
Saturday, December 27, 2014

ARC Review: Owning Violet by Monica Murphy

Owning Violet is the first book in the Fowler Sisters Series by Monica Murphy, and I really loved this book. I thought that it was sexy and intriguing and I couldn't put it down. Monica Murphy did a fantastic job with this story, and the chemistry between these two was amazing. This is definitely one of my favorites that I have read by Monica Murphy.

Violet Fowler is the middle Fowler sister, and she has spent her life doing what is expected of her. She knew that one day she would run Fleur Cosmetics with her "perfect" boyfriend Zachary. But the night she thinks that he is going to propose, he lets her know that he has accepted a promotion taking him out of the country. As Violet and Zachary grow further apart, she begins to get closer to the one man that Zachary has always hated, Ryder McKay. Soon Violet and Zachary have broken up, and Violet and Ryder are engaged in a passionate affair. But there is so much that Violet doesn't know about Ryder and for once in her life she doesn't care.

I couldn't stand Zachary. He was annoying and selfish, clearly only thinking of himself and what would get him laid. He constantly cheated on Violet and I couldn't wait for her to be rid of him. Violet knew about all of his indiscretions, and that bothered me. She refused to do anything for so long thinking that he would eventually change. Luckily though, she pretty quickly developed a back bone and starting making changes to her life. She was so much more than anyone expected, and I loved seeing her come to life. Ryder brought out so many different sides to her and I loved seeing her embrace the woman underneath it all. Ryder was beyond sexy. He was passionate and dirty, and I loved it! But he was also so much more than that. He was smart and determined, and I loved his relationship with Violet. As much as he tried to not let her in, he couldn't help it and I really enjoyed seeing him fall for her.

Overall, this book was really great. It was full of sexy and steamy times, and the chemistry between Violet and Ryder was absolutely scorching. I will say that the reason this wasn't a five star read for me though was because I felt like while the sex and passion was very enjoyable and written well, I wanted to see more of a softer side with these two. We got plenty of heat, but I wanted to see more of them falling for one another and interacting in a more emotional manner. I still think this book was great though, and I am really looking forward to getting to know Lily and Rose better as the series continues. I absolutely hated Pilar, and I really hope that she gets what is coming to her. I would definitely recommend this book, especially if you are looking for something with some heat to it!

**ARC Provided by Random House Publishing Group-Bantem Dell**

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Feature and Giveaway: Chasing Jenna by MIcki Fredricks

Twenty year old Jenna Clausen has one chance to change her life… and she's going to take it.

Leaving the darkness of her life two hundred miles behind her, Jenna arrives at the one place that could save her…college. Pushing her fears aside while gathering all of her courage, she steps out into her new life, and right into the sights of Cale Davis.

Cale is part of the most elite house on campus simply called, The Brotherhood. It’s an exclusive house with one rule for membership, either you are born into The Brotherhood or you’re not. Cale makes it a priority to get what he wants…and he wants Jenna. He sets a plan into motion to make Jenna his.

There is however, one flaw to Cale’s plan, Ryan Kitson. Also a fellow Brother in the House, he is a Cale-approved study partner for Jenna. But when her feelings for Ryan start to grow, Jenna has another decision to make….one she couldn't possibly have understood the dangers of.

She suddenly finds herself engulfed by a lifestyle so dark and twisted she can’t find a way out. On the run and unsure who to trust, she spirals deeper and deeper into her nightmare. Jenna struggles to put all the pieces together until it finally becomes clear… The decision she made to save her life, might actually be the one that ends it.

**This book is a Romantic Suspense for mature audiences, 18+ due to dark topics with references to both sexual and violent situations.*

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ARC Review: Chasing Jenna by Micki Fredericks

Chasing Jenna is the first book that I have read by Micki Fredericks, and it is her second book. I have to say that I was a bit skeptical going into this book because while it sounded great, I wasn't sure that it would deliver being from a fairly new author. I have to say though that this book was a very pleasant surprise, and I really enjoyed it. It was so much more than I ever expected, and it kept me guessing the entire way through. This book was a bit dark and intense, but not so much so that I was overwhelmed. I am really looking forward to seeing what else Micki Fredericks does in the future. 

Jenna Clausen finally has a chance to get out of the crappy life she had been given, and she is using this opportunity to start fresh. She left her mom and hometown and headed to college where she runs into the handsome Cale Davis. Cale is a part of a group on campus called The Brotherhood, in which you have to be born a member to join. While Cale has made it his mission to help Jenna settle into campus life, she has no idea what he is really looking for. He is friendly one minute and mysterious the next. When Cale has another member Ryan help her out, she finds herself growing close to him and soon Ryan and Jenna have become best friends. But both of them begin to feel more than friendship for one another, and that wasn't part of Cale's plan. Suddenly Jenna finds herself in the middle of a nightmare that she doesn't know how to get out of, and she fears that she won't be able to figure out who to trust.

At first I honestly didn't know what to make of Ryan or Cale. The members of The Brotherhood were all pretty mysterious and seemed to have more going on that met the eye. I found them all interesting, and I couldn't figure out which ones were good or who Jenna should trust. I loved Ryan though. He was sweet and got along great with Jenna from the start. He was helpful and caring, and he seemed to be looking out for Jenna always. He took care of her and you could see that he was protective of her. Cale was hard to read though and while I liked him at times, I also thought that he had some shady moments. He seemed to have mood swings and personality shifts, and he went beyond protective to downright possessive at times. I always thought that Jenna should be with Ryan, even when I did like Cale. Jenna had been through a lot and had some issues, which is why I loved Ryan with her. He was patient and kind, and he didn't ever push her beyond what she could handle.

I will say that while I did enjoy this story, the beginning started off a bit rough for me. It was a bit slow and hard to get into. I thought that it was confusing at first, and I had so many questions. I couldn't figure out what was going on, and I think part of that was that we were getting introduced to so many new characters and there were a ton of things going on to set up the story. But once I got into this one, I couldn't put it down! I can't really get into what happens without ruining it, but trust me when I tell you that it gets crazy and soon you won't know who to trust or what will happen. I am so glad that I gave this one a shot, and I would highly recommend it to those looking for a unique and different romantic suspense novel. I will definitely be looking for more from Micki Fredericks in the future as I was really impressed with her writing style and story telling.

**ARC Provided by Between the Sheets Promotions**

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Friday, December 26, 2014

ARC Review: Loving You Is Easy by Wendy S. Marcus

Loving You Is Easy is the first book that I have ever read by Wendy S. Marcus, but the blurb and cover really drew me in with this one. While I found it to be a good story, there were a few things that I wished had been different. For the most part though, I thought that this was a pretty real and accurate depiction of a soldier coming home and dealing with serious consequences of war.

Brooke Ellstein is a teacher and the daughter of a politician moving up through the ranks. Her father is running for governor and has hopes to someday make it to the White House, which her mother never lets her forget. When her students begin a program to be pen pals with soldiers overseas, Brooke ends up getting a pen pal of her own. Soon Brooke and Shane Develen are becoming friends, and even though Shane doesn't want a girlfriend Brooke begins to hope that he will see her as more after they meet. But when a sexy picture that Brooke sent to Shane in confidence is leaked online, her life is instantly turned upside down and everything she has worked for is suddenly destroyed. Shane shows up determined to make things right, but will it be too little too late?

I thought that Shane was a good guy that had a rough transition back to reality after facing a lot of things most people never even have to think about. He was a normal guy that had been raised by his family with not a lot of extras, and he believed that he wasn't good enough for Brooke and what she had always known. Even though he seemed to care about her, he was constantly trying to push her away. He didn't want her to get attached to him, and he felt like she deserved more. But Brooke refused to give up on him, and I loved that about her. For Brooke, their circumstances didn't matter. She just needed someone to love and fight for her, and I felt badly for her at times. But she never let his mood swings or his constant hot and cold behavior stop her from trying to convince him that they could be great together. I thought that they were really good for one another when Shane wasn't trying to push her away.

While the hot and cold did get a little old, I really felt as though it was real and believable. Shane and Brooke's relationship in this story was proof that just because a soldier makes it home alive, it doesn't mean that their transition will be easy or that everything will go back to normal. He was dealing with so much and he really needed the love and support of his family to adjust to his new life at home. I wish that this story had focused a bit more on their time apart and the letters that initially brought them together. It was the whole reason for their meeting to begin with, and I felt like it was pretty much left for the reader to imagine. I wanted to see more of their correspondence, and I felt like the reader really missed out because of it not being very much of this book. I think that this was a good read, but could have been great had things been a bit different. If you are looking for a contemporary read about a soldier and his girl, this one might be something you want to give a shot.

**ARC Provided by Random House Publishing Group-Loveswept**

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Guest Post with Author Wendy S. Marcus and Giveaway

Wendy S. Marcus is an award-winning author of contemporary romance. A nurse by trade, Wendy holds a Master of Science in Health Care Administration, a degree that does her absolutely no good as she now spends her days, nights, and weekends mucking around in her characters’ lives creating conflict, emotion, and, of course, a happily ever after. Wendy lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley region of New York. When she’s not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family, which includes her dog Buddy, and blogging/e-mailing/tweeting/facebooking with her online friends.

Find Wendy at:

ARC Review: Seaside Sunsets by Melissa Foster

Seaside Sunsets is the 23rd book in the Love In Bloom Series and the third Seaside Summers book by Melissa Foster. Each book can be read as a standalone, but the characters are interconnected throughout. I have really enjoyed each book in this series, but I have to say that this one was one of my favorites! I really loved Jamie and Jessica's story, and I thought that their characters were so sweet and easy to relate to.

Jessica Ayers has been living her life to please her mother and has always focused on being the best cellist that she could be. She has achieved more than most her age in the music industry, but because of her dedication she hasn't had much of a social life. She decides to take a hiatus from the Boston Symphony Orchestra and heads to the Seaside Community in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. There she meets Jamie Reed, and the attraction is instant. Jamie and Jessica hit it off and things begin to heat up right away. But when some trouble arises with Jamie's work, his best friend and lawyer comes to town and stirs up questions and doubts where Jessica is concerned. Soon Jamie and Jessica are left to wonder if they should walk away or take a chance on love together.

I really liked both Jamie and Jessica. Both of them were very successful at what they do for a living, but had not had much luck when it came to their dating lives. Where Jamie was a computer geek, Jessica had no clue what she was doing. But I loved how they both were able to bond and connect over music. Jamie understood Jessica's passion because of his connection with his grandmother, and I loved that he was so impressed by Jessica's accomplishments. They connected beyond just the physical, and I think that was what made their bond so strong. Jamie was such a sweet guy, and I absolutely loved his relationship with his grandmother. She had helped raise him after he lost his parents, and they just had this special bond that you don't often see. I think his relationship with her was what made him appreciate Jessica so much. Jessica was strong and determined, but she hadn't ever really had many friends or dates. But Jamie helped to loosen her up, and I enjoyed seeing them get to know one another.

Overall, I thought that this was another winner from Melissa Foster. I think that each book in this series just seems to get better, and I know that each time I start one of these stories that it will be a solid read. Melissa Foster always delivers a heartfelt story filled with characters that are easy to root for and fall in love with. I honestly cannot recommend these books enough for those looking for a great contemporary read. You definitely can't go wrong with any of her Love In Bloom books, and I think that fans of contemporary romance will find this series to be as enjoyable as I have. If you haven't read any of these, I highly recommend you give them a shot.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Review: Natural Love by S. Celi

Oh how I was looking forward to this book! I had never read anything by Sara Celi before, but when I saw the cover and read the blurb of this one I knew I had to read it. I am a huge fan of taboo romance stories, especially this particular one. Unfortunately, I had quite a few things that kept me from loving Natural Love.

Forced to leave town after a terrible mistake that caused an accident, Spencer Chadwick spent two years in Africa working with the Peace Corps. Finally back home, he is determined to take his place with the family business. Nothing and no one will keep Spencer from accomplishing his goals, but the one person that could possibly get in the way of that is the one person that he can never have. Spencer has loved Avery Jackson for longer than he cares to admit, but they can never be together despite the attraction and feelings between them. Spencer and Avery try to fight what is between them but eventually give in. As they try to keep their new relationship a secret though, past secrets threaten everything that they are building. With the truth coming out a matter of time, Avery and Spencer must fight for the future they both wish they could have.

I liked Spencer and Avery. These two were in a tough situation, and I could see why things between them would not be accepted by the people surrounding them. Not that there was anything wrong about them being together, but some people have closed minds and refuse to accept anything other than what they consider to be normal. Avery and Spencer had a history though, and it was clear to see that these two had always cared about one another. They had a special relationship and things had changed for them over the years. I thought that they had a great relationship and connection between them, but others had a huge effect on them.

There were a few things that didn't work for me though. I thought that this book was a bit hard to get into at first, and it had some pretty slow moments. While Avery and Spencer kept me reading, there were parts where my interest started to wane. I will also say that things got a little too repetitive for me. I don't like being constantly reminded while reading how taboo their relationship is for this reason and that, or how they had it hard growing up with the expectations of being a prominent family. I felt like the author was trying to continue the drama and build up the secret the main characters were keeping. I will also say that to me the secret was a bit of a let down. It was predictable and has been done time and time again. I feel for the characters and anyone who has ever been in that situation. It is horrible and something no one should ever be forced to deal with. But by the time the truth was revealed, it just felt like a disappointment because it has been done so many times before. After the truth was out there, this book seemed to rush to the finish and I felt like the ending wasn't as satisfying as it could have been because of that. After the entire story was drug out, the rushed ending really didn't make much sense to me. That was honestly the part that should have been longer in my opinion, and I wasn't sure why after everything the author felt the need to tie things up so quickly and with so few pages. I just felt like this story had so much promise, but that it failed to deliver. I was interested in the characters and I didn't want to stop reading, but I felt as though this one could have been so much more. For me what could have been a great book was only okay, and felt like many other NA books that I have read but rehashed with a different setting and characters. I will say that this one is a standalone and doesn't contain any cheating or love triangles, so if you are looking for a NA book that falls within those parameters that you might want to give this one a shot. It wasn't a bad story and I did enjoy parts of it, it just wasn't anything really special or standout though.

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Guest Post with Author Jennifer Chance and Giveaway

Meet Jennifer Chance, author of Want It.

Jennifer Chance is the award-winning author of the new adult Rule Breakers series. A lover of books, romance, and happily-ever-afters, she lives and writes in Ohio.

Find Jennifer at:
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ARC Review: #1 Crush by Kaia Bennett

#1 Crush is the first book in the Loose Ends series by Kaia Bennett. She has said that each book will be a full length novel and there will be three books total. I loved the cover of this book and couldn't wait to read it from that alone, but the face that it was a best friend's little sister book just sealed the deal for me. This book was really great, and I honestly couldn't put it down. I am anxious for the next book and hope that Kaia Bennett doesn't make us wait too long for more of Nicole and Gabriel. 

Nicole has watched Gabriel from afar for years. She has only ever been looked at as the younger sister of his good friend and has had to watch him date other women. But when she is left alone at the apartment Gabriel shares with Nicole's sister Jackie and her boyfriend Ian, Nicole ends up doing a little exploring and gets caught in a compromising position by none other than Gabriel. Nicole is embarrassed, but Gabriel begins to view her completely different than he ever allowed himself to before. Soon they are engaging in a passionate affair that goes beyond just the physical. But with Nicole leaving soon and both of them not looking for a serious relationship, can they turn her crush into something real?

Let me just say that I loved Nicole and Gabriel. They might not have spent a ton of time together or really ever had anything beyond friendship, but it was clear that they have always connected with one another. They enjoy the same books and music, and never had any problems discussing things. Even if they didn't agree, they always had an easy way to their friendship. But as this book really got into the new side to their relationship, it was also clear that they had both been noticing each other from afar and it wasn't just Nicole that had feelings for Gabriel. These two were super steamy together, and I enjoyed seeing them explore their fantasies and physical connection as much as the friendship that they already had. They were downright hot, and I couldn't get enough of their sexy times.

Overall, I thought that this was a great first installment in this series. I loved seeing them discover each other's bodies and their physical connection, and couldn't wait for more of them. I did think that this one was a lot of sex and steam, but it didn't bother me at all. They already had the friendship and this was the start of something more for them. While we didn't get a lot of emotional development in this book, I did see that they were both developing real feelings for one another whether they were ready to admit that or not. They both knew that what was happening between them was more than what they had felt with others. I can't wait to see what the next book in this series has in store for these two. I will say that this book was one I couldn't put down, and it would have been a five star read for me if it wasn't for the fact that I felt the back and forth in time was a bit confusing. It would switch from present to an event or conversation in the past, and I found it a bit disorienting. Otherwise, this book was everything I could have asked for and more. If you are looking for a sexy read to dive into, I would definitely recommend giving this one a shot. The story will continue in the next book, but this one didn't end with a huge cliffhanger or anything like that. Kaia Bennett did a great job with this story, and she absolutely left me hungry for more.

**ARC Provided by IndieSage PR**

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

ARC Review: Second Position by Melody Grace

Second Position is the second installment in the Dirty Dancing Serial by Melody Grace. The Dirty Dancing Serial is actually a revised and expanded version of With Every Heartbeat, that was previously published by Melody Grace. While most of the story is the same, there are additional scenes and POVs that were not in the original version. Second Position is a continuation of Raphael and Annalise's story, and should only be read after First Position.

This installment picks up right where the cliffhanger of First Position left off, with Annalise hurting her ankle and wondering how she will possibly be able to perform at her audition. Annalise gets lucky and her time to prepare is extended, allowing her ankle to heal. But with her career on the line, Annalise realizes that now more than ever she needs to focus on dance and unfortunately that means staying away from Raphael. But Raphael is determined to make things up to Annalise and show her that what is between them is real and worth pursuing. Can Annalise have it all, or was her injury enough to convince her that some risks aren't worth taking?

I felt like this installment really showed things heating up between Annalise and Raphael. We really get to see the chemistry and passion between them as well as their growing connection to one another. They start to really get to know one another, and for the first time really get to spend some time together. Annalise and Raphael are extremely hot together, but what makes them work so well is how much they understand one another. They connect in a way that most people aren't able to because of their love and passion for dancing. They might have different styles, but they are able to understand all the same. It was great seeing them open up to each other more and for them to be able to talk about what they want for themselves in the future. I like how supportive and encouraging they are of each other, and I think we really get to see that in this installment. Second Position does end with another cliffhanger, and you will definitely be left wanting more.

While I like the revamped version giving us more steam and more of Raphael's thoughts and feelings, I had the same issue with this installment as I did with the previous one. Because of the switch from a novel to a serial, the story feels as though it is disjointed. I think some of this is due to the fact that I know the story and had read With Every Heartbeat. I know where things go from here and I see where the story was stopped in the middle of. I am not sure if it would feel so fragmented had I not previously read this though, so there is a chance that this is just because I know the story already. I do think that this is worth reading, and I think that fans of Melody Grace that haven't previously read this will definitely want to check it out. If you have read With Every Heartbeat and enjoyed it, I think that you will enjoy seeing more of Raphael's POV as well as more heat with this serial. But I am honestly not sure if I would buy this having already read With Every Heartbeat. While the extras have been fun and it's been great to see new content, I am not sure that they really add that much more to the story to justify the cost.

**ARC Provided by Mark My Words Book Publicity**

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A Dance with an Earl...with Anne Barton and Giveaway

A Dance with an Earl on Christmas Eve - Anne Barton

Anne Barton started swiping romances from her mom’s bookshelf as a teenager and decided historicals (with their balls, dukes, and gowns) were the best. So, when she had the chance to spend a semester in London she packed her bags—and promptly fell in love with the city, its history, and its pubs. She dreamed of writing romance, but somehow ended up a software analyst instead.

Fortunately, a few years and a few careers later, Anne found her way back to writing the stories she loves and won the Golden Heart® for Regency Historical Romance. She lives in Maryland with her husband and three children, who try valiantly not to roll their eyes whenever she quotes Jane Austen. Her weaknesses include reality TV, cute-but-impractical shoes, and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

Find Anne at:
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ARC Review: Love, In the Fast Lane by Rie Warren

Carolina Bad Boys #2 follows Nicky Love, paranormal romance writer who was “outed” as straight in the first book Stone, at Your Service. I just couldn’t get into this one as much as Stone. It was in first person POV as told by Nick, and it didn’t quite seem to be as entertaining as the first one. I’ve read this troupe before, the straight laced guy falls for the tattooed bad girl, and I have read better. The one thing that sets this aside from the others is that he is a male romance writer heavy into the social media scene. I didn’t hate it; I just couldn’t get into it.

Catarina Steele has a cool personality, and as it is in Nick’s first person you slowly discover why. Catarina has had a difficult past and keeps everyone at a distance but Nick and his sexy well everything worms his way into her heart giving her the hope that she could be herself. Her slow acceptance of letting him into her life is amusing seeing how determined he is to get there, but when he finds out everything he just may be stupid enough to lose her completely by pushing her away. The gentle manipulations from the people they love are amusing and probably my favorite part.

**ARC provided by Author**

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Audiobook Review: Let Love In by Melissa Collins, Narrated by Shirl Rae and Sean Crisden

Let Love In is the first book in the Love series by Melissa Collins. This is the first book of hers that I have ever read, and it is also the first audiobook that I have ever listened to from narrators Shirl Rae and Sean Crisden. While I did like the story, I did have a few problems with the narrators of this story.

Maddy lost her parents at a young age and was forced to leave everything she knew to go and live with her aunt. When she lost her aunt, she moved in with her best friend Melanie and her mom. They were the family that she hadn't had for years, and yet Maddy still felt alone. When Maddy and Melanie head to college, Maddy decided to change her life and start taking things a day at a time. She vowed to protect her heart and not let things get to her anymore. But she never planned on meeting Reid. Although Maddy and Reid were instantly attracted to one another and had a connection, things don't get off on the right foot for these two. But after Reid rescues Maddy one night, things change between them and soon they are embracing the connection between them. But with Maddy and Reid both having painful pasts with things that neither of them have confronted, can their love survive?

I liked both Reid and Maddy, but they both had some serious issues. They had both experienced pain and loss, and both of them did their best to run and avoid actually dealing with it. While they might have opened up to one another about things, they still didn't actually make peace with it. Because of that, the love and connection they shared was bound to have some ups and downs. I thought that Maddy acted pretty immaturely at times, as did Reid. Reid was also a jerk at first for no good reason. I felt like these two needed to grow up a bit, and they did have moments where they did seem to make some progress. They had a lot of chemistry and I felt like they were good for one another. But their relationship developed extremely fast, and was bit too insta-love for me. I wanted to see it develop a bit more before they just jumped in after everything that had happened. I thought that it was a little unbelievable considering the fact that Reid had never had any real relationships and was such a player before. It just didn't feel real with how quick everything happened. Not that I didn't believe in Maddy and Reid as a couple, I just didn't buy how fast everything got so serious and how rapidly Reid changed his ways.

Overall, I did like this story. While the story was a bit cheesy at times and a lot sweet, I did find it enjoyable. I liked Reid and Maddy together despite how they got together, and I felt like these two were a good couple. I am definitely interested to see where their story goes from here. The ending was a cliffhanger, and the story does continue in the next book which I can't wait to get my hands on. I will say that the real problems I had with this one though wasn't the actual story, but the narrators telling it. The story is told in dual POV which I love because you get to see what both the hero and heroine are going through. But I had problems with each of the narrators. I thought that Shirl Rae was overly dramatic at times, and it made the sweeter moments of this story come off as extremely cheesy. As much as I didn't care for Shirl Rae, I didn't like Sean Crisden even more. His voice came off as robotic much of the time, and when it wasn't robotic he was even more over the top and dramatic than Shirl Rae was. His voice felt too old for the character, and it sounded like a middle aged man reading the part of a college student. It just didn't work for me, and came off a bit creepy at times. I did not like his parts at all and found myself hoping to get back to Maddy's POV faster so that I wouldn't have to listen to his voice. While I liked getting Reid's POV, I wish it had been told by someone else as the narrator. I will definitely read the next book in the series as I have to know what happens next for these two after the way things were left in this one and I look forward to more from Melissa Collins in the future. But I honestly don't know if I would be able to listen to more from either of these narrators.

**Audiobook Provided by Tantor Audio**

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