
Saturday, January 14, 2017

ARC Review: Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis

Finding Kyler is the first book that I have ever read from Siobhan Davis, but I had to read this one after I saw the blurb! I am a huge fan of forbidden romance stories, and I just can never seem to get enough of them. While I know this book won't be for everyone, I couldn't put it down! Faye and Kyler are first cousins and are the focus of this book, so if that is something that might bother you I suggest you take that into consideration when deciding whether or not to read this one. However, if you are willing to take a chance, this story is one that I recommend and I am already anxious for more! 

After the tragic loss of her parents, Faye Donovan is sent to live with an unknown uncle and his seven sons. She quickly realizes that her feelings will be a problem though, as she finds herself drawn to her cousin Kyler Kennedy. Though Kyler is anything but friendly and has sworn off girls, he can't help that Faye has a way of getting under his skin. They know that they need to keep their feelings a secret, but secrets have a way of coming out, especially when everyone has something to hide. 

I liked Faye a lot. I felt for her, losing her parents and moving from her home in Ireland couldn't have been easy, especially when she arrives and already has a target on her back just by being the cousin of the Kennedy's. But she was strong and was able to give as good as she got, making me like her even more. She definitely had issues though, and at times she drove me nuts. But she was relatable and likable and I loved her for Kyler. Kyler being one of seven brothers all with a name starting with a K was a bit confusing at times. But I liked Kyler, even though he definitely frustrated me as well. I understood why he kept himself on lock-down and wasn't looking for anything with girls, especially his cousin, but at times I wanted to shake him. I really did like these two for one another though, and despite their circumstances I was rooting for them the whole way through.

I also really liked the secondary characters here and found them all interesting, even if things did get a bit confusing at times. I can't wait to see more of them as well as Kyler and Faye as this series continues. I will warn readers that this book is not a standalone and does end on a big cliffhanger. I honestly can't wait for more though and hope that we don't have to wait too long to get the next book. It is currently set to release in March, and I will be stalking the pages for release information as I need to know what happens next! Finding Kyler was captivating and addictive, a must read for fans of scandal, angst, and romance filled with secrets and lies. If you are a fan of The Royals series by Erin Watt, I think that you will love Finding Kyler as it has a similar feel yet is different and unique. Siobhan Davis was new to me before Finding Kyler, but I will definitely be reading more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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Feature and Giveaway: My Highland Rebel by Amanda Forester

A Conquering Hero

Cormac Maclean would rather read than rampage, but his fearsome warlord father demands that he prove himself in war. Cormac chooses what he thinks is an easy target, only to encounter a fiery Highland lass leading a doomed rebellion and swearing revenge on him.

Meets an Unconquerable Heroine

Jyne Cambell is not about to give up her castle without a fight, even though her forces are far outnumbered. She's proud and determined, and Cormac can’t help but be impressed by her devious plots to force him to leave. Soon, his allegiances are as confused as his feelings for the fair Jyne—though he may have captured the castle, it is she who captures his heart.

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Friday, January 13, 2017

ARC Review: Break Point by Rachel Blaufeld

Break Point was my first book by Rachel Blaufeld, but I was really excited to read it. I had heard so much about her books, and this one sounded like it was right up my alley. I have a thing for forbidden romance stories, so when you have a romance between a tennis player and her coach I am all in. Unfortunately I have mixed feelings on this book, and while I did like a lot of the story there were also things that I had some trouble with.

After a terrible experience at her last school, star tennis player Juliette Smith transfers to a new university. She intends to focus on her classes and tennis, but she soon realizes that her new coach Drew King is a sexy distraction that she had never expected. Things are hot between them until things are suddenly over. Jules is convinced that she needs to be alone, but then Drew reappears bring her past back to her present. But after everything that has happened, Drew will have to work to win her over. 

I have to admit that a part of my struggles here were the characters. While I did like them, they both did things that drove me nuts. Jules annoyed me and frustrated me at times, and I wasn't happy with the way that Drew was at times either. I did like them together, but they had each done things that made it hard for me to feel fully invested in their story. I didn't agree with a lot that happened, which made the strong chemistry between them not enough for me at times. Jules was selfish a lot of the time, and I found it hard to get over something she had done. Drew was a manwhore and it bothered me a bit, but what was the hardest to get over was his attitude about it. There were some things that he said though that just didn't work for me at all, and I really had a hard time getting over them and the things that he did while they were separated. While I don't blame him fully because he couldn't control things that Jules did and he was honest, I just really didn't feel that he was 100% genuine and falling for Jules because of that. 

Besides my struggles and frustrations with the characters though, I did like parts of this story. Drew was intent on winning Jules back and I did like that he didn't give up when Jules was stubborn and pushed him away. She didn't know if she could trust him, but he didn't give up and I liked that about him. I did feel like their chemistry was strong and that they were good together, I just wasn't 100% behind them because of all that happened. I think that there will be a lot of people that will enjoy this story and be able to get beyond some of the things that frustrated me. I recommend giving this one a shot if it sounds like something you might like. I would take a chance on more from Rachel Blaufeld again as I liked her writing style and it was more of the characters that didn't fully win me over here.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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Feature and Giveaway: Falling for the Best Man by Amanda Ashby

He’s the best man and her secret fling—who said being a wedding planner was easy?

What's worse than running into your ex-hookup at the airport? When said 'hookup" is the best man for the most important wedding of your career, and he's on the hunt for a fake girlfriend. Between a hysterical bride and a wedding party gone wild, wedding planner Emmy Watson can’t afford any more disasters if she wants to save her beloved Wishing Bridge Farm. Which is why she puts the best man on lockdown. Unfortunately, he also happens to be the one guy who can make her forget everything except the way his kisses make her feel.

All Christopher Henderson needs is a fake girlfriend to convince his bosses that his bad boy reputation is a thing of the past so he can land his dream job. What better place to find said companion than at a wholesome vintage wedding. The only thing he didn't count on was seeing Emmy, the woman who dumped him. The one he hasn’t been able to get off his mind.

There's no denying the spark between them, but he’s a globetrotter and she’s a homebody, and falling in love is something neither of them has in their plans.

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

ARC Review: On Broken Wings by Chanel Cleeton

I have been dying to get my hands on Easy's story since I started this series from Chanel Cleeton! I absolutely loved him and could see so much more beneath the surface when it came to his character. On Broken Wings was everything that I had been hoping for and more. I never wanted it to end, and I absolutely love this world that Chanel has created.

Easy has always accepted the fact that he would have to love Dani from afar. As the wife of one of his best friends, he knew that friendship was all he would ever get and he was fine with that as long as it meant Dani was in his life. But after Joker was killed, Easy was determined more than ever to be there for Dani in any way that she needed him. As the two grow even closer, his love for her grew stronger. Dani had never seen Easy as anything more than a close friend, but in the year since she lost her husband, she started to see him as she never had before. But can they let go of the past and the guilt they feel to have a chance at a future together? 

My heart really hurt for both Dani and Easy. They had been through so much and each felt it so deeply. They really struggled with their feelings for each other and what that meant for not only their remaining connection to Joker, but also for their future. I loved that they had such a strong friendship and that their connection was so natural. These two just fit together and their relationship was independent of that  which Dani had before with Joker. She was able to love and be loved by two amazing men, and no one deserved it more than she did. Easy was more that what you first see, and his love for Dani was unlike any I have seen before. It was unconditional and unwavering, and he is the kind of guy that every girl dreams of one day finding. Dani was sweet and kind, and so very strong. She is the kind of girl that you would love to be friends with in real life, and I just couldn't get enough of them. 

Overall, it is so hard to pick a favorite book from this series as they are all fantastic, but On Broken Wings just might be my favorite. It was emotional and sexy, and everything and more that I had been waiting for. Easy and Dani are one of my all time favorite couples, and this series is one that is not to be missed! If you haven't read the previous books, this one can stand alone, but I highly recommend starting this amazing series at the beginning so as not to miss a single bit of it.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: Commander in Chief by Katy Evans

Commander in Chief is the second book in the White House series by Katy Evans. This book is not a standalone and should only be read if you have previously read Mr. President. I absolutely loved these two when I first read Mr. President and I have been anxiously waiting to get more of them. Katy Evans gave these two a great story and I loved them more than ever here in Commander in Chief. 

Matt and Charlotte fell in love while campaigning for the presidency. But they both knew what would happen if he won. Having grown up as the son of a president, Matt swore he would never put a woman through what his mom went through. Charlotte never imagined herself in the role of first lady, yet she couldn't stop herself from loving Matt. But now that he is being sworn into office to officially become President, he is determined to have it all, including Charlotte by his side in the white house. Can he convince Charlotte that they belong together and can make it through anything as long as they are together?

I really loved these two, and that love only grew here. Charlotte was mature and kind, always caring for others and putting them first. She was selfless, and even when she was sad or felt as though things weren't as she would have liked, she turned it around and did something positive. It felt so real and genuine, and I just loved her character and thought that she was perfect for Matt. Matt was sexy and strong, a true leader and a great man. It was easy to see why he would be so loved by everyone as he was what we all hope for in a person with such power. He was always determined to do the best for his country and treated them all as though they were his family, all the while making sure that Charlotte and his family were a priority as well. These two were still as sexy as ever, but I did enjoy seeing them settle into a relationship and how sweet they could be when they weren't worried about so many outside forces and could really focus on each other. 

Overall, I really enjoyed seeing how things turned out for these two and I loved were they ended up. Katy Evans did a great job of giving them what they deserved and making feel invested the whole way through. I will say that while I enjoyed this one a lot, it was different from what I was expecting. Things were very sweet here, and at times I was wishing for a bit more. There was a lot of focus on the day to day details of clothes, galas, etc and I would have liked to have maybe seen a bit more of the important things. There was a lot of time glossed over here with the mention of days, or months passing and I felt at times like we were missing things to some extent. I would have liked to have had more going on in the story as this one just felt too perfect at times if that makes sense. There were a few things that happened that weren't, but for the most part it was smooth sailing and I kept waiting for something big to happen and it never really did. It was still a great book and conclusion to Matt and Charlotte's story, just different than what I thought it would be. I am excited that Katy has said there will be a third book in this world, featuring new characters. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us and I am looking forward to hopefully getting a bit more of these characters as well.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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Feature and Giveaway: Color Me Mindful, In Bloom! and Atelie Fashion Coloring Books

Make your mark—inside or outside the lines—with these beautiful black and white illustrations of calming seasonal images just waiting for your gentle touch to bring them to life.

By Anastasia Catris

By Sigita Alekne

By Rafaella Machado

Intricate and beautifully detailed line drawings are ready for you to bring to life in COLOR ME MINDFUL, IN BLOOM, and ATELIE FASHION.  Not just for kids anymore− relieve stress, practice your mindfulness, and discover your creative side as you unplug and slow down by filling these exquisite pages with color (Gallery Books; on-sale January 3, 2017; Trade Paperback $12.99).

Feature: On Broken Wings by Chanel Cleeton

The author of Into the Blue and Fly with Me returns with the newest, hot and high-flying Wild Aces romance...

A year after losing her husband, Joker, the squadron commander of the Wild Aces, Dani Peterson gets an offer from his best friend, Alex “Easy” Rogers, to help fix up her house. Dani accepts, and their friendship grows—along with an undeniable attraction.

Racked by guilt for loving his best friend’s widow, Easy’s caught between what he wants and can’t have. Until one night everything changes, and the woman who’s always held his heart ends up in his arms. Yet as Easy leaves for his next deployment, he and Dani are torn between their feelings and their loyalty to Joker’s memory.

But when Dani discovers something that sends them both into a spin, the conflicted lovers must overcome the past to navigate a future together…

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

ARC Review: Safe Bet by Monica Murphy

Monica Murphy is one of those authors that I always look forward to, but I couldn't wait for Safe Bet! I haven't read the previous books in this series, but seeing as how it was a crossover to her One Week Girlfriend series I had to read this one! Drew and Fable are some of my all time favorite characters and I couldn't wait to get more of them and see a glimpse into their HEA. 

After being kicked out by her parents, Sydney Walker lands a job as the nanny for Drew and Fable Callahan. Though she has never worked before, she loves her new job and everything that it brings with it. But when rumors start that she is having an affair with Drew, Fable comes to the rescue with a plan. Sydney will pretend to be in a relationship with Wade Knox, a rookie from Drew's team. Wade is happy to help out as he feels indebted to the Callahans, but will fake turn into real in a matter of a week? 

I liked both Sydney and Wade. While I have read most of the books in the One Week Girlfriend series, I hadn't read any of the Rules series books or the book from OWG in which Wade was introduced so these characters were both new to me. Sydney was sweet and easy to like, which surprised me considering her upbringing and what I had heard about her from previous books. Wade was impossible not to love, and I liked him right away. They were great together and had strong chemistry right off. 

Overall, this book was a fun, light read that I really enjoyed. It was great catching up with characters that I had missed from previous books and seeing them play such important roles here. But I also really liked Wade and Sydney. Sweet and sexy, Safe Bet is one that made me want to go back and read all the books from the OWG and Rules series and I think fans of Monica Murphy's will really enjoy this one. If you haven't read all the books in either series don't worry about starting here as this one is easily read as a standalone. I look forward to reading more from Monica Murphy in the future, and I will definitely be reading both of these series when I get the chance after reading Safe Bet.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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Guest Post with Author Jill Mansell and Giveaway

Meet Jill Mansell author of Solo.

With over ten million copies sold, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jill Mansell writes irresistible, funny, poignant, and romantic tales for women in the tradition of Marian Keyes, Sophie Kinsella, and Jojo Moyes. She lives with her partner and their children in Bristol, England.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

ARC Review: Wicked Bride Games by Clarissa Wild

I honestly don't even know where to start this except to say that I am still trying to figure out exactly what I just read! Clarissa Wild had me on the edge of my seat and glued to my Kindle with Wicked Bride Games. This is the first book in her Indecent Games series of standalones, and this one was unlike anything I have read before. I will warn readers to take Clarissa's warning seriously, as this book will not be for everyone. This was a wild ride though and I can't wait for the next! 

Naomi Lee finds herself needing money with her father's medical bills and having lost her job. So when she receives an anonymous letter with the offer of a chance at millions for three weeks of her time. Desperate for the money, Naomi sets out on a journey that she never expected. Max Marino is determined to have Naomi and he knows how to get her. But with three brothers and nine girls all competing in a game unlike any other, they will soon discover that nothing is as it seems and the outcome is something no one can predict.

I will be honest and say that these characters are messed up. Seriously I am still not sure if I really like these characters, but I will say that I was fascinated by them. I couldn't get enough of Naomi and Max, despite the fact that they were each sick and twisted. This book is hot and steamy, but they were willing to do whatever it took to win and that had me not only questioning their sanity but a bit of my own. I don't know what it says about me, but I couldn't put this one down and I really loved it. 

Overall, I really think that this book is one that a lot of people will enjoy, even while I know that there are others that won't. It is sick and twisted and the characters are seriously messed up. It has twists and turns and a darkness and grit that isn't typical in romance. If you are subject to triggers, I highly recommend reading some reviews and taking the warning seriously before deciding if this book is for you. For me though, this one kept me guessing the whole way through and I loved that it was so different. Clarissa Wild had me captivated right from the start, and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next.

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books Promotions**

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Guest Post with Author Tamara Mataya and Giveaway

Tamara Mataya is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, a librarian, and a musician with synesthesia. Armed with a name tag and a thin veneer of credibility, she takes great delight in recommending books and shushing people. She puts the 'she' in TWSS and the B in LGBTQIA+.

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Monday, January 9, 2017

ARC Review: Hooked on Trouble by Kelly Siskind

Hooked on Trouble is the first book that I have ever read from Kelly Siskind, but it definitely won't be my last. I really enjoyed this one and it is always such a great surprise to discover a new author. Though I am new to Kelly Siskind, this is actually the third book in her Over the Top series. I didn't have any problems understanding anything though as this is easily read as a standalone, and I am really excited to go back and read the previous books in the series. 

Raven and Nico spent a hot night together, but then he disappeared and Raven didn't hear from him again. With her guard back up, Raven is determined to focus on finding her sister rather than guys or relationships. But Nico hasn't stopped thinking about Raven, and he knows that the best way to show her that he wants her is to help her find her sister. But can he risk everything including his job for a chance at a future with her?

I loved how deep and layered these characters were. Raven was determined and strong, yet she also had a vulnerability to her as well that I found so easy to relate to. Nico was sexy and loyal and I really loved him. They had great chemistry and a strong connection. 

Overall, this was a great story. Each of these characters made mistakes and were frustrating at times, but I was invested right away and knew that they belonged together. They was an intensity to them that made this a captivating and emotional read. I highly recommend this one and I can't wait to go back and read the previous books. I might have been new to Kelly Siskind's books before Hooked on Trouble, but based on this book she is an author that I would recommend checking out.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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