
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Picking out a book

I don't know if everyone that reads the way I do has this problem, but I seriously have way too many books. This isn't that bad part. The bad part is picking out what to read next. Whenever I finish a book I have to go thru my mountain of books to pick one out. UGH! If you have ever met me you know that I am the most indecisive person ever. So whenever I finish a book I dread the process of trying to figure out what to read. Should I read a historical? Paranormal? One of the million of eroticas that just keep piling up? Which one? I have been going back and forth between three books now for about two hours trying to figure this out. Seriously, does anyone else have this problem?


  1. I totally do. I usually pick out three or four I might want to read and read the first 10 pages or so until I read one I don't want to stop reading. I understand the feeling - I read like hell because I want the story and the ending but then, blah...ugh I have to pick something new now? Sometimes I'll do an entire series at a time - or wait until I have at least 2 from a series to read together.

  2. oh I forgot - sometimes I'll hold up a few and let my husband pick!

    Good reading ~ Escape by Fiction :)

  3. I've totally done the same. My bf always picks the most scandalous looking one. If I have a series of books I will read all of them back to back. I hate starting a series and not having all of the books that are in it. There are quite a few that I've wanted to start but because there are so many books in it I just keep putting it aside.
