
Saturday, February 4, 2017

ARC Review: The Devil's Daughter by Katee Robert

I have to really hand it to Katee Robert. I've read several books by her and generally I enjoy her as an author. This book, however, is totally different from the other Katee Robert book that I love and it is really good.

The Devil's Daughter is the first book by Robert that I've read that focuses on a mystery/suspense story line and weaves the romance into that story. The book opens up in a way that immediately grips your attention. There are young women being murdered in a small town. When the book opens up you get the gripping last thoughts of one of these young women and things move really fast from there. Eden left the small town and the cult of which her Mother was the leader to join the FBI. When she hears about the murder of the young women in her home town and the way they are being murdered she knows there is some connection between the murders and her mother's cult. As much as Eden doesn't want to she returns to the town to lend her unique experience as an FBI profiler and a former cult member to the investigation of the murders.

Much to her surprise, what Eden finds is a very sexy Sherrif Zach who she remembers from growing up in the town. Zach and Eden forge an uneasy alliance. Zach doesn't know if he can trust Eden and Eden doesn't trust anyone in her hometown. As the book goes on the two learn that they can trust one another and maybe even more. Zach is a compelling character with lots of layers who is trying to handle a super crazy ass small town.

There is so much in this book from the beginning to end. There is an inside view of cults and mind control. You get into the mind of young women who are being hunted. There is lots of stuff about small town dynamics. There is suspense and even some things that are scary. This is one of those books that you just kind of eat up. Your adrenaline will be pumping and you will be itching to find out what comes next.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event with Vanessa Kelly

Named by Booklist as one of the "New Stars of Historical Romance," bestselling author Vanessa Kelly's books have been nominated for awards in a number of contests. She is also the recipient of the prestigious Maggie Medallion for historical romance. With a Master's Degree in English Literature, Vanessa is known for developing vibrant Regency settings, appealing characters, and witty storylines that captivate readers.

Friday, February 3, 2017

ARC Review: The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken

A modern twist on Cinderella makes for a cute and charming love story with quite a few oddities thrown in. Jane lives with her two ungrateful, lazy, and quite selfish sisters. She is regarded as no more than a mere presence, the likes of which is necessary in order to fulfill her sisters’ wishes, wants, and needs. After a time her weakness became irritating, but thankfully she was able to find love and turn her back on them. I’m going to admit that throughout the book Jane’s concerns about losing her sisters and hurting them, regardless of how shitty they had treated her became redundant, as did Brock’s incessant fit-throwing regarding his inability to deal with his past.

With that said, I ultimately enjoyed the fire and backbone Jane slowly grew into throughout her budding relationship with our hero of the story, which brings us to the aforementioned Brock. Brock is also quite a weak male lead as well throughout the book, and his tantrums pricked at my nerves, but he had humor and sexiness down pat, so I can forgive it. Brock can’t say no to his grandfather, even if it means being auctioned off at an event in order to save face with the shareholders for their rich company. He has no interest in abiding by any of his grandfather’s wishes, but with guilt over the death of his parents and his guilt over the ramifications of saying no to him while knowing that his twin brothers are irresponsible, reckless, and immature…he gives in. Every. Single. Time.

Lucky for Brock, his grandfather is likened to the fairy Godmother here and has a trick up his sleeve. Not only does his trickery and secrecy give Brock back his free-will, but it brings love to his doorstep. Quite possibly, the best aspect of this book was the little details and the plot itself. After all, who doesn’t like farm animals with a mind of their own, an interfering grandfather, two people who NEED to learn to say NO and live their own lives for their own happiness, and two sexy twin brothers who honestly topped the book for me? Oh, and let’s not forget those two bitch sisters getting theirs! Plus, the chemistry between the characters was enjoyable and believable, so there’s that. Furthermore, who doesn’t love humor? This story had it in spades! Therefore, all in all, I’d say give it shot!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event with Maggie Robinson

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adjectives and adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances. A two-time Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice nominee, her books have been translated into nine languages.

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

ARC Review: The List by Tawna Fenske

This is kind of a cute fast read for all you contemporary romance fans. A computer geek (and also a billionaire) has grown weary of the money hungry hoe train that is constantly chugging down his block. Simon is still interested in a little sexual healing from time to time but he certainly wants it with someone who does not look at him like a walking ATM. When Cassie stumbles into Simon's shop with dirt smudged pants and absolutely no intent to seduce him into taking her shopping, Simon is instantly intrigued. 

Cassie is a quirky story in her own right. She has a PhD in dirt or something and has spent more time on her academic pursuits than romantic pursuits. Things get interesting when Cassie makes a list of all the lies she's told her married sisters about her sex life. Her laptop gets stuck with the list on the screen and she takes it to Simon's shop to fix it. Can you guess what happens next? Yes, Simon offers to go through the sexy list with Cassie so she will have credibility when discussing her wild side with her sisters.

What I like about this book is that it was fun and light hearted. There is no abundance of angst here and almost no unnecessary drama. What I just found to be ok were the awkward moments between Cassie and Simon when they were trying to figure their strictly "list" hook up out. I also felt like both Simon and Cassie were just a little too good. I know I'm cynical but I need a little dirt on my characters to keep things interesting. The sex scenes were really average which is weird in a book that's all about sexual exploration.

At the end of the day this is a fun contemporary romance. No grit or grime and really no surprises but still a good read.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: The Do-Over by Julie A. Richman

I have really loved everything I have read from Julie A. Richman, but second chance love stories are some of my absolute favorites. When I read the blurb for The Do-Over, I knew I had to read it. Julie showed me once again why I love her books so much, as this story was one I couldn't put down. I really enjoyed it, and I think that readers are really going to love Wes and Tara's story! 

Wes and Tara met on a cruise ship, though they had both been circling the same scene for their entire lives. When they met though, they both knew that there was a connection there unlike any they had felt before. But circumstances had them going their separate ways. Years go by and having recently divorced, Tara decided to move forward with her life. After a string of bad dates though, she finds herself having a fling, something she never thought that she would do. But when Tara realizes that her fling happens to be a big shot for her company's newest client, she never expects that that same company's CEO is none other than Wes. Now years later, they are once again thrust back into each other's lives, but could they possibly have another chance at what could have been, or will there still be too many obstacles standing in their way? 

I love Julie's books because they are always so honest, heartfelt and genuine. Her characters feel so real and true to life. I felt that so much here with Wes and Tara. They had so much between them, yet time and circumstances were not always on their side. I really felt emotionally connected to them, because sometimes in real life that is a huge factor in if a relationship can work and it was obvious that these two were victims of that. They were perfect for one another, with off the charts chemistry and a strong bond. I was rooting for them right from the start, and I knew that they belonged together. 

This journey had it's ups and downs, but I loved being along for the ride. Things weren't easy for these two, and there was so much more to them than you might first think. I loved the secondary characters, which wasn't a surprise as Julie's books always have such a rich cast of characters, The Do-Over being no different. Each character had a purpose, without which the story wouldn't have been complete. This book was deep and emotional, yet funny and heartwarming. I really enjoyed it and I think that if you like second chance romance stories this is definitely one you are going to want to check out. I am a huge fan of Julie Richman, and I am looking forward to seeing what she writes next.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event with Callie Hutton

Callie Hutton, the USA Today bestselling author of The Elusive Wife writes both Regency and western historical romance, with “historic elements and sensory details” (The Romance Reviews). Callie lives in Oklahoma with several rescue dogs and her top cheerleader husband of many years. Her family also includes her daughter, son, and daughter-in-law. And twin grandsons “The Twinadoes.”

Callie loves to hear from readers. Contact her directly at or find her online at Sign up for her newsletter to receive information on new releases, appearances, contests and exclusive subscriber content.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

ARC Review: Anything You Can Do by R.S. Grey

I couldn't wait to get my hands on Anything You Can Do by R.S. Grey! This blurb really drew me in and made me want to read Lucas and Daisy's story. I love a good enemies to lovers story and romantic comedies are my favorite. This one was really enjoyable and I think readers are going to love it! 

Lucas Thatcher and Daisy Bell have been competing against one another since they were born. Having gone to college on opposite coasts there was a brief reprieve, but now that they are both back home in their small town and vying for the same job things are right back as they always were. But both Lucas and Daisy are different people than they were as children, and now there is so much more that dislike and competition between them. With passion and attraction like they have never felt before, Lucas and Daisy are about to see just how close the line between love and hate really runs. 

I loved the back and forth between these two! The witty banter was so good, and I really couldn't get enough of them. I loved Lucas and I thought that there was so much passion between these two. Lucas was sexy and impossible not to love. I will say that I struggled with Daisy a bit throughout this story, and while I liked her she was what kept this book from being 5 stars for me. While I liked her, I found her a bit too childish and immature at times, taking things a bit too far for my liking. But the heat and chemistry between these two made up for that and I still really enjoyed the story. 

Overall, this book was funny and sexy and I really enjoyed it. Even the moments that I had some issues with Daisy, I was still having a great time reading this book. I have enjoyed everything that I have read from Grey, and Anything You Can Do just might be my favorite. If you are looking for a funny and charming romance that will have you laughing and swooning the whole way through, Anything You Can Do is a must read.

**ARC Provided by Southern Belle Promotions**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event with Kelly Bowen

I was born and raised in Manitoba, Canada.  I attended the University of Manitoba where I earned a graduate degree in veterinary physiology and spent many years happily working as a research scientist in the agriculture industry.  None of which, of course, has anything to do with writing romance novels.  Currently, I live in Winnipeg with my husband and two boys who are wonderfully patient and supportive of the writing process.  Except, that is, when they need a goalie for street hockey.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

ARC Review: Fury on Fire by Sophie Jordan

Fury on Fire is the third book in Sophie Jordan's Devil's Rock series. I have really enjoyed this series from the start, with its raw and gritty characters and romance. I have to say though that this was my least favorite book in the series, and it felt nothing like the previous books that I had read and loved so much. I'm not really sure what happened here, but I just had a lot of problems here and was barely able to finish it. 

North Callaghan is finally free after spending years in prison. He throws himself into work and the beds of willing women. So when his new neighbor catches his interest, he figures that she is the perfect choice for his next hookup. But Faith Walters is anything but another notch in a bedpost and he is the last man that she should be interested in. But Faith and North find themselves unable to deny the attraction between them. 

I have to say that my biggest issue here with Fury on Fire was the fact that this entire book felt as though the pacing was off. Things were so slow to progress at the beginning, with Faith and North not even really meeting until about 40-50% of the way through. Once they did though, things seemed to move at warp speed, with their relationship progressing from hatred to love almost immediately. I honestly felt like I couldn't keep up, and I had no idea how they got from point A to point B. I saw the attraction, but I really never felt like we got anything more than that. I didn't see their connection or how it formed, and I just didn't really understand how these two could possibly have anything together beyond lust. 

While I did enjoy seeing characters from the previous books, this one was just a miss for me. I wanted to love it as North had intrigued me from previously in the series. But I was really disappointed with his story and the fact that I just couldn't believe in the romance and relationship between him and Faith. I think that there are some that will enjoy this book, but to me it wasn't what I had been hoping for or expecting. I am still a fan of Sophie Jordan's though, and I know I will read more from her in the future. If you are a fan of this series or think it might be one you would like, I recommend you give it a shot as maybe this is just me personally not connecting here.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: Highland Spy by Madeline Martin

Conner Grant lives his life, but it’s not his to live. A broken man with many sins weighing upon his soul, his guilt leaves him hollow. As a hired killer for King James, he has learned to accept the blood on his hands, but can he accept his part in turning abandoned and forsaken women into spies? Ariana Fitzroy, a beautiful noble turned thief due to familial ruin has nowhere to go and nowhere to run, especially after Conner Grant catches her cheating hands. Without option, she joins his band of mercenaries with the appeal of no longer having to hope for a false win each night just to fill her belly or the fear of being caught and punished for her crimes. Unaware that she will be much deeper in the shadows and involved in much more unsavory activity than in her former life, she plunges into a world of secrecy and danger with zeal. Perhaps more unexpectedly, she finds herself in love with her teacher….the man who gave her independence, strength, and a set of skills most would consider unfit for a lady.

Despite the weaknesses Ariana thought held her captive, she triumphs where others might not. She is a steady, willful, and beautiful heroine with a heart so pure. I loved watching her grow from curious to knowledgeable, from slightly unsure to decisive. The author wrote Ariana with such grace, sheer determination, and strength that I can’t help but admire  her. The love between her and Conner only gave the story more depth and meaning during dangerous times in Scottish history. Their passion developed slowly and became powerful with ease, and I enjoyed every moment of watching it build between the lines. With a hero like Conner, I felt the reality of love and its hopes that come along with it. 

The weaving of the plot through the historical time frame with King James at the forefront of the conflict is unique and I appreciated the twist. As Connor worked toward his former glory, I became thoroughly intrigued with surprise after surprise. Ariana began as a cheat just trying to survive and then became a weapon, a temptress, and again a Lady with her hero at her side. There were many moments that left me stunned, many that left me with a smile, many that left me sad, and many that increased my heart rate. From small ideas to thickened plots of mayhem, from sword fights to unexpected murders, from false accusations to treason, from sweet moments to passionate love…..this book has it all. Therefore, I consider this Historical Romance a hit!

I am also extremely curious as to where this series is going, and which characters will assume the lead roles in the future. I absolutely loved each and every one of them…though I’ll admit I found Percy to be my favorite as a secondary character. Plus, who the hell doesn’t love seeing tough women taking on the world?! Furthermore, I want to know where the future of England and Scotland lies, as well as King James (if at all) in future plots. I can honestly say that I had no idea where the storyline was going and was pleasantly entranced once I learned. What a wonderful book!

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Feature and Giveaway: The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken

The first book in an all-new contemporary romance series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken.

Cinderella never had to deal with this crap.

Jane isn't entirely sure that Cinderella got such a raw deal. Sure, she had a rough start, but didn't she eventually land a prince and a happily-ever-after? Meanwhile, Jane is busy waiting on her demanding, entitled sisters, running her cleaning business, and . . . yep, not a prince in sight. Until a party and a broken shoe incident leave Jane wondering if princes---or at least, a certain deliciously hunky billionaire---maybe do exist.

Except Brock Wellington isn't anyone's dream guy. Hell, a prince would never agree to be auctioned off in marriage to the highest bidder. Or act like an arrogant jerk---even if it was just a façade. Now, as Brock is waiting for the auction chopping block, he figures it's karmic retribution that he's tempted by a sexy, sassy woman he can't have. But while they can't have a fairy-tale ending, maybe they can indulge in a little bit of fantasy . . .

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