
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

The Knight's Temptress by Amanda Scott

Texas Themed Wine Charms from Kelsey Browning

A Rake's Midnight Kiss by Anna Campbell

Secret of Passions by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez

Book of Choice from Shayla Black

My Spy by Dana Marton

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Fueled by K. Bromberg

I absolutely loved this book. I was hoping that they second book in K. Bromberg's Driven Trilogy would be able to hold up to the high expectations set with book one, and if it is possible, this book is even better! If you have not read Driven yet, you are going to want to read that before continuing on with this review. Fueled should not be read without having read Driven first, so beware of possible spoilers if you have not yet read it and if you haven't you should definitely check it out! This series has easily become one of my all-time favorites, and that is saying something for any book lover out there! If you are anything like me you know just how hard it is to say that you have a favorite book, because its impossible to just pick one. But K. Bromberg has created wonderful characters that you just can't help but fall in love with and want to read about over and over. There are just not enough ways for me to begin to say how much I love this series!

Fueled picks up immediately after the ending of Driven and we find out exactly what happens with Rylee and Colton. As Colton and Rylee continue their relationship, they experience many ups and down. Colton begins to realize that Rylee is everything that he never thought he wanted or would have. Yet even though he knows that he has never felt this way before, he continues to try and fight it. Rylee is also experiencing her out set of problems. She never expected to let someone in again and feel the way she does after losing Max. Now that she admits she has fallen for Colton, she begins to see how horrible things could go and just how hurt she will be if things don't work out for them. She believes that she is the one who could get through to Colton and heal him, however with Colton starting to slowly reveal bits and pieces of his painful past is he able to let her in? Or will he continue to push her away and try to bury his hurt the only way he has ever known?

This book was an absolute emotional roller coaster for me. While I loved every minute of it, I found myself torn between wanting to scream, cry, and sometimes laugh. K. Bromberg is an excellent writer and I felt so connected to Colton and Rylee that at times this book was actually breaking my heart and at other times making it soar. Colton and Rylee have come so far in their relationship, and I really enjoyed watching them continue to grow as individuals and as a couple. They are absolutely meant to be, and it was great to see them begin to realize that their relationship is worth fighting for even if it scares both of them. I am glad that we are starting to see more about Colton's past. It gives so much insight into the way he is and his actions. I also really liked seeing Rylee begin to sort of fight back against Tawny and the other girls constantly circling around Colton. There are so many obstacles that Colton and Rylee have to get through, and although at times it was heartbreaking watching them experience these things, I knew that they would work past them because there was no way that Rylee and Colton aren't going to be together.

Overall, this book was fantastic. Often times with a sequel, the story can end up falling flat. That is absolutely not the case with Fueled. Fueled is beautifully written and a very emotional read. These characters are so real and believable that it is easy to feel a strong connection to them. I feel as though K. Bromberg has cause me to be emotionally invested in them, and that isn't an easy thing to do. Unfortunately this book does end with another cliffhanger and abrupt ending. This one is completely different from the one at the end of Driven and yet is just as frustrating if not more so! I absolutely need to know what happens, and its killing me to wait! I hope that the third book Crashed comes out as soon as possible, because I just know that Colton and Rylee will be on my mind until I get the rest of their story! These books are amazing and are well written and deep. I know that there are those who aren't fans of sports and might be hesitant to pick up this series. But at the heart of these books is a story of love and growth and two people finding each other and beginning to heal as well as come out stronger in the end. This is a series that I believe is not to be missed for fans of any genre of romance.

**ARC provided by AToMR Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon |

Guest Post with Author Lisa Desrochers and Giveaway

Meet Lisa Desrochers, author of A Little Too Far.

Lisa Desrochers lives in northern California with her husband, two very busy daughters, and Shini the tarantula. If you'd told her five years ago she'd write a book, she'd have laughed in your face. As it turns out, she'd owe you an apology. Writing has become an addiction for Lisa and A Little Too Far, courtesy of HarperCollins, is her first novel for adults. She is also the author of the young adult Personal Demons trilogy from Macmillan.

When she's not writing, she's reading, and she adores stories that take her to new places, and then take her by surprise.

Places to find Lisa:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Feature and Giveaway: Fueled by K. Bromberg

What happens when the one person you never expected suddenly happens to be the one you’ll fight the hardest to keep?

Colton stole my heart. He wasn't supposed to, and I sure as hell didn't want him to, but he crashed into my life, ignited feelings within me that I thought had died forever, and fueled a passion that I never knew could exist.

Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet and into my life. Now I don't think I'll ever be the same. She's seen glimpses of the darkness within me, and yet she's still here. Still fighting for me. She is without a doubt the saint, and I am most definitely the sinner.

How is it the one thing neither of us wanted—neither of us anticipated that fateful night—has us fighting so hard to keep?

He steals my breath, stops my heart, and brings me back to life again all in a split second of time. But how can I love a man who won't let me in? Who continually pushes me away to prevent me from seeing the damaged secrets in his past? My heart has fallen, but patience and forgiveness can only go so far.

How can I desire a woman who unnerves me, defies me, and forces me to see that in the deep, black abyss of my soul there's someone worthy of her love? A place and person I swore I'd never be again. Her selfless heart and sexy body deserve so much more than I'll ever be capable of giving her. I know I can't be what she needs, so why can't I just let her go?

We are driven by need and fueled with desire, but is that enough for us to crash into love?

Purchase: | Amazon |

Friday, September 13, 2013

ARC Review: Good Intentions by S.L. Scott

I jumped at the chance to read Good Intentions from S. L. Scott after reading and loving Good Vibrations. Good Intentions is the continuation of Evan and Mallory's story, and should not be read unless you have already read the first book. This story picks up right after the end of Good Vibrations and really begins to delve into the growing relationship between the two. You really begin to see the growth of Evan and Mallory as a couple and how what they have goes beyond the attraction and fun of the first book. I was hoping that with this second book that it wouldn't fall flat as sequels sometimes do, and that everything I loved about the first book would still be there. S.L. Scott absolutely did not disappoint, in fact she exceeded my expectations!

As Mallory's departure for Colorado looms ahead, she and Evan must start to figure out how to take their new relationship and feelings from sexy summer fling to committed long distance relationship. Things are not easy for the two of them, and there are many obstacles in the way. Mallory and Evan begin to open up to each other and share more than they ever have before, and their relationship strengthens. Once Mallory is in Colorado, and Evan is in New York things become harder than ever for them as they must balance school and work while trying to carve out time to talk with each other. Can they possibly make their relationship work and survive the time apart, or will there just be too many things standing in the way?

I love Mallory and Evan together. They have so much chemistry and steam, and the sex is always hot! But beyond the physical, they have an undeniable connection. They are good for each other and they have both grown as individuals and as a couple. Mallory has really encouraged Evan to grow up and mature. He starts seeing life differently and thinking about the future. Not only does he think about the future as pertaining to Mallory, but he begins to contemplate what he wants from himself. He knows that living from day to day surfing and picking up chicks is no longer the life he wants to live. It was really refreshing to see him go from living life so recklessly to becoming a better person without all the angst and drama. Mallory and Evan are so fun to read about, and I really enjoy how cute and funny they are together. Their banter is playful and sweet, and just proves how perfect they are for each other.

Overall Mallory and Evan's story just keeps getting better! I have become so invested in their characters, and I can't wait to see how things end up. I am really starting to hate Evan's mother, and I hope that she gets what is coming to her! I know that S.L. Scott will take these characters where they need to go, and i'm looking forward to reading more about them as they continue on their path to what I hope is their happily ever after. This book does end abruptly, and I found myself wishing that it wasn't over. I need to know what happens between Mallory and Evan and I cannot wait until the next book. I hope that book three has more of Sunny and the characters from Hawaii. I found myself missing them towards the end of this book, and wondering what was going on with them as well! This series is so enjoyable and I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good romance and is a fan of the New Adult genre.

**ARC provided by AToMR Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Feature and Giveaway: Good Intentions by S.L. Scott

Two words sum up my summer in paradise—Evan Ashford.

I have a life back home I must return to, though my heart battles this reality. What started as a carefree summer fling has become so much more. Evan has become so much more. He’s become everything. Cupping his face, I stare into his deep blue eyes, wanting to lose myself once more... needing to know he feels this too.

Although our connection won’t stop the summer’s end from rushing toward us or silence the demons Evan battles, I have faith our love can overcome the obstacles that will undoubtedly arise from us choosing to be together. I still worry… Will our good intentions be good enough? But I’m all in, willing to take the risk, knowing he can destroy my heart if I’m wrong.

Like a riptide, I was forever changed by one woman—Mallory Wray.

Our eyes meet and we spend a moment looking into the others’, reading the fear and the love that mingles within. I move slowly down and kiss her forehead, her nose, her eyelids, her cheeks, and her chin before I kiss her lips again—soft and gentle, not rushed, but sensual. She smiles and I die inside knowing that I won’t get to see her face every day. I’ve been spoiled by this sweet angel giving me all her days and nights. I possessively take hold of her wrists and like so many times before, the air stills as our connection intensifies. I can’t help myself when it comes to her.

I kiss her.

Rain pours down harder and I wrap my arms around her, engulfing her body, her love, her soul.

Purchase: | AmazonKindle | Barnes & Noble |

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Review: Good Vibrations by S.L. Scott

I really liked this story! I wasn't quite sure what to expect at first glance, because the blurb really doesn't give away much. I am really glad that I took the chance on this one though. Mallory and Evan's story is a great beach read and for me this is one of the best summer reads I have read in awhile. This one kept me turning the pages and before I knew it, the book was over and I was wanting more!

The book starts off with Mallory landing in Hawaii where she will be spending her summer with her best friend Sunny. Needing a break from life in Colorado, Mallory decides that summer break in Hawaii is just what she needs to get away. As soon as she lands at the airport she meets Evan, and they get off to a pretty rough start. Despite how things begin, both of them are very attracted to each other and Mallory ends up accepting a ride from him after Sunny tells her that she cannot make it. Mallory and Evan end up spending the night together. Evan makes it clear that he doesn't do relationships, and this will be all that can happen between them. So after they part the next morning, Mallory thinks that she wont be seeing him again. But life has other plans and she ends up running into him at her new job. As Mallory and Evan spend more time together and get to know each other, they both begin to develop feelings for each other beyond just chemistry. With Mallory only there for a few months though, can they really have any kind of future together?

I liked Evan. Despite him handling things badly with Mallory on more than one occasion, you could see that he really was struggling with his feelings for her and he was trying. I loved that Evan was caring and honest with Mallory about what their relationship could and couldn't be. I also really enjoyed them together. These two were great for each other and Evan really seemed to care about Mallory. Mallory was fun and honest. I really liked that she would tell Evan exactly what she was thinking and feeling. She was definitely not afraid to put him in his place and tell him what she needed and expected from him. Mallory and Evan were definitely a good balance for each other and I really enjoyed watching their relationship progress. They were also extremely hot together and really generated some steam!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. At the end, I was left wanting more and unsure how they could proceed in their relationship. I am anxious to read more of their story and see where S. L. Scott takes them. I also really enjoyed the secondary characters in this story, and I am just as curious to see what happens with them also! I would definitely recommend this story to anyone who likes New Adult books that are filled with excellent and well written characters and enjoy sexy scenes. This book is the perfect vacation book, or the perfect way to lose yourself in a story even if you are stuck at home! I cannot wait to read the next book, Good Intentions and see what the author has in store for all these wonderful characters!

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: To Catch a Princess by Caridad Pineiro

Untold wealth, a loving family, a solid career in America: the only thing Princess Tatiana lacks is the one thing she really doesn’t want—a husband. Unfortunately, her parents have just arranged her marriage to a royal from the old country. Are they kidding? It’s the twenty-first century!
Police Detective Peter Roman is a royal living incognito … and escaping a secret that has haunted his family for years. He’s been quietly in love with his best friend Prince Alexander’s sister for as long as he can remember. Little does she know that he is secretly the Grand Duke to whom she is unwillingly betrothed…

When a series of high-end jewelry heists threatens Tatiana’s exclusive charity exhibition in glamorous Monaco, the two must trap the clever jewel thief before he strikes again. In a fight for their lives, Peter’s secret identity is revealed. With danger and passion increasing to the breaking point, she must decide: catch a thief...or trust the heart of her true love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Guest Post with Author Becky Lower and Giveaway

Meet Becky Lower, author of Tempestuous Debutante.

Ever since submitting my first screenplay to Bonanza at age twelve, I have had a love affair with the American west. Perhaps it has something to do with an old family legend that I have a Cherokee Indian great-great grandfather. That might explain why I tend to plunk my characters into the middle of momentous historical events that helped shape the United States. I pursue my passion for history by watching The History Channel, visiting old graveyards and civil war battle sites and by writing about it.

I also like to intersperse my historical writings with lighter novels about mature women who are getting to reset the dial on their lives with a second chance at love. Romance isn’t exclusive to the young, and there are as many tales of love after forty as there are stars in the sky. I want to write about them all.

I am a graduate of Bowling Green State University and currently live in Oberlin, OH with my puppy-mill rescue dog, Mary.

Places to find Becky:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

ARC Review: For Everly by Raine Thomas

For Everly is a sweet New Adult Contemporary Romance by Raine Thomas and is the story of Everly Wallace and Cole Parker. This is the first book I have read by Raine Thomas, and I found it to be an enjoyable quick read. For me, this story was nice and sweet. There were darker elements to it, but they were not the focus of the story and I was glad that it wasn't completely filled with angst and drama.

Cole Parker is a Major League pitcher and has been struggling with an injury. Instead of letting anyone know what is going on, he has tried to bury the pain with pills and alcohol. After an accident that leaves him in the hospital he finally admits to his doctor brother what is really going on. His contract is up for renewal and he needs to keep his injury from being found out by the public. His brother Wyatt comes up with the solution of having his best student Everly help him rehab his shoulder injury without letting anyone be the wiser. Cole and Everly decide to pretend that she will pose as his girlfriend for their cover story in case anyone starts asking questions. Cole and Everly begin spending more time together for rehab and feelings between them begin to grow. But someone isn't happy about Cole and Everly being together, and bad things start happening to Everly. As they try to figure out who is attacking Everly and why, Cole and Everly begin to realize that the feelings and relationship between them is no longer a cover, and has become very real.

I really liked Cole. Despite his drunken beginning in the story, he quickly started to become a hero to root for with a little help from Everly. He was sweet and caring and I really loved that he never pushed Everly. He allowed Everly to open up to him on her terms and was content to let her set the pace of the relationship even if he would have had them progress faster. Everly was a great heroine. She was very strong, determined and an absolute survivor. Most people that would have suffered from all the things that Everly had in her past would have given up or become someone completely different, but Everly used her tragic past to create a future for herself that she was passionate about. I also really liked seeing a female that was as into sports as I am! Those are hard to find in books, and although sports were not the main focus of this book they were definitely a large part. Everly and Cole were a really great couple that were easy to believe in. Their relationship had time to develop and grow, and wasn't the insta-love that has become so common anymore and I found that very refreshing. It was nice to see them take things slow and really start to fall for each other.

Overall I enjoyed this quick and sweet read. I thought the story was very nice. Although there are some physical elements to this story, there wasn't much steam. If you are looking for a hot and sexy read, this isn't the book for you. I usually prefer a bit of a sexier story, but this one was still a book that I enjoyed. For me, although this book is filled with likable characters and a realistic relationship, I just felt there was something missing and that made the difference between good and great. I was waiting for that moment that really wowed me, and it just didn't happen. If you enjoy your romance stories angst free with a happily ever after, I think that you will really like this book.

**ARC provided by AToMR Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Robin Bielman and Giveaway

Please welcome one of my favorite people, author, Robin Bielman  I <3 Robin and I'm so glad to have her come by to chat about her new release, Risky Surrender.

Robin Bielman lives in Southern California, a bike ride away from the ocean if she’s feeling really adventurous. She loves books and baking and running on the treadmill while watching her favorite TV shows. When she’s not reading or writing her next story, she’s spending time with her high school sweetheart husband and two sons, most likely watching, playing, or discussing baseball. She drives too fast, drinks too much caffeine, and if every day were Cupcake Day, she’d be a happy camper! She loves to connect with readers.

Places to find Robin:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

Feature and Giveaway: The Devil of Clan Sinclair

The first in New York Times bestselling author Karen Ranney's brand new Clan Sinclair series. It's true love in the Scottish highlands.

Virginia Traylor, Countess of Barrett, is in dire straights... Lawrence Traylor's death left his family in a desperate situation. He'd spent his wife's fortune on property that became entailed, passing to his cousin. If Virginia could have an heir before the allotted time was up, the title would remain in the family, but more important they'd have the income from the farms belonging to the estate. Only one problem: Lawrence had never wanted to bed his wife. Who would play surrogate husband?

Enter Macrath Sinclair, the self-made Scottish millionaire and the man with whom Virginia had fallen in love before her father chose Lawrence as her husband. Virginia travels to Scotland, becomes pregnant, and gives birth to a boy - who is promptly stolen by Macrath when he realizes he's become a father.

Virginia travels to Scotland in a desperate attempt to get Macrath to see reason. He must relinquish his son. The world sees the child as the 11th Earl of Barrett.

Another problem: Macrath isn't going to give up his son, and he wasn't all that happy about letting Virginia go, either.

Can they put asside their differences and make their new family work?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository | Kobo | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: For Everly by Raine Thomas

Determined to overcome a dark and tragic past, college student Everly Wallace is only months away from earning her degree in physical therapy. She’s consumed with school, caring for her ailing grandfather, and figuring out how to pay the next bill. The last thing she wants is a relationship, but it just might be the one thing she needs.

Major League pitcher Cole Parker hasn’t fought for anything in his life. He went from a privileged upbringing to a multimillion dollar All-Star career. But when his pitching shoulder starts to give him trouble at only twenty-four years old, he faces the possibility of his injury becoming public knowledge and costing him everything.

In a desperate bid to save his career, Cole decides to hire someone to treat his injury, someone who will keep things off the record and out of the media. He finds the perfect solution in Everly. As mysterious as she is beautiful, she provides an enticing distraction from his pain. Soon, physical therapy is the last thing on his mind.

When an act of betrayal brings the truths they both fear to light, Cole will have to fight for the first time in his life…not just for his career, but for Everly’s love.

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Review: Driven by K. Bromberg

I knew right off that I was going to love this book. The cover is hot, the blurb sounded fabulous, and I am a huge fan of sports romance stories! Not only do I love a good sports romance, but since I grew up around racing, I'm always a huge fan of a hot guy who knows how to handle himself on a track! After reading Driven, I can tell you that I have a new book boyfriend and his name is Colton. I loved this first book in the trilogy and I cannot wait to get the rest of his and Rylee's story!

Rylee Thomas is a girl who has suffered a terrible loss. After a horrible accident, she loses her fiance and must learn how to start living again. While working an event to raise money for an organization that she works for, she meets Colton. Although the two of them get off to a rough start, the attraction is instant and is more than either of them can fight. They share a passionate kiss and Colton is determined to have his way with Rylee. However Rylee is not your average girl that is content to spend the night with a hot guy and no string attached. She is not the type to have a one night stand and give up all control to a man. Colton is not used to being told no, and he doesn't intend to let Rylee be the one to do it either. As the two of them begin working together and spending time with each other, the chemistry and attraction is combustible. Colton and Rylee cannot stay away from each other, but can they possible have any kind of future together when Colton doesn't do commitment and Rylee doesn't do casual?

Wow...Colton. What can I say? Colton is hot and sexy and slightly damaged from a horrible past that he has kept a secret from everyone he knows. He has a reason for keeping his relationships short, and without emotion. I really loved that despite wanting to keep Rylee at a distance, he wasn't quite able to. For someone who constantly tries to keep everyone at arms length he would open up to Rylee in small ways. I also really liked when he would do something extremely sweet for Rylee or the boys that she works with through her job. It was great to see Colton really start to get to where he was able to realize that even though he would like to keep things with Rylee the same as he always has, he just wasn't able to. I also really liked Rylee. I found her to be exactly the type of heroine that I root for. She was smart and sweet and a bit feisty! I loved that she didn't just give in to everything that Colton was asking for and that she really stayed true to herself. She might not be able to stay away from Colton, but she also had no problem calling him out or putting him in his place either. Colton and Rylee are absolutely steamy together! They are perfect for each other, and I think that they really help balance the other out. Watching them begin to heal and grow together was very enjoyable.

Overall, I loved this book! K. Bromberg is an excellent writer and has really created a ton of fantastic characters. Besides loving Rylee and Colton, I also really loved the secondary characters as well! Rylee's roommate and best friend Haddie is so much fun, and I really liked reading the scenes between her and Rylee. If I have any criticism at all with this book, there were only a few things that bothered me. There was a quote in the book that I felt was very close to a well known and loved book. That sort of threw me off a little, and I didn't quite know how to take it. Also, this book ends rather abruptly with a huge cliffhanger. I know that we are getting two more books, but it was so shocking that I didn't want to wait one second before diving into the next story! I had to know what happens next. I cannot wait to see where the rest of this series goes, and more importantly get the rest of Rylee and Colton's story. This book is seriously hot, and the sex scenes are off the charts! If you are a fan of romance and steamy scenes, this is definitely a book you wont want to miss!

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle |

Guest Post with Author Shana Galen and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to the awesome Shana Galen  Shana is for sure one of my favorite authors and one of my most favorite people and she has stopped by to chat all about Winn, her hero from her newest release, True Spies.

Shana Galen is the author of fast-paced adventurous Regency historicals, including the Lord and Lady Spy Series, the Jewels of the Ton Series, as well as the Sons of the Revolution Trilogy. A former English teacher in Houston’s inner city, Shana now writes full time, and is working on more regency romance novels! She’s happily married to the Ultimate Sportsfan and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making. Shana loves to hear from readers: visit her website at or see what she’s up to daily on Facebook and Twitter.

Places to find Shana:

Monday, September 9, 2013

ARC Review: What the Bride Wore by Jade Lee

What the Bride Wore continues the Bridal Favors series from Jade Lee. It is a delightful and unique series that surrounds the workers and customers of the Bridal Favors dress shop. This third installment deals with the shop’s fabric buyer, widow Irene Knopp. Her love interest is Grant Benton, the Earl of Crowle, the mysterious missing brother introduced in the novella, Winning the Bride. While What the Bride Wore can be read as a stand-alone, your enjoyment of the story would be greatly enhanced by reading the previous books and novellas in the series. There are quite a few recurring characters in this one.

Grant Benton has left behind his old life and his identity in order to build the money needed to reclaim the family estate by running a fabric mill. Irene enters his life just as he discovers that he will not be able to purchase the estate. Irene is actually a lady, the daughter of an earl, who lost the husband she loved and finds purpose in her job as a buyer. The attraction between the two is immediate, but many things get in the way, including their insecurities and the possibility that someone wants to murder Irene. Can these two damaged souls get past the issues that surround them and discover that they really are made for each other?

I really enjoyed What the Bride Wore. Lee likes to delve deeply into her characters’ minds, making the reader feel that they really know them. I understood what made Grant and Irene confused about their goals and feelings. It was great fun to become reacquainted with characters from the previous books. The on-going story line of character Wendy Drew was further developed, leading to her story in the next book (I hope!). There was a good degree of action and the steamy scenes were hot, sensitive and loving. What the Bride Wore has all of the components of a good Regency romance. My advice is to be sure to read the entire series – each one is really good and they fit together like pieces of a puzzle.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Interview with Author Victoria James and Giveaway

Meet Victoria James, author of the new book, The Best Man's Baby.

Victoria James always knew she wanted to be a writer and in grade five, she penned her first story, bound it (with staples) and a cardboard cover and did all the illustrations herself. Luckily, this book will never see the light of day again.

In high school she fell in love with historical romance and then contemporary romance. After graduating University with an English Literature degree, Victoria pursued a degree in Interior Design and then opened her own business. After her first child, Victoria knew it was time to fulfill the dream of writing romantic fiction.

Victoria is a hopeless romantic who is living her dream, penning happily-ever-after's for her characters in between managing kids and the family business. Writing on a laptop in the middle of the country in a rambling old Victorian house would be ideal, but she's quite content living in suburbia with her husband, their two young children, and very bad cat.

Places to find Victoria:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Guest Post with Author Ashlyn Chase and Giveaway

Meet Ashlyn Chase, author of the new book, How to Date a Dragon.

Ashlyn Chase describes herself as an Almond Joy bar. A little nutty, a little flaky, but basically sweet, wanting only to give her readers a satisfying experience.

She holds a degree in behavioral sciences, worked as a psychiatric RN for several years and spent a few more years working for the American Red Cross. She credits her sense of humor to her former careers since comedy helped preserve whatever was left of her sanity. She is a multi-published, award-winning author of humorous erotic and paranormal romances, represented by the Seymour Agency.

She lives in beautiful New Hampshire with her true-life hero husband who’d look like Hugh Jackman if you dyed his hair, and they’re owned by a spoiled brat cat.

Places to find Ashlyn:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Sunday, September 8, 2013

ARC Review: Addicted To You by Colina Brennan

For me, this book was a mix of good and bad. There were times that I really liked it and times I was either rolling my eyes or shaking my head. Addicted To You is a New Adult contemporary book that centers around Leah and Will who meet at a sex addict meeting. While there are serious parts to this book, there were also a lot of light-hearted and funny moments that kept me turning the pages. This story was a quick read that I am sure many New Adult fans will love.

After her most recent one night stand burglarized their apartment Leah is forced to attend twenty sessions of sex addicts meetings in order to appease her roommate Helena. With only a few sessions left Leah is biding her time. Until a handsome stranger with blue eyes walks in and changes everything for her. Will is a psychology major working as a research assistant for a professor and is asked to attend the sex addicts meetings to gather material for his professor's latest research project. But he is instantly drawn to the beautiful girl who spends her time in the meetings glaring at the rest of the addicts. He knows that she is there for a reason, and yet he can't help but think that she is nothing like the rest of the members. As time goes on the two of them end up running into each other many times and the attraction becomes more than either can fight even though they still don't know the other's name. When it becomes clear that both of them are developing feelings for the other, they begin to wonder how a relationship between them could ever work with the lies and secrets that are in between them. After everything is revealed, can they possibly have a normal relationship and find happiness with each other?

I liked Will. He was handsome, sweet, and who doesn't love a man with an accent? Originally from Scotland he has moved to America to make a life for himself. I loved that he was a man that would go after what he wanted in all things and was willing to move to another country to obtain it. I loved that he was so nice to Leah's little brother Elijah and the scenes with the two of them were some of my favorites. Same with the scenes between Leah and Elijah. Leah was a hard one for me to like. I am all for a heroine who is comfortable with her sexuality and isn't ashamed. But some of the things that Leah would say or think just really had me disliking her, especially considering that she was basically a mother to Elijah. It just seemed as though she was setting a bad example. I thought that Leah's character was a bit more standoffish than I would have liked, but I do understand that after her past and upbringing why she would guard herself against others. I think that Will was the perfect compliment to her character though, and he really was able to help her grow and round out some of her rough edges. I did like the characters of this story. Elijah was great as were the friends of both Will and Leah. I thought that some of the more entertaining parts were when the secondary characters were involved.

For a book that centers around sex and the addiction to it, this story had a huge lack of sex and I found myself wanting more. There were a few interactions between Will and Leah, but they were brief. I would have liked a little more steam and sexiness because Leah and Will did seem to have some great chemistry going on. Overall, this book was a quick and easy read, if a bit predictable. I never really felt a connection to the characters though and I think that is why this story won't be a memorable one for me. I think that a lot of people will enjoy this story, especially fans of the New Adult genre. I just think that I was expecting more and found myself a little disappointed. If you like sweet New Adult books that are funny and end with an HEA, I think that you would probably enjoy this story and should give it a shot.

**ARC provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

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