
Monday, August 15, 2016

ARC Review: Chased by Love by Melissa Foster

Chased by Love is the newest addition to the Love in Bloom series by Melissa Foster and is the third Ryders book. Each book is a standalone story, but for full enjoyment these books are fantastic when read in order. I seriously cannot get enough of Melissa's books, and I love each new release of hers and how it continues to give us glimpses into this amazing world that she has created. 

Trish Ryder is a serious actress that believes everyone should take their job as serious as she does. As much as she was looking forward to working with her crush, famous rocker Boone Stryker, she quickly realizes that he is not the man she thought he was. Showing up late or not at all, and turning ice cold when the cameras roll is not what she expected from him. So when the director sends them to their next shooting location for ten days to get things figured out both of them are surprised to realize that there is more between them than they first thought. But is it just attraction between Trish and Boone, or could they possibly find a future together that they never could have expected? 

I will admit that I struggled a lot with Boone at the beginning of this story. He came off as a jerk, and even though he knew it he continued to act that way. I wanted so badly to like him, especially knowing all that he had been through and continued to deal with. Yet I also saw how he was acting and that made it hard at times. Luckily that didn't last long, and he won me over quickly. I was so glad that he was able to let Trish in and show her who he really was, and not just the reputation that the world assumed was correct. Trish was a firecracker, feisty and strong. I really loved her and was glad that she was able to hold her own. She was exactly what Boone needed in a woman, never giving up on him or letting him get away with shutting her out. These two had smoking hot chemistry right from the start, but their bond was one that took time to build and I really enjoyed seeing it form. 

Overall, I really enjoyed Chased by Love. Melissa Foster has once again delivered a solid and captivating romance that I didn't want to put down. Chased by Love was emotional and I really loved seeing familiar faces as well as getting to know some new ones. The thing I love most about Melissa's stories is seeing the importance of family, friends and love, and how that is always a constant in her books. Even with those things always in her stories though, each book is new and fresh and that keeps me coming back for more every time. If you are a fan of contemporary romance, Melissa Foster should be on your must read list. Chased by Love was a great story, and I honestly can't wait for Jake and Addy's story after seeing them at the end of this one.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | 


  1. Yes, Jake and Addy! It's so exciting reading the first reviews for Chased by Love. I was not disappointed visiting you today. I'm so happy you enjoyed the story, and I'm thankful for your review XOXO

  2. Thank you for sharing your review of CHASED BY LOVE!
