
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from last week.

Melanie P
Print copy of Contradictions by Tiffany King

Lisa M
Melanie P
Jennifer E
eBook copy of Anew by Josie Litton

Sue G
Back to You by Tracy Solheim

Patricia B
Print copy of The Millionaire Rogue by Jessica Peterson

Mary M
eBook copy of Treasure and Triumph + Scarf from Collette Cameron

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Hard to Come By by Laura Kaye

Honestly, I have to say that this novel was very well-written. The beginning of the novel gave the reader a relatively thorough explanation of past events that led to the current situation arising within the story. We have Derek DiMarzio (Marz), who was in Special Forces along with his fellow soldiers Beckett, Shane, Nick, and Easy. After their team was ambushed in Afghanistan, they also received less than honorable discharges. Unfortunately, their former commander Colonel Frank Merrit, was illegally transporting and dealing heroin. Furthermore, their lives were destroyed because of their commanders’ illegal activities being connected to them. What is worse, however, is that their ambush was orchestrated as a way to get to their former commander. During this ambush, seven brothers died, while a few others were injured like Marz who lost half his leg when he saved Beckett from a grenade.

So, naturally the men want to not only clear their name, but find justice. When Charlie Merrit (the late Colonel’s son) is kidnapped, his sister Becca brings the team together to save him, and carry out their new mission. In the process, they come across a name: Manny Garza. A few of them know him from a prior encounter in Afghanistan, and it becomes clear that he played some part in their ambush, as well as the current issue surrounding their commander’s activities. There is a lot going on in this book, and the story is set in Baltimore where the Church Gang (the most known illicit gang dealing in guns and drugs all up the east coast) is a major player as well as a private security company named Seneka. I’ll just come out and say wow! There are so many twists in this plot that one does not see coming!

I was completely engaged in this book for many reasons including the way Laura brought illegal activities to light. Anyone who has military friends is aware of issues that some soldiers face regarding illegal contraband and smuggling. Not to mention, corruption (it is just that many don’t talk about it) and the potential problems involving private security companies, as well as their funding. Then, she threw in the harsh reality of our soldiers and their sustained injuries during combat that they may face. It cannot be said enough that this book really hits home in many ways whether you are connected to the military personally or not. The glimpse she provides into the troubles that Marz faces with intimacy and personal strength is undeniably amazing. Plus, she gives us a substantial and realistic connection between every character. I cannot even stress just how much I loved the camaraderie between the brothers of this SF team because it is truly on point. I appreciated the look into the problematic individuals in the militaristic world, and the truly honorable side of the soldiers as well.

I just loved Beckett and Nick (I would say these are my favorite two). I thought the dynamic between Marz and Beckett as they learned to cope with the past, and not let guilt destroy their friendship was beautiful. Laura really captured the hearts of these characters and held them wide open for us to see inside. I could really feel the love and guilt Beckett had for Marz, despite his cold attitude as a way to deal with Marz losing his leg by saving him. Nick, I just genuinely liked for his quick mind, leadership skills, and warmth. Shane and Easy were just nice guys and Shane was easy to like with his obvious hatred for the abuse of women. I also liked that Laura acknowledged the problem that our soldiers face with depression after experiencing trauma, like Easy did. As an individual who has researched PTSD and studied some psychology, as well as someone who has friends with PTSD, I feel inclined to praise Laura for touching on such issues.

Then, there is our main gal, Emilie Garza. Marz has to engage in conversation with her to find information on her brother Manny Garza. Of course, they become involved romantically, as expected. However, perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this couple is their chemistry, not romantically, but as partners. The two of them of course bring unbelievable sexual heat to the story during the right times, but what I really enjoyed is the strength they found with one another. Emilie is just tough, though she doesn’t seem to realize it at first. She is a psychologist, she is a recent divorcee, and she comes to realize that her brother is completely unhinged mentally. After a time, she discerns just how troubled her brother Manny is, and accepts the monster he has become through facts. To say that I liked her character would not be accurate because she is just a stunning individual. I loved how she always did the right thing even when it would hurt Manny. She knew she Manny had to face his fate, but it did not change her love for him; this ability to be compassionate and see the good in people is a very endearing quality.

Perhaps this is why Marz and Emilie work so well together. They not only provide comfort for one another, but they are strong, loyal individuals. They have an openly raw relationship. I love how honest they were with each other. As an example, I relished the details of Marz and his prosthetic limb, while reveling in Emilie’s acceptance of it. Marz, who was just lovable for his loyalty and sense of humor, threw me as a character. Laura made him into an earnest, loyal, fun man who rolls with the punches and always lives for himself (the fact that he is sexy is also a plus). To say that they have an exciting relationship is an understatement (the sexual encounters….wow; one particular aspect I have not encountered prior to this, and I have read a lot of romance). So, this novel is very hot indeed with electrically charged action as well!

Ultimately, throughout the story love is found, truths are exposed, lies are derailed, epic shootouts occur, and a few deaths come to light. Then, there is the involvement of Jeremy, Nick’s younger brother, a tattoo artist and friend who keeps the guys safe by opening his home to them. Plus, the Raven’s (a rival motorcycle gang) help out as well! Goodness, there are so many facets to this story one cannot possibly give acknowledgement to all. However, it is important to note that Manny Garza is only but a small piece of the puzzle, and when you find out all of the details you will be chomping at the bit for more! Oh, and I certainly must say that I am beyond excited to read about Beckett and his potential involvement with Nick’s sister Katherine at a later time!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |

ARC Review: Withering Hope by Layla Hagen

I have read and really enjoyed books by Layla Hagen before, so I jumped at the chance to review her new standalone contemporary romance, Withering Hope. While I expected to enjoy this book, I had no idea how fantastic of a story it would be! Withering Hope was absolutely everything I had hoped for and more. This book was captivating and beautiful, and unlike anything I have ever read before. If I hadn't already been a fan of Layla's before, I certainly am now. This book is unique and one of a kind, and to me it is an absolute must read.

Aimee is on her way to Brazil where she will be married to the man she has known and been best friends with since childhood. She has planned for everything, except for her fiance's private plane to crash in the Amazon rainforest on the way there stranding her with only the pilot Tristan. As Aimee and Tristan begin to find ways to survive in their new surroundings, thy both begin to realize that the longer time goes on with no rescue that they will need more than just hope. They begin to formulate a plan to make their way to civilization once some of the water clears that is trapping them, but as more obstacles and danger occur, the harder it gets for them. Not only must they face the dangers in front of them, but they must also confront their pasts and their growing feelings for one another. Despite the guilt they feel over their feelings, the soon realize that they are unable to hide anything from one another including the love they share. But can they survive the rainforest long enough to have a chance at something together?

I loved Tristan and Aimee. Tristan was so protective of Aimee right from the start. He was always putting her first and doing his best to keep her going. He did his best to provide for her as well as to help her so that she could take care of herself just in case. As strong as he was on the surface though, he was so vulnerable underneath due to his past. He did his best to keep his distance from Aimee and to shield her from it, but I loved that he finally was able to tell her that he needed her and really open up to her. Aimee was strong and optimistic, and I really was glad to see that she wasn't whiny or annoying. She was in some really horrible circumstances, and yet she did her best to deal with what she had been given. She was able to get Tristan to talk to her and she really helped him to heal from his past. I loved that their relationship was slow to build. It was done as respectfully as possible considering she had been engaged at the start of the book, and it was so easy to see how hard these two fought what was happening. Yet the closer they grew, the more clear it was that they belonged together. Not only had they been able to bond over something that no one else would ever understand, but they had a chemistry and connection unlike anything they had ever felt. These two just had a spark between them, and it was something that is rare and undeniable.

Overall, I really cannot express how much I loved this book. I read it entirely in one sitting, because I just couldn't put it down. Once I had started, I had to know what would happen for these two. It had everything I could ask for in a good book, and truly captivated me from the very first page. This book is an absolute must read, and when I say that it is unlike any other book I have read I am being completely honest. It was simply amazing, and I honestly loved every part of it. I will say that the epilogue was beautiful and emotional, and it left me in tears. I can't wait to read more from Layla Hagen in the future, and I know that this book is one of those that will never truly leave me. The characters and their journey were unforgettable, and I already cannot wait to read it again.

**ARC Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Candis Terry and Giveaway

Meet Candis Terry, author of Sweet Surprise.

Candis Terry was born and raised near the sunny beaches of Southern California and now makes her home on an Idaho farm. She’s experienced life in such diverse ways as working in a Hollywood recording studio to chasing down wayward steers. Only one thing has remained the same: her passion for writing stories about relationships, the push and pull in the search for love, and the security one finds in their own happily ever after.

Find Candis at:

Feature and Giveaway: I Do! by Rachel Gibson

In New York Times bestselling author Rachel Gibson's newest novella, Vince Haven and Sadie Hollowell are headed to the altar, and all their friends are headed to Lovett, Texas, to join them for the party of the year.

But Becca Ramsey doesn't have time for all that. Fresh out of beauty school, Becca's all business … and the last thing she needs is bad boy Nate Parrish anywhere in her life.

In the past, Nate was trouble. He's been trying to repair his reputation—heck, he's even got just one girlfriend. The problem is, she isn't Becca. Now Nate's in a whole lot of hot water. He needs to get Becca from "I won't" to "I do" … but how can he do that when she won't even say "I might"?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Friday, January 23, 2015

Review: After the Kiss by Lauren Layne

After picking up The Trouble with Love (book 4) and simply adoring it I just had to get my hands on the rest of the books in the Sex, Love & Stiletto series. After the Kiss was everything I was hoping it would be. From the beginning to end it was a cute and sexy read that I just couldn't put down. It was yet another book from Lauren Layne that I pretty much read in one sitting.

I loved the relationship between Julie and Mitchell. I thought they we so damn cute together. I enjoyed watching these two fall for one another and fall they do. What I liked about these two is that they were just so cute and charming together. Don't get me wrong, they were definitely sexy moments between the two, but I really enjoyed the humor they seemed to find with each other. Neither was exactly how the other had them pegged so it was fun to see this discover just who they were.

Julie was carefree, sweet, funny and just an all-around likable person. I felt like I could relate to her and felt like she was someone I could be friends with in real life. Deep down she was vulnerable and just afraid of letting anyone in because she was afraid that they would eventually leave. She was scared but without getting close to her you would never know it.

Mitchell was everything that I love in a hero. He was sexy, smart and witty. I really liked that he was just a cookie cutter character of what a hero should be. There were layers to him and it was fun to see him peel back those layers and see the man for what he truly was. He knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go for it.

Lauren Layne is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors and has definitely become an auto-buy author for me. I have yet to pick up something that I haven't liked and haven't wanted to shout about to everyone. Seriously, I want to shout out to everyone that they NEED to read not only this book but this series. It's just so very good. Everything one could want from a contemporary romance's sexy, sweet, witty, great location and overly sexy heroes. Seriously, what more could you want?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

ARC Review: Owning the Beast by Alexa Riley

Let me start off by saying that this is the second book from Alexa Riley, and I have loved both of them for what they are. When Alexa Riley tells you that her books are meant to be filthy smut and that Owning the Beast contains insta-love and tons of sex, she absolutely means it. While I love a good emotional and in depth story, I also sometimes just love a quick and sexy read that is not meant to be anything more than a hot way to spend a little bit of my time. Alexa Riley always delivers on giving me something sexy and filled with dirty talk when I am in the mood for it. If you are looking for more from a story, then you might not want to read this. But for me, this is exactly what I am in the mood for sometimes and I love that I can get my sexy fix in a short amount of time with Riley's books.

After losing the only parent she had left, Annabella Blanca finds herself being sold as a mail order bride to a husband that she has never met. She wants a family and love, and hopes to find it with the man that has paid for her even though their start isn't what she had always envisioned. When she first meets Griffin Stone, she realizes that he has locked himself away from the world and that he isn't who she was hoping for. Griffin is not only scarred on the outside, but also has let himself harden on the inside. But when Griffin finds out that there has been a mix up and he starts to get to know Annabella, he quickly realizes that she is his and he will do anything to keep her. Griffin's darkness starts to fade with Annabella's help, but can the beast keep the beauty?

I really liked Griffin and Annabella. Both had no idea what they were getting into with each other, and quickly found out that the other wasn't what they had been expecting. Griffin was rough around the edges and started off as a jerk, but he didn't stay that way for long. He was able to open up to Annabella quickly and they started to both see that they could have more together. I loved that Griffin was all alpha and possessive of Annabella, and that he wanted to protect her. Annabella was sweet and kind, but she wasn't shy when it came to telling Griffin like it was. She challenged him, and wasn't afraid of him even when he was a bit gruff with her. I loved the chemistry between these two. It was intense and it was smoking hot. These two were so hot together, and I liked that Annabella was able to be so comfortable with herself despite her lack of experience.

Overall, this book was exactly what I was looking for when I started it. It was sexy and hot, and was a very quick read. I really enjoyed the dirty talking, and I liked how compatible these characters were. Yes there was insta-love and things were unrealistic. But that didn't bother me with this story because I wasn't looking for more with this one. The story itself was a quick and different retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and I liked that it was similar yet also new and had an adult twist on things. Griffin and Annabella's story is perfect for those looking for a steamy version of a classic. I will definitely be reading more from Alexa Riley in the future, and I am already excited about getting my hands on her next story. I highly recommend her books if you are looking for a quick fix when you are in the mood for some straight up smut.

**ARC Provided by We Love Kink Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon |

Guest Post with Author Robin Anatalek and Giveaway

Meet Robin Antalek, author of The Grown Ups.

Robin Antalek is the author of The Summer We Fell Apart. Her nonfiction writing has been published in literary journals and in several collections, including The Beautiful Anthology; Writing off Script: Writers on the Influence of Cinema; and The Weeklings: Revolution #1 Selected Essays 2012-1013. Her short fiction has appeared in 52 Stories, Five Chapters, Sun Dog, The Southeast Review, and Literary Mama among others. She lives in Saratoga Springs, New York.

Find Robin at:

Feature and Giveaway: The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn

Sir Richard Kenworthy has less than a month to find a bride. He knows he can’t be too picky, but when he sees Iris Smythe-Smith hiding behind her cello at her family’s infamous musicale, he thinks he might have struck gold. She’s the type of girl you don’t notice until the second-or third-look, but there’s something about her, something simmering under the surface, and he knows she’s the one.

Iris Smythe-Smith is used to being underestimated. With her pale hair and quiet, sly wit she tends to blend into the background, and she likes it that way. So when Richard Kenworthy demands an introduction, she is suspicious. He flirts, he charms, he gives every impression of a man falling in love, but she can’t quite believe it’s all true. And when his proposal of marriage turns into a compromising position that forces the issue, she can’t help thinking that he’s hiding something...even as her heart tells her to say yes.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Feature and Giveaway: Playing Doctor by Kate Allure

The doctor will see you now...

Three sizzling-hot erotic romance stories to stoke your mood

In The Intern, the temperature of Dr. Lauren Marks’s office quickly rises when her new medical intern Courtney turns out to be a passionate and sexy young man.

Valerie realizes all of her fantasies when her sexy surgeon and her loving husband team up to offer her some extra-special treatment in My Doctor, My Husband, and Me.

Nikki gets more than she bargained for in Seize the Doctor when the hot guy she recently met at a bar walks into her exam room wearing a white coat. Good thing she wore her sexiest lingerie.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Thursday, January 22, 2015

ARC Review: Taint by S.L. Jennings

I admit that I'm disappointed with Taint. After reading the blurb I was expecting a raw, gritty and erotic read and that was not the case at all. Yes, there are times when the hero says/thinks some rauchy things but that was it. None of his dirty thoughts came to fruition. I was just expecting so much more from this.

Honestly I felt like the first half of the book kind dragged on. I kept turning the pages in anticipation for something to finally happen with Justice and Ally. It just seemed to take forever and by the time it finally did I found that I really didn't care. There was just so much build up and I just wanted more.

I will say that I really enjoyed them together and found that they had great chemistry. I liked that Justice liked Ally for who she was and didn't want her to change, goofiness and all.

I just felt like Taint was kind of unrealistic at times. I don't want to go into too many details as I don't want to spoil anything but I just didn't buy that these prominent women would be okay with their husbands sending them away for six weeks to get sex lessons from a virtual stranger. How and in what world is this okay? I just found it hard to believe that these women would want to stay with their husbands. Plus there were some things that came up with one of the housewives husbands that just seemed to be a bit over the top.

All in all I found Taint to be an okay read. Did I hate it? No, but I didn't love it and that's a bummer because I was really looking forward to this one.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Audiobook Review: Claimed by the Highlander by Julianne MacLean, Narrated by Antony Ferguson

This is my first experience with Julianne MacLean. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I really enjoyed this story for many different reasons. I also had some issues but overall this was a great and enjoyable story!

So the concept is not entirely original. One, Angus "The Lion" MacDonald comes back to recapture his home. Lady Gwendolen’s father was the laird before he died and her brother is missing. So she takes up a sword to fight to protect her home. She does not wind as Angus’ tribe is more equipped and better armed. As can be expected there are divided loyalties as Angus claims Gwendolen as his bride in order to show that he is now the laird and that their tribe must now surrender to him. So at first the story seemed like most highlander stories I read. But I really enjoyed how well MacLean developed her characters and she really made Angus and Gwendolen suffer for their happily ever after.

I really loved Gwen at the start of the story but as soon as she marries Angus she turns into a love -struck-teenager. I understood that she was in love with him but her conversion was so quick it made me a little annoyed. I appreciated everything Angus went through. He lost his family and he didn’t trust anyone because of all the pain he endured. So I understood that he would have difficulty trust. Even Gwendolen. My biggest issue with Angus is that yes, he was wounded, and yes, he did have a lot of responsibility. However, he had no trouble believing Rowena’s prophecy that Gwendolen would betray him. Angus was so infuriating! For a strong warrior and leader he definitely lacked judgment when he most needed it. In the face of all these “disloyalties” Gwendolen never stopped believing in Angus and although it is sweet and honorable I wish the old Gwendolen, the one that grabbed the sword ready to fight would have appeared again. Angus did not prove his loyalty to Gwendolen until the very end and really until she exhausted every single possible alley and all that she had to offer was given.

Historically I really liked the way the author described the constant threats that threated the clans, the numerous treasons that occurred and the continuous tension with England. The secondary characters were also entertaining and fantastic. Gwendolen’s mother was full of surprises and the last couple of chapters I was anticipating what would happen next. If the character had more gusto I would have given this five stars because this story was very well written. The narrator, Antony Ferguson, was also very good. He has the perfect voice for a strong highlander.

**Audiobook provided by Tantor**

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Secrets of a Scandalous Heiress by Theresa Romain

One good proposition deserves another…

Heiress Augusta Meredith can’t help herself—she stirs up gossip wherever she goes. A stranger to Bath society, she pretends to be a charming young widow, until sardonic, darkly handsome Joss Everett arrives from London and uncovers her charade.

Augusta persuades Joss to keep her secret in exchange for a secret of his own. Weaving their way through the treacherous pitfalls of a polite world only too eager to expose and condemn them, they begin to see that being true to themselves is not so bad…as long as they’re true to each other…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Feature and Giveaway: A Little on the Wild Side by Robin Kaye

A woman who gets what she wants…

Bianca Ferrari—ex-supermodel turned successful business woman—seems to have it all: beauty, brains and a career she loves. And she did it all by herself…through sheer force of will and ruthless determination. So when her life is suddenly turned upside down, it’s hard for her to admit that going it alone may not be an option…

A man who knows what she needs…

Sexy, rugged and down-to-earth, Trapper Kincaid has a knack for attracting all kinds of women—mostly the wrong kind. When he finds out that the exhaustingly independent and drop-dead gorgeous Bianca is in serious need of help, he knows he’s the man for the job. But Bianca isn’t going to make it easy…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Kobo |

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

ARC Review: An Affair Downstairs by Sherri Browning

Book two in Sherri Browning’s Thornbrook Park series sees us with Alice and Logan. It was a good read, it wasn’t as good as the first book but I still enjoyed it. It’s an Edwardian Romance, and the new fangled inventions like the telephone are showing up more and more. The romance between these two people who should not be together fall in love; it is a charming story and sexy in all the right spots.

Lady Alice Emerson is a head strong woman who knows what she wants and what she wants is to never get married and to travel. She just has to put off her mother and sister’s attempts at matchmaking until she becomes 25 years old and is finally old enough for the inheritance her Grandmother left her. The one thing she wants most before running off to see the world is to have an affair, specifically with Logan Winthrop and whether he wants to admit it or not he wants her too. Logan Winthrop ran from his past and became the estate manager for Thornbrook Park. Logan was content with his life as it was until Alice showed up in his life and then he realized what he was missing.

Alice tries her best to seduce Logan and Logan tries his best to put her off; but Logan’s restraint is wearing thin. When the appearance of another suitor shows up Logan starts to realize just how much Alice means to him. Alice is involved in a horse accident and Logan’s feelings are revealed, but Alice’s sister won’t have it and talks him out of it so Logan leaves goes back home to finally face his demons.

Without getting really into the story and maybe revealing too much Alice and Logan share a funny and heartwarming story that leads to an event that starts of book number three. It is slow in parts and sometimes it seems like it just needed to hurry up along but Alice and Logan are great characters that make the book.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: The Duke of Dark Desires by Miranda Neville

Rebellious Julian Fortescue never expected to inherit a dukedom, nor to find himself guardian to three young half-sisters. Now in the market for a governess, he lays eyes on Jane Grey and knows immediately she is qualified--to become his mistress. Yet the alluring woman appears impervious to him. Somehow Julian must find a way to make her succumb to temptation . . . without losing his heart and revealing the haunting mistakes of his past.

Lady Jeanne de Falleron didn't seek a position as a governess simply to fall into bed with the Duke of Denford. Under the alias of Jane Grey, she must learn which of the duke's relatives is responsible for the death of her family--and take her revenge. She certainly can't afford the distraction of her darkly irresistible employer, or the smoldering desire he ignites within her.

But as Jane discovers more clues about the villain she seeks, she's faced with a possibility more disturbing than her growing feelings for Julian: What will she do if the man she loves is also the man she's sworn to kill?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |

Guest Post with Author Cynthia Sax and Giveaway

Meet Cynthia Sax, author of Sinful Rewards #7.

Cynthia Sax lives in a world filled with magic and romance. Although her heroes may not always say, “I love you”, they will do anything for the women they adore. They live passionately. They play hard. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago.

Find Cynthia at:

ARC Review: Saving You by Kelly Elliott

I knew I had to read Saving You when I saw that it was a best friends to lovers story. I am such a sucker for friends falling for one another, especially when they grow up together like Luke and Libby did. Saving You is the second book in the Love Wanted in Texas series by Kelly Elliott but this book can be read as a standalone. After reading this book though, I honestly cannot wait to go back and read the first book, as well as the entire Wanted series by her that features the parents of these characters! I loved all the characters and how close they all are, and I need to know all of their stories!

Luke Johnson and Libby Hayes have been best friends forever. They have grown up together and were always close. But then one kiss changed everything between them. While Libby was ready to move past friendship, Luke was scared to take the risk and lose everything including their friendship. With Luke deciding to listen to what is in his head rather than his heart, he ends up hurting Libby by pushing her away. Though most of the time he does his best to keep her at a distance, there are times when his guard drops and Libby sees more from him than just friendship. But as Libby grows tired of him never giving them a chance, she decides it might finally be time to move on with her life. But when Luke sees her finally moving on, he is suddenly ready to finally tell her how he feels. Can Luke get past his fears and give a relationship with Libby a chance, or will it be too late with Libby determined to move forward with her life?

I really liked Luke, but I wanted to seriously smack him a few times in this book. He waited so long to talk to Libby about what was going on with him, and yet everyone else around them knew what was going on. He wasted so much time trying to fight what was between them and worrying about something that wasn't going to happen. These two were made for each other, and it was clear from the beginning that they belonged together. I did think that Luke was really sweet and thoughtful though, so it was good to see him finally open up to her and stop fighting it. I felt so badly for Libby. She loved Luke so much and repeatedly put herself out there for him. She was always honest about how she felt and what she was thinking only to have him reject her. But I was glad that she never truly gave up or made him suffer when things finally started to turn around for them. She was kind and smart, and I loved seeing these two figure things out between them. They had always had a great connection, but I really enjoyed watching as they took their relationship to the next level and seeing the natural chemistry that was between them.

Overall, I really loved this book. I will say that Luke running and pushing Libby away got a bit old, and that is the only reason this was a four star read for me instead of five. I felt like it went on for far too long, and I got tired of him trying to get past Libby by being with others. I wish it would have ended sooner, but the outcome of this story made it worth it. These two were great together, and the love they shared was undeniable. It was meant to be and everyone around them knew that these two would wind up together. While I can't wait to go back and read the other books with these characters, I am also really looking forward to reading the next book in the series as well. Kelly Elliott had a contest for readers to pick who the next book was about, and I am really excited to get that story (as well as the one that wasn't picked!). I highly recommend this book and series if you are a contemporary or NA fan, and I think that this is one that a lot of people can relate to. This story was heartfelt and emotional, and I will definitely remember these characters.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

ARC Review: Blood Moon by Lisa Kessler

Lisa Kessler is such a fantastic writer. She is the main reason I took up an interest in paranormal stories. Once I started reading “Blood Moon” I was instantly hooked and could not put it down. She grabbed my attention from the first page! Although I did not read the previous book in the series, “Hunter’s Moon” I never felt lost or frustrated. She connected the events in the past books to this story and everything flowed. When I read “Beg Me to Slay” I knew I would be reading more books by Kessler.

Aside from her fantastic story-telling her hero and heroine always have great chemistry! Nadya Dalca is in the middle of her death! I mean, what a fantastic start! She has been bitten by a genetically enhanced werewolf and she is transforming into a wolf. The writing of her transformation was superb! Reading it felt so real and authentic. I really enjoyed it and thought Kessler really understood what the experience would be like. Because Nadya is very attuned to others feelings none of the members in the pack can help her through the transformation because their emotions are to strong and she feels them to strongly. The only person who isn’t emotionally affected by Nadya is Gareth Takoda. Gareth is also a part of the pack but he is a loner and keeps to himself. A huge part of his isolation is due to his inability to trust the pack after the death of his brother. For reasons of their own, the pack did not move to avenge his brother’s death and Gareth is ready to move on to another location and find his own way.

Nadya and Gareth were perfectly suited for each other. They had excellent chemistry and their opposite traits made them perfectly suited. Nadya has a very visceral reaction to Gareth and even though Nadya doesn’t know what it means Gareth does. But Gareth has very deep issues and he is not ready to become a part of the pack or care for Nadya. I really enjoyed them as a couple.

One would think that after they confess their feelings for each other the story would end but Nadya’s death is still a big issue. Is Gareth ready to lose another person he loves? Kessler combines some very interesting twists and turns into the genetic enhanced wolves and the project. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen and how she would resolve this issue. I would love to sit one day and just read the previous two books in the series! I’m hooked!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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