
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Interview with Author Radhika Sanghani and Giveaway

Meet Radhika Sanghani, author of Virgin.

Radhika Sanghani is a twenty-four-year-old journalist. She works full-time for the Daily Telegraph’s Women’s section, where she writes about politics, health and women’s trends.

She grew up in London but spent time working in Chile and Barcelona. She studied English Literature at University College London, followed it up with a master’s in journalism at City University London and now spends all of her time writing.

Find Radhika at:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’m 24-year-old, I’ve just written my first book, Virgin, and I’m also a journalist for the women’s section of The Telegraph in London. In other words, this means I spend most of my life writing about feminism, vaginas and pubes.

Did you always want to be a writer?
As a kid, I wanted to be a professional Book Reader. When I realised that wasn’t a job, I figured writing was the next best thing.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Oh, I make it all up as I go along. I spend so much of my non-writing life planning that it’s so refreshing to ditch the lists and schedules when I’m writing.

Where do your ideas come from?
Real life. So much of my inspiration comes from the hilarious stories my friends confess to me when we’re getting drunk together. I’m forever indebted to them for being so honest, so graphic and promising to never hate me for turning their most humiliating moments into literary fodder.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Virgin – a story about a 21-year-old girl trying to lose her virginity, battle her pubes and figure out who she is.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
Honestly? I love reading stories that are about women – as much as I loved Catcher In The Rye, I think it would so much better if Holden was female. Obviously that’s not a life rule, but I just feel that after centuries of women being sidelined in literature, this is our time.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
I hate this question, but it has to be Jane Eyre purely because it’s the one book I’ve read so many times I can quote it off by heart. I just love how she’s a plain heroine who isn’t perfect, gets things wrong but stays true to herself.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
I don’t know if I struggle with any kind of scenes per se – but I find editing as a whole really hard. My favourite bit of writing is just crazily gushing out all the ideas I have, but editing is a low slower. It feels like me reigning myself in after going a bit wild.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
I think Jane Austen, just because I’m so curious to know more about her life, Caitlin Moran because she’s hilarious and I want us to be friends, and Ernest Hemingway because his books changed the way I write.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Yes! I’m writing the sequel to Virgin. Spoiler: Ellie gets slutty.

What’s your most humiliating moment?

Okay, I admit it…I didn’t do it.


This is normal, right? I mean, just because everyone I know has talked like they’ve already done it doesn’t mean that they’re telling the truth…right?

It’s not like I’m asking for that much. I don’t need the perfect guy. I don’t need candlelight or roses. Honestly, I don’t even need a real bed.

The guys I know complain that girls are always looking for Mr. Right—do I have to wear a sign that says I’m only looking for Mr. Right Now?

Sooooo…anyone out there want sex? Anyone? Hello? Just for fun?

I am not going to die a virgin. One way or another I am going to make this happen.

Hey, what have I got to lose? Besides the obvious.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Virgin

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Radhika's question: What’s your most humiliating moment?
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Penguin for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Stuttering. Get up to speak in front of people and stuttering. It took me a long time to get past it and now that I'm getting older, it seems to work its way back into conversation, especially when I'm tired.

  2. My most humiliating moment was in high school, as I was walking out a doorway, someone ( non identifiable) sucker punched me in the back. I turned around in pain and no one was to be found, no one to report, I am sure lots of people saw it. I didn't think the school admin would help me. It was very humiliating.

  3. My most humiliating moment was at my wedding, I was so nervous that I laughed through the whole ceremony.

  4. My most humiliating moment would have to be my dad coming home from work to find me alone at home with my HS boyfriend. Even though he didn't walk in on anything, he figured out pretty quickly what had been going on.

  5. My most humiliating moment would have to be when a guy pulled open my skirt in a bar full of people. It was a jean skirt with snaps all the way up the front. He didn't mean for it to open all the way, but it did. Luckily, I had a belt on to hold it up. But, everyone in front of me got a good view.
