I am a huge fan of Tijan’s and I couldn’t wait for Crew. This was everything I had hoped for and more! Once I started, I couldn’t put this book down! I honestly love Tijan’s ability to give us a unique and different story every time, they are angst and emotional and completely original. Crew was definitely one I’ll be reading again, and I already can’t wait for the next in this series!
Bren is the only female member of the Wolf Crew. They are the most fierce of all the crews, and if you mess with them, they will make you pay. They have only one rule, don’t fall in love...and definitely don’t fall in love with anyone in the crew.
I loved Bren. She was so strong and fierce, and yet true to Tijan she was also vulnerable. There were so many layers to her, and I found her very interesting. She was just as protective as her crew was, and I felt like they completely fit each other. She fit in perfectly and yet there were there was so much to her individually that I felt for her. Cross was amazing! He was strong and smart, and sexy. Absolutely perfect for Bren! I couldn’t get enough of him! While I loved Z and Jordan as well, Cross was hands down my favorite part of this entire book!
I just can't wait for more in this series after finishing this book! Crew was a book that I never wanted to end, and I was captivated right from the start. The first half I was interested and enjoying it, but things really picked up in the second half and by the time I finished I was in no way ready to leave this world behind! Tijan is brilliant, and I have enjoyed everything I’ve read from her, but Crew just might be my favorite! I highly recommend this one and am looking forward to getting more of these characters!
**ARC Provided by Bocci PR**
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