
Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Historical Christmas Eve Event Winners

There are many winners to announce but before I do so, I just wanted to take the time and say a SUPER BIG THANK YOU to each and every author that participated in the 3rd annual Historical Christmas Eve event. I loved each and every scene you all created and this event would be nothing without you. Thank you so very much. =)

Now, on to the winners!

ARC Review: The Last Man on Earth by Tracy Anne Warren

Madelyn Grayson locks horns with Zack Douglas on a daily basis. They are both competitors in the advertising firm where they work. The chemistry between them sizzles. Underneath the rivalry is a mutual attraction for each other.

I thought the story got off to a great start. Madelyn and Zack “hate” each other and are always trying to get the better each other. Madelyn is hard-working and wants to be the best at her job, which means beating Zack and getting accounts from him.

They finally come to a truce one New Year’s Eve when Madelyn is left at a party by her brother and sister-in-law when they have an emergency. Zack happens to be at the party and offers to take her home. Even though she never makes it home. They decide to give into their very mutual attraction to each other. Madelyn wants to forget about it and move on. She knows that Zack has a reputation as the office playboy and she doesn’t want to be a part of the office rumor mill. Zack is not ready to let her go. They both decide that they are going to hide their romance and meet up in hotel rooms to continue seeing each other. Eventually they both get tired of this and they reach a breaking point.

This is where the story lost me. Zack has commitment issues and doesn’t want to commit to a serious relationship that will eventually lead to marriage with Madelyn. She is heartbroken by this and they break-up. When they break up, James her good friend who also has romantic feelings for her proposes. She accepts. She wants to be able to get married and have a family. Even though she is in love with Zack she knows that he will not commit to her. The rest of the story dragged a little while she and Zack continue to see each other and fight their feelings for each other. Zack loves Madelyn but because he does not come from a stable home life he thinks that he will not be able to give her what she needs. Although I did not love the story it was still enjoyable and I liked the way that the author brought them back together. Fun and sexy office romance!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

A Naughty New Year with Roni Loren and Giveaway

A Naughty New Year - Roni Loren

Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her reading, watching reality television, or indulging in her unhealthy addiction to rockstars, er, rock concerts. Yeah, that's it. She is the National Bestselling Author of The Loving on the Edge series from Berkley Heat.

Places to find Roni:
Site Blog | Facebook Twitter Tumblr |

Friday, January 3, 2014

ARC Review: The Twelve Days of Seduction by Máire Claremont

I generally try to stay away from novellas because I always feel like I don’t have a good understanding of the characters. The Twelve Days of Seduction by Máire Claremont provided to be an exception! Alexander Hunt, Eight Duke of Berresford is threatening to throw out his governess, Anna Grey, on the street. He discovers that Anna Grey is an alias and that her real name is Adriana Flint. Besides the deception of her name he also discovers that she is an authoress. Anna, or Adriana as is her real name, is distraught. She has grown attached to Georgiana, Alexander’s ward. Adrianna is devastated and tries to convince her employer to let her stay. Unfortunately for her, she also has no other place to go. Her parents do not have any money and she is all by herself. The reasons for her deceptions are many. She grew up on the street, begging for food. She has no relations to turn to. Besides these reasons, she has deep affection for her employer. For the past year in his employment, she has hidden her feelings. When she offers up a bargain, she is shocked to discover that the feelings were reciprocated.

Adriana and Alexander strike up a bargain. He will allow her to stay if she becomes his mistress, but she has conditions of her own. Although as Anna Grey she played the role of meek and demure, with her reestablished identity as Adriana, she is setting her own terms. If Alexander wants her as a mistress he has to be able to seduce her. As Adriana and Alexander spend the Christmas holiday together, as mutual love interests, they grow to know each other. Adriana, no longer afraid of being discovered admonishes Alexander for his lack of empathy for his employees. Alexander realizes that because he has always had a life of privileged he has not suffered the need that Adriana did. He also reads her books where she speaks up for the lower classes and the disadvantage. There are two big secret’s that are revealed in this cute and short novella. These two big secrets have a big impact on their future and the future of Georgiana.

I really loved this story. It is a perfect read if you’re looking for something that is fulfilling and enjoyable. The only reason I did not give it a five star is because Alexander changes so quickly. He goes from an arrogant Duke to an advocate for the lower class. This is completely understandable because it’s a novella, but I still would have liked more time for growth and evolution. Also, even though their pasts are alluded to, it would have been great if there had played bigger scenes in the novella. This is a perfect treat for the holidays.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

A Naughty New Year with Robin Covington and Giveaway

A Naughty New Year - Robin Covington

Robin Covington, who NYT Best Selling authors, Robyn Carr and Carly Phillips, said was their new “auto-buy author”, writes sizzling hot contemporary and paranormal romance.

A Night of Southern Comfort, her best-selling debut novel was nominated for the Rt Book Reviewers Choice Awards for Small Press and was touted by RT Book Reviews as bringing a “fresh, modern feel to the genre while still sticking to the things that get our adrenaline pumping — sex and danger”. When she’s not exploring the theme of fooling around and falling in love, she’s collecting tasty man candy, indulging in a little comic book geek love, and stalking Joe Manganiello.

Robin is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Washington and Maryland Romance Writers, a faculty member at Romance University, a member of The Naked Hero, and a contributor to the Happy Ever After blog at USA Today.

Robin lives in Maryland with her hilarious husband, brilliant children, and ginormous puppy.

Places to find Robin:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

ARC Review: Take Over at Midnight by M. L. Buchman

I admit that the primary reason I started reading M.L. Buchman’s The Night Stalkers series of military romances—of which TAKE OVER AT MIDNIGHT is the fourth full-length entry—is because I was curious about a male author’s take on the genre. Despite its ‘military romantic suspense’ billing, the series is more contemporary romance than RS, boasting incredibly well written character-driven stories against the backdrop of an active warzone and the first kickass, all-female crew in the United States Army 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) (aka SOAR). Though each book can technically be read as a standalone, a lot of the background on the Night Stalkers and the tight-knit cast of secondary characters in TAKE OVER AT MIDNIGHT is built up throughout the series and there is a sizable subplot involving the couple from the first book, so readers will derive more enjoyment from reading the series in order.

If you are looking for high-octane military action, you’d be better served looking elsewhere—though military buffs will appreciate the thoroughness of the research and the technical details of the writing that give it a very realistic feel. Despite the underlying mission involving research on biological weapons of mass destruction secretly stolen from Iran, TAKE OVER AT MIDNIGHT is much more slow-moving than some of the other Night Stalkers books and is first and foremost about its protagonists. Mr. Buchman excels at emotion-evoking character-focussed storytelling, and his greatest strength is his ability to write realistic, relatable heroines that are kickass and strong but undeniably female. Helicopter pilot wunderkind and all-around Army badass Major Emily Beale (the heroine of the first novel in the series) has long been my undisputed favourite Night Stalkers character, but Chief Warrant Officer Lola LaRue gives her a run for her money. The daughter of a crooked cop in New Orleans and (sort of) raised by the world-weary cook at a brothel, Lola was a seventeen-year-old train wreck headed off the rails and considering selling her body for the first time when 9/11 happened and irrevocably changed everything. Heeding the call to belong to a cause, she’s now the second-ever female pilot (and fourth woman overall) to make it into SOAR and new kid on the block trying to break into the tight-knit Night Stalkers group. What makes her so incredibly realistic and relatable is that—despite being an ace pilot and excelling in all the training to qualify for SOAR—she feels like a fraud: a good-for-nothing Creole stray pretending to belong in the big leagues. Who hasn’t experienced imposter syndrome to some degree in our everyday lives? I definitely did throughout six years of graduate school, so I felt an immediate connection to Lola and could empathize with her struggle to determine if (and where) she belongs. The dynamics of the all-female helicopter crew—both friendships and conflicts (though I never really got why crew chief Kee took such exception to Lola)—are also incredibly well written and combine with the sweet romance to create a satisfying, poignant character arc for Lola.

Sergeant Tim Maloney is the perfect foil (and complement) to Lola’s darker angst, all laid-back charm and practical jokes over a steadfast commitment to protecting those he loves forged from that same post-9/11 wake-up call. One look at the mix of toughness and vulnerability that is Lola and he’s sunk. I loved how he can read her so well (even when she can’t understand herself), how sweet he is, and how his incredible self-awareness helps her finally come into herself. I want a Tim (and his zany, close-knit, numerous family) of my own! The slower pace of the story allows for a stronger focus on the romance, and the many sweet moments between Tim and Lola (carving her a backgammon board in an Iranian salt pan? be still my heart!) appealed to the romantic in me without being overdone and excessively saccharine.

TAKE OVER AT MIDNIGHT is a great addition to The Night Stalkers series—possibly my favourite entry yet. Mr. Buchman’s skill as a writer is evident in the superb prose that manages to make even the minutiae of helicopter operations fascinating and the creation of well-rounded, three-dimensional characters you will become emotionally invested in and look forward to following throughout the series (Majors Beale and Henderson FTW!). Readers looking for something akin to a sweet romance (including the fade-to-black love scenes) but with kickass military women (and their men), an active warzone, and some badass helicopters should definitely give this series, and author, a try.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

A Naughty New Year with Tessa Bailey and Giveaway

A Naughty New Year - Tessa Bailey

Tessa lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and young daughter. When she isn't writing or reading romance, Tessa enjoys a good argument and thirty-minute recipes.

Places to find Tessa:

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

ARC Review: The Earl’s Christmas Colt by Rebecca Thomas

What a perfect story for the holiday season! I loved Lady Arabella Suton and Oliver Westwyck, the Earl of Marsdale! Lady Arabella, or Bella as her brother Will loving calls her, receives some big news! Her brother has arranged a marriage for her. She is very upset with the news. Although she had a season last year, she did not find a match. Lady Arabella is more interested in horses than finding a husband. Her brother understands her devotion to horses and tries to find her a match that will share her interests. Will explains to Lacy Arabella that her betrothal, the Earl of Marsdale , is a man that loves horses and will be a good husband to her. She finds little comfort in his words and runs out into the woods with her beloved horse, Andromeda. At thirty-four, Oliver is still a bachelor. Although a handsome son of a duke he is not married. Years before he was engaged but his fiancee left him. Heartbroken he lost all interest in marriage.

While Lady Arabella is riding her horse in the snow, Andromeda is hurt. She stops at the nearest stable for help. Unbeknownst to her, the stable boy that Lady Arabella meets is really her fiancé. Oliver instantly recognizes her as his intended but decides that he will play the role of the servant that Lady Arabella takes him for. Oliver is curious to learn about his fiancée and why she is out riding in the snow far from her families land. Together they tend to Andromeda and secure her in the stable. Oliver, playing the role of Mr. Carrington, accompanies her to the nearest inn. The weather has turned to dangerous and it is the only place she can stay. While Oliver is securing her a room in the inn Lady Arabella hears the serving girls say that the Earl of Marsdale has arrived at the inn. She is terrified that he will discover her at the inn without a chaperone! Although she did not want the match she knows her duty. Lady Arabella trades her family brooch for a horse and she runs off. When Oliver discovers that she is gone he discovers that she has traded her brooch and runs after her.

They both make their way to a near- by cottage. Lady Arabella and Oliver find themselves in a very awkward situation. He has lied to her about his identy and he knows that she will be angry when he finds out his true identity. Although he wants to be honest with her he also wants to get to know her and her opinion about their upcoming wedding. Lady Arabella knows that if she is discovered staying at the cottage with a man that her engagement will be called off! She is terrified of what the Earl of Marsdale will think. As they get to know each other they learn about each other and both agree that they want to marry. Just as they are being truthful with each other her brother Will discovers them and calls off the wedding because they are found in this very improper situation.

I loved this story! I thought that both characters were very likeable. The mistaken identity was well played out! It didn’t become overdone and it gave both Lady Arabella and The Earl of Marsdale a chance to get to know each other. The writing flowed and was very engaging. I turned the pages anticipating what would happen next. We also learn the reason for Will’s hasty decision to marry off his sister and what special Christmas gift the earl has for his soon to be wife! Perfect holiday story!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

A Naughty New Year with Robin Bielman and Giveaway

A Naughty New Year - Robin Bielman

Robin Bielman lives in Southern California, a bike ride away from the ocean if she’s feeling really adventurous. She loves books and baking and running on the treadmill while watching her favorite TV shows. When she’s not reading or writing her next story, she’s spending time with her high school sweetheart husband and two sons, most likely watching, playing, or discussing baseball. She drives too fast, drinks too much caffeine, and if every day were Cupcake Day, she’d be a happy camper! She loves to connect with readers.

Places to find Robin:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

ARC Review: The Thrill of It by Lauren Blakely

At this point, I am a huge fan of Lauren Blakely's. Every time I see something new by her, I add it to my ever growing TBR list regardless of what it is about. The Thrill of It was no exception. The first time I saw the cover, I absolutely fell in love with it. It is beautiful, and I knew that I would like the book just because of the author. I will admit that as I started reading this book, everything about is different from what Lauren Blakely has written before. This one is completely original and it was nice to read something different while still getting that great writing style that I have come to know and love from Blakely. For me, this story took awhile to draw me in. But I knew that I was going to love Harley and Trey and I am so glad that I gave this one a shot and got to know them.

Harley has not had an easy life. She was raised by her mother who treated her like a sister or friend. Her mother was constantly parading different boyfriends around and had a problem with over-sharing. Harley turned to one of her mother's sources, Cam in order to gain the control of her life and has viewed love and sex as nothing but a game ever since. Cam helped Harley turn into a high priced escort with strict rules and guidelines. Even though Harley is a call girl, she is still a virgin. When one of her client's wives finds out about her, she begins to blackmail Harley. As a part of the blackmail, Harley begins to attend meetings for those addicted to sex and love. One day at a meeting, Harley runs into Trey. Trey had given Harley a tattoo and the two spent the night together doing pretty much everything except having actual sex. Now that they have run into each other again, they decide to be friends as they are both in recovery. But Harley and Trey have an instant connection, and their feelings quickly change from more than just attraction to something deeper. Can Trey and Harley heal from their pasts and leave them behind? Can two people who have used love and sex as a way to cope, find true love together?

I loved Trey. He was sweet and supportive and extremely sexy. A hot tattoo artist covered in tattoos, there is just something about him that instantly draws you in. But he is so much more beyond that. I loved how great he was with Harley. He was always there for her and he was a great friend to her before they really started to act on their feelings. I loved how he just knew her and what she needed. I thought that Trey was the perfect guy for Harley and I think that he was exactly what she needed. They were a great balance for each other and the fact that they had such a strong friendship really seemed to be the perfect foundation for a relationship between two people who were healing. I liked Harley. I thought that she was a great friend and even though she was damaged, she was definitely a survivor. She was determined to keep going no matter what life seemed to deal her. I thought that she gave her mother too much slack at first, but you could tell that she really tried to see the best in her even when her mother didn't deserve it. I thought that Trey and Harley seemed extremely real and believable to me. They had a lot of chemistry and were really hot together. I loved watching them admit their feelings and really start to develop a relationship. There were times that I was worried about how these two damaged and broken people could possibly have something real and lasting. But as the story progressed you could really tell that they weren't a liability for each other, but they were growth and balance, and a wonderful support system for each other to lean on.

Overall, I really ended up enjoying this story. It did take me awhile to get into this one and I thought that the beginning was a bit slow and drawn out. But I am so glad that this one picked up and I kept reading, because Trey and Harley are definitely characters that are easy to fall in love with. I am excited to see where their story goes from here. The Thrill of It is not one of those stories that has a lot of sex and steam right off, but I think that their connection was stronger because we had to wait for it. Harley and Trey had a lot of healing and growth to do, and we have only seen the beginning. This book does end with a cliffhanger and we are left unsure of what will happen next. I can't wait to read the next book that is in this series to get more of Harley and Trey. I also really liked Harley's and Trey's friends and I can't wait to see what happens with those two as well. Lauren Blakely continues to write wonderful stories, and every single time proves why she has become one of my favorite authors. If you haven't read anything by her, you are really missing out. I highly recommend that you pick up this book and give it a shot. The Thrill of It is about love and romance, but it is also about how we deal with things from our pasts and the pain we sometimes experience. It is a story about growth and about finding love sometimes in a place where you least expect it. I will be anxiously awaiting the sequel, Every Second With You, until it is released.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

Monthly Giveaway - January

Want to win some goodies?

Each month here at Ramblings From This Chick a new prize pack will be up for grabs for 4 lucky winners.

Here's a peek at this months prize.

4 lucky people will win 2 books from my stash.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

ARC Review: Beg Me to Slay by Lisa Kessler

Tegan Ashton was attacked by a Hingo Demon. According to Gabe no human can survive this type of attack but Tegan does. Tegan has physical and emotional scars. She has lived in fear since the attack. Because of the conditions surrounding her attack she is thought to be crazy and sent to a mental institution. She happens to come across the “man” that attacked her one night and she knows that she has to find someone to help her. She finds Gabe on-line in a search, the adjective “paranormal” catches her eye. Even though she has her doubts about Gabe and how authentic he is she knows that she needs someone who believes her about her attack. Gabe definitely believes her and immediately realizes the grave danger she is in. He knows that the Hingo demon will not stop until he finds her again and claims her.

Gabriel V.H. Smith, is a demon-slayer by night and a Licensed Private Investigator by day. Gabe is sorting through his emotions, in his line of work he has seen a lot of deaths. He lost his parents and fiancée and is not ready to give his heart up to Tegan. He knows that behind her black-belt-in-karate-tough-persona is a women who has beaten incredible odds. He swears to protect her and keep her safe. He takes protecting her very serious but is not sure how vulnerable he can let himself become. Tegan is overwhelmed to discover that she was attacked by a demon. Up until she met Gabe she didn’t know that demons existed, but that is only the beginning. She learns that there are different types of demons and each one has a different way to die. She also learns that witches are real when Gabe has a spell put on him. His only recourse is Tina, a witch that he later learns put the spell on him because demons had her sister. Tina, we later learn, plays a very important role in Tegan’s attack.

As the story unfolds we learn that Tegan’s attack was not accidental. Her father gives her a book with their family lineage and Tegan begins to learn about her ancestors. She and Gabe have to piece together why the demon attacked her and why they are searching for her again. Gabe is also in for some surprises. Four years ago he was slaying a demon to protect a random women on the street. Unbeknownst to him while he was rescuing this random women on the street demons killed his fiancée-Laura. When he meets the demon that attacked Tegan he learns that the random women he saved was Tegan. When pieces of the puzzle start to come together Tegan realizes that she has to use all her strength, both physical and emotional to face the battle that awaits her. Tegan and Gabe have to face an army of demons, this is a fierce fight but after the battle is over they have their own personal emotional demons to battle.

I tend to stay away from paranormal because I don’t find them to be entertaining, but Lisa Kessler really delivers! I really loved the way she weaves this story of demons and witches and I caught myself tense with anticipation. I was intrigued to see how Tegan and Gabe would beat the demons and the other little difficulties that appeared. Tegan was a fascinating character to watch evolve. At the beginning she motivated by fear and keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. As she starts to face her possible death she becomes stronger and confident. At the end of the story she is reclaiming her life. Gabe also comes to terms with his fears and realizes that it’s harder to fall in love than be a demon slayer.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

A Naughty New Year with Rebecca Zanetti and Giveaway

A Naughty New Year - Rebecca Zanetti

USA Today Bestselling Author Rebecca Zanetti has worked as an art curator, Senate aide, lawyer, college professor, and a hearing examiner - only to culminate it all in stories about Alpha males and the women who claim them. She writes dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and sexy contemporary romances.

Growing up amid the glorious backdrops and winter wonderlands of the Pacific Northwest has given Rebecca fantastic scenery and adventures to weave into her stories. She resides in the wild north with her husband, children, and extended family who inspire her every day--or at the very least give her plenty of characters to write about.

Places to find Rebecca:

Monday, December 30, 2013

ARC Review: The Fine Line by Alicia Kobishop

The Fine Line is the debut novel of Alicia Kobishop. I never quite know what to expect with a debut novel, but I thought this one sounded interesting so I gave it a shot. I am always immediately drawn to stories that feature a heroine that is against love. I think that i'm drawn to them because they are usually unique and I like to watch as they open up and grow as they slowly realize that they can't fight it anymore. This book was not what I had been expecting, and although there were things that I liked about this one there were also quite a few things that I had some issues with. I thought that this book was written well though, and I enjoyed the author's writing style.

Liv has put up walls against ever letting anyone in again. After a past filled with people leaving her, she never wants to feel the emptiness they will inevitably leave behind when they leave her. But all of that begins to change when she meets Logan. She immediately is drawn to him and starts to feel as though he is different. Liv and Logan begin spending time together and develop an easy friendship. Logan wants more from Liv and thinks that they have a shot at having a great relationship together. However Liv is determined to keep things just friends. But she quickly finds out that it isn't always that easy to fight a connection and attraction like the one that they share. Can Liv take a risk and give a real relationship with Logan a chance? Or will they end up losing everything including their friendship?

I liked Logan. I thought that he was a nice guy and I loved how determined he was when it came to winning over Liv. I feel as though we don't really know him that well though. I would have liked to have seen more character development and see his motivation behind the street racing and his pursuit of Liv. I have to say that I didn't care for Liv as a heroine. I was never able to warm up to her and her push and pull with Logan really made it impossible for me to like her. I just don't think that she was fair to Logan with all the mixed signals. I understand that she was confused and trying to fight falling for him, but it still just didn't work for me. I honestly couldn't figure out why Logan kept trying to change her mind and why he would stick around for her. I think part of that is because we didn't really get much of Logan and his motivation. Liv and Logan did have chemistry and you could feel their attraction as well as the friendship they shared. But the whole relationship didn't really seem to be real to me after all the back and forth that they went through. I just didn't quite buy their HEA after all that had happened.

I also really didn't like some of the things that happened as far as Liv and Logan with other people. I know that they weren't together officially, but with the feelings that they had for each other it just seemed wrong for those things to keep happening. I really didn't like how they would sort of use these other people to get back at each other. It just left a bad taste in my mouth and it felt like cheating which I just can't stand. Not only did I not like that, but I also felt like they acted extremely immature at times and that drove me nuts. I also felt like Liv and Logan were never really allowed to have a real shot at a relationship between them. It seemed like every single time that they got close, something would happen to tear them apart. It just got to the point of being too much. By the time that the story was over, it was almost too little too late. Some of the obstacles thrown in their way at the end seemed to come out of nowhere for the sole purpose of drama, and they just seemed to really detract from the progress of Liv and Logan's relationship. I did like that Liv and Logan worked well together when they weren't fighting against their feelings. I thought that they were great friends and had a great foundation for a relationship. I just would have liked to have seen them really be together without so much constantly trying to be in the way of a future for them. It was nice to see Liv's growth from not wanting to have a relationship to finally admitting her feelings for Logan though.

Overall, I felt like Liv and Logan were great for each other and could have had a really wonderful relationship if they just would have been honest with each other and themselves. There was a lot of miscommunication between them as well as some very bad reactions to situations. I think that their relationship had a lot of promise though, and I would have liked to have seen more character depth and development. I think if we would have seen more of that and less drama and obstacles that their relationship would have been much more believable. I did however really like the author's writing style. I thought that the story flowed well and the pacing kept me interested and reading. I was drawn into the story and didn't feel as though my attention wandered at all. I was interested the whole time and despite the problems I had, I really wanted to know how Liv and Logan would end up. I think that Alicia Kobishop has a lot of promise, and I will look for more from her in the future. I think that this book was a good first effort, and I think that there are many New Adult fans that will enjoy reading The Fine Line. Give this one a shot if you like a friends to lovers story with some drama and angst mixed in.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

A Naughty New Year with Megan Hart and Giveaway

A Naughty New Year - Megan Hart

I was born and then I lived awhile. Then I did some stuff and other things. Now, I mostly write books. Some of them use a lot of bad words, but most of the other words are okay.

I can’t live without music, the internet, the ocean or Coke Zero. I can’t stand the feeling of corduroy or velvet, and modern art leaves me cold. I write a little bit of everything from horror to romance, and I don’t answer to the name “Meg.”

Places to find Megan:

ARC Review: Talking Dirty With The Player by Jacki Ashenden

Talking Dirty with the Player is the second book in Jackie Ashenden's Talking Dirty Series. I didn't know that this was the second book until after I had already started reading this story. Luckily, these books can be read as stand alone and I didn't have any problems with feeling lost or missing anything. This book does a great job of including the characters from the first book and giving enough back-story that you know everything you need to. That being said though, I think that having read the first book before this would have given me some extra insight to these characters. I really enjoyed this book though, and I can't wait to go back and read the first one now.

Judith is used to being in control. After having her heart broken by her brother's best friend Caleb eight years ago, she is reluctant to give him the time of day at her brother's wedding. Caleb needs a photographer for a charity fundraiser and thinks that this is a great chance for them to catch up. He knows that the feelings he has for Judith are not something that he should pursue for many reasons, not the least of which is her brother. But once he convinces Judith to do the fundraiser, he can't help but want to rekindle the relationship they once had. However convincing Judith to give him another chance after the way he pushed her away so many years ago will not be easy. He sets out to win her back and promises that this time he won't hurt her. They begin a relationship and their relationship and connection are stronger than ever. But with the end of his career in sight, and a possible job in another country how can they possibly make things work? Will they both be able to put their fears and the past behind them, or will they continue to push each other away to try and avoid another heart break?

I really liked Caleb. I didn't think I was going to like him much at first. When we first meet him in this book, he comes off as arrogant and out to annoy Judith. But he quickly turns things around, and becomes the hero that you want to root for. He was strong and sexy, and yet he was also really sweet. Caleb and Judith were very witty, and their banter was so much fun to read! I also loved that Caleb was always calling her cute nicknames. Judith was for the most part a likable heroine. There were a few times that I felt she was somewhat confused. She seemed to be a bit wishy-washy to me and would flip back and forth. I was frustrated at times that she wouldn't just make up her mind. But once she finally was honest with herself and stopped fighting Caleb, I was glad that she opened up to him and was honest about what she wanted. I think it spoke a lot about her character that she would lay herself and her feelings bare to someone that had broken her heart once in the hopes that the risk would be worth the reward. Caleb and Judith were really hot together and I thought those scenes were very well written.

Overall, this story was enjoyable. I am a huge fan of this particular trope, and I always jump at the chance to read stories like this. This one was very fun to read, and I found myself laughing many times throughout this story especially because of the characters' witty banter. It was also nice to see both of these characters evolve and grow. They both had things in their past that they had to overcome and I loved watching as they shared with each other and their connection grew deeper. I think that Caleb and Judith were a very believable couple and they were a great balance for each other. I think romance fans with find this story to be a very satisfying and enjoyable story that is not only heartwarming, but also very funny. I am looking forward to reading more from Ashenden, and I cannot wait to go back and read the first book Talking Dirty with the CEO which is the story of Judith's brother Joseph and Christie.

**ARC provided by Goddess Fish Promotions**

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

ARC Review: Sex Love Repeat by Alessandra Torre

Wow. After reading this book I am pretty much speechless. This is going to a very tough review for me, because there are so many twists and turns and I don't want to give anything away. I have never read a book by Alessandra Torre before, but after reading Sex Love Repeat I will definitely be reading more from her. This book had me feeling so many different things. Just by reading the blurb, you can tell that this book is definitely going to go one of a few ways. I can honestly say that there were so many things that I didn't see coming. It was fun to read this book and I absolutely could not put it down. I loved that it was unpredictable and unique.

Madison is dating and in love with two guys. They are both completely different, and they are both aware of the other. While they don't know anything about each other, they know that they each have half her heart. Stewart is a very wealthy man who is committed to his work. Madison would not be exclusive with him because she didn't want to come in second to his work. While she understood and loved him for that, she just couldn't give him everything when he couldn't return it. Stewart knew that Madison deserved more, and encouraged her to find a steady boyfriend who could take care of her and fill in the gaps when he couldn't be around. Madison met Paul and they had an instant connection. Their relationship is easy and makes her happy. Paul and Madison live together and spend most of their time together, except when she is with Stewart. Paul originally was opposed to the kind of relationship Madison was asking for, but he knew he couldn't live without her and decided that he would rather have part of her than not have her at all. All three of them know that this relationship cannot go on forever the way it is, and that eventually some choices will have to be made. None of them expect it to come quite as it does though. Through all of this there is a mystery girl who knows and loves both Paul and Stewart and is determined to see that Madison doesn't hurt either of them. Can Madison make the choice of who she should be with? Or will that choice be made for her?

I really loved both guys in this story. They were both extremely different and yet they had things in common. Stewart is sexy and dominant. He is wealthy and spends the majority of his time in suit and working. He knows exactly how to take care of Madison, and you could tell that he even though he is focused on work that he really did care about her. He was a bit impersonal though when it came to anything but sex with her. He had his assistant pick out gifts for her, and never seemed to really get too personal with Madison. Their connection was pretty much all about sex and I never really felt that they had an intense emotional connection. They did care about each other and there was definitely love between them, but it wasn't all encompassing like true love is. Paul was laid back and sweet. He was a hot surfer who was content to live his life to the fullest, regardless of how much money he made. He didn't focus on material things, and was happy to just be with Madison. Paul and Madison had not only a ton of chemistry together, but they also had a really strong connection. They were very natural together and they seemed to really love one another. I loved that they would surf together and just hang out together, the ease of their relationship very clear. I know it sounds weird, but you could really tell how deep Paul felt about Madison that he was willing to accept her being with Stewart. He was vulnerable, and it was obvious that he worried that eventually Madison would leave him. I liked Madison. I wasn't sure at first how I was going to like her when I knew that she was with two guys at the same time and that she seemed to perpetuate their strange triangle. But I was really surprised to see just how much I ended up liking her. She was an easy heroine to root for, and you could tell that her feelings for both men were very real. She was likable and she really did what she could to take care of both Paul and Stewart. I loved that she wasn't material and didn't try to get everything out of Stewart that she could. She was with both guys because of her feelings for them, not because of what they could give her.

This book was extremely hot. I thought that both guys had great chemistry with her and no matter who was with her, the sex scenes were some of the hottest that I have ever read. I was surprised how much I enjoyed her with both men. Even though I was rooting for one of them for her in the long run, I couldn't help but like her with both of them. They both treated her well and cared about her in their own way. This love triangle was so different from anything I have ever read. I never knew what to expect next, and I loved flipping the pages to find out what would happen with everyone. As much as I loved these characters though, I did have a few issues that kept this book from being a five star rating for me. Without spoiling anything, there is an HEA. It wasn't entirely unexpected, but the ease with which it happened seemed a bit unrealistic to me. I thought that after everything we had been through with them, that it was a bit anticlimactic. I was waiting for more drama or angst, and there was surprisingly very little. For me that just didn't make sense after everything that we had read up to that point. I also felt like the ending was a bit rushed. I would have liked to have seen more of how the characters got to the point at the end of the story after everything went down. There is a jump in time, and I feel like we missed out on a few things that would have been nice to see. I feel like if we would have seen it play out a bit more that it would have been more believable for how things end. I also have to admit that I either usually really love or hate an epilogue. This is one of those that I really did not love. I thought that in this case, the content of the epilogue was definitely something that I had previously questioned. I had thought about it once everything had been revealed, but when it wasn't brought up I figured that was the end of it. When I read the epilogue though, it almost made me with that it would never have been brought up at all. It sort of hurt the way I thought of Madison and although I still really like her, it did have an effect on how much I liked her.

Overall, this book was really good though. I loved the sex and steam and this was one of the hottest books I have ever read. I really loved Alessandra Torre's writing style, and I loved her characters. I loved that each character was deep and interesting, and they really owned up to their strengths and weaknesses. It was impossible not to connect with these characters and become invested in them. But what I loved most about this story was that it was so unique and different from anything I have ever read before. I loved the twists and turns, and there were several times that I literally found myself asking what just happened. It is hard for a book to truly surprise me anymore and this one definitely did it. This is not your typical love triangle, and I could not have enjoyed that more. This book is one that will stick with me and had left me with a huge book hangover. I honestly can't wait to go back and reread this story. I highly recommend this story to those looking for an erotic read that will keep you guessing until the very last page. This book grabs a hold of you and doesn't let go even after you have finished it. I can't wait to read more from Alessandra Torre in the future.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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A Naughty New Year with Cari Quinn and Giveaway

A Naughty New Year - Cari Quinn

USA Today bestselling author Cari Quinn gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars. When not scribbling furiously, she can be found watching men’s college basketball or playing her music too loud. Visit her at to sign up for her brand new newsletter (Contests! Excerpts! Fun!) - or join her reader group, the Word Wenches on Facebook (Even more contests! Excerpts! Fun!) 

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