
Sunday, August 30, 2015

RFTC Back to School Event with Amanda Weaver

Amanda has loved romance since she read that very first Kathleen E. Woodiwiss novel at fifteen. After a long detour into a career as a costume designer in theatre, she’s found her way back to romance, this time as a writer.

A native Floridian, Amanda transplanted to New York City many years ago and now considers Brooklyn home, along with her husband, daughter, two cats, and nowhere near enough space.

I wrote this book after a visit to a real used bookstore in a college town. While I browsed the shelves, a guy came in to start his shift behind the register, talking to his co-worker about his classes, the bookstore, and everything he was reading. The idea for Ben was born—a guy who lives for books. They’re his major, they’re his job, they’re his passion. That’s enough from me, though. Let’s ask Ben how he feels about books.

Musings from Ben about his major:

So, here’s the thing. I love books. I love everything about them. I love the way they smell, the way they feel in my hands, the way I can get lost in one for hours, forgetting all about my own life, getting lost in someone else’s. Books are my life, my heart and soul.

People in college bitch all the time about the work load, but honestly? There’s nothing I’d rather do than this. College football games, drinking games, fraternity wet t-shirt contests…all of that is boring as hell compared to my reading list from The Modern British Novel, and I’m not even kidding about that.

Nobody I know seems to understand that about me. Except Hannah. She’s this girl who’s been coming into the bookstore where I work after classes. When she first showed up, she’d never really read a book for fun. Can you even imagine that? So I gave her a book. When she came back the next week, I gave her another one. Now we read them together, and talk on the phone about them for half the night. She gets me in a way nobody ever has.

This—reading, books, talking about books, sharing books—this is what I want to do my whole life. I just need to figure out how.

Take a chance and change your life…

College is where Hannah Gregory plans to follow in her dad’s footsteps as a chemistry prodigy–except she bombs her first test. And now her future isn’t so certain. Worse, she’s not sure she wants it anymore. Salvation comes from an unlikely place—a used bookstore and the sexy Ben Fisher, the passionate college senior who works there.

Ben is trapped in a life mapped out for him. Trapped in a future career as a lawyer to make his father happy. Trapped pursuing a girl he doesn't even like because she fits into a world he doesn’t want but can’t escape. But then he meets the beautiful and quirky Hannah. And for the first time, he knows what it means to truly want something.

So he gives in to being her friend. Then to wanting her. Then to kissing her. But freedom comes with a cost, and it isn’t long before their carefully planned lives begin to fall apart...

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Amanda Weaver for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You are a new-to-me author. I love the sound of your that title too!

  2. Ooh, a guy who loves books... I just love that! Where can I get him! ;)

  3. This book sounds great! I will add to my TBR list for sure. I haven't read too many books with a hero who loves books.

  4. Kathleen E. Woodiwiss books were my introduction to romance novels also!

    1. A Rose in Winter! I'll never forget it! I write historical, too, and my first historical romance is coming out in January, so stay tuned!

  5. oooh... congrats to Amanda on her new release! Love that snippet from Ben's POV. This looks and sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for checking it out! Hope you enjoy it! Ben's close to my heart.

  6. Sounds like a great book. Did you work when in college?

    1. Yes, in the college library, though, not a bookstore. Mostly I told people how to look up call numbers and where the bathrooms were!

  7. I love the new authors ebooks have introduced me too, but I really miss reading an actual book and going to a bookstore. So many have closed down in Melbourne and are just seling online, it makes me so sad. Ben sounds like my type of guy! Added to my TBR list. :)

    1. I'm with you. I love my kindle because I have dozens (okay, hundreds) with me in my bag all the time. But I also have massive shelves full of books at home, just because I love the way they look and feel. Nothing beats flipping through a real book.

  8. Looks like a great read! Thank you!

  9. I like the fact that Ben was the one that got Hannah hooked on books, rather than the reverse. Love the title too.

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty partial to the title, too!

  10. I always have a soft spot for a guy who loves books, so this story sounds great to me. :D

  11. You're a new to me author, but the book looks good and I plan to check into it.

    Marcy Shuler

  12. What a fun concept for the story. Glad you went into that bookstore!

    1. I am too! It was truly one of those magic moments.

  13. Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

  14. I love the premise of the book and the title. I will definitely check it out once it's released. I worked in the college library for a semester and it was so wonderful to be surrounded by all those lovely books.

    1. I worked in the library in college, too. Definitely my favorite college job.

  15. Sounds like such an amazing book, I would totally go for a guy in a bookstore too :)

  16. Sounds like a great story. Personally, I'd love to work in a bookstore. I'm not familiar with your books but I will put you on my list.

  17. new to me author, but I love the plot trope


  18. Sounds like a fun read--love a hero who loves books!
