
Saturday, January 25, 2014

ARC Review: Tell Me When by Stina Lindenblatt

I really enjoyed this New Adult Contemporary read by Stina Lindenblatt. I thought that it was well written and a beautiful story about romance, forgiveness, growth and healing. I didn't honestly know what to expect with this story, but the blurb sounded promising and I really liked the cover. I am so glad that I took a chance on this one though, and I cannot wait to read more from Stina Lindenblatt in the future. This book has so much to offer, and I definitely would recommend it.

Amber has been through so much and is left broken because of it. All she wants is to be invisible and pass her classes while earning her veterinary degree. She hates waking up her roommate with her nightmares, and having flashbacks that send her back to a hell she would rather forget. She feels alone and doesn't let anyone in, fearing what will happen if she allows herself to love anyone again. When she starts failing her math class, she decides to get a tutor to help her out. Marcus is the last person that she should get involved with and he has a reputation to prove it. The more that he helps her and the more time they spend together though, the easier they both find it to open up to each other. Soon they are book sharing about their terrible pasts and helping each other to move forward. Their feelings for each other grow and Marcus finds himself wanting a relationship for the first time. Marcus and Amber begin dating and everything appears to be changing for them. But when a threat from Amber's past resurfaces, she will do anything to protect Marcus from ever being hurt like those before him even if that means breaking up with him. Marcus isn't willing to give up on them though and is determined to convince her that they belong together.

I really liked Marcus. He was sweet and sexy and really protective of Amber. I liked that even though he used sex as a coping method before Amber, that he didn't have a problem giving that up for her. Marcus was a really great guy who had an awful past and a ton of guilt to go with it. But I liked that he was patient and didn't judge Amber. He was supportive and understanding and only encouraged her to move forward. I also really loved how involved he was in his community youth center and really cared about helping those kids to achieve better lives than they might otherwise have. I also thought his nickname for Amber was cute and it seemed to just fit her. Amber was really broken and struggling to continue with her life after experiencing so much heartbreak. But she was a survivor, and had a strength about her that I really enjoyed reading about. It was great to see her begin to put her life back together and heal from her past while moving forward. I think that her and Marcus had a great connection, and they seemed to be perfect together. I loved Marcus's corny math jokes and how he would always try to get Amber to smile and be happy. I also really loved their heat and chemistry together.

Overall, I thought this was a really great book. I enjoyed Amber and Marcus and their journey, but I also really liked the secondary characters as well! I thought Marcus's friend Chase and Amber's friend Jordan were really interesting, and I love how they sort of circled around each other. You could tell there is definitely something there even though she has a boyfriend. I really hope that we get to see more of each of them, and maybe even them together. This story is beautiful and heartbreaking, but it is also filled with hope, love and forgiveness. It shows how two very broken people can find a connection despite being through more than anyone could ever imagine. The only criticism that I have is that for the most part everything in this story is pretty much wrapped up with a bow minus for one glaring exception. I felt like after everything that had happened, this should have been dealt with because it was a really big deal to how everything played out in the story. I really would have liked to have seen how it was dealt with and what happened. But otherwise, I really loved everything else, and I especially loved that this was a dual POV. It was really nice to see not only what Amber was experiencing but also Marcus. Amber and Marcus's story is one that I would recommend to any fan of New Adult or Contemporary romance, but also to anyone who loves a story with a happy ending.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Guest Post with Author Stina Lindenblatt and Giveaway

Born in England, Stina loves to travel, and has lived in England, the US, Canada, and Finland. She spent a semester in graduate school living in central Finland, and a summer during her undergrad degree working in Helsinki. She has a Master’s of Science degree in exercise physiology and has worked with elite athletes. In her free time, Stina is a photographer, mother of three adorable kids, and devoted wife. She currently lives in Calgary, Canada.

Find Stina at:

Forever Young Blog Tour: Shannon Richard, Nyrae Dawn, Jessica Sorensen + J.A. Redmerski

Things Paige Morrison will never understand about Mirabelle, Florida:

Why wearing red shoes makes a girl a harlot
Why a shop would ever sell something called “buck urine”
Why everywhere she goes, she runs into sexy-and infuriating-Brendan King

After losing her job, her apartment, and her boyfriend, Paige has no choice but to leave Philadelphia and move in with her retired parents. For an artsy outsider like Paige, finding her place in the tightly knit town isn’t easy-until she meets Brendan, the hot mechanic who’s interested in much more than Paige’s car. In no time at all, Brendan helps Paige find a new job, new friends, and a happiness she wasn’t sure she’d ever feel again. With Brendan by her side, Paige finally feels like she can call Mirabelle home. But when a new bombshell drops, will the couple survive, or will their love come undone?

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ARC Review: Savor by Monica Murphy

This is the third book in the Billionaire Bachelors Club series. Matt DeLuca, a former professional baseball player, has bought a failing winery. Part of the package is Bryn James. She is his assistant and object of interest. She wears no makeup and the blandest clothes. Matt would love to shed her shields and have the gorgeous body within. She has the same designs on him. She hides her curves due to past experience with lecherous men and her dirt poor upbringing. She was falsely accused of being a home wrecker and still believes the insults she endured. Matt’s friends’ wives decide Bryn needs a makeover to snare him. The friends hope it works because if Matt touches a woman in the next forty five days, he has to pay them one million dollars. There is a grand reopening of the winery and she’s dressed to be undressed. Much to Matt’s chagrin, every man notices, including his drunken father Vinnie. Bryn offers to babysit Vinnie so Matt can mingle at the party. Vinnie propositions her and accuses her of being a gold digger. Matt has him thrown out. Later, at a convention in New York, Matt and Bryn become better acquainted. Pictures are taken without their knowledge and hit the Internet. She’s humiliated and runs back home to Texas to live with her grandmother. Will Matt follow?

Matt and Bryn make an excellent couple. They meet through work, but he relies on her for everything. Not only is he attracted to her beauty, but to her knowledge of the business. He’s wealthy, but with her, it’s a disadvantage. She’s more grounded than the women he has dated. The pressure is on him not to push too hard for a relationship. The wives’ interest in her detracts a bit. They buy her clothes and insist on her wearing makeup and doing her hair. I think Bryn is capable of making those decisions herself. She is shy, but deals with her circumstances with a bit of grace and charm.

At first, Bryn is right to tread lightly around Matt. He has a reputation of being a ladies’ man. She would be another number. His friends’ wives encourage her to be pursued. She’s not sorry for the attention and fits in very well with them. In the end, she follows her heart.

To quote Bryn’s grandma, “Don’t let a good man go.”

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Friday, January 24, 2014

ARC Review: Remembering Us by Stacey Lynn

I'm not usually one for amnesia stories, but there was something about this one that drew me in and made me want to read it. I ended up really enjoying this book and couldn't put it down. Remembering Us was emotional and at times heartbreaking, and I didn't have a clue what was really going on most of the time. I can honestly say that I really didn't know what had happened or how things would end. This book kept me guessing the entire way through, and I just couldn't stop because I had to know everything.

All Amy knows of her life is everything that happened before the last two years and that she had some sort of accident. Everything else about her life is what people tell her. She lives in an apartment with her boyfriend Adam who is a stranger to her. She has her best friend Kelsey around to help her though, and she begins to start piecing her life back together. Amy and Adam are seeing a therapist to help with her memory loss and the tough situation they find themselves in. Amy doesn't trust Adam and the more she begins to remember about him and see in her dreams, the more she feels there is a reason for her lack of trust. Adam struggles with how to deal with the woman he loves only remembering all the bad times and mistakes. He tries to be patient and give her the space she needs, but it's hard for him to have her be so close and yet so far away. With her memories slowly coming back and more time spent with Adam, Amy starts to develop feelings for him and begins to see how she had once fallen in love with him. She still has trust issues, but they begin to fade with time. Will Amy's memories come back and explain everything that took her from her former life to where she is now? Can Adam and Amy have back the future that a tragic accident stole for them, or will it be too late to regain everything that was lost?

I really liked Adam. I felt so bad for him and the situation he was in. I cannot possibly imagine how hard it would be to watch the person you love stand right in front of you and act as though you are a stranger. My heart truly broke for him at times during this story, and yet he was always there supporting Amy convinced that she would someday remember. Even though he struggled with how to handle everything and deal with the circumstances that they were dealt, you could tell how much he really loved Amy. He was always trying to do what was best for her even if it hurt him in the process. I liked Amy also. I felt frustrated with her at times because of how she would react to Adam and how she treated him. But I also know that if I was in the same situation I'm sure that I would be confused and skeptical also. But it was hard to see them go through this and be mad about either one of them acting the way they were. I loved seeing them go through the process of getting through the aftermath of the accident though, and watching as Amy's memories came back and her feelings grew for Adam. These two were really great together, and I thought that they were meant for each other. They seemed to get each other unlike anyone else, and they had an undeniable connection to each other even when Amy didn't remember it. They also had a lot of chemistry and you could feel the tension between them. Amy might not have remembered their relationship, but she knew that she was always attracted to him and couldn't fight wanting to be with him.

Overall, I thought that this was a really great second chance romance story. I liked that Amy and Adam never gave up on each other and kept working on getting back their relationship. I loved how much faith Adam had in her and how he didn't ever abandon her. I thought it was really sweet how he would take her to their favorite places and try to help her remember things. The only thing that I would have liked to have seen was more insight into Adam. I felt like although we got to see a lot of what had happened to him and made him who he was, that this story could have really benefited from having some of his POV. I would have loved to have seen and experienced his thoughts and feelings while going through all of this. But I really enjoyed this story, and it was really well written. I recommend this book to anyone who likes an emotional read about an enduring love that can conquer many obstacles thrown in the way. This book is an emotional roller coaster that will keep you guessing until the very end. I loved Amy and Adam's story and was very glad to see their HEA play out. I will definitely be looking for more from Stacey Lynn in the future and can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC provided by Love Between the Sheets**

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Guest Post with Author Cindi Madsen and Giveaway

Meet Cindi Madsen, author of Resisting the Hero.

Cindi Madsen sits at her computer every chance she gets, plotting revising, and falling in love with her characters. Sometimes it makes her a crazy person. Without it, she’d be even crazier. She has way too many shoes, but can always find a reason to buy a new pretty pair, especially if they’re sparkly, colorful, or super tall. She loves music, dancing, and wishes summer lasted all year long.

She lives in Colorado (where summer is most definitely NOT all year long) with her husband and three children. She is the author of YA novels All the Broken Pieces and Demons of the Sun, adult contemporary romances Falling for Her Fiancé and Act Like You love Me, and the women's fiction novel Cinderella Screwed Me Over.

Places to find Cindi:

Guest Post with Author Julie Brannagh and Giveaway

Meet Julie Brannagh, author of Blitzing Emily.

Julie Brannagh has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pencil. She lives in a small town near Seattle, where she once served as a city council member and owned a yarn shop. She shares her home with a wonderful husband, two uncivilized Maine Coons and a rambunctious chocolate Lab.

Julie hasn't quite achieved the goal of owning a pro football team, so she created a fictional one: The Seattle Sharks. When she's not writing, she's reading, or armchair-quarterbacking her favorite NFL team from the comfort of the family room couch. Julie is a Golden Heart finalist and the author of four contemporary sports romances.

Find Julie at:

ARC Review: Chance of a Lifetime by Jodi Thomas

I’m usually a fan of small town romances. I think that it always sets the atmosphere of warm and welcoming place and is a great place for relationships to grow and develop. I thought that Ms Thomas captured many of the nuances of small town living. I especially liked Emily and Tannon Parker. I liked the way that their past was a part of their present but it wasn’t spoken of until it was time. I loved how their conversations were lazed with another meaning. It kept me intrigued. The whole time I kept thinking, what happened between them? Although Tannon could be considered intimidating I found him to be very vulnerable and sad. At first the characters seemed very flat. Emily was just a stereotypical librarian enjoying her quiet life. But the more time that Tannon spent with Emily the more interesting they became. It was both sad and interesting to see how they were both unable to move past their history, yet at the same time it was what kept them united after so much distance between them.

I liked Rick Matheson and Trace Adams story as well but thought that the death threats didn’t belong in the story. I liked the role reversal of Trace a U.S. Marshall was called in to protect Rick. I also liked how he helped her come to terms with her own feelings, emotions and vulnerabilities. Typically the roles are reversed. The man gives physical protection and the woman gives emotional healing. I loved that in this book it was the other way around. I also enjoyed some of the funny moments that they shared. This couple seemed to be full of contradictions but they were still enjoyable and very unique.

Although I enjoyed this story I thought there were a lot of extra details that I could have done without. Small parts I did not think were relevant to the book. Beau Yates and his mystery girl seemed awkward. I wasn’t overly impressed with Trouble. I kept thinking, why am I reading about these people? There were times when I found my attention drifting. I also tend to like one couple more than the other and find myself trying to skip to the couple I like best. I’m an impatient reader. Overall, this was a good book. Although I would not re-read it, I did enjoy seeing the growth between Tannon and Emily and Trace and Rick. This is definitely small town romance. I have never read Jodi Thomas but I do plan to read more of her work.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Thursday, January 23, 2014

ARC Review: Thrash by JC Emery

Thrash is the second book in the Bayonet Scars series by JC Emery. After reading Ride I was kind of skeptical about reading Thrash, even though I really liked Duke. I had some problems with Ride and I just wasn't sure how Thrash was going to go for me. I am so glad that I read it though. Thrash was much better and it really made me not only like Duke and Nic better, but also Ryan and Alex. Thrash takes place over the same time period as Ride, but yet we get to see so much more than we did with Ride. I really loved getting to see some of the same events but in a completely different light.

Nic has been turning down Duke for as long as she can remember. She has always had a crush on him, but knows that he isn't the type for commitment. She has enough to worry about in her life without adding heartbreak on top of everything. Struggling to take care of her underage brother after her dad is sent to jail after some club business, Nic barely makes it by. Looking to escape for a night, Nic and Duke end up spending the night together. Nic is determined to keep her distance to avoid getting hurt. But Duke isn't about to let her go so easily and sets out to prove to her that they belong together. Duke knows that Nic will make the perfect Old Lady, but he just has to convince her without scaring her away. When Nic's past shows back up, Duke becomes more determined than ever to protect Nic and take care of her. But with Nic and Duke's relationship already having problems and the club being thrown into more turmoil, can they possibly make it out alive and together?

I really liked Duke. He definitely screwed up a few times and made me want to slap him around. But he was a good guy deep down, and I think he just didn't think before reacting most of the time. I loved that he didn't give up on Nic and was determined when it came to pursuing her. The more he realized about her life, the more he looked to protect and take care of her. I liked Nic. She was vulnerable and had clearly been through a lot, and yet she was a fighter and determined to survive. I connected with her character so much more than I did with Alex from Ride because Nic is so much stronger. I liked that she knew how everything with the Club worked and that she had been around it her whole life. I think it was easier for her to deal with things because of her connection to the club. Duke and Nic had a lot of chemistry and were really hot together. But they also really connected and I think that they were a good pairing. They worked really well and I thought that they really seemed to bring out the best in each other.

Overall, I really enjoyed Thrash. This book definitely surpassed my expectations after reading Ride. I thought this book was written better and did a much better job of showing depth of character. I think that this one really did a great job of showing flawed characters who were capable of not only making bad decisions, but also of showing that they were redeemable. I really didn't care for Alex and Ryan in Ride, but seeing more of them in Thrash really changed my opinion of them. It was really great to see the emotion and feelings that Ryan was experiencing because I felt like in Ride we really didn't get to see that. It definitely made their love and connection so much more believable and I finally got the feeling that their connection was truly real. I really liked Nic and Duke, and with this book I like Alex and Ryan now too. I also thought that Thrash did a much better job of leaving the reader with questions and yet the ending wasn't as abrupt and jarring as Ride was. I can't wait to read more in this series and see what happens with Duke and Nic as well as Ryan and Alex. JC Emery has really changed my opinion on this series, and I now feel really invested in these characters. I am really interested to see how everything plays out with the MC as well as Alex's cousin and brother. This series is definitely worth giving a shot, and if the improvement from Ride to Thrash is anything to go by, I can't wait to see how the next book is.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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ARC Review: A Little Too Hot by Lisa Desrochers

A Little Too Hot is the third book in Lisa Desrocher's A Little Too Far New Adult series. I have been a fan of this series since I first read Lexie and Trent's story. These books have interconnected characters, but can all be read as a stand-alone. I highly recommend that you start at the beginning though as these books are all amazing reads that you do not want to miss. I will admit that this book absolutely shocked me in a totally good way. I went into this book knowing what a great writer Desrochers is, and what amazing characters she has introduced us to so far. That being said though, I will also admit that I was pretty judgmental when it came to Sam's character and wasn't sure how this one was going to go for me. Needless to say, I gave it a chance and was blown away by this one! I love Lexie and Trent and didn't think it was possible to surpass their story, but I think that Sam and Harrison just might be my new favorite couple!

Sam has had a really rough go of it lately. She got dumped only to find out that her boyfriend was in love with his stepsister. Then she flunked out of college and got kicked out by her parents. She was staying with her friend until her friend's parents asked her to leave. With no job and nowhere to go, Sam turns to her best friend Jonathan. Jonathan gets her a job at a gentleman's club as an exotic dancer and lets her stay on his couch. Sam's first night on the job starts off with a bang and she thinks that she spots Trent her ex in the crowd. She quickly finds out that it isn't Trent, but an even better looking guy named Harrison that she instantly feels a connection to. The club has rules set in place, but Harrison makes her want to break every one of them. The more that Sam and Harrison get to know each other the harder it becomes for both of them to fight their attraction. But Harrison isn't who she thinks she is and all of a sudden Sam's life is falling apart all over again. With everything that has happened, Sam knows that she should stay far away from Harrison. But she can't help but feel like there is something between them worth risking her heart for.

I loved Harrison. He was smart and unbelievably sexy. He was also sweet and thoughtful. I loved how he really looked out for Sam and went out of his way to do nice things for her. Even though he had intense feelings for her, he tried to do the right thing when it came to her. You could tell that he really fought to keep himself in control when that was the last thing he wanted to do. Sam was so much different than I first thought. I feel like because of how her character was introduced in A Little Too Far that I was automatically assuming the worst about her and that I really had her completely pegged wrong. I loved seeing a whole new and deeper side to her, including how strong her feelings for Trent were and just how hurt she was by everything. It really brought out the softer side of her and made me realize just how much her character had been through. I really liked seeing her with Harrison, and I thought that they were really perfect together. They had a lot to deal with, and yet they really seemed to handle everything that came up for them really well together. I liked seeing them get to really know one another and I loved the easy and natural connection they had. These two had some of the strongest chemistry I have ever read about, and they absolutely sizzled the entire way through this book. They had so much tension and attraction between them, and they were super hot together.

Overall, I really was surprised just how much I ended up loving this book. Sam was absolutely the last character I ever expected to connect with, and I found myself being drawn in from page one and instantly invested in her story. I loved how things played out with her and Harrison, and I have to admit that I absolutely did not see that twist coming! I really thought that it would always be Lexie and Trent that would stick with me of all the characters from this series, and it was really nice to see them briefly in this story. But I know that Sam and Harrison will definitely be the ones that I go back and reread over and over again. There is just something about these two that really made me fall in love right along with them. This book is probably the best of the series in my opinion, and that is saying something considering just how great the other two books are! This series is absolutely not to be missed, and you need to read these if you haven't already. I have heard that this is the last book in the series, but I just keep hoping that Lisa Desrochers will change her mind and decide to continue it. I am just not ready to let all these characters go, and I would read absolutely anything about them that she writes. That being said though, I will be looking forward to whatever she does write in the future as I have become such a fan of hers after reading these books. These books have so much to offer and they grab your attention right away and the next thing you know the book is over. I absolutely devoured this series and adore the characters in these books, and they have definitely left me with a huge book hangover.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Feature and Giveaway: A Little Too Hot by Lisa Desrochers

From USA Today bestselling author Lisa Desrochers, comes the third book in her sizzling New Adult series.

If you play with fire…

Tossed out of college and cut off by her parents, Samantha West is in pretty dire straits. So when her rocker best friend hooks her up with a job dancing at a gentlemen’s club, who is she to turn it down? Plus, there are rules to dancing at Benny’s: No touching, keep your clothes on at all times, and never get closer than three feet. Unfortunately for Sam, her first private client makes her want to break every single one of them.

Harrison Yates is scorching hot, but he’s got a past that involves being left at the altar not too long ago. Sam is determined to make him forget about his ex, but when she makes her move, it flings her life into a spiral of chaos she never saw coming.

Because Harrison Yates isn’t who he seems to be. And his secret will probably get her killed.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Karen Ann Hopkins and Giveaway

Meet author Karen Ann Hopkins, author of Forever.

A native of New York State, Karen Ann Hopkins now lives with her family on a farm in northern Kentucky, where her neighbors in all directions are members of a strict Amish community. Her unique perspective became the inspiration for the story of star-crossed lovers Rose and Noah. When she’s not homeschooling her kids, giving riding lessons or tending to a menagerie of horses, goats, peacocks, chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs and cats, she is dreaming up her next romantic novel.

Find Karen Ann at:

Feature and Giveaway: Big Girl Panties by Stephanie Evanovich

In BIG GIRL PANTIES, Evanovich introduces readers to Holly Brennan—a 32-year old grieving widow in need of a change. Having spent too much time mired in sadness and grief-eating, Holly heads out of town to settle her husband’s estate and try to move on. Enter Logan Montgomery—a personal trainer to the country’s most famous professional athletes who also happens to be sitting next to her on the flight home.

Holly’s mortified by the way she’s squeezed into the airplane seat, but as they chat, Logan quickly realizes she has a sharp wit and keen insight—a welcome change from the sexy but superficial women he usually dates. When he impulsively offers to train her at his private gym, Holly surprises even herself and agrees.

Holly discovers she’s a natural athlete, and as her fitness level increases, so does a new found confidence. When Logan finally introduces Holly to his best friends, baseball superstar Chase Walker and his wife Amanda (a feisty curvy woman herself), they instantly see what Logan doesn’t; Holly is knockout. As their smoldering attraction starts to spark in earnest, Holly and Logan will have to decide if their love is for real…or just about looks.

BIG GIRL PANTIES is a fun, sexy, smart, and exceptionally saucy romp—a must-have book for the summer and a debut not to be missed.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Feel the Heat by Kate Meader


Photographer Lili DeLuca spends all her time managing her family's Italian restaurant, instead of following her dream of getting an MFA. When famous British chef Jack Kilroy unexpectedly challenges her father to a cook-off, Lili decides she's tired of playing it safe and vows to seduce the tempting Brit. But once a video of her and Jack kissing goes viral and her luscious butt starts trending on Twitter, Lili fears she's cooked up a recipe for disaster.


Jack Kilroy's celebrity has left him feeling used and used up. While Lili's oh-so-sexy moans when she tastes his delicious creations turn him on, he's even more aroused by how unimpressed this beautiful, funny woman is with his fame. He knows they could be amazing together, if she could only see past his bitch fork-wielding fan base. Now, as he's about to start a new prime time TV cooking show, can Jack convince Lili to realize her own ambitions - and turn up the heat in his kitchen?

Purchase: | Amazon | KindleBarnes & Noble | Kobo |

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

ARC Review: After the Storm by Maya Banks

Maya Banks has been on my “to-read” list for a while. This book “After the Storm” was an excellent read. I was so relieved to not be disappointed! Although this is number eight in the KGI series, I didn’t find that I missed anything by not reading the previous books. Donovan Kelly is such a great hero. I love reading about these type of alpha males that have a heart of gold. I was completely enamored of how protective he was of Eve and the kids.

I typically don’t like the whole “damsel in distress” scenario but Eve Hansen was a great heroine. I admired her strength and her resolve to take care of her siblings. Cammie and Travis were so sweet. It was impossible not to care for them and be afraid for them. The bond that they shared with Eve was really beautiful. I’m a complete sap when it comes to young children and seeing how hard Travis worked to help his sister broke my heart (I had tears in my eyes!) This poor young man, at age 14, is working to help his sister, while they are constantly on the run, fighting to stay together. So some might say oh Donovan was too quick to help and jump into Eve and her sibling’s life but really, who wouldn’t???!!! From the beginning Ms. Banks helps us understand that Donovan is not the typical notch- on- the- belt type of guy. He is ready for a family and he has a very soft spot for women and children, especially when they are in distress. Eve and her siblings are in distress big time! Donovan is quick to jump in and help Eve the minute he learns about her situation. From the background information that we are given about the Kelly’s, this is typical. Rusty, the adopted sister of Donovan helped me to understand the Kelly family and their welcoming hearts.

As I mentioned before, I don’t really care for the whole damsel in distress scenario but I felt terrible for Eve. She is a young woman on the run, trying to save her siblings from their horrible father (her stepfather). The stepfather is a disgusting human being. Life really didn’t hand Eve too may favors but she remained dedicated to her brother and sister despite very dire circumstances. Although Donovan is helping and protecting Eve and her family it’s only a matter of time before she comes head to head with her stepfather. Donovan and Eve have good chemistry. At first it seems like he is more of a protector but she begins to hold her own pretty soon!

This book was the perfect mix of suspense, romance and adventure. The story is very fast paced and keeps moving from one scene to the next. I went back and forth thinking five or four star and then I thought, “this book was fantastic”! I decided on a four star because it irked me that Donovan was so quick to make the moves on Eve! He was so sensitive and protective with every aspect of her situation but the minute he was alone with her he could not wait to jump her bones. I would have to say that was my one and only problem with Donovan. I breezed through this book, I thought all the characters were so fantastic and interesting. The Kelly family has a great dynamic and it’s obvious that there are a lot of alpha males. Reading about the other brothers was very intriguing, I will be adding the KGI series to my ever growing “to-read” list. I’m hoping that Rusty’s story will be next, I really loved her and learning about her past! Besides Eve, she also deserves a happily-ever-after! Great story and equally characters.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

ARC Review: Ride by JC Emery

For me, there is just something about hot guys and motorcycles. When I read the blurb and saw that this was a motorcycle club new adult story, I knew that I had to read this one. This book wasn't exactly what I had gone in expecting, but I enjoyed it. I am looking forward to reading more in this series and seeing where JC Emery takes these characters. I did have a few things that I didn't care for with this one, and that is why I couldn't rate this one higher. I would say that this is on the higher side of three stars though, and I think that its a promising start to the series.

Alexandra has grown up as the only daughter of the Mancuso crime family's mob boss. Being the mob Principessa, her whole life has been decided for her. She was taught to be a proper lady and how to become the perfect wife to a husband in the family. But right when her father basically hands her over to what will become her husband, things suddenly change. Making a spur of the moment decision, Alexandra unknowingly changes her life forever. For her protection, she is taken in by the Forsaken Motorcycle Club. She immediately is attracted to Ryan, a third-generation member who she is told is forbidden to her. But the more that Ryan and Alex are around each other, the harder it is for them to stay away from each other. Ryan knows that he needs to not only put his club first, but that Alex is the last person he should be with. But when the desire for Alex becomes more than he can fight, Ryan is determined to get her out of his system. Soon Alex is in danger though, and Ryan vows to do anything to protect her. When faced with the possibility of losing Alex, will Ryan risk everything to have a chance at a real relationship with her?

I really wanted to like Ryan, and for awhile I thought that I was going to. But the more that time went on, the less I liked him. He would do little things that were sweet and protective and I thought that maybe I was wrong about him, but in the end he would always end up screwing it up. He was so mean to Alex, and there were so many times that he flat out humiliated her. It seemed at first that he was just trying to push her away, but then we got his POV for part of the story and I saw that it wasn't just him pushing her away but that was just who he was. I can't believe how much Alex put up with from him, and honestly it didn't make me think much of her character either. Alex had moments of strength, but for the most part she came off as week and fragile. She wasn't at all what I would expect from the daughter of a mob boss. She spent most of this story feeling sorry for herself and crying. I understand that she was in a bad situation, but it got irritating after so much of it. Ryan and Alex did have chemistry though. I thought that they were hot together, and I also liked the few times that they were sweet together as well. I loved how they would link their fingers together and thought that it was sweet that Ryan had given her a nickname. I also really liked how much they were willing to protect each other.

I didn't care for a few things that Ryan did. One of them was actually pretty disgusting, and the worst part was that Alex never even found out. I'm not sure why the author even put that in the story, because honestly all it did was make me dislike Ryan even more. The feelings between Ryan and Alex at the end were honestly really confusing to me because the entire book was so push and pull. When we got Ryan's POV, it honestly didn't seem as though he really cared for Alex beyond lusting for her. I really wanted to believe the connection between the two of them, but I think that we missed out on seeing it really form into a relationship. The ending was extremely abrupt, and that didn't help their relationship to seem real. Just when things are starting to change for the better, it was over. We aren't left with a huge cliffhanger, but things are definitely up in the air and there is very little resolution. I really hope that we get some more questions answered in the next book, as there are so many things that were just dropped with that ending. I will still read the next book though as I would like to know more of what happens with these characters and I liked Duke. The next book Thrash will feature Duke and Nic, and I am interested in getting to know them better. If you are looking for a sweet and romantic story, this is definitely not for you. If you like motorcycle club books that are slightly dark with some romance and steam though, I would recommend giving this one a shot. Hopefully Thrash will give us characters that are easier to like, and maybe help redeem Ryan and Alex. I wanted so badly to like them and I think that their story is really interesting, so it would be nice to get a bit more of them.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Guest Post with Author Ophelia London and Giveaway

Ophelia London was born and raised among the redwood trees in beautiful northern California. Once she was fully educated, she decided to settle in Florida, but her car broke down in Texas and she's lived in Dallas ever since. A cupcake and treadmill aficionado (obviously those things are connected), she spends her time watching arthouse movies and impossibly trashy TV, while living vicariously through the characters in the books she writes.

Places to find Ophelia:

Guest Post with Charlotte Stein and Giveaway

Meet Charlotte Stein, author of Control.

Charlotte Stein has written over thirty short stories, novellas and novels, including entries in The Mammoth Book of Hot Romance and Best New Erotica 10. Her latest work, Addicted, was recently called salaciously steamy by Dear Author. When not writing salaciously steamy books, she can be found eating jelly turtles, watching terrible sitcoms and occasionally lusting after hunks. For more on Charlotte, visit:

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Review: Undressing Mr. Darcy by Karen Doornebos

Vanessa Roberts is a public relations genius and has agreed to help her aunt promote an Austen convention. Aunt Ella is a Jane Austen fanatic. Her local Austen Society is hosting Julian Chancellor. He’s written a book with a quill pen, My Year as Mr. Darcy, and has been contracted to speak at the convention. Julian has a unique take on his subject. He discusses the clothing Mr. Darcy wore by taking it off. He’s using the proceeds of his book sales to save his family’s estate from demolition. A noble cause and fitting in perfectly with his character. Julian’s manners and demeanor blend with the attributes assigned to Mr. Darcy. He’s a courtly gentleman with an exquisite British accent and no cell phone. Vanessa hasn’t been swept up in the appeal of Jane Austen’s most famous character, but all the women around her can’t get enough of him. Asking for a picture with him and an autograph, they are star struck. The hotel has a comic book hero convention as well. Vanessa sees an opportunity as some participants have booked to attend both conventions. As Julian starts his presentation, she bumps into a pirate. Chase MacClane works for Ella’s friend Paul and recognizes Vanessa. He reminds her they went to high school together. She doesn’t remember him and is too busy to rekindle anything. Her sights are on Julian. She’s hooked and decides to get to know him better, even following him to England. Chase remains on the sidelines as a friend, waiting for Vanessa to accept him. Julian and Chase enter her life and change it for the worse, then the better. Two men in costumes blur her impressions of them and herself. Who’s the gentleman and who’s the rogue?

The author fleshes out the characters and makes them real. Vanessa is trying to please her aunt, who is in the early stages of dementia, by dabbling in Austen world. Family comes first, business second, and she’s left herself very little. Vanessa hoped to be married with babies by now, but has been freezing her eggs instead. Julian has absorbed Mr. Darcy’s worse traits: pride, vanity, and disregard for others. All behind a gorgeous face, perfect manners and diction, and impeccably tailored clothes. Chase is the opposite of his appearance. No pirate’s life for him. He works hard, quick to help others, and patient. This love triangle plays itself out with everyone getting what they deserve.

I’ve read a few Jane Austen books and am fascinated by the industry built around her. The author includes more information about Jane herself: personal letters, possible loves, and a list of frenemies. She immerses Vanessa in the clothes (it’s all about the corset), balls, and teas. The consuming interest in all things Darcy permeates the story. No man can live up to the romance around love conquers all, but some come very close. It’s an interesting look at the yearning for the perceived past. This book is written with a reverence and accuracy of Austen’s time with a firm foot in reality. Funny and heartbreaking, I highly recommend it.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ARC Review: Back to You by Jessica Scott

My goodness what a story! I was a nervous wreck the entire story! I hated and loved this book because it put me through an extreme emotional roller coaster! Captain Trent and Laura Davila are in the process of getting a divorce. Laura, fed up with her husband’s dedication to the military and several tours, can’t take the abandonment she feels any more. I hurt for Laura! As a mother, I identified with her trials as a mother, her desire to give her children a stable home life. My heart ached for her and Trent! These are two very good people who have done damage to their marriage. Although Laura served Trent with divorce papers, over a year ago, she is still very much in love with him. I was in tears for practically the entire book! I wanted to be angry with Trent because I was so sad to see Laura struggle to be a good mom, work and deal with her failing marriage.

Captain Trent Davila is such a great guy. I wish that he was a jerk and that I could have screamed at him for what he did to his marriage, but my heart ached for him too! He was trying very hard to win back his wife but it was obvious that he did not know how to. Seeing Trent’s emotional pain was so heartbreaking. It was so difficult to know how badly he wanted to reconnect to his family but just did not know how to. His need to keep re-enlisting felt almost addictive from his stand point. I hated that he lost his job in the army but I felt so relieved that he would somehow have a chance to make a normal life with Laura. It was very sad and eye-opening to see how a tough army captain felt anxious about taking care of his children. When he lost his temper with them it felt real and understandable. Every time he wanted to connect with Laura he was terrified of pushing her further away. From Laura’s point of view he seemed cold and distant but from his It was understandable that he did not know how to communicate with her.

I will say this, this is not the type of book you want to read while you’re depressed because the material is very heavy. I hate to be melodramatic but I lived through their pain! Every time that Laura and Trent pulled away from each other I wanted to scream “make it work!” Jessica Scott really knows how to tell a story, these characters felt so real! I mean I knew they would end up together, but I kept turning the pages trying to figure out HOW???? How are they going to find their way back to each other??? There were no bad guys between their relationship, just two people that didn’t know how to repair the damage that they created in their marriage. This family was so lovable! The emotions and the everyday interactions felt real. It was so easy to become engaged in this story and to champion for Trent and Laura. I loved that Ms. Scott painted such a real and heartfelt picture of what military families go through when a member is serving. Every character in this book seemed so real. She also provided the perfect amount of tension between Laura and Trent. They had the right amount of chemistry. When Laura is asked to help Trent as he faces trial for accusations thrown at him she accepts the challenge if only to be free from him. But it’s very clear that neither want to be out of their marriage. Although this is a very emotional story it really pays off. It felt like a marathon of emotions but when you reach the finish line it definitely feels worth the effort. I really enjoyed seeing Laura and Trent fall back in love with each other and grow together. I really learned a lot about the military. When I read the authors bio I could see how she would have so much genuine experience about military life and she definitely shares it with her readers. I just absolutely loved this book my mind and heart were both engaged in Laura and Trent’s second chance at love!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: Beautiful Dreams by Alicia Rae

Beautiful Dreams is the third book in Alicia Rae's Beautiful series, and it is the continuing story of Kyle and Lily. This book should be read after reading Beautiful Chances and My Beautiful. This is the third and final book centering around Kyle and Lily, but there will be more to this series. I am already anxiously awaiting the next book Beautiful Ties which with be Abbey and Jason's story. I have really fallen in love with this series! The characters are all deep and well written, and they all seem so real to me. They all have things in their life that they are dealing with and it is great to watch as they grow and change from book to book. I really recommend that any fan of romance give this series a shot as I think that pretty much everyone can find something to relate to with these stories.

As Lily and Kyle begin their future together, both must adjust to the reality of living together. Lily is in the process of unpacking and settling in. She is also working on finishing her book as well as adjusting to life without her family and friends around her. She grows closer to Kyle's sister Abbey and the two begin to develop a friendship. Kyle is also returning to work as well as beginning a new business venture with Lily's cousins Jason and Damon. The future is looking up for Lily and Kyle as it appears that they will have it all. However there is still much of Kyle's past that is a secret to Lily, and the more time that goes on the more she begins to question if he will ever let her in. She is also still afraid to face her final fear of marriage and what that will mean for her heart and the walls she had put up around herself. Will learning about Kyle's past strengthen their bond or tear them apart? Will they be able to move forward into their future and have forever together or will there still be things able to possibly tear them apart?

At this point Kyle and Lily have worked through so many tough times together that they are pretty much capable of handling anything. Even though Kyle and Lily have only been together for a short amount of time, it seems like it has actually been much longer because of everything as well as their strong connection. To me, their relationship has always just seemed to work and I have never questioned the amount of time in which everything has happened. This book is really about Lily and Kyle settling into life together as they move in and prepare for their future. I loved seeing them get into a routine with each other and it was fun to see how easy they transitioned to domestic life together. I also love how comfortable they are with each other. They are so fun and playful and have great banter. I also really enjoyed seeing that they haven't lost any of their attraction and chemistry and they continues to keep things steamy and hot.

Overall, I thought that this was a nice conclusion to Kyle and Lily's story while setting up the rest of the series. It leaves things on a happy note for Kyle and Lily and gives us more to look forward to with them as well as sets us up for Abbey and Jason's story next. I really liked seeing the growing relationships between the various family members as they begin to merge Kyle and Lily's families. I really love the friendship that Lily and Abbey are developing as well as Kyle with Lily's cousins, especially Jason. As much as I have loved Kyle and Lily, I think that Jason is definitely going to be a favorite of mine. I have loved him from the very start, and I can't wait to get to know him better and watch as he falls hard. I had a few minor criticisms with this book that kept me from rating it higher, but they weren't enough for me to not find this one enjoyable. I thought that with the events of this book that it was done really well with the exception of the noticeable absence of Luke. For being one of Lily's best friends and her commitment to their friendship, it really didn't make sense to me that not only was he not around for any of the events in this book but that he also was never mentioned. He just seemed to up and disappear, and I thought that it was very strange after everything that had happened before. I also felt that although it was nice to see Lily and Kyle moving forward that this book didn't have very much going on besides the fact that she was moving in and they were learning how to live together. It was nice to see Kyle begin to open up and let Lily in though, and I am glad that we got more of his story. It was really great to see some of what had happened to him and made him the man he is. I really love Lily and Kyle and how they were able to fit so perfectly together while helping each other to heal and get over their pasts. Their love is definitely one that will stick with me and that I will continue to enjoy. I am so excited to get more of Jason and Abbey next and can't wait to see where Alicia Rae takes them. I am looking forward to getting to know all of these characters better, and hope that there are many more stories in this series.

**ARC provided by Literati Author Services**