
Friday, May 9, 2014

Interview with Author Elene Sallinger and Giveaway

Meet Elene Sallinger, author of Reflection.

Hailing from Washington, DC, Elene Sallinger first caught the writing bug in 2004 after writing and illustrating several stories for her then four-year-old daughter. Her writing career has encompassed two award-winning childrens stories, a stint as a consumer-education advocate, as well as writing her debut novel, Awakening - a novel of erotic fiction that won the New Writing Competition at the Festival of Romance 2011.

Places to find Elene: 
| Site | Twitter

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
This is always hard for me to answer. I love to tell other people’s stories, not my own! I’m a Washingtonian and spent the majority of my life in the DC Metro area. My adulthood has been fairly nomadic but I always return home to DC. This is where my blood draws me to. As for me, my career has been as varied as the states I’ve lived in. I’ve been a web designer, a Vice President and everything in between. I’m trained as a diamond grader and am fascinated by the industry. But, most importantly, I’ve got a lovely teenage daughter and two, goofy Pit Bulls that never fail to inspire my love stories.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I came very late to writing, though in retrospect I can see how it always played a role in my life. I was always getting very creative with my homework. For instance, during 3rd grade we were asked to do a report on the water-cycle, and I turned my report into a play that followed Drop through his various exploits such as skydiving (rain) and hot air ballooning (evaporation). But, I didn’t actually take up writing seriously until 2004. I was inspired by my then four-year old daughter who wanted me to tell her stories again and again. I took a class after that and a writer was born.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Both! I heavily plot and plan my stories. I do intense character sketches and write out synopses for every scene I plan to right, including details such as the emotional movement of the characters. But, when the writing seizes me, I’m never afraid to deviate from my plan. The characters tell the story in the end, not me. As result, I’m often outvoted on the action.

Where do your ideas come from?
Everywhere. I don’t mean to be disingenuous, but it really is any and everywhere. To give you an example. I listened to a song called “A Murder of Crows” and was struck by the title, so I looked up exactly what a murder of crows was. A few days later, I see a trailer in my complex’s parking lot advertising and itinerant preacher, a few days after that, I’m watching Longmire on Netflix and the sheriff says in a snatch of dialogue, “a kindness of ravens.” Bam! A duology was born.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
A woman with a shameful secret, finds love, and learns to accept the reflection in the mirror. A man with a tragic past must let his pain go to keep the love he’s found.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I love to read uplifting stories about people overcoming terrible odds. I also like to read interesting non-fiction and mysteries. I’m really up for just about anything. The only thing I don’t read any longer is true crime. I find it too overwhelmingly tragic.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
I don’t have one favorite book to rule them all, however, I do have favorites in various genres. They are:
  • Science-Fiction: Bloodshift by Garfield Reeves-Stevens
  • Fantasy: Dragondoom by Dennis McKiernan
  • Contemporary Fiction: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
  • Romance: Sundays at Tiffany’s by James Patterson
  • Young Adult: Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
  • Non-Fiction: Lakota Woman by Mary Crow Dog

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
The connecting scenes are hardest for me to write. I like to be in the heart of the action. Those linking scenes that you need to set the tone, pace, and environment are hardest for me to write. I’m always trying to get them done quickly to get back to the action.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Garfield Reeves-Stevens – I’d like to know how he manages to take fiction and make it so real.

E.L. James – I’d like to find out why she thinks only abused people turn to BDSM.

George R.R. Martin – I’d like to find out more about how he thinks and his inspirations for the Song of Ice & Fire series.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I just finished the third book in the Chrysalis Series, Unsettled, which follows Mona, whom we meet in Reflection. It will be out in a few months. I also have two more books planned in the Chrysalis Series and quite a few other novels in the works as well. So, it’s a very exciting time for me.

What’s your number one turn-off in an erotic tale?

The much anticipated follow up to the award-winning 'Awakening' - a compelling novel of discovery and desire. Bridget Ross is a woman with a shameful secret. Despite a life full of success and close friends she denies herself her true desires in penance for the crimes she can't take back. Connor Reynolds is a man without a purpose. His own tragic past prevents him from putting down roots and pursuing his dreams. Their paths collide forcing them to face the ultimate question ... is their love worth fighting for?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out the Chrysalis Series:

Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Reflection

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Elene's question: What’s your number one turn-off in an erotic tale?
  • US/Canada shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Elene Sallinger & Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My number one turn off is f/f in erotica.

  2. really filthy bedroom talk that just comes out of nowhere. It needs to be eased into or set up a bit for me to not be uncomfortable. Thanks for sharing!

  3. My number one turn-off in an erotic tale is S & M.

  4. When the actions feel more like abuse than erotic.

    Marcy Shuler
