
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Interview with Author Katee Robert and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Katee Robert to RFTC. Katee has stopped by to answer a few question, please give her a warm welcome.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Katee Robert, learned to tell stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her favorites then were the rather epic adventures of The Three Bears, but at age twelve she discovered romance novels and never looked back.

Though she dabbled in writing, life got in the way—as it often does—and she spent a few years traveling, living in both Philadelphia and Germany. In between traveling and raising her two wee ones, she had the crazy idea that she’d like to write a book and try to get published.

Her first novel was an epic fantasy that, God willing, will never see the light of day. From there, she dabbled in YA and horror, before finally finding speculative romance. Because, really, who wouldn’t want to write entire books about the smoking-hot relationships between two people?

She now spends her time—when not lost in Far Reach worlds—playing imaginary games with her wee ones, writing, ogling men, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Places to find Katee:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’m just a geeky girl who likes to hang out with like-minded internet friends and write smutty books. Also, raise awesome kids and plan for the inevitable zombie apocalyspe (rednecks, y’all—they’re where it’s at).

Did you always want to be a writer?
I did, though I never thought I’d be able to support myself while doing it. It was always the pipe dream, the thing I’d be doing even if I never made a penny on it. MUCH cheaper than therapy.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I started life as a panster, but now I’m a strange hybrid. I usually go into a book knowing the beats and the overall big idea and plot points, but some of my favorite moments in my books are the ones that surprise me.

Where do your ideas come from?
I hate to be cliché, but everywhere. I watch movies/read books/stare at the sky/etc and ask myself questions. “What kind of characters who get embroiled in a zany plot to get revenge on their ex?” “What if, in the future, instead of proving souls don’t exist, they’d proven that they DO and religion reigned supreme?” “What would happen if I put X and Y together and added a little forced proximity?” The list goes on and on.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
A sexy tortured solider sets his sights on his little sister's best friend…Despite the fact she only plans on giving him one night.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I love reunited lovers books. They always have the depth and pain of a shared history and watching two characters overcome that takes me to my happy place. Beyond that, romance in all its many forms and flavors. There’s so much that can be done when you are exploring a relationship between two people and I love seeing the different ways it’s approached.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
I don’t think I can pick a favorite! But one of my top three series is Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels trilogy. It’s a comfort read for me, and I try to hole up with those books at least once a year.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Without a doubt, it’s the ending scenes. The last three books I’ve written, I actually didn’t write the last chapter during the first draft. I got there, added a bunch of notes because I knew what would happen, and then went back to the beginning to start editing. Endings are very difficult for me, because it’s so important to make sure you hit all the right notes and make sure readers aren’t going “WAIT, WHAT?!” So I typically write them after I’ve re-read the whole book and changed the big problems.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Ann Aguirre. I met her at RT last year and she pretty much made my life because she looks totally sweet and some scandalous shit comes out of her mouth. She’s my hero. Victoria Dahl is also on that list, because she’s hilarious on twitter. My third would be Tiffany Reisz. Now… just pause and consider the trouble us four could get into. Yeah, that would be awesome.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Let’s see. I’m putting the final touches on Two Wrongs, One Right (Nathan’s book), and tweaking a Come Undone novella that’ll be out in a Brazen Halloween anthology this fall. I’m also getting started on a new Brazen series and, trust me, you do NOT want to miss this sexy Marine seducing his shy librarian!!

What about you? What are your favorite kind of books to read?

Roxanne Stokes doesn’t believe in love. She does, however, believe in the sexy-as-sin stranger who literally knocks her off her feet in front of a nightclub. The chemistry sparking between them takes her breath away, and she’ll do anything to ease the pain in his eyes…until she realizes the handsome stranger is her best friend’s older brother who’s just come home from war.

Ian Walser had no idea the gorgeous woman he slept with the night of his homecoming party was his little sister’s best friend—or that she’d be gone before morning. Roxanne’s touch soothes him in a way nothing else can, and he’s not ready to walk away from that yet. Not when spending time with her gave Ian a glimpse of everything he’s ever wanted.

When his sister unwittingly pushes them together, he sees his chance. But convincing a woman who doesn’t believe in love that she’s his Mrs. Right might be harder than any mission Ian’s undertaken. Good thing this soldier likes a challenge…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |
Check out the Come Undone series: 
Click for info.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: What about you? What are your favorite kind of books to read?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love contemporary and erotic romance - mostly with alpha males :)

  2. I love any type of romance, especially with alpha type males and they must have an HEA. : )

  3. Omg, where to start. I read almost everything, from the shampoo bottle in the bathtub, over the cereal package at the breakfast table to the big novels in my bookshelves, nothing is really safe from me. It just has to capture my eye and interest. I like browsing in my local library, where either the front of a book or the (well known) author jump into my vision. Then I usually read the back or the inside cover to check what it is about and then almost nothing stands between me and reading this book (apart from already too many books borrowed and not enough time to read). I read Sherrilyn Kenyon and Charlaine Harris, Stephanie Laurens and Mary Balogh, MJ Davidson and Kresley Cole, Michelle Hauf and Robin Schone... You get the idea (historical, regency, romance, contemporary, supernatural, preternatural, contemporary cowboys, millionaires and billionaires (a chick can dream *wink*), eroticals, sometimes even porn (if it has a story between the sheets), f/m, m/m, f/m/m, m/f/m, BDSM). I might have missed something but I will remember as soon as I hit the publish button.
    PS I like biographies too.

    1. Told you so, I just remembered, I am a goodreads member and that's where I find new books and new authors and I also follow a lot of bloggers via facebook, so I won't miss any new releases or new authors.

  4. I love any sub genre of romance! As long as it has romance and a HEA!

    Jolene A

  5. I'm pretty much open to any genre :) But I do read a lot of PNR/UF and historical romance but I think that's b/c those have the lion's share of the market. Thanks for the fun post and congrats to Katee on the new release! Thanks for the fun interview!

  6. I like romance books whether they are Contemporary, Chic-Lit, Erotic, Western, Historical and even some paranormal... I cut my teeth on those, as they were termed back in the day, Bodice rippers. I hate that term though... And if a pirate was the hero, well just let's say I was a happy reader.. But I mainly read more contemporary books today. Although I do have my fav historical romance writers that I still hold a special place in my heart like Bertrice Small. I have been reading her books since my late teens..

  7. I love contemporary and paranormal romance. I like, too, to read books where the hero may seem a little gruff but turns to mush around his lady. :-)

    Thank you for offering this giveaway - fingers crossed!

    Best Wishes,
    Lindsey V.

  8. Any kind of romance, and most mystery.

  9. Love any kind of romance and some paranormal.
    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  10. I love contemporary and erotic romance - mostly with alpha males :)

  11. Mostly romance, always looking for new authors and zombies.

  12. Paranormal romance for sure. What better way to explore a magical concept such as love than with magical creatures? Or hot vampires...either one :)

  13. I love reading romance books of most any genre...paranormal, contemporary, erotic, humor, urban fantasy, military....


  14. Romance and all of its sub genres.

  15. I will read pretty much anything as long as the story sounds good, but i truly love any kind of romance!!

  16. I love mostly contemporary, suspence, and erotic romances

  17. I really enjoy romance of any kind!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. I really like romance, I like new adult, but pretty much as long as there is a alpha male, I am there.
    thanks for the giveaway!

  19. I love urban fantasy/paranormal romance as well as dystopian books! I also am getting into the NA genre!


  20. I love historical and paranormal, but really have started loving contemporary and erotica. I love to read and love trying out different authors and genres.

  21. I like all different types of romances and also suspense stories.

  22. Romance ones. :P
    I love the big brother falling in love with the little sisters best friend. the boss falling in love with the secretary. the rich guy falling in love with the poor girl, etc.

  23. I love Contemporary ROmance and just started loving New Adult romance.
