
Friday, August 19, 2016

ARC Review: Broken Prince by Erin Watt

Broken Prince is the second book in The Royals series by the duo of Jen Frederick and Elle Kennedy writing as Erin Watt. This book is not a standalone and should only be read after Paper Princess as it continues the story that was started in the first book. After that cliffhanger I couldn't wait to see what would happen next for these characters and I enjoyed the book a lot. 

Broken Prince picks up right where we were left at the end of Paper Princess. Ella is missing, and Reed will do whatever it takes to find her. As their world begins to fall apart, the Royals realize just how important Ella is to them. But Ella feels betrayed and has no intention of returning. Can Reed win back Ella, or will they end up destroying each other? 

As much as I liked this book, I felt a bit of a disconnect here that I didn't feel in the first book. Normally I absolutely love a dual POV story, but in this case I found that I would have preferred the book told only from Ella's POV rather than that of both Ella and Reed. It felt a bit as if something was missing and I just couldn't connect the way I had in Paper Princess. Don't get me wrong, once I started I didn't want to put this one down. Reed and Ella were still great, and I loved the secondary characters here more than ever. I just felt like this one didn't have quite the same feel and I was a bit disappointed that it fell a bit into that sophomore slump. I did like that Reed and Ella's characters developed a bit more here, and it was great to get a bit more beneath the surface with each of them. 

Overall, this book was really good, I just think maybe my expectations were a bit high here. I would have preferred the story told from Ella's POV and that affected how I experienced this story. I will warn readers that this story is still far from over, and yes this one does end with a cliffhanger again. I am excited for the next one though, and for my criticisms, I still really enjoyed this book and like this series. I am anxious for more from the duo of Erin Watt and look forward to Twisted Palace as well as hopefully many more from them to come.

**ARC Provided by Bocci PR**

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