
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

My First Love Event with Season Vining

SEASON VINING grew up in southern Louisiana where food, culture, and family mean everything. She has lived in Houston, San Diego, and NYC—all of them providing colorful experiences and tons of writing material. Her obsessions include live music, tattooed bad boys, vintage cars, and people who know the difference between their, there, and they’re. To learn more, visit her online at

Happy Bloggerversary to Danielle and Ramblings from This Chick! Since she celebrates books about love, lust, and everything in between, it’s only fitting that we reminisce about the first time the love bug bit us.

For me, (I’m totally showing my age here) it was Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block. That boy was the first one to make me stop and actually think about boys in a completely new way. Before Joe, I always felt like one of the guys. After Joe, I thought about the way they smiled at me, how they dressed, and the way they held their books between classes. I noticed the small jokes that turned into flirting and how they offered help when I didn’t even need it.

That’s the thing about your first crush. It flips you upside down and shakes you, making sure everything you thought you knew was no longer true. It made me more self-aware. I became more conscious about what I wore, what I said, my interaction with people who were never more than friends. So while I knew my crush on Joey Mac was not attainable, it changed me, put me on a new path, and ensured that I was ready for real love when it came along.

So now I’ve got to go listen to “Please Don’t Go Girl” and relive a seventh grade concert in which “he almost touched my hand!” Peace and love to all.

Delaney Mills is haunted by darkness. Not of a spiritual kind, but a terrible past that all the rum in the world cannot chase away. Enter Valentine King, a sexy and irresistible man with connections to the world of Voodoo—a world that Delaney is desperately trying to break into.

Chicago-native Delaney follows her dissertation research all the way to the streets of New Orleans. With King's help, she uncovers a covert group called the Bondye Saints. The group wants to remain a secret and will do whatever it takes to keep the two quiet. But threats and attacks on her life don’t deter Delaney’s desire to expose the Saints’ sins.

While she's willing to risk her own life, Delaney hates that the one man who can chase away her darkness is put in danger. But Valentine King refuses to let her go. Because in his world built on faith, Delaney Mills is the one thing he believes in.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Apple | Kobo |

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 signed copy of King Me

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for the author.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Season Vining for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This book sounds interesting. I was in New Orleans this past October. It was interesting learning about the voodoo history there.

  2. Sounds like a great book. Smart title too!

  3. Looking forward to reading King Me! Thank you

  4. Sounds like an awesome read. Good luck to me!
