
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Romance is Bliss Event with Barbara DeLeo

Meet Bliss author, Barbara DeLeo.

Barbara DeLeo’s first book, co-written with her best friend, was a story about beauty queens in space. She was eleven, and the sole, handwritten copy was lost years ago, much to everyone’s relief. It’s some small miracle that she kept the faith and is now living her dream of writing sparkling contemporary romance with unforgettable characters.

After completing degrees in Psychology and English then travelling the world, Barbara married her winemaker hero and had two sets of twins.
She still loves telling stories about finding love in all the wrong places, with not a beauty queen or spaceship in sight.

Barbara’s first Bliss – “Last Chance Proposal” - is out December 2013.

Places to find Barbara:
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First Loves, Losses, and Why I Write Romance.

I love reading stories about how people came to be writers. Some have dreamt about it from when they were very small, others came to it through a love of books when they were older. I came to write category romance for a whole lot of reasons, but I’ve stayed with it for a reason I could never have imagined in the beginning.

I read my first category romance as a new mum. They weren't too long - I could finish one and still remember the beginning by the time I got to the end, despite being interrupted a zillion times. They had a happily ever after - so lovely to think about in the middle of an all-nighter with tiny babies. And they focused on adult things like relationships and conversations, not baby vom and nappy rash.

I used to think about those reasons a lot during my first writing attempts. Now I think about Di.

Di is the mother of my very first boyfriend. He had jet black hair and big blue eyes, and he wrote, “Love, Mark” in my birthday card when I was 13. I can still remember the thrill of opening that envelope and keeping it carefully stowed in my “treasures” for years. I lost touch with Mark after leaving school, but later learned that at twenty-six he’d had a catastrophic accident and was left a quadriplegic with a severe brain injury.

A few years after I’d begun writing, I met Mark and his mum again. Mark couldn’t speak, but Di was adamant that he remembered me - she said she could see the twinkle in his eye. I happened to tell Di I was hoping to one day be a published romance author and her reaction blew me away.

For years, Di told me, category romances had been her lifeline. Through the agonizing initial days and nights waiting for Mark to wake, and then the endless anguish as the extent of his injuries became known, the promise of love, hope, and a happily ever after kept her going. She'd carry those books with her to physio appointments, insurance meetings and therapy sessions, and she'd dip in and out when she could. For Di, the achievement of finishing another category romance, losing herself in a story, was a small but significant one.

Sadly, Mark died last year. When I visited Di at home shortly after, I could still see the space the hospital bed had taken up, the hooks in the ceiling that had held hoists and monitors. But around the walls were Di’s category romances - hundreds and hundreds of books, their slim spines speaking of tycoons and babies, doctors and daring. The authors of those books, Di says, are like old friends, women she can count on to transport her from the ups and downs of everyday life and give her hope when she needs it.

I hope I can bring half the amount of joy to my readers as all those women before me have done for Di.

I'd love to know how you came to read romance and what it is that keeps you coming back for more. My first Bliss – “Last Chance Proposal” – comes out next month ,but one commenter will win BOTH my previous books, “Contract for Marriage” and “Dishing up Desire”.

Image consultant Blake Matthews is facing his toughest PR challenge yet: salvage the image of celebrity chef Kirin Hart. Once he does, he’ll be able to acquire LA’s most successful PR firm. But Kirin’s no easy fix. She’s stubborn about changing her comfortable homemaker image, and is being sued for sexual harassment by a junior staffer. She needs a PR lifeline fast. Only problem is Blake wants more than to make her over...

Kirin doesn’t need a makeover—her fans love her as she is. But she could lose everything if the sex scandal and reputation that has followed doesn’t get quashed right away. Kirin agrees to let model-perfect Blake work his magic for two weeks, but things get complicated when she can’t deny the way her body flares to life whenever he’s near.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |
Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of both Contract for Marriage + Dishing up Desire

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Barbara.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Barbara DeLeo for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the chance. These books sound really reallty good.

  2. Love this story! Can't wait to read it! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  3. The books sound redally good and thank you for the giveaway chance.

  4. Wow, what a tragic story, but I love that his mom found an "outlet" and fun in the romance books. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It is sad, Susan but shows the power of romance and that sometimes knowing there's going to be a happy ending somewhere in your day makes all the difference.

  5. these sound awesome! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  6. Oh my gosh, what a sad story!!! Im glad she found something to occupy her mind during all that.
    I remember buying my first "romance" when I was in jr high at a book fair. :) I didn't read much then but I did enjoy it. When I was 23 and living in a crumbling marriage, I began to read again. I read to keep my mind off my problems. They always had what I wanted... a HEA. I would consume them! Reading pretty much took up every spare moment I had that I was alone. I didn't realize until later that I using it as an escape. Eventually we divorced and things got better. I found other ways to stay busy.
    Ive finally reached a point now where I just read because I enjoy it. That's how I spend my "me" time. After taking care of kids and the house all day, that's my little escape. :)
    Thanks for the giveaway chance! ;)

    1. Hi Karen! Romances are an escape for me too and I love that they helped you through a tough time. Being able to count on that happy ending can mean so much sometimes :)

  7. You are a new to me author and I am so glad to have found your books. Thanks for sharing today

    1. Betty, it's so great to see you here! I'm so glad to have found you too.

  8. Why do I read romance?? Mostly the escape. The romance I enjoy is fun and light. Some can be heavier and angst filled as long as they leave me with hope. The other reason I keep coming back to romance.

    1. Hope and escape are two of the biggest things for me, too, Bette. As a writer I love it when my characters seem in trouble and I have to find a way to give them their hope and their happily ever after.

  9. I used to read before kids whenever I had the chance. Then once they came along, with working full time I gave up reading. Then in 2008 my oldest was reading this series that she just could not put down. It was the Twilight books. I decided to see what was capturing my attention. Well I was hooked again. It took me back to that first love and I just wanted to keep reading about my happy endings. Now I get to read at least one book a week! :)

    1. That's so great to hear, Sue. Juggling kids and work and friends can mean very little time for reading. Like you, I've found some amazing books through my twin girls. They absolutely loved Twilight and The Hunger Games and introduced me to both series. One book a week is fantastic!

  10. Thanks for the giveaway. Loved the synopsis, and can't wait to read.

  11. I was waiting in the hospital for my sister while she was giving birth when I first discover romance books. I was bored and decided to read the book in the hospital library. Love the HEA endings! :)

    1. Hi May, I love to hear about how people started reading romances!

  12. Hi Barbara! What was the first great romance novel you remember reading?
    Mine was Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Diana is the queen of great romances, isn't she, Meghan!

  14. I love reading author interviews. I gives you a chance to learn things about them and learn what influences their writing. Thanks for the chance to win the ecopies of these books.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, TerrieLynn! Good luck for the draw.

  15. Beauty queens in space would be hilarious. Maybe you should re-visit.

    1. Mary, I WISH I'd kept a copy of it!! Maybe I should rewrite it. :)

  16. This story sounds great! I hope I get to read it soon.

  17. These both sound amazing!! Thanks for the chance to win

  18. Aww I loved the story about meeting up with your first boyfriend's mother. Romance does provide an anchor and lifeline to so many people. Your books look great. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much, Glenda. I still think about Di often when I'm writing my books :)

  19. I just added your books to my Amazon Wish List! They sound fantastic. Wish I'd heard of them sooner!
    Reading is my escape from the stress of military life (spouse) and raising a 14 & 11 year old. If I'm going to invest the time in a story, I like to know that there will be a HEA!

  20. Thank you so much, Michelle! I so hope you enjoy them. My new book, Last Chance Proposal, comes out in three weeks as well :) I can only imagine how tough it must be as a military spouse, especially with two kids to raise. I'm absolutely with you on needing that HEA!
