
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Guest Post with Author Sophia Nash and Giveaway

Sophia Nash was born in Switzerland and raised in France and the United States, but says her heart resides in Regency England. Her ancestor, an infamous French admiral who traded epic cannon fire with the British Royal Navy, is surely turning in his grave. Before pursuing her long-held dream of writing, Sophia was an award-winning television producer for a CBS affiliate, a congressional speechwriter, and a nonprofit CEO. She lives in the Washington, D.C., suburbs with her husband and two children. Sophia's novels have won twelve national awards, including the prestigious RITA® Award, and two spots on Booklist's "Top Ten Romances of the Year."

Find Sophia at:

Once an Artist, Always an Artist

You would think I could have guessed I’d like sculpting, but I didn’t. There were clues. A lot of them. One of my majors at college was photojournalism. The second was television production. And my fascination with art museums the world over. Creating things was clearly in my blood. But I thought it stopped short of touching paint, clay, and marble. Words, I thought, were my true medium of choice.

But when my son’s art teacher stacked 5 huge cinderblocks of clay in front of me one evening when I went to pick up my son’s sculpture, a switch turned on in the creative center of my brain, and I attacked the mountain of clay with purpose. It seemed so much easier than writing. I worked all evening—tooling, forming, smoothing . There was little thought to it unlike words that rule the page. It was as effortless as breathing—just working the clay with my hands.

It wasn’t until much later that I made the connection. Artists are creators. And now I’m convinced that once you’re a creator in one medium, you are most likely will enjoy other artistic endeavors. I believe artists create to connect and share with others via a medium. Words, clay, photographs, paint, song, you name it artists use it. Although, don’t hold your breath . . . I will never attempt to break out into song. If there is one thing I cannot do, it is sing!

The characters in my May 27 release, The Once and Future Duchess, express themselves with words, not clay or paint or song. What are your favorite ways to express yourself?

A duchess in time saves a noble line...

In theory, the Duke of Candover is the most eligible peer in the realm. But in truth, he has a deep aversion to the merest hint of marriage, not to mention two botched engagements which have marked his jaded soul. Now, after a debauched bachelor party that causes public outcry, the Prince Regent is demanding that it's Candover's turn to be brought to heel. And Prinny secretly believes that Isabelle Tremont, the Duchess of March, is precisely the lady up to the challenge.

Isabelle must marry, but a day of reckoning with the man she's loved for years is her greatest fear. If Candover insists she's too young and innocent for a seasoned world-weary man like him, there's no shortage of other candidates. Gentlemen of prestige and position. Gentlemen whose attentions are driving Candover to jealous distraction. Yet one abandoned moment under the stars hints that if they can put aside pride and duty, then a love once denied might just be their destiny.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |


Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 2 print copies of The Duke Diaries

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Sophia's question: What are your favorite ways to express yourself?
  • US/Canada shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sophia Nash & Tasty Books for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I enjoy expressing myself through my piano.

  2. I express myself by the clothes I wear.

  3. What I love about historical romances is the characters, the descriptions about the clothing, food, and places the stories are set in.

  4. I tend to express myself best in my garden and in my writing. As far as historicals are concerned, I love being able to imagine what a particular time and place was like.

  5. Can't wait to read your new book. I have had it earmarked for weeks on my must read lists. As to my favorite way to express myself I would say in writings. I don't write novels, I haven't your kind of talent but I enjoy writing articles for various forums.

  6. I wish I had artistic talent. I can express myself through words, but is a great talent to have.

  7. I like to sing along to the radio or CD's. I also like dancing to the wii Just Dance videos with my daughter.

  8. I love all the rules of the ton and all the ways to break them.

  9. I love how the scenery and the clothing are described. It's all so rich.

  10. I express myself mainly through my clothes and makeup

  11. I express myself with words and deeds. The reason I love historicals so much is because they take me to another time period and place, and I can live vicariously through them.

  12. I express myself with Scrapbooking, quilting and cooking. I love this series and realized just yesterday that Book 3 somehow got past my radar!

  13. I love to write. I also love paper crafting.

    I love getting lost in historical romance

  14. Right now I am finding a creative outlet in making cards. I love putting together a pretty card, and I am addicted to pretty papers! Stamps and ribbons and punches, oh my! lol When I make too many, I put together a bunch to send off to Operation Write Home, an organization that boxes blank cards and sends them overseas to servicemen and women so they have something nice to write home to their families on. It's a lot of fun!
