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Anna Campbell’s Book Boyfriend Is Impossible!
Hello, Danielle! I love visiting your blog and seriously, you come up with the best events!
So what did I think when Danielle asked me to pick my book boyfriend?
I thought, “Eeeeek, how can I choose just one?” I mean, we’re talking about a universe that proliferates in book boyfriends. What about Mr. Darcy? Or Captain Wentworth? Or Prince Andrei from WAR AND PEACE? Or Damerel from VENETIA?
If we’re leaving the realm of the classics, what about Jervaulx from FLOWERS FROM THE STORM by Laura Kinsale? Or Harry from AS YOU DESIRE by Connie Brockway? Or any of Liz Carlyle’s lovely heroes? Or Diaz from CRY NO MORE by Linda Howard? Or Griffin from Christina Brooke’s MAD ABOUT THE EARL?
Then when I thought hard about my more modern boyfriends (even if they’re starring in a historical romance), I realized that perhaps they’re just a tad too tortured to live with day in and day out.
But there is the hero from one of my favorite romances who would be an absolute darling both in bed and out (these other guys had it in the mattress department but might prove a bit too sulky at breakfast if we’re contemplating anything more than a brief fling). This particular book is one of my go-to comfort reads and that’s largely because of the hero who is among the best in the business.
I want to marry RUPERT CARSINGTON!
If you’ve read MR. IMPOSSIBLE by Loretta Chase, I’m sure I’m speaking to the converted. Sadly, my unrequited love for Rupert C. is not exclusive. Everyone who reads that book falls in love with him. If you haven’t read MR. IMPOSSIBLE, do yourself a huge favour and order it NOW from your preferred bookseller. The story is lovely, there’s some great skulduggery in Regency Egypt, the heroine is an unawakened bluestocking (a type of heroine I love – or I WOULD love if that tart hadn’t stolen my Rupert’s heart before I had a chance to convince him that I’m the girl for him), some luscious love scenes. And, need I add, Rupert!
So why do I love Rupert? Let me count the ways. He’s big and strong and has an ‘impossibly’ deep voice. He has a wonderful sense of humor. He’s breathtakingly capable in a crisis. He’s kind. He has a loving heart. He’s brave. You know, all those knight in shining armor qualities that make for a very nice boyfriend. If I was in trouble, Rupert would be my man! And he’d get in and do what he had to without a ton of angsting first. He’d make a lovely husband and a lovely father. What else do we want from a romance hero?
I love to read about cranky kings of the beasts as much as anyone else (actually probably more!), but one of the lovely things about Rupert is that he’s not all wounded ego and sharp-tongued arrogance. As I said, much more restful long-term than Mr. Rochester and his ilk.
In MR. IMPOSSIBLE, there’s a running joke about how stupid Rupert is, especially compared to overly brainy Daphne, the heroine. But of course the punch line is that Rupert is the cleverest person in that story – he’s the one who sees the heart of what happens rather than getting tied up in intellectual knots. He’s a perfect mixture of brawn and unassuming brains.
My type of guy!
So have you read MR. IMPOSSIBLE? Are you in love with Rupert too? Do you have some favorite comfort reads, the books you turn to when the real world is just too much to deal with? What are they? And do you have a crush on the heroes? I bet you do!
Rupert Carsington, fourth son of the Earl of Hargate, is his aristocratic family's favorite disaster. He is irresistibly handsome, shockingly masculine, and irretrievably reckless, and wherever he goes, trouble follows. Still, Rupert's never met an entanglement--emotional or other--he couldn't escape. Until now.
Now he's in Egypt, stranded in the depths of Cairo's most infamous prison, and his only way out is accepting a beautiful widow's dangerous proposal. Scholar Daphne Pembroke wants him to rescue her brother, who's been kidnapped by a rival seeking a fabled treasure. Their partnership is strictly business: She'll provide the brains, he, the brawn. Simple enough in theory.
Blame it on the sun or the blazing desert heat, but as tensions flare and inhibitions melt, the most disciplined of women and the most reckless of men are about to clash in the most impossibly irresistible way.
Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |
Will a week of seduction...
Desperate to save her sister's life, Sidonie Forsythe has agreed to submit herself to a terrible fate: Beyond the foreboding walls of Castle Craven, a notorious, hideously scarred scoundrel will take her virtue over the course of seven sinful nights. Yet instead of a monster, she encounters a man like no other. And during this week, she comes to care for Jonas Merrick in ways that defy all logic-even as a dark secret she carries threatens them both.
...Spark a lifetime of passionate surrender?
Ruthless loner Jonas knows exactly who he is. Should he forget, even for a moment, the curse he bears, a mere glance in the mirror serves as an agonizing reminder. So when the lovely Sidonie turns up on his doorstep, her seduction is an even more delicious prospect than he originally planned. But the hardened outcast is soon moved by her innocent beauty, sharp wit, and surprising courage. Now as dangerous enemies gather at the gate to destroy them, can their new, fragile love survive?
Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |
Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs:
- 1 lucky winner will win a copy of Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed + Mr. Impossible
To Enter:
- Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Anna.
- Must leave your email address along with your comment to be entered in the giveaway.
- International Shipping Available.
**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!
Hi Danielle and Anna
What fun to pick a book boyfriend! So many divine heroes out there to choose from! Since you've snaffled Rupert C, Anna, I'm going to have to look further afield... actually, I don't have to look any further than your gorgeous Matthew from Untouched! Sensitive, smart, steadfast, modest, brave, resourceful (happy sigh) - nope, I can't go past him!
Wow, Sharon! I think that's an EXCELLENT choice! Mind you, I would, wouldn't I? Although I think I'd swap Matthew for Wolfram. I LOVED Wolfram! Isn't this a great topic to base an event on?
DeleteOkay, I'm so sorry, Sharon, but Matthew is TAKEN!! I've had him locked in my cupboard since I first got my copy of Untouched. Even that tart, Grace, clever as she is, has yet to find him. Bwhahahaha! *VEG*
DeleteAnd Wolfie has nothing on Matthew, darling Anna, don't you know that? Grins.
Hey, Jeanne aka Matthew's stalker! Lovely to see you here! Actually I heard Matthew only got Wolfram after he discovered you hiding inside his shower cubicle. Mind you, the photos you took have been very appreciated by connoisseurs of male pulchritude of my acquaintance (hmm, and maybe by MEEEEE!). ;-)
DeleteHi Anna, I love the fact that your hero's are usually damaged men. All they need is love and as women we are good at that. Oh to be loved by a good man and if he has scottish blood all the better. And Danielle, egypt, kidnap and a man with lots of brawn AHHHHHHHHHHH sigh. on my to read list.
ReplyDeleteRos Stillman shop@jefros.com.au
Hi Rose! I find damaged people fascinating (as you'd know, having read my books!). And it gives me such an interesting story arc for them. Love the whole redemption theme! Laughing at the Scottish blood thing - just working on this year's Christmas novella. It features another Scottish hero. Clearly my Christmas mind turns to Highlanders! ;-)
DeleteHi, Danielle and Anna! What a fun post!
ReplyDeleteYou know, Anna, it's funny you mentioned swapping Matthew for Wolfram, because I was going to say my comfort book as a child was 'Black Beauty', in which, as you know, the hero is a gorgeous horse. He was sensitive, steadfast and brave too. ;)
No need to enter me in the draw as I already own Anna's Rogue as well as Loretta's Rupert!
Vanessa, clearly I'm preaching to the converted when it comes to the gorgeous Rupert! Oh, I remember Black Beauty. I remember crying my eyes out when he's drawing the hansom cab. Do you remember that - heartwrenching! Thanks for swinging by!
DeleteI do remember. Sob! And I cried when I was 11 and a very depressing movie version of BB!
DeleteBlack Beauty is the very first book I remember reading after lights out - the first of many. No wonder my eyes are wrecked! Like poor BB's knees after the hansom cab incident!
Delete*sniffle* That was SUCH a brilliant book, wasn't it? Genuine love and loyalty, steadfastness, happy ending.... Sigh.
DeleteHi Anna and Danielle,
ReplyDeleteAnna, you and some of your visitors are so admirably faithful to that one romance hero.
Alas, I am a shameless hussy who is easily seduced by the hero of the book I am currently reading. (Or writing, as a writer I fall in love with the heroes I create, too!)
That said, I do agree with Sharon Archer, that Matthew from UNTOUCHED remains one of my favorite romance heroes. Of all the books I have read, he remains strong in my memory.
At the moment I am revisiting Nora Robert's SEASWEPT, book one of her Chesapeake Bay series. I so like the hero Cameron Quinn but will fall in love again with his brothers when I read their stories in the books to follow. How fickle I am! But isn't that the enduring appeal of romance novels-we can fall in love over and over again with the most amazing heroes!
Please don't put me in the draw as I am fortunate enough to already own a copy of Anna's marvelous SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE'S BED.
Hi Kandy! Thank you for the kind words about both Matthew and 7 Nights. I had quite a crush on poor, wicked, tortured Jonas when I wrote him too. But I think it's a bit incestuous to pick one of your own boys for your book boyfriend! ;-) Oh, I love the Chesapeake Bay series. Must dig them out and read them again. Haven't read them since I lived in Sydney. You're so right about us being serial monogamists with romance heroes. My most recent major crush was Flynn out of Jenny Crusie's wonderful Maybe This Time. She writes lovely heroes!
ReplyDeleteHi Anna and Danielle.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post! I was reading along, Anna, wondering who I'd choose as my favourite then it came to me - but lo and behold! you came up with the same hero. I LOVE Rupert. He's consistently my fave, and that's even given the fact that I fall in love with my own heroes on a regular basis and lots of others as well. I keep coming back to Rupert and he makes me smile. Matthew from 'Untouched' is another special hero for me but I see he's already been mentioned. I love finding new heroes to fall for. It's one of the best things about being a romance reader!
Annie, I must say I'm delighted that these wonderful women are fighting over my Matthew. Especially as that leaves the field open for me to snatch Rupert. Although I can see that you're sneaking around the side of the building ready to do a ninja attack. Don't think I haven't noticed! I regularly fall in love with your heroes too!
DeleteAnnnaaaa!!! You can't have Rupert. He's mine, all mine!! (And by the way, thank you for the mention of poor brooding Griffin! I agree that Rupert would be a far sunnier soul to live with!)
ReplyDeleteHi Danielle, sorry just had to get that off my chest:)
Mr. Impossible holds the record as the book I've bought the most times (3) because everyone I lend him to ends up keeping him! Needless to say my current copy is not leaving this house. Rupert is such a fun hero, particularly paired with the delightfully serious but clueless Daphne. Loretta Chase really outdid herself with him.
I always had a bit of a yen for Vidal in Devil's Cub but not sure I liked the way he matured (in An Infamous Army). Then of course there's the delectable Jonas in Anna's Seven Nights... Mmm. Do we have to choose just one?
Christine, that was precisely my dilemma! How to pick just ONE!!! And that wicked Dani restricted me to just one no matter how I complained and wheedled and stamped my foot! Laughing at you always losing your Mr. Impossibles. Doesn't that drive you up the wall? The definition of a book you lend is usually a book you like enough to one day read again. If you didn't want it back, you wouldn't lend it - if that makes sense! Lost so many good books (and an occasional friend!) that way. Hey, you know I LOVED Griffin and I think he probably turned into an ideal husband once Rosalind had sorted him out. And thanks for the mention of Jonas. I think he'd be a bit like a grumpy lion - you know, very protective of his family. I'd hate to be a boy trying to date Consuela!
DeleteHi Danielle and Anna!! Great topic!!
ReplyDeleteAh yes - so enjoyed Mr Impossible after Anna got me onto Loretta Chase. I loved Rupert - such a fun hero and one of the few I've ever come across who can laugh at himself!
Hmmm boyfriends from books - ah so many favourites - well there is Dylan from Beth Andrews A Not-so-Perfect Past. Dante from Tawny Weber's Does She Dare? Sammy from Terri Garey's Nicki Styx series. Jardine from Christine Wells' Sweetest Little Sin. Jack Dodger from Lorraine Heath's Between the Devil and Desire. Eloisa James' Villiers, Anna's Erith from Tempt the Devil and, of course, Roarke from JD Robb's In Death series.
Ooooh, Anna, you picked some FAB book boyfriends! Love that!!
DeleteAnna, that's one of the secrets of his charm, isn't it? He can laugh at himself! Dylan and Dante are both lovely as are Sammy, Jardine and all the others you mention (specially Erith, snerk!). Great list! It's fun being a romance reader and having someone new to fall in love with every time we pick up a book, isn't it?
DeleteI can't believe that I have missed reading about Rupert! How do these things happen? This is one of the reasons I love when blogs to things like this. I get to meet authors, some who are new to me and get recommendations from them to their favorite books. I think this was a wonderful idea and I got some get books added to my list at Amazon. Thanks so much, I enjoyed your post
DeleteSheryl, I'm always so nosy when it comes to other people's favorite books. I'm an inveterate bookcase snooper when I visit! Love to see what people are reading. It tells me a lot about them. Seriously, grab Rupert (what am I saying? I should be the only one allowed to grab Rupert!!!). You won't be sorry. He's SOOOOO charming and funny.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI've never read Mr. Impossible. But I certainly will have to now :)
ReplyDeletecerian dot halford at gmail dot com
Cerian, seriously, give it a try. The book of Loretta's that people always rave about is LORD OF SCOUNDRELS which is also wonderful but for me MR. IMPOSSIBLE just pips LOS at the post. And the Egypt stuff is huge fun.
DeleteI've never read either of these books but I'm going to pick them both up during my next Amazon spree
ReplyDeleteHey, Patricia, what a fantastic thing to say! Hope you enjoy them both. There are more jokes in Mr. Impossible, though! ;-)
DeleteThese are more books that are new to me! I haven't read a lot of historical romance so most of them are new to me. I am more of a contemporary girl but do read some historicals and am reminded that a hero is a hero regardless of the time/setting of the book. I love being introduced to new authors and books this way. Thanks for the recommendations!
ReplyDeleteand my email address is amy at remus dot net. Thanks!
DeleteAmy, you'll enjoy both Rupert (Mr. Impossible) and ANYTHING by Anna Campbell. Just know that Matthew from Untouched is MINE, I tell you, Mine!! Grins.
DeleteIf you love contemporary, I'm reading Taste for Trouble by Susan Sey. Funny, funny, book by a fabulously funny writer. I was reading one of hers on teh plane and was annoying my seatmate because I kept laughing out loud. :>
Amy, lovely to meet someone who's exploring the historical romance genre. For me, nothing sweeps me away to a larger than life romantic world than a great historical. I've been hooked on them since my first Kathleen Woodiwiss when I was about 14 - quite shocked my young self, that did! ;-) Hope you come across some treasures in your explorations. Definitely try Mr. Impossible and if you haven't read LORD OF SCOUNDRELS, give that one a go too. It regularly tops polls of the best romance ever written which says a great deal.
DeleteSusan's books are great, Jeanne! Thanks for the recommendation! And extra thanks for recommending my books! xxx
DeleteAnna! So good to see you here!! Hi Danielle! Pleased to "meet" you, and love your blog!
ReplyDeleteAnna, you KNOW that Matthew from Untouched is just too yummy. And he's alllll MINE! Grins.
This is a fun thought process, as there are so many delicious heroes from which to choose. As Anna S mentioned, JD Robb's Roarke. I also enjoy Nora Robert's hero from Chasing Fire, Gulliver. And Rogan, the Irishman, from Born in Fire. I'm terrifically fond of Tawny Weber's SEAL heroes - hawt! - and am really enjoying Susan Sey's hero from Taste for Trouble. I am deeply in lust with Darynda Jones's hero, Reyes, from her First Grave series as well. De-Lish!
That said, I'll reveal that shockingly, I've not read Mr. Impossible! I'll have to remedy that! But for now, that OTHER Rupert, from Eva Ibbotson's Countess Below Stairs, holds my heart as well. He's just so darn...fabulous. :>
Jeanne, Dani puts together the best events! She really uses her imagination so readers always have something really exciting and interesting to check out here. Seriously, Dani, LOVE your blog! What a wonderful list of great heroes. I notice a trend for contemporaries! Oh, and we're both fans of Rupert in Countess Below Stairs. He's such a knight in shining armor! Thanks for swinging by!
DeleteThanks for the post! I have not read your books but will pass this on to my daughter.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for passing the word on, KRG! Hope your daughter enjoys my books!
DeleteMr C and I are not acquainted, but I can see we have to meet... I would have to say one of my very first "book boyfriends" was Ruark Beauchamp, from Kathleen E Woodiwiss's book Shana... Oh how I just fell head over heels in love with him.. sigh...
ReplyDeleteKathleen, I read Shana in my later high school. I can remember reading it over and over - usually in maths class! Got caught once and the teacher told me I'd never amount to anything if I read those rubbishy books. Bad cess to her! Shana is such a classic, isn't it? Haven't read it for years although I was madly in love with Ruark in my late teens. We would have had a fight to see who got him back then! ;-) And seriously, you need to meet Rupert C!
DeleteI love a damaged hero. A man who isn't inwardly as full of himself and his abilities, always appeals to my "fix it" nature, even one who hides his light under a bushel is appealing. Sometimes overt, over the top heroes are a bit much. Rupert sounds like a breath of fresh air.
Sebella, my taste tends to run to the tortured hero (they proliferate in my books although Richard, the hero of my August book, is closer to Rupert than the Duke of Kylemore!) so Rupert's a breath of fresh air to me too. He's so well adjusted. I love it!
DeleteI haven't read Mr. Impossible but after reading about the book I need to read it. I'm constantly falling in love with the heroes in the books I read. I have lots of book boyfriends. lol
ReplyDeleteIngeborg, I think lots of us get a bit flirtatious with our book boyfriends! I know my heart belongs to one one week and another one the next. It's part of the fun of reading so much romance. Seriously check out Mr. I. I bet you fall in love with Rupert (although you might have some competition for nabbing him!).
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI've never read Mr. Impossible. But I certainly will have to now :)
Laurie, seriously, it's a pleasure from beginning to end and I dare you not to fall in love with Rupert. I always use the first kiss scene when I'm talking about great romance writing and I need to read an excerpt at a workshop. It's a classic!
DeleteLove your choice.
ReplyDeleteNever read Mr. Impossible but he sounds like fun. :) I have read other books by Loretta Chase though....
maybe31 at yahoo.com
May, this is one of my faves. I love all her books but there's a couple that just hit it out of the park. My faves would be this one, Lord of Scoundrels, Captives of the Night, Knaves' Wager and the Sandalwood Princess. All classics. I've really been enjoying her series about dressmaking sisters in Regency London too - much more recent than the ones I've listed.
DeleteI have not read this book by Loretta. It sounds awesome. My comfort reads are The Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn or Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. I book boyfriend is Bones. I love his character and plus he is yummy. Have read a couple of your books Anna and have loved them. Want to read Seven Nights. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Chris! Thanks for saying you enjoy the books - lovely to hear. Seriously, pick up Mr. Impossible. You won't be sorry. Great choice of book boyfriends and comfort reads! Good luck!
Deletei've read some of her other works so i know i'm going to fall in love with this new one also. I read any romances and this one is sure to
ReplyDeletebecome a favorite of mine as well.
Michele, so glad you're already a fan. You'll love Mr. Impossible! Happy reading.
DeleteLove Loretta Chase's seamstress books!
Mary Jo, I love them too. Really looking forward to the next one! She can't write fast enough for me!
DeleteI love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.
Vanessa, I haven't read those. I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the recommendation!
DeleteI haven't read Mr. Impossible or the other books in that series yet - this series has added many books to my TBR list! I'm just finishing the 5th book in Elizabeth Hoyt's Maiden Lane series - that has some tortured heroes and wonderful book boyfriend candidates too.
ReplyDeletesallans d at yahoo dot com
Di, Elizabeth Hoyt writes great book boyfriends! Great choice. Oh, you'll really enjoy exploring the Carsington series. Have fun meeting Rupert!
DeleteI've not read Loretta Chase yet but I've heard a lot of good things recently about her books. Thanks for your recommendation Ann.
ReplyDeleteLorimeehan 1 @ aol.com (no spaces)
Hi Lori! Loretta's one of those authors people regularly rave about - definitely pick up the recommendation. I don't think you'll be sorry! Have fun!
DeleteI haven't read Mr. Impossible.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any comfort reads.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
Chey, interesting that you don't have comfort reads. I've got a couple of books that are surefire warm and fuzzy feeling guarantees on those days when the world just seems a little bit too much to deal with.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMr. Impossible sounds like a good book.
Pam, hope you'll give Mr. Impossible a go. It's a great read!
DeleteI have never read this one, but Rupert sounds fabulous!! I definitely need to get it on my Kindle Asap! Thanks for sharing your book boyfriend and the chance to win!
Casey, I've had such fun sharing my book boyfriend (as long as he comes back to Mamma afterward - in my dreams!). Rupert is such a charmer, he makes friends wherever he goes. Seriously, grab this book. You won't be sorry!
DeleteHi, Anna.]I really love your books and always feel a connection to those brave heroines, with strong personality. These one remind me the old story I adore, "Beauty and the Beast".
ReplyDeleteWhich of your books characters look like them?
Vania Nunes
Vania, thank you so much for that lovely compliment! I grew up in a family of strong women who didn't necessarily always have the easiest lives so those are the type of heroines I like to celebrate in my stories. Beauty and the Beast is pretty much behind most of my stories. DEFINITELY 7 Nights - that's probably my most overt use of the fairytale. The characters even refer to themselves as beauty and the beast! But Claiming the Courtesan and Untouched and Tempt the Devil are all BATB stories and there's elements of BATB in the others. One of the things I like about BATB as a myth is that the heroine is actually pretty proactive. I mean, Sleeping Beauty basically just snores her way through the interesting parts of the story, doesn't she? ;-)
DeleteOh Dear, Anna! I wonder if it’s my age or what but I always revert back to Rhett Butler as my “Book Boyfriend.” Sigh....
Connie Fischer
Connie, I think it's very classy to return to the classics! They both start with 'class' after all! My mum had a crush on Mr. Darcy. I'm surprised he hasn't made an appearance yet!
DeleteNo, I have not yet read Mr. Impossible, but it's on my list of to be read books. I have read and enjoyed Chase's recent Dressmaker series--and am awaiting book 3 of that series. But book boyfriends so far include the Duke of Ainsley from Lorraine Heath's Waking Up with the Duke and Grace Burrowes' new Darius. Swoon.
ReplyDeleteMaria, what wonderful choices of book boyfriends! I love Lorraine's books and I've got Grace on my TBR pile - just too many good books out there and too little time. I really need a reading clone! Yes, I've really enjoyed the dressmaker books too - love the snarky conversation between the heroes and heroines. I always laugh out loud in a Loretta Chase!
DeleteHi, Anna and Danielle! Anna, I don't have either of these books yet. I have been hoping to win them. I love yours and Loretta's books. As far as heroes go, my all time favorite is Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind. I do have a tendency to fall in love with all the heroes in the books I read. I guess I am just fickle. Lol! Thanks so much for this giveaway!
Hi Cathy! Lovely to see you there! You and Connie need to share notes and decide a custody agreement for Rhett! ;-) After all, he's given up on Scarlett so he's FREEEEE! Thanks for saying you love the books and I'm so glad that you're a fan of Loretta's! She's great, isn't she? This one's definitely worth hunting down.
DeleteRupert sounds amazing.:) I love Loretta Chase's books. I would definitely love to convert. You cover is gorgeous
ReplyDeletesmurfettev AT gmail DOT com
Hey, thanks, Sheri! I adore that gold cover and I love the blue one for Rake in August just as much. This series is really getting the cover lurve! So rich and romantic. Hey, excellent you're a Loretta fan! Long may she write!
DeleteAnna, I ADORE Rupert!! As soon as I read the name Rupert, I knew exactly who this blog post was about. I have read ALL of Loretta Chase's books and it really is hard to pick a favorite. But Rupert was so amazingly shameless about his ways and the poor heroine really didn't stand a chance. :D So charming and handsome and sort of hapless. Rupert was a great pick. I would pick him, too. Maybe we could share?
ReplyDeleteCaren, share????!!! We'll see about that! Hmm, I can see a major custody battle looming. So glad you're another Rupert fan. Yes, he's a bit cunning pretending to be so hapless when he's anything but! Love a man who can laugh at himself!
DeleteI don't think I've read anything by Loretta Chase. I have a copy of Lord of Scoundrels in my TBR pile and I keep meaning to read it.
Penfield, I love Lord of Scoundrels. Must have read it about 20 times. But I think for a boyfriend, Rupert would definitely be a better bet! Give LOS a go (and Mr. I). Don't think you'll be disappointed!
DeleteSeeing Dameral's name certainly brings back memories. I haven't read Mr. Impossible, but it sounds like I'll have to add it to my list!
ReplyDeletejmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu
JM, I've had a major crush on Damerel for ages. Love how he's so convinced he's not worthy of Venetia, sob. Definitely give Mr. Impossible a go! I think you'll love it!
DeleteSo many books and so little time... I have not read the authos you listed yet but I have read some of yours :-). I think for a historical book boyfriend I will have to go with Grace Burrowes new book THE BRIDEGROOM WORE PLAID's Ian MacGregor.. He managed to save his clan and make everyone in his family a HEA. Quite a feat don't yah think.
ReplyDeleteForgot my email... glittergirl54 at ymail dot com
DeleteGlittergirl, I clearly have to get the Grace Burrowes off the TBR pile. A few of you have mentioned her books today! They sound great. Thanks for picking up my books and definitely check out Loretta Chase. I think she's one of the best out there!
DeleteThis is some discussion! I haven't read any of the books mentioned above, but I'm in awe because other published authors are participating in this conversation. This is like a reader's fantasy come to life. :p
ReplyDeleteHey, Chanpreet, what a lovely response! I was just thinking what a fabulous discussion this is too - although my Visa card doesn't agree! It hasn't had to do so much work since...the last time I had a book buying spree. But seriously, keep the recommendations coming. I'm loving all these book boyfriends! I think this is such a clever idea for a blog - kudos to Dani!
DeleteHi Anna!
ReplyDeleteI've known my book boyfriend for a very long while and in fact I met him back in the 1960's when I was in High School! His name is Don Quixote and no matter how hard I tried to find a man like him since then I've been unable to find a boyfriend who is quite as tolerant and understanding!
After all Don only saw the good in Dulcinea and it sure would be nice to wake up some morning with bed head abd have your by friend (or in my case my husband) think that I still looked beautiful instead of laughing because I had "bed head".
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a man that would fight wind mills to save you from yourself and your own "minor transgressions"? Burn the eggs at breakfast? No problem! Have a personality with several flaws? He doesn't even notice! Want to read all day instead of working on the to-do list? Go right ahead!
Don Quixote has been my book boyfriend for a long time and I think I'll hold onto him for quite a while longer!
Jeanne, what a fabulous choice! I love that you went for the essential qualities rather than the buff young bod, too. People often ask me what makes a great romance hero and they're expecting me to say stamina (ahem!) and a six pack and a chiseled jaw. They're quite shocked when I list qualities like honesty and humor and intelligence and honor! Go, Don Quixote! May your windmills ever turn!
DeleteI haven't read Mr. Impossible, but I'm sure going to look it up now because Rupert sounds pretty spectacular. My comfort reads are one of my beloved romances, I don't generally read books over again, I'll pick something new and immerse myself into another time, another place, or even another word. I always have a crush on the current hero, and then I move on to the next one. I guess I'm fickle like that. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I need to leave this here, but here goes: Barbed1951 at aol dot com.
DeleteBarbara, when I feel the world is a nasty place, I definitely reach for a romance. Nothing restores my faith in human nature and the processes of the universe like a great romance! Please let me know what you make of darling Rupert! And don't be too nice to him - I want him to come home to MEEEEEEEE!
DeleteMr. Impossible sounds very possible indeed. Seven Nights is on my wish list already, but now Mr. Impossible can keep it short company. Thanks for the recommendations, descriptions and information. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa! So glad you enjoyed my recommendations. I've loved reading everyone else's recommendations too. Thanks for putting 7 Nights on the Wish List - although I'm not sure how Rupert and Jonas will get along! ;-)
DeleteI have read Loretta Chase, but not that book! I really enjoyed Lord of Scoundrels though! I loved that the male hero wasn't really that good-looking!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com
Meghan, Lord of Scoundrels is classic Beauty and the Beast, isn't it? I loved that he wasn't that classically handsome either - although I think he thought he was considerably less attractive than he really is. I remember that awe-struck description that Jessica makes of him when she first sees him. A muscled stallion with a galleon of a nose or some such. Worked for me!
DeleteI'd be hard pushed to choose just one. It seems like I must read MR. IMPOSSIBLE to discover Rupert for myself.
Mary, it was AWFUL having to pick! I really need to come back here every month and talk about a book boyfriend. Definitely give Mr. I a go. It's such a delightful read!
DeleteGoodness me! Up to 99 comments! Thanks so much, girls, for making this such a party. The giveaway is still open so don't be shy, anyone who wants to add their thoughts to book boyfriends!
ReplyDeleteHi Anna,
ReplyDeleteI've read some of Ms. Chase's books before but haven't read MR. IMPOSSIBLE yet. But I might give it a try since your descriptions of Rupert sounds delectable. A lovely husband and a lovely father? Aw.. I'm melting already LOL Thanks for the chance to win these fab books!
savedbymercy at gmail dot com
My pleasure, Aline. I love talking about books I really like! I actually do a review of classic romances or books people might have missed over at the Romance Dish site on the 24th of each month (Dani, hope you don't me mentioning this here). It's fun discussing favorites and getting recommendations from the readers who swing by. The review for Mr. Impossible I did quite a while ago doesn't seem to be live anymore, but here's a link to another Loretta Chase classic, KNAVES' WAGER, if you're interested: http://www.theromancedish.com/2013/01/a-classic-wager.html
DeleteI know I've read Mr Impossible before & liked it but dang if I can remember what it's about. Now I'm all piqued & am going to hunt up my copy to reread it.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win a copy of your book Anna!
Good luck, Linda! Oh, definitely try and find Mr. Impossible again! It's one that's worth a re-read.
DeleteOh dear oh my I have not come across Mr Impossible before but after that little caption of yours, I think I MUST get me one of them copies!! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteNikki, so glad I piqued your interest. I love this book which I think you've probably gathered!
DeleteI haven't read either of these books the titles alone and then the snippets got curious to check out more about them and I have to say they sound terrific! I will have to read them very soon!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!
mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com
Hi Texas Book Lover (love your name!). So glad this post got you interested in the books, both mine (obviously, LOL!) and Loretta's classic. Happy reading!
DeleteI love discovering new authors (to me at least) through blogs and giveaways! I'd love an oppurtunity to add to my READ pile!
ReplyDeletecrystalwoodmancy AT gmail DOT com
DeleteCrystal, I've discovered so many great writers and books through blogs. Dani, you're doing a public service here! Good luck with the draw.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGreat books, I really want to read both, thanks for the giveaway.
My pleasure, Ann! Good luck in the draw!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read either these books, but my fb friends say Mr. Imposibble was great read. She rocomend this book to all friends fb and some of the read this book too, and they say this book was very funny story. They recomend this book too. Unfortunaly i still haven't read these book (Mr. Imposibble) until now. Now i thinking to read this book, but i am busy right now and i just have on ebook from this book. I really don't like read on ebook, because something i must stop reading to charge batteries my samsung tablet. And i forget where i place this one on my data, very stupid me.LOL.
I think maybe i will search them now, if i remember where i place them....hehehehehe
Thanks for sharing this post, make me remember about this book :)
filiafantasy at gmail dot com
DeleteFilia, I can't think of anyone I've recommended Mr. Impossible to who hasn't enjoyed it. It's just one of those great books! Hope you sort out your e-book troubles! And I thought trying to find a book on my bookcases was a pain! ;-)
DeleteI myself love Jonas <3 and I am super excited for the next book in the series is coming soon. I cannot wait!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Lily! So glad you enjoyed meeting Jonas. I've got a novella (ebook) out on 2nd July called DAYS OF RAKES AND ROSES and then A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS hits the shelves on 27th August. Not long to go at all!
DeleteGreat choices and they sound amazing!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jolene! Good luck in the draw!
DeleteThank you so much for sharing these books and for offering the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes,
Lindsey V.
My pleasure, Lindsey! Good luck!
DeleteOoh, Mr Impossible is still on my TBR pile! Does that mean I'll have to liberate him now??
ReplyDeleteIt's very hard to choose, I do ADORE Vidal from Devil's Cub too, and I have a thing for Devil Cynster in Devil's Bride. I do also have a fondness for the old school Alex in Laurie McBain's Devil's Desire.
As I write this I am beginning to sense a theme...
Wow, Alison, I'm sensing a fondness for the uber alpha! Laurie McBain is definitely old school! Great choice. Actually I'm not sure how comfortable any of those guys would be as a boyfriend - I think I might stick with Rupert, exciting as all those Devils are!
DeleteHmm, I think I'd go with boyfriend material - but probably not marriage to any of those. Far too exhausting!
DeleteThinking about this makes me realize what a true book slut I am. Seriously. I mean my favorite? Really? Damon deWolfe from Danelle Harmon's Wicked at Heart vies with Tristan Easton from Lorraine Heath's Lord of Temptation. Renee Bernard's Ashe Blackwell from Seduction Wears Sapphires, And Nicholas vs. Gideon vs. Matthew of your books.....
ReplyDeleteAnd there are SO MANY MORE
I haven't even read Mr. Impossible, just Mr. Perfect.
Ok I am just going to go hide now...
Nancy, give Mr. Impossible a go - I think he'll join your harem! Laughing at you - you're such a book boyfriend flirt! Great selection by the way and I love that they're all historical. There's something about a guy in boots, isn't there?
DeleteHi Anna,
ReplyDeletewhat a hoot, to make me think about who of the men I read about, would be the perfect man for me. You are right, the one I love the most, would not be suitable (at least I think so, as he was tortured and went almost mad - all because of the woman he loved and ended up with in the end - and he lives between the stars and I would probably go mental if I had to fly between the planets). But just as in real life I usually go for the unsuitable guys. I haven't read Mr. Impossible yet but I would love to have a look at that speciman, just to see if he could be Mr. Right as well. If I find a guy who I think suits me, I will let you know. *laugh*
Manuela, I think one of the fun things about romance novels is that we get all of the fun of hanging out with the bad boys with none of the awful consequences that sometimes ensue.