
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Feature and Giveaway: Tempted by the Viscount by Sofie Darling

London, April 1825

Lord Jakob Radclyffe left his past behind in the Far East. Or so he thinks until a ruthless thief surfaces in London, threatening to ruin his daughter’s reputation. With the clock ticking, Jake needs the scandalous Lady Olivia Montfort’s connections in the art world to protect his daughter’s future.

Olivia, too, has a past she’d like to escape. By purchasing her very own Mayfair townhouse, she’ll be able to start a new life independent from all men. There’s one problem: she needs a powerful man’s name to do so. The Viscount St. Alban is the perfect name.

A bargain is struck.

What Olivia doesn’t anticipate is the temptation of the viscount. The undeniable spark of awareness that races between them undermines her vow to leave love behind. Soon, she has no choice but to rid her system of Jake by surrendering to her craving for a single scorching encounter.

But is once enough? Sometimes once only stokes the flame of desire higher and hotter. And sometimes once is all the heart needs to risk all and follow a mad passion wherever it may lead.

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ARC Review: If Ever I Should Love You by Cathy Maxwell

Cathy Maxwell's If Ever I Should Love You is the first in her new Spinster Heiresses series. While the story wasn't Maxwell's best, it was still a good read. There was only one thing missing that I couldn't put my finger on until the very end.

Leonie is one of three ladies out in society that has been named a Spinster Heiress. This is mainly because she is an heiress, but she has remained unattached for some time. She has no desire to be married, but she goes through the motions because her parents are pushing it.

Roman, the Earl of Rochdale, just recently inherited the title as well as a mountain of debt. He finds he must marry to pay off these debts. He is excited for this new Earldom to be a fresh start. He once had dreams that came crashing down in the military

When the Earl learns that Leonie is one of the Spinster Heiresses, he becomes determined that she helps him since she was a part of the reason his military dreams died. The history between Leonie and Roman is a huge hurdle for the two to come to terms with. It forces them to face whether or not they can trust each other, and that really makes or breaks a relationship.

I will say this is the first time I questioned the outcome of a romance. I always expect the couple to figure it out together, but I was unsure if these two could find their way to each other. The one thing I missed from this book was that there wasn't any secrets to learn. Almost everything was put out there in the beginning of the book, and it left me bored for the rest.

The content of this book was harsher material than most historical romances, and I really think that Cathy Maxwell handled it beautifully. But possibly because of that focus, she lost me in the overall story. I am still glad I read it, however.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Feature: Moonlight Seduction by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The de Vincent brothers are back—and so is the intrigue that surrounds them—in New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout’s sizzling new novel . . .

Nicolette Bresson never thought she’d return to the de Vincents’ bayou compound. It’s where her parents work, where Nikki grew up . . . and where she got her heart broken by Gabriel de Vincent himself. Yet here she is, filling in for her sick mother. Avoiding Gabe should be easy, especially when so much of Nikki’s time is spent trying not to be stabbed in the back by the malicious hangers-on who frequent the mansion. But escaping memories of Gabe, much less his smoking-hot presence, is harder than expected—especially since he seems determined to be in Nikki’s space as much as possible.

Gabriel spent years beating himself up over his last encounter with Nikki. He’d wanted her then, but for reasons that were bad for both of them. Things have now changed. Gabe sees more than a girl he’s known forever; he sees a smart, talented, and heartbreakingly beautiful woman . . . one who’s being stalked from the shadows. Now, Gabe will do anything to keep Nikki safe—and to stop the de Vincent curse from striking again.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

ARC Review: A Christmas at Thorncliff Manor by Sophie Barnes

This is the conclusion to Sophie Barnes’ Thorncliff Manor series where the Heartly Family have one by one fallen in love and tried to uncover the hidden treasure left there by their Great Grandparents. I loved this series and I am glad Sophie Barnes self-published this, I am probably one of many fans that would have been upset that we didn’t get an ending otherwise. I love Sophie Barnes writing style, and she balances the mystery and little bit of excitement well with the romance, the romance is the main focus but the mystery of the lost treasure helps progress the story along.

Dowager Duchess of Duncaster keeps Thorncliff Manor open as an exclusive holiday location for her friends in Society. This Christmas however she has invited her good friends Lord and Lady Oakland and their four remaining unmarried daughters, along with a select few gentlemen she hope will make a match with the girls. Fiona the youngest of the bunch is the one who started the treasure hunt in the first place. Their Great Aunt had sent the Heartly’s Grandfather to retrieve her jewelry box from Thorncliff after they managed to save it from the uprising in France, only something happened it went missing and Heartly was killed. In the three other books it has revealed parts of the mystery but Fiona won’t give up and since they are spending Christmas at Thorncliff she’s determined to find it.

Earl of Chadwick and Fiona have been friends forever despite their eleven year age difference. The last couple of years Chadwick has tried to stop loving Fiona. Which is kind of creepy if you think about it she’s only nineteen that means when he fell in love with her he was a man in his late twenties lusting after a girl in her teens, but this is a historical and I tend to be more forgiving about the creep factor. But after being friends for so long will either of them take the step in the direction they both want to go but are too scared to take. Rachel Heartly has a goal of being admitted into the Royal Academy, Viscount Belgrave has finally seen Rachel in a new light and now is trying to persuade her that maybe there could be more to life than just science. Laura Heartly the author of the family with one successful romance on the market already is set on marring for nothing less than love, Duke of Lamont thinks that Laura would be the perfect mother to his two young nieces and the perfect wife to him. Emily Hearty has hidden her art from everyone but when the Marquess of Montsmouth asks she doesn’t know why but she shows him; Montsmouth has always been seen as odd but Emily sees a different side to him.

Overall, with the four romances and the mystery you would think it was rushed but it doesn’t feel that way it is well paced and each couple gets a few chapters here and there and it very balanced. I loved the characters and story; the conclusion to the mystery was bittersweet, you’re all yay! And then aww it’s over. It’s a really good book to cuddle up and read.

**ARC provided by Author**

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Feature and Giveaway: Law of Attraction by Alison Bliss

For single mom Bobbie Jo Weston, finding a husband is not on her to-do list. She's focused on turning a run-down chicken farm into a Bed & Breakfast. She agrees to let a friend’s nephew stay with her in exchange for his handyman skills, but she wasn’t counting on the super sexy Seth Landry being that guy.

Seth has a special skill-set, all right, but it has nothing to do with hammering nails. As a retired member of The Resistance—an elite group of ex-military soldiers—his dark, unsettling past haunts him. He needs a place to lay low, and an out-of-the-way B&B is nothing short of perfect. The blonde beauty doesn’t trust men, and he doesn't plan on sticking around long enough to change her mind.

The closer they get, the more they can't seem to keep their hands off each other. And while Bobbie holds on to her fear of watching another man walk out of their lives, Seth's mere presence has put them all in jeopardy. The only way to ever be free of his dangerous past is for him to accept one last mission...

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Monday, June 25, 2018

ARC Review: Marry in Scandal by Anne Gracie

Marry in Scandal is the second book in Anne Gracie's Marriage of Convenience series. I loved it, and I think it was much better than the first book in the series, Marry in Haste.

Lily is a very sweet girl who looks for the best in everyone. While this is normally an admirable quality, it lands Lily in quite the predicament. Through a bad sequence of events, she is abducted. Lily is quite the heiress, and that is what tempted her abductor. What I find marvelous, is her determination and her smarts to get herself out of the situation. I admired that about her immensely.

To be fair however, she did get a little assistance from her brother's best friend, Ned. Ned is in the right place at the right time, and is able to help Lily escape. Ned is a very troubled gentleman who seems to push people away. It pulls at every girls' instinct to try to save him from his inner demons. I'm not sure Lily realizes it's effecting her at first. But he also becomes her hero, despite his adamant proclamations that it is not the case.

Despite every effort to keep Lily's reputation clean, rumors are flying. The whole ordeal has become quite the scandal and it basically forces the two into a marriage of convenience. Ned resists all inclinations that what they have will ever be love. Sometimes love is irresistible however.

This romance was so adorable and everything sweet! It was just what I needed. It has Anne Gracie's flair of dreamy romance. I felt like doing the cliche sigh that women do when seeing romantic gestures in the movies. I cannot wait to continue this series!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Feature and Giveaway: Anything for Love by Melissa Foster

After Charlotte Sterling loses her last family member, she moves to Sterling House, her family’s Colorado mountain inn, to live a solitary life. As an erotic romance writer, her days and nights are filled with passion and intrigue—even if only fictional. She loves her busy, quiet lifestyle, and she learned early on that real men can’t live up to the fictional heroes she creates—until ruggedly handsome Beau Braden arrives to do some work at the inn and, for the first time in forever, she’s intrigued by a real man.

Beau lost his first love years ago, and he’s never let go of his guilt over her death. As he nears the anniversary of his loss, he is on the cusp of becoming the star of a home-renovation reality show. Escaping the painful memories of his past to work at the defunct old inn is just the promise of solitude he needs to clear his head before diving in to the all-too-public career. But he didn’t count on being attracted to the whimsical, adorably sexy innkeeper.

Neither Charlotte nor Beau is looking for an attachment or a fling. But the more they learn about each other, the closer they become. Romantic evenings lead to intimate conversations, and neither can deny their deep connection or the passion it sparks. They’ve never fully healed on their own, but together maybe anything is possible.

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Sunday, June 24, 2018

ARC Review: The Upside of Falling by Meghan Quinn

The Upside of Falling is the first book in the Blue Line Duet by Meghan Quinn. I really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait for more. Since this is the first book in the duet, it does end with a cliffhanger and readers should be prepared to be on pins and needles waiting for the next book just like I am. Meghan drew me in right away with these characters and I can’t wait to see what happens next! 

Colby has always had one dream, to become a fighter pilot. His childhood was rough, but planes and his dream were what got him through. Now that his dream is finally in sight, he knows that he must avoid all distractions in order to achieve his goal. But when he meets Rory, he knows that she is exactly the kind of distraction he should avoid, and yet he finds himself unable to fight the pull he feels to her.

I loved these characters! I will admit that at first I was worried about how I would ultimately feel about Rory. Her persistence with Colby at first despite the many times he pushed her away was something that kind of bothered me. Luckily though it paid off, and I was glad that she hadn’t given up when Colby started to come around. These two fit together really well, and I could see the not only the attraction between them, but also the connection that was there from the start and just continued to grow. I felt invested in each of them as individuals and as a couple. 

Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot and I wasn’t ready for it to be over! I can’t wait for the next installment after how things ended here, and I need to know if these two will get their HEA. I am still pretty new to Meghan Quinn’s books, yet she has never let me down. Both Colby and Rory were likable and relatable characters, and I think readers are going to love them like I did. The next book in the duet, The Downside of Love, comes out soon so don’t be afraid to jump in with this one as you won’t have long to wait!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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