. When her children were young, she often wrote stories to entertain them. At the urging of one of her daughters, she submitted a short story and to her surprise and delight, it sold.

Sonya loves writing all things romance whether it’s writing contemporary adult or teen fiction and still hasn’t lost the wonder that she gets to do what she loves.

She enjoys reading, movies, chocolate, and laughter and credits her daughters as being the sweetest blessings in her life.

Find Sonya at:

Review: The Force of Gravity by Kelly Stevenson

I will be the first to tell you that what really grabbed my attention with The Force of Gravity was the fact that it was a forbidden romance between a student and her teacher. I love this trope, and it is always so deliciously wrong that I just can't help myself. But aside from the trope, I absolutely loved this cover. It really made me want to read the book, and I am so glad that I did. The Force of Gravity by Kelly Stevenson was fantastic and I loved every single bit of it. I can't wait for the sequel to come out, and I am not ashamed to admit that I have already started stalking all social media sites to make sure that I haven't missed any details yet.

Kaley Kennedy has a great life. She has a great group of close friends and is dating the hottest guy in school. Her parents are great and she has been accepted into her school of choice for college. But what Kaley never sees coming is the sexy new math teacher that she feels instantly drawn to. Soon Kaley finds herself wanting to attend Friday night study sessions with Mr. Slate rather than at parties with her friends. As Kaley struggles with her feelings and attraction, her life begins to fall apart piece by piece. Soon she is fighting with her friends and boyfriend, she finds out she can't attend her dream school, and there is something going on with her parents. But when Mr. Slate and Kaley begin to connect in a way they have never felt before, they both know that it is a matter of time before they can't stop the attraction and chemistry between them.

I loved Kaley and Elijah Slate. I felt like they both tried really hard to fight what was between them and they both knew that anything happening between them was wrong for many reasons. But I was really glad that Kaley was already eighteen. I felt like although Kaley was young and had moments where she showed her age, that for the most part she was more mature than most high-schoolers. She fit well with Elijah Slate, and I thought that they had a strong connection. They seemed to have such a natural and undeniable bond, and they just felt so at ease with each other. I liked that although their relationship was rushed that it didn't really feel that way to me. They just worked and I felt like it was all real and believable. I really loved how Elijah was always there for Kaley and that he was a constant source of support and encouragement. He really helped Kaley through a lot of tough times and he also wanted what was best for her. He often times encouraged her to live her life and follow her dreams, even knowing that it could possibly take her away from him.

Overall, I thought that this student teacher romance was done so well. It was sweet and sexy, and I loved the characters. I honestly could not put this book down, and was lost in the story right from the start. I thought that Kelly Stevenson had a fantastic writing style, and I can't wait to get more from her. I look forward to reading the next book, but also to seeing what else Kelly Stevenson does in the future. If you are a fan of NA books or student teacher romance stories, you definitely don't want to miss this one. I have to say that this is one of the best student teacher forbidden romance stories that I have ever read, and I will definitely be reading this one again. I need more Elijah Slate, and he is definitely my newest book boyfriend.

**Review Copy Provided by Between the Sheets Promotions**

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

ARC Review: Tempted by Midnight by Lara Adrian

When I first found out that the lovely Lara Adrian was going to be a part of the 1001 Dark Night’s Series, I was flat-out stoked! Then, I learnt that the main character was going to be the mysterious Lazaro Archer, and I became more like an excited schoolgirl with her first crush, than an adult who simply is addicted to everything Breed. After all, this is the tortured soul, the male breed who lost his entire family (with the exception of Kellan), including his lifelong mate Ellie, more than two decades ago due to the deranged plans of Dragos (the first enemy of the Order). Without a doubt, I was hungry to see how Lazaro not only received redemption from his dark past, but who gave him a chance at another happy ending.

For those who haven’t read the Midnight Breed Series, this is a novella and book number 12.5 in the entire series, to be exact. As for the Breed, well, you will be delighted by the intricate world Lara created as well as how unique her version of vampires are. Simply put, they are an ancient crash-landed species on Earth that we typically would see as vampires. They have different unique ESP talents as well as a penchant for blood, while hiding in the shadows. However, they have souls, they protect the human world, and they can only hybridize with our human counterparts known as Breedmates. Of course, I would recommend reading all of the books prior to this one, but it is not necessary. Naturally, having more background information is always good, but jumping right into this book without reading the first 12 books wouldn’t detract from the wonder of the story itself.

We first met Lazaro Archer in book eight, Taken by Midnight, when he was initially warned about Dragos (the grandson of the Ancient who had been in hiding whilst creating an army of Gen One Assassin’s, and plotting genocide). However, as readers we had no clue what would happen to him, just that Dragos had been killing Gen One’s in an attempt to kill potential threats. No clue did we have, that Dragos would murder every living member of Lazaro’s Darkhaven and every person under his care, with the exception of his grandson Kellan Archer (simply by chance). As one would imagine, Lazaro kept himself at a distance from everyone after such a tragic event. Even twenty-plus years later, he is still alone, and now the general at the Order’s Command Center in Italy.

He is the epitome of brutal inner strength, focus, control, and honor. That is, until Melena comes into the picture. She is the daughter of a GNC member known as Byron Walsh, Lazaro’s friend and a needed figure in Breed and human relations in order to ensure peace. As a meeting is underway between Paolo Turati (the brother of Italy’s newly elected President), and Byron Walsh to further peaceful relations, a deadly plan is in play. The impact of a menacing attack during Lazaro and Melena’s first real verbal interaction and the gathering itself, leaves Melena in shock with many dead. Lazaro is forced to save her life, driven by nobility and the need to protect, while resisting the temptation Melena herself presents.

While Melena is no longer the boyish, stubborn seven year old Lazaro saved from drowning 22 years ago while Byron and his family came to visit, she is still off limits as far as Lazaro is concerned. For the first time in so many years, his desire for a woman is causing him to lose control and confront his past. He is so full of guilt, and pain that I could understand his cowardice. He not only risked betraying his former mate’s memory, but was terrified of loving another woman, only to lose her. As an Order member, let alone the general of one of many command centers, his duty is dangerous; hell, he is danger for that matter.

Because of such facts, I loved being a part of his conflict and his journey in learning that love is a risk worth taking. I hungered in anticipation watching Lazaro’s control crack, and withered in a lovingly awed silence as he slowly softened and his shields began to dissolve.Melena, well, I just laughed and smiled as her fiery personality engulfed everything around her. She is the opposite of Lazaro in many ways. For example, she does not rein in her emotions at all. It does not matter who she is speaking with, or what the topic of conversation is. She throws every piece of information on the table, and strikes fiercely with her feelings exposed for all to see. She has a sharp wit, foul mouth, and never back’s down. Not even from Lazaro, despite his ruthlessness during certain parts of the story. So, to say that Lazaro met his perfect match is an understatement. Furthermore, when we discover where the threat to Melena took root, they made a great team; an honorable, honest team.

To make this story even more amazing, Lara added in Jehan and Savage. Oh my! Jehan, took my breath away with his use of diction and his intelligence (plus, I visualize eyes like the sea and skin with a deep bronze color…and beautiful caramel-brown waves). Then, there is Savage (Sav); surfer boy incarnate with an accent, golden smile, and oh so charming smart-ass remarks with sincerity. I am even more excited to read more about these two, and I hope Lara writes them each their own little happily-ever-after. To say that I was pleased with this book does not even begin to break the surface of how wonderful this novella was. If you haven’t read the Midnight Breed Series, or if you have and are keeping up with the series….it really does not matter, this is a must read!

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle |

Audiobook Review: Lord of Vengeance by Lara Adrian, Narrated by Antony Ferguson

Lord of Vengeance was a really enjoyable audiobook. I really enjoyed the plot, characters and the pacing of the story. I have not read Lara Adrian before and I will definitely be adding her to my to-read list.

Gunnar Rutledge, our hero, was a fascinating character. I really loved him and enjoyed watching his evolution. When the story begins Gunnar witnesses his parent’s death. Although he is too young to do anything about it he dedicates his life to vengeance. Gunnar has trained and prepared himself for the moment when he will be able to avenge his parents’ death. The object of his vengeance is Lord De'bussy. By some coincidence he stumbles upon a maiden in need of help that maiden is Rainna, De’Bussy’s daughter. At the time Gunnar does not know this.

Rainna was raised by her father, her mother died when she was still very young. Rainna adores her father and he her. She believes that her father is her hero. She worships him and is often spoiled by him. Rainna’s upbringing is very sheltered and for the most part uninhibited. Her father does not impose any rules or boundaries on her. When she meets Gunnar she feels immediately pulled to him but she soon realizes that Gunnar has one objective and has had one objective all his life-destroy her father. Rainna is very loyal to her father and the people she grew up with. When Gunnar takes her hostage the tension builds not only between Gunnar and Rainna but with De’Bussy as well.

Rainna is a likeable character but she is very naïve when the story begins. Often times she seems almost childlike. Gunnar and Rainna could not be any more different. They childhoods and their drives are opposites but they cannot ignore their pull to one another.

I really loved this story! I loved the characters, the battles the tension and the unraveling of all the secrets that become known throughout the story. Rainna and Gunnar were a fantastic character. They really challenged each other and with a lot of effort they were able to learn to trust each other despite them being enemies. The narrator was also great! I have to confess that his mimicking of Rainna took me some getting used to and I think that maybe a female playing Rainna would have worked better because some moments seemed comical when the narrator plays Rainna’s part. This was such a fantastic story!

**Audiobook Provided by Tantor Audio**

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | B&N |

Fall into Romance Event with Jenna Rutland

Jenna Rutland lives in a small Michigan community with her husband, son and senior cat. Her daughter and son-in-law have recently given Jenna the awesome title of grandmother!

While her days are spent working as a medical transcriptionist, her nights are filled writing contemporary romance—stories of love, laughter and happily ever after. Guess which occupation is more fun?

She is a member of RWA and is active in her local chapter. After several years on the MVRWA board, she now chairs the group’s annual fall brainstorming weekend as well as acts as food coordinator for several other events.
Jenna takes pleasure in spending time with her family. She also enjoys reading, gardening and loves the challenge of a new recipe.

Jenna welcomes the chance to connect with writers and readers. For more information, head to her website, and hang out with Jenna on Facebook and Twitter.

Find Jenna at:

ARC Review: Blurred by Kim Karr

I really love the Connections series by Kim Karr, but I will admit that I was a bit worried going into Blurred. Ben Covington is far from my favorite character, but I have been hoping that he is capable of redeeming himself. I knew that it wouldn't be an easy journey for him though, and this novella definitely proved that. Ben still has a long way to go, but I think that after reading this novella I definitely have a new understanding for his character.

After losing the only woman he has ever loved, Ben is left feeling as though he has little left to live for. He heads to Australia to avoid his heartache and try to find himself again. When he must return home to help out with the case that once sent him away from Dahlia, he struggles with being back in California. As Ben continues to try and pick up the pieces of his life, he fills his life with alcohol and women. But when the one girl who tempted him while with Dahlia suddenly reappears in Ben's life, he finds himself feeling something for the first time in as long as he can remember. But will his downward spiral ruin any chance he has at a future with her?

We have seen Ben in the previous books of this series, but I felt like we never really got to know Ben fully. He had loved Dahlia for the majority of his life, and both Ben and Dahlia had always planned on a future together. But Ben left after putting her in danger and Dahlia moved on. We found out some things about Ben's past and what Dahlia had thought was an almost betrayal was actually a night spent with Bell. It was hard for me to get behind parts of this story because Ben relives that night and has never stopped thinking of Bell or fantasizing about her and their night together. He cheated on Dahlia and tried to get her back, and his betrayal still stings for me on behalf of Dahlia. So to see it almost glorified in this novella was not an easy thing to witness. I do think that Ben deserves to find happiness, and that he and Bell have a lot of chemistry and possibly even a connection. But it is really hard for me to get behind anything between them at this point. I was glad to see Ben working on himself though, and I think that it was really nice to see him finally accepting that Dahlia has moved on and is happy.

While I think that this novella was good and added to the series, so far it was my least favorite story in the connections series. It was slow and focused on Ben, so it didn't have that connection between the hero and heroine that has been such an integral part of each Connections book so far. I missed that relationship and felt like the brief bits we got of Ben and Bell just didn't satisfy as I am still trying to come around to the idea of them being together. They started out as such a betrayal to Ben and Dahlia's relationship and caused so much hurt and I always believed that I wouldn't be happy if they ended up together. But after reading Blurred, I am starting to see them in a different light and part of that is due to Dahlia herself. I am hoping that with Frayed we continue to see some growth from Ben and that we also get to see Ben and Bell take things slowly. There is a lot they need to overcome still, and I just hope that it is done in a way that will be respectful to Dahlia and everything that she went through.

**ARC Provided by Penguin Group Berkley/Signet**

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