Kate and Carson have always bickered and had an uneasy relationship, but after moving in together and expecting a child together she thought they were finally on track for a future together. But Carson has become distant and is hardly ever home. When he isn't out drinking with his friends until all hours of the night, he comes home and picks fights with her that are beyond their normal bickering. Finally having reached her breaking point, she calls her best friend Riley who is also Carson's sister and asks to help her move out. As the arrival of their child grows closer, Carson realizes how badly he screwed up and is more determined than ever to do anything to get Kate back. Kate loves Carson and wants nothing more than for them to be a family, but he will have to prove to her that he is all in this time before she will allow herself to give in. Can Carson show Kate that she and their baby are the most important things in his life, or will it be too late?
I liked Carson, but I thought he had handled things really badly. Besides being scared about the baby coming, he really didn't seem to have a reason for acting the way he did. But I really liked that he realized his mistake right away and set out to make things right. He gave Kate time and space and was patient with her. It showed just how much he cared that he didn't try to force things before she was ready. He really turned things around and it was clear how committed to his family he was. Kate was great as well. She really thought of herself and her baby first and foremost and made a tough decision. I liked that she wasn't afraid to go it alone if that was what was best for them. But she always wasn't afraid to forgive and move forward when Carson showed her that he was in it for the right reasons and that he had changed. I liked that she didn't hold it over his head or make him suffer for his mistakes. Carson and Kate had a lot of chemistry and you could really feel the passion between them. But they also were forming a family together, and you could tell that the love that bonded them together was more than just a new life that they had created. These two were meant to be, and just needed a little time and space to get there.
Overall, I thought that this was a great installment to the series. I liked Kate and Carson, but it was also great to see familiar faces as well as some new ones. I am interested to get Max's story next. I am really curious about him, especially after the events at the end of this book. I do think that sometimes these stories tend to focus a bit more on the secondary characters than I would like, but C.A. Harms does do a good job of setting up each new story. I just wish that the main couple wouldn't get kind of pushed to the side as much as they sometimes do when focusing on those around them. I will definitely read the next book though, and I look forward to seeing where this series goes next.
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