After losing her sister and seeing the pain that her brother-in-law has been going through, Haddie makes the choice to remain unattached. She wants no strings and is determined to keep everyone as far away from her as possible. But when she spends one night with Beckett Daniels, everything begins to change. Though Becks and Haddie have always been attracted to one another, they never expected to feel more for one another. As much as Haddie tries to keep Becks at arms length though, she finds out quickly that he is relentless when it comes to getting what he wants. Becks wants Haddie and isn't afraid to fight for her. Can Becks convince Haddie to take a chance and let him in, or will she continue to push him away and risk losing a love that isn't easy to find?
I loved both Haddie and Becks. Becks has always fascinated me and I loved what a great guy he is. He is just one of those good and sweet guys that genuinely cares about those he lets close to him. His bromance with Colton was always one of my favorite parts of the previous books, and I couldn't help but want more of Becks. Seeing him with Haddie though gave me a whole new perspective on his character, and I really enjoyed getting to see beneath the surface with him. He was so much more than I ever expected, and I loved him just as much as Colton. Haddie had always been the best friend to Rylee, and I loved what a rock she was. But in Slow Burn, we really got to see that she had so much more going on than anyone knew. She was determined to be strong and not let others see her vulnerability, and it really broke my heart at times. I understand why she was doing the things she did, and yet it still drove me crazy. I felt so badly for her that she was willing to go it alone in order to try and protect those around her from getting hurt. She had such a big heart and loved those around her so much, and yet it was clear that she needed someone to lean on. Becks didn't let her continue to get away with it though, and I was so glad that he saw through her facade and didn't let her push him away. He was exactly what she needed and I loved that he never gave up on her. These two had so much of a connection, and I really enjoyed seeing them fall for one another. The chemistry and attraction had always been obvious between these two and they were so hot together. But the emotional bond they were forming was so strong, and it was what made these two so special.
Overall, this book was a great addition to the series. I honestly didn't know if anyone would compare to how much I had loved Colton and Rylee, but these two were just as great. They were different than Colton and Rylee, and that was made this book work so well to me. If you go into this one expecting the same type of story as the previous books, you will be disappointed because Slow Burn is nothing like that. But Slow Burn was just as great in different ways. This book was emotional and touching, and once again K. Bromberg was able to show readers how fantastic of a writer she is. I felt invested in these characters from the start, and I felt like Haddie and Becks were so real to me. These characters will always have a special place in my heart, and their story was absolutely beautiful. I honestly cannot recommend the Driven series enough, and I really think that these books have something for everyone. K. Bromberg has solidified herself as one of my favorite authors, and she continues to prove why she is worthy of being an auto buy for me. If you are looking for emotionally deep and beautiful stories full of sexy and sweet times, look no further than K. Bromberg.
**ARC Provided by Penguin Group Signet Eclipse**
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